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MTV Rates Adam Lambert's Look at the NewNowNext Awards

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 06, 2012

"Sigh. Glambert. There's really nothing to say here other than yep, uh-huh, perf, yum-town, and glory glory hallelujah because, as you can see, Adam Lambert is killing it yet again with his goth glam majesty. On the red carpet, he stuck to well-tailored noir-ish basics with a tux jacket over black pants, a trailing shirt, and black boots. Also in attendance? Black nail polish, rings galore, and a sort of amulet necklace that we need to own. For his performance, he changed into a different black suit jacket lined in sparkles along the lapel and sleeves paired with super-snug LEATHAHHHHH pants. Fainting couch please!"

Source: MTV


The Dark Side said...

Nobody, and I mean nobody does leather pants like Adam. This is his sphere. Tall, dark and beyond gorgeous. He can also sing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

MTV looks like you've gone Cuckoo for Adam! He's perfect...glad you agree!


Anonymous said...

Dear Adam,

If you ever need ANY kind help lacing up thouse pants, please let me know. I'll be more than glad to help you, even if you have any kind of trouble getting inside them, I`ll lend you a hand, or two
Just one more thing, next time, you can forget the jacket at home, any particular reason....besides, L.A is hot, so no need.
Now I have to faint for a while....


Adamluv said...

@HK,, brownie, MGF,SG,feta,glitz,canadian - here's a brief report on my experience at this awards show. Will start with the most important part - Adams performance. It was so perfect, wild, fun, entertaining and just plain fabulous!!! Have to admit that I've been BSC about Trespassing since the first few notes of hearing the acoustic performance but this with the full band was so radio friendly, club ready and heart stopping. The videos dont even do it justice but hearing it live and in person, it is even so much better. Cant wait to see/hear Adam perform it in his next tour. I hope this will be his new single since it's so hot!!!! Now for the details and mention of the others there but really only concentrated on Adam - Isacc was shirtless, Ashley looking edgy, Tommy rockin' out and the new guy, Brian London, was in the back on keyboards but difficult to see. Hardly noticed the 2 female singers. Everyone disappointed when the confetti rained down since it blocked Adam for a while (LOL). We are a picky, demanding group of fans!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL at all the berting going on over Adam. I really think the more stripped down, sophisticated, edgy, mature look he has going on is really resonating well with people who were maybe not big fans as we are. I still can't believe it took a minute for Kelly to introduce him....major flail :D

It's really good seeing how over the past year he has really come into his own, is more comfortable and confident in himself and of course radiates happiness and contentment. I really hope and pray that this album reaches the heights of success that he desires. Love him <3

Anonymous said...


WOW!!Thanks for the report!!That must have been a blast!!If the vids doesn't make justice I just can't imagine being there!!after hearing it, I'm with you , Trespassing should be the next single, It sounds out of this world in live!!It gives you energy!! Where you close to Adam+pants or pants+Adam..not sure!!LOL!!btw..I thought the same about the confetti...
I'm sure after that you make a good/long use of your famous shower!!LOL!! OMG...I really CAN'T wait to go to his concerts!!! I don't care if I die!!!LOL!!


glitzylady said...

So glad you were able to go!! I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say videos don't do Adam justice with his live performances...He is just a phenomenal live performer...And yes, the confetti, while fun and all that, covers up the "view" and that's what we want to see most..Seems like someone was a little... premature ... with the confetti cannon..although being that it was Adam on the stage, its perfectly understandable..if you get my ; )))) And yes, we don't want our Adam views blocked by anything..I remember his Idol performance two seasons ago when there was a BIT too much smoke blocking him..Really hoping we get a full-on, unblocked view of Adam on Idol...unofficially reported to be May 17th..Just can NEVER get enough of him, live or otherwise...I bet you are still up there in the clouds somewhere. YAY!!!

Adamluv said...

