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Another View of Adam Lambert performing "Trespassing" at the NNNA's

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, April 8, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, April 08, 2012


Anonymous said...

Yay! For once I get to make the first comment! This was an exciting performance at the eve of the CD "Trespassing" coming out. I thought the two lovely ladies singing next to Adam Lambert made a lovely setting for his performance. Loved all that confetti coming out of the side and scattering all over the place. The whole experience was energizing and upbeat. Adam looked as handsome and edible as ever. Wow! I wish they had the camera on Sauli a bit more. It's good to see when Sauli is enjoying the performance and having a good time.

mosie said...

Agree this just blows me away. I also love the look & sound of the band! Great job ADAM your the bomb!

Anonymous said...

OT (but really on :))
Will TRESPASSING be sold in stores on May 15th? If yes, which ones? Thx to anybody that knows.

Anonymous said...

Wow, i just loved this! Loved the confetti effect , but didn't like how it blocked BB. Love how he just walked off the stage "wait till you get a load of me, well BB I just did lol!

Anonymous said...

wow can't wait to watch the NNN show tomorrow, usually my cats want in and out at this time but they are staying out. LOL I also loved the confetti and the energetic back up singers. If he does this song on Idol I hope he does it exactly the same. I'll throw the confetti for him at home. Good song.

Anonymous said...

mosie I don't know your answer just don't want you to think you are being ignored. I think it will deff be in stores May15th. His last album I bought at Best Buy but also saw it most everywhere. You can preorder on Amazon and AdamOfficial right now.

mosie said...

anon@8.45: I don't think I'm being ignored think you got me mixed up with anon 8.29...Don't think I had question even! I have a statement this song is going to be a huge sucess I just love it so catchy. By the look on Adams face & the energy he
puts in you can tell he really loves this song!

HK fan said...

Loved the vocals and performance of this. I thought the editing could have been better though, its almost like they didn't want to show him from the waist down, and everytime he started to move those rather delicious hips, they panned the camera elsewhere. And they should have stayed on the side view camera at the end after the confetti came down.
I'm still hoping that NCOE is the next single.

HK fan said...

Remember to keep voting on VH1 to try and get him back on. While his video is still there to choose from we should still vote. I've just been on the site, and the votes were still coming in for Adam

Anonymous said...

Yea...till you get a load of me erh! Very nice stage setting, the streaming yellow stripes and the two lovely backup singers are in synch. Wow! That note that traverses the heavens. Sauli looks super proud and pleased. Wonderful song but I feel rather strongly that Cuckoo will cut across a broader demographic spectrum. Super good! Adam! A* :)

Anonymous said...

Can't quit watching this vid. Love the performance - energized, exciting and dynamic. New backup singers and musical director, so certainly a new and fresh delivery of his music. He looks soooo hot and has the vocals to match.

Anonymous said...

Adam is fantastic! I hope this single goes platinum ASAP.
I like Cuckoo to be the next single and not NCOE which is not to my liking really.

Anonymous said...


KA's fans are voting for Vision of Love.

Anonymous said...

Love this song sooooo much. I really hope it's the next single!

OT just saw a notice on AO that right now on iTunes you can download for free: BTIKM, Trespassing and Cuckoo when Adam performed at the Alice Lounge (acoustic). These are in the category of Podcasts and they are free. I just downloaded all 3 of Adam's songs....squeeeee


Anonymous said...

@11:55PM I tweeted Aftermath and Outlaws of Love for #BullyList

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm voting for both songs too. :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could download those songs but it's not possible in Australia to download from the U.S. iTunes. :-(

Anonymous said...

Really cool!!

Jax said...

Oh, maaan... You just can't stop Adam, can you?! :D Professional, Classy, Blood Pumping and pure amazing sir.

I have a feeling that if he could make a really good video with a universal appeal, this song would even become his signature in the years to come.

If that can happen, I think this is really the best fit for the next single.

Anonymous said...

love it, love it. love it. cannot stop watching it

Anonymous said...

For Anon 1:15 in Australia, go to your Itunes store and put Alice Lounge in the search bar. It will come up for you if my link doesn't work.

