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Picture: Adam Lambert with Nick Racht at Sam Sparro Concert (4-6-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 7, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, April 07, 2012


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam, you look beautiful and in the pink of health! I notice his ring holds two fingers, love and connection. :)

Anonymous said...

He looks lit... but I love that he does. What's that new song w/ Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg and Bruno Mars say? "So what we go out... young and wild and free..." just as it should be. Have fun Adam!

Anonymous said...

doesn't Adam have a collab with Sam Sparro on Trespassing? I wonder which one it is.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful smile indeed....

His baby will be a big hit this year and wait for the awards for that folks!

All of your hardship paid off Adam and we support 101 percent:)))

Can't wait to see u again....


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so pretty. Sauli is so lucky!

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam looks so Happy, Healthy & Gorgeously Beautiful!!!
Mega Smiles!!!

Anonymous said...

Checked the link on the "demcrazyfolks" blog on Adam. I think he/she seems like a very true Glambert and is asking the question we all are curious about but won't ask.

I mean the single did really FLOP and the while it was a MASTERPIECE!!! Every single musician and DJ praised the song and Adam's vocals on it!

I think we should blame it more on the maybe very poor management team. They repeated the same slightly unresponsive strategy they performed on the last album. Starting with a very highly crafted power ballad and then while Adam's name was all over the place with poor sales switching into an up tempo number which couldn't work because he had already lost his surprise factor for the running album. He had the curious audience back then following him from AI who wanted to see what he'd be bringing out of his sleeves next but he has lost them on this album. ALTHOUGH WE ARE WAY MORE DIEHARD TO LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HIM ON THAT LEVEL... :D

Adam is slightly to blame too. His image departure from idol should be very applauded. BUT he somehow shifted TOO MUCH or maybe just TOO FAST. We loved him and could follow him no matter what but many were disappointed. AND DON'T PLEASE TAKE THIS INTO THE AMA SHIT AND GAY IMAGE AND STUFF PLEASEEE! I'm talking about musical style, image and entertainment approach. He was waaaaay too much under the pressure of fans and media but yet could have maybe fulfilled the taste of a little wider range of them.

Let's not forget that we all know how amazingly successful he has been, but we are talking about his true potential which is waaay beyond his current status. I mean what other star do you know that has earned so much respect THAT A FULL HOUSE OF STARS AND BIG NAMES WOULD RAISE TO THEIR FEET TO SEE HIM PERFORM HIS DEBUT LIVE ACT ON AN AWARD SHOW'S STAGE. That really is a big deal of respect...

All that said, I think he's amazing international success, his continuous potential for appeal and most of all his tremendous talent can still help him hugely in reaching that potential. He just needs to choose his next steps wise(er) I think.

I think a killer video for the next single and a big live performance can be a very good start. What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

I also get the feeling something isn't quite right. It is always the wrong song or something. This album kept being pushed back too much. I think some people lost interest.

Anonymous said...

BTIKM sounds beautiful but there is no catch on it and frankly it's a little boring. The next single is so important. It needs to be a hit.

Anonymous said...

Adam changed his MD. I wonder why...

Jadam NZ said...

Same here I just dont know what the story is. I dont think its the "Gay thing" I agree the departure from Idol to and thru Glamnation was a big change of image for so many people. As Jax says. Since the dreaded"dont mention it" awards it has been an up hill battle and with the range of talent Adam has it just doesnt make sense.
However moving on its not to late and no matter what we die-hard fans will always be with him and have his back.
Jax I agree with everything you said well put.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the best if not the best singer nowadays. I just wonder is he as good songwriter.

Jax said...

Tnx guys for your response. Esp JADAM NZ...

Something just came to my mind. You know we are the world famous Glamberts, right? I mean we really are powerful when we act together and everyone knows and notices it. But it's not always about voting, buying albums, praising and stuff. If we want to keep him up there and maybe get him higher, we HAVE to do something while not messing with his focus and not putting too much pressure on him.