Part 2 - arrived at 12:30 and waited in line until around 6:00 or so when we got in. Fun talking and meeting up with friends from previous shows, etc. Also cool watching the parade of interesting people in Hollywood go by - the Avalon theater is about a long block from the Music Box (which is now the Fonda theater) and the Pantages theater - up a side street next to Bardots. I mention all these places since most fans I believe have heard of these places due to Adam. All the current drag queens from this years RuPauls show passed by us and seemed to appreciate our enthusiasm and recognition of them. Funny to look down the line at people since those of us that arrived so early were all female fans of Adam and then there were only men in the back of the line. Almost a line of demarcation between the 2 groups. They did not allow cameras nor phones of any kind and we went thru a metal detector so was surprised to see the videos! They kept us away from the red carpet so saw none until being in the theater. Behind the standing room only pit, the first row consisted of only 5 chairs and that's where they placed Adam!!!! Next to him was Sauli and then Sutan in the aisle seat (you can see him rockin' out when Adam was singing - he's the tall giy with the blond wig on the left of the video.)

Adamluv said...

Part 3 - please scroll by if not interested. Peeps asked for details so I aim to please. Last report, I promise!!!!!!! Adam was seated there a short time and then left (which exactly was kinda good )so that we could see what else was going on. The rows behind him consisted of many more chairs but he was in the prime spot and deservily so. Kelly O. did a good job of hosting and it's hard to hear her in the tape but VERY lovely and complimentary words while introducing Adam. Friends of mine saw Adam coming out of the theater after pracice the nite before. What great timing on their part and what luck! Said he looked gorgeous but only concern was how thin he was and when they saw him from behind said he had no butt at all and the pants were just hanging. But maybe he just needs tighter pants? Hope he's not going for "the pants on the ground look" LOL if you know what I'm referring to! Adam is toooo stylish for that look! Forgot to mention that Leila, Neil and his girlfriend were also there in one of the last rows on the floor. In conclusion a wonderful day and evening - Adam is such a consummate entertainer and I loved every second of the experience!!!!!Signing off from Hollywood, Calif. your on site reporter . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Another little item today about Adam from Popcrush "Before They Were Famous" featuring Adam..and others. A few facts are a little vague, but love reading about Adam..and they love writing about him!

by: Cristin Maher

Ever since he appeared on ‘American Idol‘ during Season 8, Adam Lambert has managed to create his own niche of pop music, which has transformed into a huge pop star thanks to the overwhelming response from his army of Glamberts. But before he was a pop-rock superstar, what was he up to?

Lambert was born in Indianapolis, Ind., on Jan. 29, 1982 to his parents, mother Leila Mitchel, an interior designer, and father Eber Lambert, who worked as a program manager for a wireless broadband company. Lambert has a younger brother, Neil, and was raised Jewish. His family moved to the suburbs of San Diego, Calif., when Lambert was just a kid.

It’s really no surprise that as a child and teenager, the always exuberant and wonderfully over-the-top Lambert loved performing in theatrical productions. Throughout his childhood and teenage years, Lambert took vocal lessons and acted in plays like ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown’ and ‘The Pirates of Penzance.’ He also acted professionally with a local theater company prior to graduating from Mount Carmel High School in 2000. The ‘If I Had You’ crooner went on to attend college in Orange County, but dropped out to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

After landing a gig entertaining guests on cruise ships, Lambert moved on to become a successful theater actor. Throughout his early 20s, Lambert resided in the Los Angeles area and acted in a variety of plays, including musicals like ‘Hair,’ ‘The Ten Commandments: The Musical’ and ‘Wicked.’ This era in Lambert’s life also saw his performing as the frontman of the Citizen Vein, where he got caught up in the wild lifestyle that often comes with rock ‘n’ roll.

However, unlike so many struggling actors and musicians, Lambert was able to make a name for himself on Season 8 of ‘Idol.’ As you probably know, Lambert was the runner-up that season, beat out by Kris Allen, but has gone on to release chart-topping singles like ‘Whataya Want From Me,’ which impacted the Top 10 and also earned the singer a Grammy nod. Nowadays, he’s busy recording more and more new material — oh, and getting requests from band’s like Queen to act as their lead vocalist… you know, no big deal or anything.

Adamluv said...