For anybody from another country, click on the Australian flag globe in the bottom right hand corner and change the store to your country.

mosie said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much CT. Going to iTunes Canada and search for Alice. Wheee what a performance! Ashley's glittery gold outfit was perfect for the occasion and those two singers are amazing. One of them tweeted from Adam's house about the post-show party - it sounds as though a good time was had by all. Awesome.

Alexandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexandra said...

Can you help me please? I search Alice Louunge and now what ? I didn' t find any song of Adam .

Also how I can change my country?

Jax said...

The thread "Picture: Adam Lambert with Nick Racht at Sam Sparro Concert (4-6-12)", was a little old so I though some of you may not see this there but wanted to make sure you do.

Mostly I'm happy we could easily share our thoughts and ideas about one question and covering so many subjects surrounding Adam. So thank you all...

WE DIDN'T NECESSARILY REACHED A SINGLE ANSWER OR AGREEMENT ON THE QUESTION IN HAND, but we shared many thoughts and insights which would prepare us to take a much better step if we ever needed to help Adam in any way.

So this wasn't at all US TRYING TO BE EXPERTS AND ENLIGHTEN ADAM. Every public art statement or material has two sides, Creator and the Spectator. It is on both parties to share their ideas to reach a better result. WE DIDN'T SUGGEST TO CHANGE ADAM, HIS STYLE, BEHAVIOR OR CHARACTER. We as the ones who support him and want the best for him are entitled to talk about him and help each other understand if there is something wrong or right about the things we are so passionate about. WE JUST ASKED A QUESTION AND TRIED TO FIND A REASONABLE ANSWER FOR IT. THE CONCERN TO MAYBE INFORM ADAM ABOUT THE "DISCUSSIONS" OR NOT WAS DEFINITELY FOR HIM TO MAYBE ENLIGHTEN US NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.


I guess with all the things you guys said it'd be better if we waited a little longer until Adam makes his next attempts BUT IN THE MEANTIME BE A LITTLE LOUDER AND MORE SHARING WITH OUR IDEAS ABOUT OUR IDOL with the man himself so he could make the best decisions in the easiest way while he does WHAT HE LIKES and what HE LIKES US TO LIKE. :)

Thank you all for your patience and the time you took to answer my question, I wish you an amazing TRESPASSING into Adam's world in the coming days...

Luv u all.
Jax ;)

Anonymous said...

Alexandra, try this link. The songs are in the podcast episodes.

When you are in the Itunes store you can change the country by clicking on a colorful round icon in the bottom right hand corner. It opens to a page of round icons in the colors of national flags. Just click on your country.

I don't know why the radio station itself doesn't have the podcasts.

Abby said...

Good post Jax. Another very enlightening post from that thread came from Kentucky Fan @9:09 AM. It was also as much depressing as it was enlightening. That explains a lot. Why we don't hear anything that sounds new and different. Why we don't hear from certain artists that are phenomenally better than the ones we do hear. It made me angry. Is there anything we can do to change it?

On to happier topics...when will the new single be announced?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:33 AM

The link you gave me doesn't work so I changed the flag to Australia, typed Alice Lounge in the search function and it said 'No results were found.'

Anyway, thanks for your help - much appreciated even though I can't download the songs.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I can't wait to see him on the big screen tonight. He is one fabulous entertainer. It's Adam's time. Let's support him like we never have before--if that's possible.

Anonymous said...

Adam you rock my dear!!!!

No matter what you read or hear from your fans, just keep what you love to do and ignore the BS:))

True fans will support you no matter what you have to decide to change or not:)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link about the bully poll and the Alice download songs. I am spoiled because of you guys. I wish I ccould hve been there for that NNN performance!! Wasn't there some kind of poll for that show? I was voting and then lost track of it. Don't tell our Outlaw tess.Have a good time watching the show tonight Berts.

Anonymous said...

I place no expectations on Adam. He'll do with his career what he chooses, and he'll experience the ups and downs of his career. I suppose I will too as I wish a lot of success for him, but I will support him fully in the best ways I can, which include putting no constraints and expectations on him, I figure he has enough of that already. Too much discussion imho, don't think it helps his cause, career-wise!

Anonymous said...

8:45 -- THX a lot. I already pre-ordered on Amazon but want to buy extra copies on THE day!!

Anonymous said...