I say we do a little research on our own maybe for a week or so and then come back and share the results and maybe do some action based on them or just simply deliver them somehow to Adam.

If you agree, I think we should do this in a completely neutral manner and just for the sake of finding the whys and why nots.

If so I suggest we cover two groups of the non-fans:

1. Finding "people who are simply non-Glamberts" and ask them the reason why they are not interested in his music.

2. Finding "people who belong to other powerful fan bases and cults like Hooligans, Monsters, Bielibers and..." and ask them if they like Adam's music. If they do are they buying his stuff and if not, why?

I think we just have to keep in mind to keep our questions ALL ABOUT HIS MUSIC AND NOTHING ELSE and let them decide weather they like to discuss other stuff or not.

What do you say?


Anonymous said...

The people I know say that they don't like Adam's music..and, like it or not, the AMA performance, I belive, and based on comments I have heard, may have sealed the deal on the absence of major stardom for our Adam..I love Adam as much as my own two sons..and I've never met, nor will I ever meet him..he was just naive when it came to his sexuality..the ignorant and narrow minded public just do not like it...I guess he is trying now to soften his image..but it may be too little too late..dear God, I hope not..but I don't want to be too disappointed..btw he shares the same management team as Katy Perry now so we can't blame it on them..Adam himself says that he is stubborn and rebellious.. but this doesn't play too well when it comes to public image..unfortunately, people tend to look at the negative instead of the positive..he is, without doubt, the best artist out there, now or maybe ever..I will support him forever...and love him no matter what..just wish more people felt the same way..that mega stardom we all want for him may not come to fruition..

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it is definitely the gay stuff and AMA incident. The album cover on his debut album lost him a lot of fans. Fans from idol who pre-ordered it was furious like they were sucker-punched. Except for his hard-core fans, many furned away and I doubt they will be back as long as he's putting songs like Outlaws of Love and Trespassing on his albums. Couple that with his AMA performance. Any other artist's career would have been over completely.
I love Adam's songs about being who you are, gay or not, but most people are too judgemental to care for Adam or his songs.
They are so convinced that being gay should be kept in the closet.

Anonymous said...

It's a religious thing, so there is no changing minds.

Anonymous said...

@4:55 - I totally agree with you..what I wonder is what does Adam think about all of this..and I wonder if he ever reads the comments posted here..I wish he would cause it would give him honest insight into why his music is not more popular...and, I wonder if he really cares about becoming a mega star??? maybe he is content to just sell some albums that will earn him enough money to have a comfortable lifestyle..

Anonymous said...

Society likes to put labels on people and unfortunately once you have been or perceived to be in a certain label its hard to break out of that mold. I think that the whole GN tour was a big FU to the world esp after the AMA shenanigans and a lot of people who were fans of his during American Idol were not able to reconcile his image there with his post idol image which was in his own words was very over the top and a bit of a rebellion against having gone mainstream overnight, and as a result FYE was not as successful as it should have been.

I also think that his record label did a shoddy job promoting his first album and of all the songs they could choose why BTIKM. It is a very powerful song but it does not capture one's attention on the first listen thus without massive radio play its one of those songs that you don't really remember after a first listen (for non fans). I also think Adam should stop being so literal in his interpretation of his songs in videos. When I first watched the BTIKM video, I did not get the concept until I watched an interview where Adam explained it. I expected an exciting emotional video given the lyrics that captures the imagination but it was very safe in my opinion.

When i first heard Rihanna's we found love, I was ambivalent to it but when I watched the video...I was like oh that what the song is about and was hyped about the song and the album. I hope his next video is not so literal and is fresh, exciting and makes people want to watch it over and over again and of course CHOOSE THE RIGHT SINGLE. I don't know why his management think the safe choice is the way to go, if the next single doesn't capture the imagination of the non fans then I don't see them going out to buy the album.