OOPS - Sutan is on the right, not left. Too old to still have problems with left and right. Blame it on my excitement about Adam. Yea, I'll go with that explanation and for all the spelling errors too. I promise this is it!!!!! . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics on Just Jared - these two plus 28 more...

GGD Gal, SO much BEAUTY to munch on...YAY!

glitzylady said...

Thanks again! I think Adam looks just right..Not too thin..and since I saw him 2 weeks ago, up close and really personal, and hugged him (phew...I think of that and .... anyway..) he seemed quite healthy and just fine!

I also love the fact that he was at the Avalon, which shares a building with Bardot of his hangouts in Hollywood and the scene of the big Fan Club afterparty after the Music Box GNT in Dec. 2010..Its fun to be able to envision exactly where it was held..I suspect that I also know a lot of those other fans who were in line for hours before the show, in fact I know I do!! ..Just did that in Portland, from 7 am to 6 pm for the Bing Lounge..All in day of the life of an Adam Lambert fan!! These opportunities for Live Adam have been few and far between for so long now, so a few hours in line for one or two or three songs live are so worth it! Can hardly wait to start doing it again..and I hope to see you in LA again next time around. Here's hoping the Trespassing Tour happens sooner than later...But will settle for the album being released first!! Thanks for the report!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the information and girlllllllllll u rock!!!! Gosh! Gosh!!!! We envy you and Glitzylady!!!!

At least we always have people like u feed us with fresh news indeed!!!

Grrrrrrrrrr!! I knew it the first time I heard trespassing, it will rock and suck everyone with this song!!! YAY!!

Can't really wait for him to come in Toronto.... Againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..


Anonymous said...

I take it they liked what he was wearing? lol Can't wait to watch the program Monday and also to see K.O. at work.

Anonymous said...


How thrilling for you to have been there to see Adam perform live! I really envy you. I live in L.A. and it was my plan to plant myself somewhere near the Red Carpet Area and just stay for hours and hours until our BB arrived but due to RL sudden circumstances I was unable to do so. It was a very difficult decision: Adam vs. family needs....well gotta admit it really took some thought but family won out in the end. I was able to watch the Red Carpet at home on the U-stream live for a while and that had to satisfy me temporarily.

I can only imagine how you must have felt so proud of Adam with that electrifying performance, full band, back-up singers..and truly a fantastic stage production. Lucky you and I'm so happy for you. Thank you for being so true to us and giving us a full report with all the details so quickly.
The confetti falling down all around him didn't seem to daunt him at all did it? He's such a professional. Can we love him anymore than we already do?


Anonymous said...

Dear MTV... Amen to all you said.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - YAY. Thanks so much!


ps. @SG - I only swoop in to 24/7 here and there nowadays so I don't know how long you've been around... but you should know, and perhaps the long-timers can confirm this for me - that, if my memory serves me correctly, AdamFix is the official lacer of pants... so you might have to fight her for those dutes!!! LOL. I think AdamFix only drops by this site every now and then too these days, so maybe she won't see your comment ;)!

Anonymous said...

AdAM is looking extremely stylish and handsome at the awards show. He just gets more fabulous whenever he makes one of thes appearances. It seems he was being pulled in all directions for pics and to answer questions. I can't wait for his appearance on AI to hear what song he will perform and to see what he is wearing. I think his performance will be the highlight of all the guest appearances on the show this season.

glitzylady said...

Ummmmmm....hold on...

Wasn't that "lacing of the pants" task shared with me...AdamFix was my back up or she was mine (its a little blurry now..)..I mean gosh!!! Just a happy and slightly dim but never to be forgotten memory...And of course you were the official "body roll" supervisor..

Maybe time to freshen up those skills..I sense a new Tour is on the horizon..So good to see those pants again. (Ah, memories...) And good to see you too!! YAY!!! .

Anonymous said...

This is what makes Adam stand out beside his killer vocals,his stage performance!Just spectacular and fierce and perfect!!!!!

Anonymous said...