I watched this video here and switched to UT and it said it was removed because of MTV copyright infrigement. 6:49 very good post. A few are starting to beat a dead horse here. IMHO.

Anonymous said...

@CT April 9 12:16AM - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TIP ABOUT the i-Tunes podcasts for Alice Lounge. Just downloaded them, yaaaaaayyyy!!!


Anonymous said...

btw - you can still see the NNN performance on logo

I think :).

Real life calls - enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe what went on in that other post. What makes somebody think they can conduct their own "research" and send it to Adam? Even if half the posts are from the troll, I can't believe the audacity of people to think they need to directly insert themselves into Adam's career.

Adam is fully capable of running his own career. He will ask you for your opinion when he wants it. Until then STFU and mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

Some people on this blog need to chill out and develop an open mind as well as a thick skin. Expressing your view on a question that has been asked many a time by us fans on why Adam is not a bigger star doesn't make us lesser fans or pessimists but instead we were just giving our views all coming from a good place mind you.

There is a saying in my country that ''He that is not taught by his mother will be taught by the world'' meaning that if your mother shields you from the negative things including those about yourselves then the world will teach you in the most unkind way. We love Adam thus any commentary is not meant to undermine him or negate any of his accomplishments but instead are things we think are impeding his well deserved rise to stardom.

Does that make us experts as one person snarkily put it, NO but we are the end consumers, we are the target of his music and most of all we are his fans who follow his career every step of the way and if as a customer you are not able to express why his product (which is what his music is from a business stand point) is not being purchased en mass then who else can give a better view point??

If you think giving some one unconditional praise and lauding them with only the positive builds them up, then sorry but we each have our own weaknesses and by mitigating and overcoming them, only then do we become better people. I don't want Adam to change who he is but if he wants to reach the 'promised land' then unfortunately there are compromises to be made. If he is comfortable with the status quo then good for him because we his fans will stand by him either way.

As Kentucky fan said, there is a lot more to the industry than having a good voice. Adam can only make a good record and the rest is up to studio execs, radio owners et al. I can't wait for May 15th and hope the next video blows us away :)

Anonymous said...

@5:17AM As Adam mentioned on one of his interviews we should stop arguing about things that doesn't exist instead love each other more.

I trust Adam's decisions about his own art and career. He has his label and management to guide him through and he has his wise family members to give him grounded advise. We only see tip of the iceberg and to argue over it, it's just waste of our time.

Anonymous said...

omg please only normal people come to the next threasd, I beg of you!! lol Also wanted to say how nice Nicole's outfit looked on stage very classy and sexy.Proves sometimes less is more.

Anonymous said...

That video had almost 20,000 views before they took it down.

Anonymous said...

Wow 7:33, you definitely need to chill. As fans, people may want to discuss his career. The admin. of this site will remove any inappropriate comments. Who are you to tell them what they can and cannot discuss?
So I guess it's ok to drool over and discuss the size and shape of his long long, but hands off(no pun intended) his career????
Tell me where the appropriatness lies in that?

Anonymous said...

@7:59 Totally agree!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Adam's performance of "No Trespassing" from the NNN Awards show,& think it would be a great single!!The huge pieces of confetti was my only complaint;like somebody else said,it blocked our view of Adam's handsome face for that time when they( maybe) blew out TOO much of it all @ once.can't wait to see BB tonight on our large screen TV.It was fun seeing Saili enjoying Adam singing & smiling so much also.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,that should have been "Sauli"..

Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested, Barnes & Noble has Trespassing Deluxe on sale for only $9.83! So I ordered a couple more copies -- after I've already pre-ordered 3 from Amazon! :-)

Trespassing Deluxe by @adamlambert only $9.83 right now on Barnes & Noble

Anonymous said...

nothing to see here people. Just our garden variety freq. flyer troll. Making comments and answering herself. I think we are getting into the one liner zone shortly.

glitzylady said...

Okay, moving on to some potentially FABULOUS AND WELCOME NEWS:

This is flying around twitter: And hoping its confirmed very soon by Adam and Queen: As of right now, UNCONFIRMED.