I adore Adam and wish him nothing but the best. I love that he is in a good place now and seems more grounded and content with his personal life. His new image is winning many people over as well as the promos since everyone comments on what a smart and nice person he is. I can only hope the next single gets the airplay it deserves esp considering how much work he has put into the album.

The industry is very fickle and while Adam has the IT factor, the voice, looks, personality etc if he doesn't capitalize on his opportunities then he will always be a "potential" and we will always wonder why he hasn't attained the level of success he so deserves. I wish him the best and pray pray pray that his record label gets it right this time round.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was wise to release BTIKM just before Christmas. Also, I think the BTIKM clip should've been released at the same time the single was released but not, as I said, just before Christmas. BTIKM hasn't charted in the top 50 songs in my country whereas WWFM, IIHY and the FYE single did very well and so did the FYE album. I think BTIKM has been promoted very little where I live which is extremely disappointing. Little promotion means a limited number of sales and when there's so much junk music on the radio these days, you'd think BTIKM would do very well.

I think there was too much pressure placed on Adam by some of his fans to release new music, hence the release of BTIKM just before Christmas. Then he did promos in the UK before the US. Now I know promoting his music in the UK is very important but I feel the US should've received the 1st bite of the cherry so to speak.

We've now heard 7 tracks off Trespassing (including BTIKM) so there are only 5 left to hear on the standard edition of the album. I think Adam released snippets of the 4 new songs because there were fans frustrated that the album wasn't released on March 20th and he's trying to keep all his fans happy. Whether this move was right or wrong, who knows but I hope we don't hear any more snippets because I'd like to wait to hear more songs when the album is released. I know I don't have to listen to snippets of his new songs but we're talking about Adam Lambert here so how can one resist?! :)

Anonymous said...

Sir Elton John is one helluva successful gay artist but he hasn't kissed a man on stage. Maybe Adam is wearing is gorgeous gay heart too much on his sleeve.

Anonymous said...

^Oops! That should read 'his gorgeous gay heart'

Anonymous said...

Have a nice Happy Easter everybody. I have already ate too much of my kids candy and hate hard boiled eggs now. lol Now I have to go hide some eggs for the hunt.

Anonymous said...

6:50 ha ha I bought more candy this year than I ever did. I am going to be making some appointments soon for the dentists and calling Weight Watchers, Jennifer Hudson is looking pretty good these days. lol Happy Easter to you too !!

Anonymous said...

I asked some of my friends about their opinion and they just easily thinks that all of his songs message are for gays only how about that????

No matter what people say as long as Mr. Lambert is true to himself and he showed that nobody can push him away this time....

If this 2nd album don't succeed in America, he will be love around the world then.

Around the world vs United States???

He is unique and he will be remember who shook the music industry about acceptance indeed. NO APOLOGIES!!!

You love it or hate it that's life people.


Anonymous said...

Lots of interesting thoughts here, and I agree with many of them. Seems like many new singers just zoom right up there, get hits, and get accepted, often with less talent and with some bad behavior thrown in. But not Adam. Those of us who embraced the post-Idol Adam seemed to "get" him from the beginning. We knew there was more to him than the AI nice-boy image. Others who loved him on AI couldn't make the shift to the edgy, openly gay guy. They like his voice, and even think he's a "nice guy," but they don't bother with the music. Adam may choose NOT to compromise himself too much. He has a strong sense of integrity about who he is. He is loyal. He will never stop being an open and public member of the gay community. He'll pay the price. Other singers will beat up their girlfriends, take drugs, act stupidly, etc., but their music will continue to sell, while Adam may get the cold shoulder in the marketplace. Talent means very little; we all know that. One thing is happening, though, that seems to be helping Adam: big names in the industry seem to love him. He gets invited to high-profile events, he rubs elbows with big names who seem to respect him and like him. These connections may likely help down the road. In the meantime, it just takes THAT ONE SONG, TO BREAK THROUGH! THAT ONE SONG TO TAKE HOLD! Adam is not mainstream. So many people have already made up their minds that they're not interested, regardless of his obvious talent. A few high-profile duets might help. In the meantime, all we can do is keep supporting him like we have been.