These aren't those lace up pants...these are NEW!! Yowza

fefa said...

ahh finally i can post!!! god i hate my cellphone lol! is like it doent want me to either see or post comments!! im fine by now lol
The performance was and dont make me get started with those pants!! they were yummylicious!! theyre soo him! :3 i think i died and revived like 10 times lol hes vocals were so flawless and I just loved it! my fav part was the bridge! I wanted to jump inside my cellphone xD

BTW for me it was funny to read he had a flat but lol i really dont care 'bout it :3(i actually think thatz sezy haha i really dont like men with big butz lol so another reason to love adam more! ) for me a men just have to have a nice........umm.....cuckoo and confidence (on the sentimental side the most important honesty and sence of humor) lololol (for me the front door is more important xD) *just saying* :3 and adam has passed the test! yes he is just perfect lol

giiirlll!!! sign me in! maybe he could use smaller hands to help him with those pants lolol ohhh and thank u for keeping my spiritz up! i almost quited for the u-stream lol was ableto see a

Im so happy for you!! i loved how detailed you were!it wouldnt bother me if u made part 4,5 & 6!! lol i love hearing (reading in this case :3) all the experiences u guyz get the opportunity to enjoy.....which one day im sure i will experience my own and i will siooo tell! :3

glitzylady said...

Either way..they're NICE!! : ))))

Anonymous said...

I am on here every day some times for hrs. loved Adams looks performance thank you for posting it but I DO MISS THE GUY LINER. Fan for ever

Anonymous said...

Let's make BTIKM mv no. 1 on VH1 Top 20 Countdown tomorrow. Vote here people:

Anonymous said...

SG, I think you and I will have to duke it out to see who will help Adam lace up those pants! The line is forming behind me! LOL

Once again, I am speechless and breathless as I see and hear Adam.
Kelly Osbourne is obviously as much in love as we all are.


Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - thank you for sharing, I'm so totally happy for you! Can't even imagine what it would feel like hearing this song all plugged in and with back up singers and all...And that GLORY NOTE!!!

And about THOSE LACED UP PANTS -- he has/had at least a couple of slightly different versions of them and if these are new, they are EXACTLY like the ones I remember OH SO WELL...LOL and SIGH!

GGD Gal, panting...

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - OMG, soooooo funny! and you must be correct about the pants lacing cuz YES, I was the body roll tester - YES! I was gonna mention that in my post but didn't wanna be too sassy and knew many potentially reading wouldn't remember anyway :)! ROFLMAO, good memory, so you surely are correct! Yep, I'm ready, waiting & willing to offer my services for next tour!

All kidding aside, the vocals this man's been laying down lately, Holy Hot Hell! I still haven't gotten over the Trespassing from the London Showcase and play it daily if I can.


Anonymous said...

Adamluv,thank you for the review! Never too many details!

funbunn40 said...

Oh Adamluv! Thanks for your detailed report! I didn't know you were going to be there! I so envy you and your great Adam opportunities! I never scroll on by! It's fun to live vicariously thru' your Adam sightings and all that are so fortunate to get that close! I'm an expert at untying knots and volunteered for the GNT and will do the same for any lace up leather Adam emergencies! Missing Adamfix and hope she still checks in!Glad to see MGF here and still missing Fan4fun and hope all is well. The ninja Glamberts are on the job,resourceful as usual, somehow getting past the video police! I was afraid Adam would accidentally swallow the confetti. Looks like someone controlling it got excited! Hope they won't edit Kelly's intro. Adam seemed like the most important man of the evening!Can't wait to watch!

lorraine said...

Does it count, that as a Girl Scout, way back when,I earned a badge for tying knots? Surely I can go to the head of the line if Adam needs any lacing assistance!!!!
{If Adam ever reads this,he will think we are all CRAZY!}

Anonymous said...

Kelly Osborne is just as smitten with Adam Lambert as we all are in his fanbase. Even the djs who interviewed him during those radio promo visits said what a nice guy he was. Well, we all knew that a long time ago. In addition, he is intelligent, articulate, charming, and witty. Mix that in with Adam's amazing vocal talent and you have one spectacular individual. Just take a look at him...what's not to like????

