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Adam Lambert performing "Trespassing" at the NewNowNext Awards

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Friday, April 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 06, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam's gone and done it again, he just about blew the roof off at the NNN Awards, what an amazing performance!!! The absolute best male vocalist on the planet today. This new album is going to be huge!!

Anonymous said...

Electric Performance!
i've already watched this video 8 times since it posted! Looooovvvvvveeee Adam.Thud.

Anonymous said...

Adam just kicked everyone's butt indeed!!:))))

AI Adam is coming and watch out.


Anonymous said...

Wish I was there.

Anonymous said...

Just WOW.Adam you really are going to change the world of pop music! The voice, the attitude,fierce and gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent!!!! Nothing more to say.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The NNN videos are rapidly being blocked on his fan sites. So get your fill ASAP!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:30 am
The Wiki post about Adam performing Cuckoo on the Top 3 week on Idol on May 17th is NOT officially confirmed and Iast I heard Adam has not said Cuckoo will be the new we'll wait and see what he'll actually sing.

Stay Tuned!!!

That said...I posted some updated guesstimates for Adam's AI appearance next month..Wiki says Top 3 with Cuckoo here:

Schedule for AI Season 11 is here: Extra week inserted for non-elimination "Judges Save" Top 3 week is May 16-17..with Adam performing on the 17th..if confirmed..which makes perfect sense to me..Two days after his new CD Trespassing..and by then his new single will be!! Can hardly wait for ALL of that to happen!!

Leilani Aloha said...


Anonymous said...

This is addicting. WOW! I hope he does this on AI> not Cuckoo. This would blow the roof off. Love the band and singers great production.Adam ' look and voice ---there is not enough good words to describe f---in of the chain babe!

Anonymous said...

Cannot watch this enough!!! He kills this song without breaking a sweat. Nobody, but nobody has it all going on like our boy!

Anonymous said...

So it's hours since this vid was posted here and I can't get anything else done today except sit here and hit replay LOL! RL is gonna have to wait!!!


Anonymous said...

He kills it!! He's killing us!!He's a killer!! We all gonna dieeeee!!!! OOOOMG!!


Anonymous said...

don't forget to vote on VH1

Anonymous said...

Love the performance and Trespassing. But as a next single I think Cuckoo fits radio better and is such a fun song for Adam to perform.Then once he has a top 10 hit bring on Trespassing in all its glory!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SOOOO happy to see Him Rocking them again!
What a PERFIC performance!!!

GGD Gal, standing with Adam, my black gloved right fist in the air

Anonymous said...

Whow Adam Whow,you blew us away. This is beyound spectacular. His album will be a huge sucess. I bet Adam was so excited to proform his songs up on stage. Did he do more then one? I was surprised to see the two women as back up singers. Was this managments idea? It works. We are so proud of you Adam,so proud.

Anonymous said...

@3:46 Magnificent performance! I was wondering too if any other song was done, guess will have to wait till Monday night,but Trespassing fit so well with this venue.Love the back up singers and the new keyboard player which is his new musical director.The confetti and black and yellow stripes so creative,so ADAM !!!The tour is gonna be amazing!

Anonymous said... the backup singers...just adds more coolness to his already stellar performance..."miss thang"..x2 :)

Anonymous said...

are the NNN awards going to be on tv I can't find a listing on it please let me know Thank you

Anonymous said...

Love this psrformance so much. Can you imagine what a new show full of new songs will be like???

Adamluv said...

@4:52 - it will be on the Logo TV channel Monday nite - 7:00 PM PST and 10:00 EST. Go to the Logo website or the NewNowNext website for more info. I have Direct TV so I found it on the channel indicators that they provide. Never found in TV Guide nor my LA Times newspaper. Hope this helps. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I call dibs as Adam's assistant pants lacer-upper.

Anonymous said...

closer video has been saved at:

Anonymous said...

Torn between TR and Cu for AI. Either one, he will kick major butt.

Anonymous said...

This video has been removed :-( so thanks Anon 6:12 PM for the further link to it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing a HD video of this performance. <3

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady, I concur. That's the date I thought he might be on idol as well! :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Be still my palpitating heart...but not TOO still! :)))

lily stonewell said...

adam sounded really really good, excellent. i hope this will be the next single, hopefully it will thrive. i am so sad that BTKM did did not chart well.

Anonymous said...

This is the Master at work! He will become a legend in the industry! Loved the attitude and grit, in your face perfecto performance. Adam is a genius!

sue s. said...

Fierce and amazing! I'm going to the Kiss concert May 29. Just for Adam, of course. Has anyone been to any of these all day concerts? Any way to find out when Adam will be on or how long his set will be? All the rest are just fillers for me! But I'll willing sit thru them all to get to hear Adam and his new music!!!

sue s. said...

Make that May 19th! Mansfield, Ma.

glitzylady said...

@sue s.
I suppose you can call the radio station and ask them that question about when Adam might be on..They may not have the order of appearance yet, but they can tell you when that info is available, if it will be, and when..And yes, even if he's on last, gotta get there early, early, early, to get a place close to the stage...and then switch off with someone..Very cool you are going! Wish I had a trip to Boston planned in the near future!! Such a beautiful area! Was there a couple of years ago and would love to go back..Cape Cod..Ahhh!

Anonymous said...

close up video on YT

Anonymous said...

YYYYEeeeahhhhh Baby!!!!! That's how it's done!!

What fun, and Damn, WHAT a GREAT intro.
Awesome. Can't wait to see it ON tv. He should have this type of intro and exposure on MAJOR tv stations.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:15

So happy for you that you're going to Kiss concrt... but make sure you're there the RIGHT day!!! its the NINTEENTH... not the 29th!

Concert is fabulous all day, Of course we're all most interested in Adam ;)but the rest will put on a good show. As the concert gets closer Kiss 108 will eventually announce the line-up times...

Have an awesome time and come here to tell us about it!! Good for you getting tix. Hours into sale day the CLOSEST row available was like ss in the second section back....that's something like 80 rows back. =/ ah ah... I'm spoiled rotten. Was lucky enough to be in about the first 10... and once from a very close 1st row low balcony, almost felt like we could touch him... during Glam Nation, so I passed, but THRILLED beyond belief that he's going to be there. He killed it last time. And looked gorgeous in the process

sue s. said...

Thanks for info
I was lucky enough to get seats in Sec1 row x:-) Went to 4 glamnation concerts and the one July 2011 in Ste. Agathe and they were beyond wonderful.. So excited to hear the new music this time. Nothing compares to Adam live!!

Anonymous said...

@ Sue

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freakin happy for you!!! That's great. Know your'e gonna have a BLAST. OMG you were at St Agathe too!!! WOW...! !

PLEASE- please promise to come here and tell us all about it asap! =) Wow, not that far away now either!!!

General buzz up here is probably Flo-rida close to the end as he's off the map right now... & Enrique is the 'last' act. He's pretty huge on the dance chart and well established. Well see.

Last time Adam came out JUST before dusk, it got dark WHILE he was on stage.
** Just hope they release Trespassing (or Cukoo)in enough time b4, so by the time he gets here it's known and becomes the smash it should be. He'll blow the roof off the place... you help too! =D

Anonymous said...

The last time Adam performed at the KISS concert in Mansfield, MA it was live streamed. Do you guys remember? I hope they follow suit this year. I'd rather watch him up close on my computer than as a little "dot" on the stage. That place is huge!