Anonymous said...

IMHO, there are at least 6 songs on FYE that are more infectious and incredible than BTIKM. It is easily my least favourite of all the snippets we have heard so far and POP Justice said the same thing (which is why the rest of their laudatory cd critique means so much to me.)

I belong to a huge group of Glamberts who are connected by email as well as Twitter and blogs. One glambert friend who is a "hub" counted private emails from 14 fans who said they thought BTIKM was only okay but were afraid to say so.

A POP song is only played on the radio so many times a day - the really successful ones grow on you immediately or not at all. The ones that don't only race up the charts if are from a huge star that everyone just likes.

Adam's next song is easily going to be poppier and more infectious than BTIKM and it will be accompanied by a full cd release, Springle Balls, some great TV appearances and it be going out to a radio circuit that has been primed for it by numerous appearances. It is bound to do better.

BTIKM did eventually grow on me (as it dd on the Pop Justice critics) but I voted for it daily on VH1, MTV and MM so I heard it a lot. POP music is not about growing on you; it's about the hook.

I never saw the point of fans ganging up publically on BTIKM but I think the hard pushback they received shut everyone up and obscured the fact that BTIKM, while good, wasn't as Top40 as it needed to be after a 2-1/2 year absence.

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Jax.

Adam is a good fit for GAGA fans but I also think that Beliebers might also be a possibility. His latest song is shiting towards the young male crowd now and the girls aren't necessarily going to be into that musically. I know One Direction and The Wanted are picking up his fans but the fact is they are growing up, leaving school; that fan base is shifting.

I bring up Adam to non-fans all the time but, I no longer play my favourites for them. I try to show them something that fits THEIR taste, on the premise that he can do his own selling if I guess their taste correctly.

Anonymous said...

Why does Adam's fandom keep bringing up the AMAs and dissecting the past. if you are really supportive talk about the now and future-I suspect Adam's recent tweet refers to crap like this. I get tired of seeing 'fans' dissect his every move and nitpick everything. that to me is a turnoff

Anonymous said...

@8:01 - it is really a shame that people are judged by their past..but, unfortunately, it is just human nature..we all make mistakes and most of us have to suffer for the non-fans, when Adam's name is mentioned, all they conjure up is the image of him grinding a man's face into his crotch and flipping off the audience..I don't think the kiss was the one person I know said "he made a mistake by shoving his homosexuality in our face"..and you know, he didn't and doesn't have to do that..other gay artists do not push the gay agenda through their lease I've never heard one..

Jax said...

WOW !!! I MEAN W.O.W !!!!!!
To be quite honest I didn't think you guys would be THIS reasonable! AND THANK YOU!

But just tell me one thing please. WHY AM I HEARING ALL THESE RIGHT NOW?!! DOES ADAM KNOW THAT MOST OF US DON'T LIKE HIS SINGLE THAT MUCH?!! DOES HE KNOW ABOUT OUR OPINION ABOUT HIS VIDEO? DOES HE KNOW WHAT WE LIKE?! DOES HE KNOW WHAT WE WANT?!!! No, he doesn't because we're too busy giving him our unconditional love and support that it might eventually lead to his complete failure.

Guys listen, your remarks are incredibly precise and quite logic. The thing is if we really love him and want the best for him, we should do something. We should somehow tell him what we feel, after all we may be the only audience he's left with and WE WANT HIM TO STAY! We wanted to give him space and support him and we did that for two years. Now it's time to not steal him for himself but help him help us support him! We still have a little time before he releases the album and makes the second video. Why not we tell him what we like more about him AND NOT WHAT WE WANT HIM TO BE and see if he can do something about it?

I completely agree with all of your comments and am really really happy and proud that u guys think in such rational and supportive way. But let's do something before it's too late. Such remarkable comments about his video and live performances, let's reflect these ideas to him so that he can reach to his audience.