"It looks like Queen will be busy with new frontman Adam Lambert this summer. Drummer Roger Taylor tells The Insider that he and guitarist Brian May are planning to play four shows with the former "American Idol" finalist -- a June 30 concert in Moscow, another with Elton John in Kiev and two early July shows at the Hammersmith Apollo in England. The latter is to provide "some alternative...for some of the people who had bought tickets" to a July 7 Sonishpere festival date in England that was canceled. "We're really excited about it," Taylor says. "Adam...of course he has this unbelievable range, like Freddie (Mercury) had range. Adam can really cover it. He's an extraordinary singer and a real talent. I feel he fits into our sort of theatricality." As for doing more with Lambert, Taylor says that "we're just going to see what happens, how well it goes, how we get on." Taylor and May first performed with Lambert during the 2009 "Idol" finals and then at the 2011 MTV Europe Music Awards. Taylor says he and May have also been approached to be part of the Summer Olympics closing ceremonies in London but adds that "I don't think we're meant to say too much about it yet." Taylor and May are currently busy getting the new tribute road show, "The Queen Extravaganza," ready for its May 26 opening in Quebec, including a two-night "introduction" of the cast on the April 25-26 episodes of "American Idol." The "Extravaganza" plays on May 31 at Detroit's Fox Theatre."

***This is from this radio station DJ's still unconfirmed. Sounds like The Insider may have info on their site soon..As well as Queen and Adam? Sounds like its probably legit..but we'll see. Loving the Olympics info too!! It would be the biggest thing EVER for PLEASE let it happen!!

glitzylady said...

And about the Queen info I just posted: Lest anyone get too excited about the Queen Extravaganza cast being on what I assume is the American Idol Finale in May, its the Queen Tribute Band, not Queen + Adam.... : ))

Anonymous said...

Any way..May 26...Adam Live

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what time ADAM will be on TV for the NEW/NEXT/NOW awards show tonight?

Anonymous said...

Billboard has an article on it and is saying there is something in the works for the Olympics with Roger and Brian, but they can not talk to much about it now. Hope this includes Adam!!!

glitzylady said...

NewNowNext Awards are on LOGO channel at 10 PM, 9 Central time ....tonight.

Anonymous said...

I realize it is an honor for Adam to perform with Queen, but doesn't he have to spend time promoting Trespassing once the album is released in May? He has said there is no tour planned yet; I guess that depends on the sale of the album and what the numbers are. Maybe he will just appear at smaller venues in the beginning and perform several songs from the album. Whatever Adam does, I hope he achieves the success and fame he so deserves.

tess4ADAM said...

FYI ... Couldn't access the bullylist poll so I'm concentrating on VH1 ... Ryan Seacrest & Q102 polls ... the rest of you can take care of the others ..

The 'news' about QUEEN + ADAM is wonderful (if all goes well) ... to me .. ADAM has been doing a damn good job of managing his career ... so ... far be it for me to give HIM any advice or even any input of any kind!! What do I know about it? Absolutely NOTHING!! All I know is I enjoy reading about each NEW conquest for ADAM ... and I LOVE ADAM & will support him forever come what may!! In my eyes ADAM is already a HUGE success & there is NO ONE who can compare to ADAM!! I LOVED this video & I can't wait to see ADAM on LOGO tonight & multiple re-runs in the week to come ... will post all the air dates as soon as I can get them from my TV listings!! Keep VOTING Glamberts!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - Thanks so much! Can't wait to see our sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

Unconditional praise is as ridiculous as running his career from your couch.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:20 AM
I'm sure Adam will have plenty of time to promote "Trespassing" as well this summer. : )) He's pretty good at multi-tasking. The Queen appearances will do MUCH to help him promote his own music. The news of him performing with Queen is bound to generate nothing but major positive publicity for him, even if they only perform in Russia and London (I sincerely hope they might find their way across the "Pond' to the US as well...), AND if he is so lucky that he is also asked to perform with them (assuming Queen does perform there) at the London Summer Olympics, it will be nothing short of HUGE for him. The biggest venue on Planet Earth...with millions upon millions of viewers tuning in from every corner of the globe. And when he finally gets a chance to put his own tour together, it should benefit from the Queen appearances.

Anonymous said...

Adam + Queen + Elton + = Amazing, outstanding,,tremendous excited cannot wait..