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with a previous comment that Adam seems to have matured within the last year or so. He is more confident, happier and at a good place in his life. I do like the new fresh, edgier, stylish look with less makeup. Adam certainly knows how to rock that pair of leather pants and looked fabulous. Hopefully the release of TRESPASSING will finally bring him all the success and fame he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

The beloved Leander of the Glam Nation indeed!

Anonymous said...

@adamluv- thanks for the details, adam's performance looks amazing even though it was a tiny little screen (far away on you-tube) Can't wait to see it on Monday! Wow, you had to wait in line all that time even though you had tickets? Your a true glambert, I would of done the same thing however. You and glitzylady seem to be so close to adam's events- wish I lived in or near California! i believe adam is really going to take off with this album, how can he not- love love all the songs so far and love the new image. Weren't those the same pants he wore at another performance? I don't think he looks to thin , he's gorgeous- I just want to see him up close someday- that's all! Also, forgive me but what happened to our glambert that has icon (the cat) I haven't heard in awhile from her or bing or adamfix or deliah5 and a few more. Grown so close through the years- that's all


Unknown said...
is Adam underrated?

Anonymous said...

thanks for that link- even though it's depressing, cuz yes adam's song is not going over big- never heard BTIKM once yet. There is so much descrimation with the D'J's, america, it's disgusting and so so sad what's being played today and shooting to number 1. It just makes me fight more and more for adam and his talent. He will prevail in the end I think but never-the-less I'm never giving up on him. Then again, maybe it's a lost cause today what this generation calls talented music?

tess4ADAM said...

Here are a couple more voting links for the Glamberts that like to vote like I DO ...

Who Is The Greatest AI Contestant of All Time

Who Will Be Number 1 - American Top 40 with Ryan Seacrest .. scroll down to second list (HAC)

SiriusXMRadio has removed BTIKM from their list so you have to type it in under 'other' in order to vote for it ...

Keep voting on VH1 ... too many new songs being added ... we have to keep BTIKM on the countdown as long as possible ... thanx ...

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

HK fan said...

Thanks admluv for the great recap. Recaps like that are never too long!

I'll keep voting on VH1 but I have a feeling he will have dropped off this week, as I read that he has been put from 'medium rotation to slow rotation on vh1.

However, I was watching channel V earlier and saw BTIKM video, it was great being able to see it on the big screen.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to complain. If Adam wants a tail of curtain sheers it's okay with me. :)

daydreamin said...

A BIG THANKS to you @Adamluv for that recap, but more details would be greatly appreciated like where did YOU sit?!

On another note, I believe I was the official person to help Adam out of those slick, tight leather pants and into his next costume change.

@funbunn40, I too am worried about Fan4Fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi girls!
Let's see....

O.K,we will duke it out, but first let me finish the last book of The Hunger Games, so I'll be more ready!JUST to fight!!;))


You can be the assisstance of who ever wins or viceversa.The thing is to be close to thouse pants and the one who is inside them!!

I didn't remember about AdamFix, sooo many thing about Adam....but she can join DRG& me for that possition!!LOL!You are in charge of the Body rolling dept. that's good too!!


O.K, you're in charge of getting him OUT of the pants, I'll help him letting him IN......the pants...

fefa're too young for that. ONLY watch NOT touch!!!LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Kelley O was spot on when she described Adam as the most exciting performer... in the world today. Elvis didn't write any songs, but there is no doubt he was the most exciting performer of his time.
I have to say Adam's singers are kind of scary looking.

Anonymous said...

They are pretty, but their size and outfits make them look like giant centipedes.

Anonymous said...

Damn, our boy looks hot! I've been busy the last couple of days, and come back to these great videos and pictures.

This is such a fantastic day! Last night I had my first Adam Lambert dream (nothing sexual, sorry) where he had gotten comfortable enough with his own skin to start showing the freckles!

And then, for the FIRST time on local radio, I finally got to hear "Better Than I Know Myself"!

This is going to be a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hey 6:09 - another of the the very best singer/performers of the 20th Century who didn't write his songs: Frank Sinatra.He was one of the first of America's idols. An amazing singer and phraser

Anonymous said...