Yes definitely he might have been content with his level of fame and we were kind of accepting that but just a brief look on the recent interviews completely shows he wants a bigger audience. That's why we're talking about this or Adam is always the one for us.


Anonymous said...

8:15 not everyone is judged by the past, ala Chris Brown. unfair that new potential fans who have no knowledge of the AMAs are now informed by that over and over and reminded of what you called a 'mistake'. this is 3 yrs old and I don't see how bringing it up again and again helps further Adam's career. That was the point I was trying to make.

Jax said...

One thing I forgot to mention, and I'm very worried about this, is that I have constant presence in the gay community and to let you know he has one of the loosest of fan bases in that area. And unfortunately a large number may even be very hateful towards him...

Now I really love Adam from the bottom of my heart for every positive thing he has brought in to my life and THE ONLY WAY I CAN THANK HIM, EVEN IF IT MAY HURT HIM A LITTLE, is to be honest with him.

So do you think we should all somehow send the link of this thread to him so he can have a thorough review before taking the next step?

If so we should do it privately so that mostly Glamberts would participate in it not the haters.

He may get upset and completely ignore us or take time and think about our ideas. Either way doesn't matter cause we will still love him and support him no matter what but we at least would have done what we owed him as fans who want his best...

Tell me what you think?


Anonymous said...

@8:01 we are not living in the past by bringing up his past AMA performance but the reality is that humans remember the bad and forget the good. Our history determines our future...regardless of what Madonna does she will always be great because of her past history. Even when MJ was at his worst he was still a legend because of what he accomplished in the past. So while we may not like it,it happened and had some impact with some of his idol fans who were put off.

I wish we had a forum to express our views to Adam instead of only giving him unconditional praise..we are his fans regardless but we want him to win new fans and get his album to be bought by millions of people.

I believe he has the material in his album to achieve this success, he just needs to go about it the right way. I hope the video of the next single is released together with the song instead of weeks later like BTIKM. And as someone said, Adam is well liked by influential people and I believe they would back him up if need be. I mean his record label trusted and gave him freedom to executive produce his album as well as co-write most of the songs. If they did not trust in him they would not have used their time, money and effort on him but rather insisted he sings songs written by other people and overseen the producing of the whole album.

I hope the new single comes out soon and that the video is mind blowing. He doesn't need to have a male love interest or anything controversial in it...just focus on the music and have an aesthetically pleasing video that makes us want to replay it over and over again. Elton John came out much later in his career when he had already established himself and Ricky Martin stayed in the closet when he was at the peak of his career so lets not try and make an example out of Adam as unfortunately he will suffer the consequences of small minded individuals (who are quite vocal in their protests)

Anonymous said...


I agree with you, no offense to the gay community but they are a fickle lot and unfortunately attack their own people. Look at the way PH gleefully puts down Adam instead of helping him and the comments about Adam on gay sites like Queerty are just disparaging. It seems they rather support Gaga saying how she is fighting for the LGBT rather than an actual gay who has to work ten times as hard as other mediocre artists to get his songs played on the radio!!!

That is my view but at the end of the day Adam is true to himself and does what he wants (why we all love him) and if he feels like continually hanging out at gay bars mostly and signing songs targeted at the LGBT community therefore being seen by some as being a "gay artist" or an artist whose niche fans are the gays then there is little we can do about that.

I will continue supporting him through thick and thin and just hope his album does really really well <3

Anonymous said...

@5:06 I think you are onto something.

JAX I think it's about time Adam fans started asking these questions. Not only does he not get radio play, he's not allowed on television (except NBC, VH1, E). Instead of blaming Adam, why don't at least some of us look into the power structure that determines whether someone gets promoted on TV or radio. (Very creative, out-of-the-mainstream, "non-safe" music like hard rock, metal isn't being played, either.)