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great news GL hope it all comes true. Adam's fame and success will continue to march on. yay.

Anonymous said...

@9:53,I agree. Get ready for this: Some will say we are the same person. LOL

I say leave them alone. Let them live in a fantasy world where Adam can do absolutely no wrong and is the biggest star to ever live. Us sane fans know he hasn't gotten to where he should be and would like to know why. Who knows maybe one day he will. If they believe he already has, then they shouldn't complain about a single thing ever again.

Anonymous said...

10:02 please give it a rest, you and that other poster that is so not you. eye roll.

Anonymous said...

10:02, how arrogant! Fans you describe as people who "think Adam can do no wrong" are just fans who think Adam has a right to be true to himself even if it means a loss of followers and think he's great as he is. No one here thinks he's the biggest star to ever live, but he may be the best and brightest to them. What's it to you?!

Anonymous said...

10:17 omg girl you have way too much time on your hands. Oh that's right it is so not you again.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I hope and pray the Queen + Adam news is legit! This was a quote from Roger Taylor so hopefully so! Huge news and fantastic opportunity for more world-wide exposure for Adam! Yesssss! Things in the Universe are lining up well for Adam as he so deserves. Will wait for "official" confirmation from Adam/Management tho. London Closing Ceremonies Summer Olympics Maybe? Thud.


Anonymous said...

So interesting that only YOU have no time on your hands but manage to be here writing and trying to get personal with other posters. Wow! Shahzowy!

Anonymous said...

Who are the 2 singers with Adam? Does anyone know anything about them?

Anonymous said...

When Adam performs with Queen, he IS promoting himself, in the best possible way to the widest possible audience! It's ALL GOOD! He has plenty of time to promote his own new music. I think he'll tour in the fall/winter sometime. It takes time to put a tour show together, rehearse it, get the venues lined up, etc. He'll tour on his own in the U.S. and other countries, I'm sure.

By performing with Queen, he is NOT neglecting his own career. He is enhancing his resume and credibility. He is on a world stage when he's with Queen. Now, wouldn't it be something if that Olympics gig came through, and he performed with them there, too? That show that included Elton John is great, too! Elton seems to really like Adam, and an association with Elton is all good for Adam as well. These are HUGE opportunities! Career-making chances. Go ADAM!


Anonymous said...

Apparently those two back-up singers have a good resume, too. I think Brian London hooked them up with Adam. Maybe it's not a permanenet thing. Probably not. I like them.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm done too much complaining and snaping at each other...I thought Adam was about love and exceptance...gonna go find a site where peace and love still live.

Anonymous said...

Queen, Adam and Sir EJ oh my. Maybe the olympics? I am not even going to think of that one- much. lol

Anonymous said...

11:02, you're right,it's obvious that nothing good is coming from this back and fourth arguing.

Adamluv said...

@8:29 - thank you so very much for the barnesandNoble info.! Went there and ordered my deluxe copy. Thanks again. ... adamluv

Anonymous said...

I doubt that the two lady singers are a permanent addition to
adam's act. He usually introduces them on Twitter when that is the case.

Anonymous said...

1:06, I think he did introduce them:!/adamlambert/status/188377461560582146

@KeishaRenee @SincerliOctavia welcome to the m.f. Glamily divas!!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ 7:33!

Anonymous said...

because @April 9 8:15AM: one thing is fun and silly... and the other is arrogant and assuming and unsolicited and etc. yes, we are end consumers, as someone else wrote, but come on people, I'd venture to guess there's very few of us on this site that really truly know the business, let's keep that in mind shall we. We're a smart lot, and observant lot, I know, I understand that and it is great, but I bet very few of us are really knowledgeable about the biz... and thus we're sometimes talking out of our arses a little bit. Sure, people can discuss his career here, like some of you have said you don't need any permission to do, have at it, but honestly, it comes off just a little tiny bit cray when a certain level or line is crossed. Not meaning to hurt anyone's feelings, but honestly, I kinda sorta have the feeling way down deep that Adam would want us all out there living our best lives and not pondering HIS choices so much. I say that with optimism and kindness, I don't know the guy but I feel like he'd want us off the computer and out there doing something great for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

and btw, @April 9 7:59AM, great post. Well said. So true.

Anonymous said...