Kelly isn't the only one 'smitten' with Adam, he is memerizing everyone he comes into contact with ALL across the industry. Adam
seems to be rising way above the whole industry scene right now, heading into a stardom league reserved for only the most elite performers. Be honest... Adam has it all! He is a guy of pure class!

glitzylady said...

I think Daydreamin gets the better job..just sayin'

; )))

Anonymous said...

It's true that Adam is such a classy guy and everyone he meets seems to love him. He looks spectacular, sounds even better. Let's hope that all this positive energy translates into megastardom for him with the release of TRESPASSING and the next single. I am anxious to see him on American Idol and what song he will be performing. Adam Lambert is just one fabulous individual, the best vocal talent in the music business today.

Anonymous said...


Maybe you're right....I think I'll take the full body massage job. He needs to be relax...cover his body with aphrodisiac smelly oils...yeah, I volunteer for that!


Adamluv said...

Thrilled to be able to report back to you guys about this show. I know how much I appreciate others comments and details at events with Adam so just passing it forward! Answering a couple questions from @daydreamin and @brownie - I only know one person who was in the pit area which actually turned out to not be the best spot at times since they kept making them move to the back of the floor and then back again. Very strange and we couldnt figure out why? Most all the Glamberts, me included, sat in the balcony area and even tho we had tickets, there werent assigned seats, therefore the reason why we got there so early. However, thought it was funny that the 2 very adorable young guys sitting next to me had just arrived at 6 or so and me being there since noon time!!!!!! Also about Adam looking thin - I thought he looked beyond hot and awesome but my friends that saw him from 10 feet away the nite before were the ones commenting on his lack of a derriere and dont forget that the camera puts weight on you. Hope we get reports back from someone on this site on the 4 shows coming up in May back east. ... Adamluv

fefa said...

lol somehow I knew you were going to say that! :3 okay okay ill be a "nice girl" and stay out of it LOL but can I at least take care of his hair and face? their is nothing bad with that right!? haha a singer of his class must keep nice hair and face! lol l(yes! i wil get al the eye contact!) and maybe just maybe when im 18-20 i get a promotion? pliis! lol :3
PS what a great team this would be! lol

Anonymous said...


Good girl.You can take care of his hair, BUT do not try to look direcly at his eyes unles you wear dark sun glasses or Adam itself, is four your ouw protection. Thouse eyes could make you think things that you shouldn't be thinking, we can do that for you.Maybe you'll get a promotion when you'll be.....25...I have to consult it with Lam-my.;)


Anonymous said...


We all would be a great team! But not sure if Adam would survive to all that love!!!


fefa said...

Im not sure either! lol But he MUST survive lol maybe if we go gentle on him? lol
and ur right i cant have direct eye contact is too dangerous! ill be full with tentation!! lol i think ill befine taking care of his face and hair....i think it will be enough until i get my promotion! :3 (but yet maybe just one little second of his eyes wont do any damage lol i have to be like him and take risks!!)
BTW 25???? noooo!!! thatz 10 years from now !! haha (actually almost 9 but im still 15 haha b-day is on june 20) thatz too long for mee!!
plis mama Lam-my convince SG to let me get my promotion earlier pliiiss lolol!! :)

Anonymous said...


Eyes...just a sec!!
June 20!? Mine is June 4th!!


Anonymous said...

Adam's bvs at the New Now Next Awards ..... I would've thought they'd choose younger singers. After all, Adam is trying to secure young fans and DON'T CALL ME AGEIST FOR SAYING THAT!

Adam looked so damn fine at these Awards .... best-dressed celebrity there is.

Anonymous said...

Just watched Adam's performance of Trespassing at the NNNAwards show. He was amaaaazing and looked gorgeous. Everyone was up in the audience clapping along to the beat of the song. And there was nothing wrong with the two backup singers as someone commented. I just hope that whatever they decide to release as the next single, that it will be upbeat, energetic, catchy and radio friendly. I want to hear it every time I turn on the radio as you do with Katy Perry, Adele, Gaga, etc. Adam put his heart and soul into the making of this album and hopefully it will bring him the success he so deserves.