Let's start with Clear Channel (over 800 radio stations). Do you know who owns it? Bain Capital. Do you know whose co. that is/was? Mitt Romney's. You are aware of his stance on gays, women's rights, etc, right? Do you know that Ryan Seacrest has struck a major business deal with Clear Channel (LA Times)? Do you think staff of Clear Channel are going to promote a creative, non-apologetic openly gay, scary-talented, drop dead gorgeous, charismatic, super-honest, free-spirit like Adam (all the reasons why I LOVE Adam dearly--I don't want this courageous, fierce, magnificent man to water himself down to family friendly!) on the radio & buck their rt wing conservative ownership bosses?

The next biggest radio station owner (500 + stations) is Cumulus. This is the co. that banned the Dixie Chicks from all air play on their stations because they spoke out against Bush. Nearly all extreme rt wing talk radio shows like Rush Limbaugh (simply filled with hate) are aired on Clear Channel & Cumulus.

The FCC under Bush let major corporations gobble up all the stations run on OUR public air ways. (This is why we are not supposed to have conglomerates in the USA.) Cumulus is run by 10 excecutives & board members, all of whom (with exception of female accountant) are male. Indeed it would appear most (if not all) of the handful of media owners are male. Yes, these boys will likely put up with a whole lot more sexiness from the female artists than the males.

And, of course, they are all about money. They want formula safe artists. Probably why everything sounds so gawd-awful on pop radio stations. It's overproduced & boring for the most part--but sells. The music industry (even Clear Channel) is also losing money.

The fewer owners of our media there are, the more limited the array of view points we get to see & hear, whether it's "news" or music. They also get to choose what they DON'T want us to hear. When you combine religion with ownership & ownership imposes THEIR beliefs onto the public at large--which is happening all over the USA right now, we are all in trouble.

Track the radio stations in your area (USA & International). Look up the owners of the stations who play Adam & of the ones who don't. Let's keep track of those. In Frankfort, KY, Adam gets played on a STAR channel, but does not get played on Clear Channel in Lexington, KY--a large, very gay-friendly city. I also suspect many of the playlists on these conglomerate stations are pre-canned. Who decides about those?

Kentucky Fan

P.S. I'm sick of people who want Adam to change to appeal to rt wing America--to be more like mainstream America. Leave our wild child alone! The only way to become a star is to rise above the norm--to bring something exciting, fresh, & new. That's what art does.

Anonymous said...

8:01 Why? because these are not all Adam fans on here. We have the new breed passive aggressive troll here. They must really be upset over all the positive attention Adam just got from the NNN awards show. They just keeeeeeep going on and on and on and on. Not recieving all the attention they desired on the last thread they had to start it on this thread too. The person they really follow must be doing bad bad super bad.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jax, please do try to get this link to Adam..he has the choice to read or not..I imagine that his own family has told him the same things..but, as he has said, he doesn't like to be told what to do...that is a little immature..where do you think he would be in his career now if he had maybe sung "Sleepwalker" at the infamous AMA's (and behaved himself) and gone with a more "mainstream" cover for FYE???? I adore him no matter what..I just want to see and hear more of him..therefore, I want him to be successful...the young people in today's world don't even recognize music..let alone good music..what with all the stupid rap, which is NOT singing..

Anonymous said...

@9:09 Very good points and that is why Adam said during his promo that he is learning that radio is not about the quality of the songs but about politics. Having said that if you want him to remain a "wild child" then be content in having a smaller yet loyal fan base meaning WE (his fans) buy his music while the rest ignore him or look over him. Its a hard pill to swallow but its true.

He said in an interview that he doesn't have an agenda with this album unlike the previous one where he was trying to be a rebel and trying to show the music industry smth. Let him focus FIRST on his music as opposed to antics to get a reaction (which he doesn't seem to be interested in doing anyway). His Trespassing performance at the NNN awards was perfect and it highlighted his voice and he was amazing. Even the most vocal Adam detractors would find little wrong with it. If for example he did the whole gay kiss, would the talk be on his vocals or his on stage antics?? I think we all know it would be the latter, which frankly he does not need at the moment.