Can someone post detail information (date, time, and place) of all of Adam's concerts in U.S., Queen + Adam concerts, and T.V. shows?

Tons of information about all of these events are on fansites but I don't see one organized detail chronological table of events so fans can refer and plan if they want to attend. Some fans might miss going to these events.

Anonymous said...

Well, who are you to preach about what fans should talk about? I would rather talk about his career and his music than about his relationships and physical appearance. To me it is more disrepectful to place so much emphasis on his physical attributes as some of you do, so don't preach at me. Over the years, men have done this to women time and time again. And like you, have taken the lighthearted attitude that it's just harmless "silliness." You people are not openminded at all when someone wants to discuss his m usic logically. I see nothing resembling acceptance here.
No worries, I won't be back.
But just remember, while you post your hateful comments about how little you think Adam cares about career advice from fans, he probably cares an even smaller amount for what you say about his private business.
But all in all, I understand. You feel like you have to say what you have to say. I get the hint. I won't EVER bring up career advice for Adam here again. LOL

Anonymous said...

I think it was the extent of what was discussed that seemed over the top. Like a grass roots movement to take over direction of his career. All unsolicited by Adam. And unecessary in my opinion to go so far as to question people and send the results to Adam.

Anonymous said...

@2:18, this is 2:09, I agree, sending things like that to Adam would have been over the top and embarrassing. I was not the one who originally wanted to do that. I simply meant talking and discussing among ourselves, but yikes, I won't do that either!

Anonymous said...

A grassroots take over of Adam's career? That would be quite a feat. No one suggested anything like that as far as I can tell, even if it was possible, which, of course it isn't. How do you come to these conclusions?

glitzylady said...

@anon 1:50 PM
I don't think the Queen shows have dates yet, except the one Moscow one (see below)...The others have yet to be confirmed. This is a good Adam Events website that tries to keep his events updated to the best of their knowledge..

This is what is known as of today:

-April 2012-
April 09: TV, US. Performance at Logo TV New Now Next Awards, 10/9C on Logo. [Tapes on April 5 | Press Release | Live stream starts at 9:50p ET | Live stream 7p PT @CoralMermaid]
April 25: TV, Japan. Music On! Adam Feature. Repeats April 28 and May 1. [Source | More Info]

- May 2012 -
May: Interview in LA Weekly. [More Info]
May 08: Trespassing deluxe available in Italy. [Source]
May 11: Trespassing released in Belgium and Holland. [Source]
May 11: Trespassing released in Norway. [Source]
May 15: Trespassing is released in the US, Canada and Mexico, some international dates may vary. [Source]
May 16: Trespassing released in Finland.
May 18: Trespassing deluxe available in Germany [Austria ?]. [Source]
May 18: Trespassing released in Australia.
May 19: Radio, concert. KISS 108 Summer Concert 2012 at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA. [More Info]
May 20: Radio, concert. 103.5 KTU New York, KTUphoria 2012 at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ. [More Info]
May 22: Radio, concert. Q102 Philly’s Springle Ball at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA. [More Info]
May 26: Radio, concert. 96.5TIC Spring Fling at Six Flags New England in Agawam, MA. [More Info]

- June 2012 -
June 06: Trespassing released in Japan. [Source]
June 06: Glam Nation Live released in Japan. [Source]
June 30: Concert. Moscow, Russia. Moscow Olympic Arena with Queen. [Source]

- July 2012 -
July 02: Trespassing released in the UK. [Source]

- August 2012 -
August 18 & 19: Festival Concert, Japan. Summer Sonic 2012 Osaka and Tokyo, Japan. [Website | Source]

- Rumors/Unconfirmed -
- Adam featured in a upcoming episode of Music Choice’s The F Word. [Source]
- Adam to perform on American Idol? [Source | May 17?]
- Something ‘special’ for June? UK. [Source]
- More UK promo before album release. [Source]

Anonymous said...

why does mtv pull it is it offensive or something

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:18 - Ditto! To me what's important right now should be commenting on Adam's amazing performance at the NNN Awards! It was spectacular! The rest re: his career, etc. I'll just leave up to Adam - I think he pretty much knows what he's doing, folks.

Anonymous said...