I can not wait to see what he will do on American Idol, hopefully his new single will have been out for a few weeks therefore boosting its sale as well as the album even more.

Anonymous said...

@9:09 - I couldn't agree with you more. I just want Adam to be a major success, and sometimes that may take a bit of compromising

Anonymous said...

So tired of the 2nd Guessing to outright bashing of Adam for his AMA performance. (LOVED it, except for his fall--which I think traumatized him & pushed his adrenalin way up). Some Info:

ABC shamelessly USED (advertised) Adam's risque performance--to include up through the show that PM--to bring in 14.5 million viewers for that year's AMA show. It worked. Viewership increased over 2 million from previous year.

Without him, viewership dropped drastically the following year (I believe down to 11 million). The only demographic increased was the 8-11 year old. All others dropped.

Adam DID NOTHING WRONG. His performance closed the show--aired from 10:55-11:00 PM, well within adult time frame, which begins at 10PM. Thus complaints to FCC are bogus.

Were complaints filed against Eminem for glorifying violent rapist? Janet Jackson for her male crotch grab? Anyone know? I believe these artists performed prior to 10PM.

There were only 1500 complaints (out of 14.5 million viewers?!) made to ABC. Anybody know about statistics?! ABC yanked Adam, initially replacing him with Chris Brown for their show the next AM. Yah, right. Violence is evidently more acceptable to mainstream America than gay sexiness or even male on male kissing. Someone once said that ABC gets more complaints on a weekly basis re: Dancing w the Stars costumes than Adam got that PM.

And, the complaint effort--particularly to the FCC (but also to ABC)--was quite organized by anti-gay hate groups to include The Parents Television Council, The Family Research Council (Tony Perkins), and The Liberty Councel. Learn more about these groups. The LGBT community is well aware of them. These Rt Wing groups are active in efforts re: 2012 Election.

Re: Adam's AMA performance viewership. Check the # of hits it gets on YouTube (lots & lots). Also, get your mind around 14.5 million viewers--most of whom did NOT complain.

Not everything is done for children. I prefer my entertainment grown up vs. watered down to Family Friendly.

I can't believe how far to the rt our country has swung. I don't recognize it. I grew up with Ernie Kovaks, Saturday PM live, Cabaret (which won 8 Academy Awards), Hair, Rolling Stones, The Doors. To me, when Adam did that AMA performance--after 8 years of repression--I felt like I had my country back!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

8:15 - In the scheme of things very few people actually saw Adam grinding against anyone's face. You have to see something to conjure up an image of it and the performance hardly proliferated on the internet when it was THE topic of discussion.

My memory of Fall '09 is that whenever I brought Adam's name up people would say; "Who is he anyway? I keep hearing his name. What does he do?"

Adam is not as indelibly marked in the general public's consciousness as we think. The AMA's may get mentions in opening intro's from time to time but it is PAST. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

As one of the biggest cheerleader types on this site, here are a few of my thoughts:

Adam will have a third album. Not a doubt in my mind.

Adam will have learned a lot from this second album, esp. as its executive producer.

He will not wait so long to get a third album out. Being a perfectionist is fine, but fans run out of patience.

He has already spoken of videos and TV appearances to support the upcoming album release. These should occur in a timely fashion.

Casual fans don't necessarily "forget" Adam. They just move on to other artists. If he comes out with a big hit, it will grab their attention again. I know this happens for me with other singers.

Adam's international fans are still there and still as excited as we are. They will prove to be his trump card.

Former fans will not let old baggage go. They just won't. There is probably nothing Adam can do to change that.

I totally agree that Adam's management MUST find a way to get him on network TV. He needs to be on the Lettermans, Kimmels, Fallons, etc. Leno really likes him, but didn't do an interview last time, just a song. Network TV is the only real exposure to the mainstream population, where he can re-identify himself as a not-so-scary, intelligent and entertaining gay man who no one needs to be afraid of. For amy people, the AMAs was the last time they ever laid eyes on him.