2:37, what made me make that comparison was things like this:
-You know we are the world famous Glamberts, right? I mean we really are powerful when we act together and everyone knows and notices it. But it's not always about voting, buying albums, praising and stuff. If we want to keep him up there and maybe get him higher, we HAVE to do something while not messing with his focus and not putting too much pressure on him.
-..I imagine that his own family has told him the same things..but, as he has said, he doesn't like to be told what to do...that is a little immature..where do you think he would be in his career now if he had maybe sung "Sleepwalker" at the infamous AMA's (and behaved himself) and gone with a more "mainstream" cover for FYE????
-And more stuff about poor management, BTKIM was a bad choice, timing of releases, blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you taking the time to find the words that led to you worry about a grassroots takeover, but all I see is someone trying to help in a way that can cause no harm. To me she just seems to want to help shed a light on some realities out there while Adam navigates where he wants and how he wants.

Anonymous said...

Like somebody already mentioned here earlier.
Queen and Elton John, LEGENDS! Great Minds Think alike. It takes a Legend to Know a Legend. You don't need to be liked by the masses when you are loved by the best. A hit is great but an long lasting career is better.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

No one on this site was staging a coo. Why do you care if Adam asks for advice or not? He'll never know what we're talking about. If he ever does visit this site, I'd be ashamed of the "glambulge" comments more than anything. If you don't like the posts, skip over them. The ones who want to respond, will respond. Isn't that the advice you give to those that don't want to hear about his personal life and such. Grow up and take your own meds girls.

Anonymous said...

@2:51 No, because Viacom has a lawsuit with youtube and it pulls down all of their related performances. Viacom owns CBS, MTV, VH1, LOGO, BET, Paramont Pictures, etc. Huge company.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady Love you, honey! Thanks for that link. Tons of hugs and kisses to whoever is responsible of updating that site. I bookmarked it for future reference. I also love that radio request site. Very easy to find information about my local radio stations.

Folks, bookmark these two sites for future reference:

Also, Adam on one of his radio interviews said he sees everything on internet. The good, The bad, and The ugly. We should stop fighting over things that it doesn't even exist. We have no idea about what's happening behind the curtain. What we see is only tip of the iceberg. Adam has his label, management and family members to give him advise. It's absurd to suggest fans to get more involved with Adam's career about what he does and how he should do it.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Adam was inspired by his fans on Idol Tour when women were throwing bras and what not on stage which led him to perform that infamous AMA performance. He paid a big price for it and he worked his butt off to recover from that event.

To please his female fans he did the Detail magazine pictures which pissed off couple of active members of LGBT community.

He listened to his fans on GNT to kiss Tommy at each one of his shows which created to Adommy crays.

Adam please only take advise from your label, management and family members. Cause fans don't have a freaking idea about music business.

Anonymous said...

@Anon April 9 2:18PM: Right On. Exactly.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous April 9, 2012 3:22 PM

Actually BTIKM was not a bad choice IMHO, it was extremely radio friendly! It's just that things turn in an instant and songs by the likes of some newbies like Karmin/Brokenhearted and Carley Rae Jepson/Call Me Maybe and the like started to hit big and takeover the airwaves. When one considers the success of Gavin DeGraw's Over You smash hit, it is not so unthinkable to imagine the BTIKM would have struck a cord! There is a lot to this business that I suspect many of us here, myself included for sure, now very little about, I for one will keep that in mind as I pontificate about Adam's career. I will always comment on blogs, especially in support of Adam's talent, regardless of his personal choices but in support of his innate talent, but I will do so with humility and understaning that business is business and Adam's chosen one is a very finicky and complicated one.

Anonymous said...

Adam + Sir Elton + Queen - PURRRFECTO!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of Sauli and Sutan(Raja)

Anonymous said...

Adam mention Kris's video "Vision of Love" watched it . . liked it .. Thanks Adam . . .

Anonymous said...

But Aftermath has my vote!

Anonymous said...

Who is Raja?

Adamluv said...

@anon 11;21 - Raja was Sutans drag name on Ru Pauls Drag Show last season. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I don't like Trespassing as an acoustic version but this one had some seriously great sounds!

Anonymous said...

Raja/Sutan also did Adam's make-up on the Glam Nation tour.