A DWTS night would be big. Adele has down it, Katy P. has, I think. Other big names have. It's a HUGE show.

I will not abandon this guy. He has entered my psyche and my soul in many ways.

He has a busy summer ahead of him. A tour WILL come, probably in the fall. That's ok. It doesn't have to be summer.

I like all this "reality" discussion. It does us good. Doesn't make me love Adam any less and doesn't dash my hopes for his future success.


Anonymous said...'s performance a newnownext sneak preview

Anonymous said...

You are making a mistake when you think Adam is staying the same course. If you heard his interviews and read what he has said, you know he has calmed his image. The last two concerts, the Moscow and Canada ones, he did not interact with Tommy. He has a steady boyfriend, and he will not hide that fact.

Adam is very aware of the support he has, or lack of support from the gay community. where have you all been, if your fans of Adams, you really don't have all the information, that he has put out there. He also knows he made some mistakes in his choices and has stated them.
I would never confront him with this thread, he is very aware of what he must do, and will do what he feels is right for him. The man is very insightful.
As he said "Nobody gives you a book on how to be the first open gay singer". Give him a break, he is learning, He has only been on his own for 2 years, the first he was under Idol bubble.
If you are a true fan, TRUST HIM.

Abby said...

Jax, on your first post, I agree with what you’ve said. But think it’s a lot of things put together that have hindered Adam’s success from entering the stratosphere. For the first album, I think Adam had to pretty much make the record he was told to make. For the second one? Who knows. All I know is that SOMETHING was/is up with all of those delays. When you don’t write your own music, you are at the mercy of other songwriters for your material. And having your name listed third, fourth, or fifth on writing credits is NOT writing your own songs. And please don’t give me the Frank Sinatra and Elvis business. Things have changed. Also, Adam or whatever management HAS made mistakes. And I know you said you don’t want to hear it, but the AMA’s did hurt him. I personally know people who stopped following him after that. – Very sad but true. You are very right about BTIKM. While I don’t think it was a great song for a first single, if one of the artists we hear on the radio ALL the time had released it, it would have been a big hit. I’m hoping the next single will do better.
On your second post…very interesting suggestion about asking the non –fan. Just remember to not get offended. If you’re asking for an honest answer, be prepared to take it. I DO know that to the casual listener/fan, a singer’s looks, personality, ethics, honesty, etc don’t matter as much as they do to the superfan. I know that the glamberts are mesmerized by all that in Adam, but a lot of others simply don’t care. It’s about the music only.
@ anon 4:03, excellent post from a very realistic fan. Every word that you wrote is true. I, too, think that Adam was naïve about certain things. I think he received so much love and acceptance of who he was growing up that he overestimated the general public’s potential acceptance of him. And that is so sad.
@8:01, it’s not the people on this site that are judging Adam for the AMA’s and “things” from the past. We are posting about other people that are. But you are right in your other post – we certainly don’t want to bring it up to someone who doesn’t know about it.
@9:14, who in the world are you calling a troll??? Sounds like the people here want nothing but super - success for Adam and are just throwing out some theories as to why it hasn’t happened yet.

Adamluv said...

Very insightful and interesting comments - thank you all! @Kentucky Fan - I appreciate yours so much since you gave us some hard facts that many arent aware of. And to the anon poster that used the term "gay agenda" - that's what every right wing hater and Republican candidates for President say. And we know what that means. ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Wow! I hadn't come back here since last night and look at all of this conversation. After reading the comments, I have some of my own (always, right? LOL!!) This may take awhile, so bear with me.

Thanks for all of your thoughtful comments. You bring up some good points, some I agree with, some perhaps not, and some I'd like to expand upon. I agree that we all want Adam to be wildly successful. That's a given. I love his voice and admire and respect him as a person. I don't, however, wish to see him compromise his own vision of his music, his personal values as a human being, and his outlook on life to conform to conservative America's and Top 40 radio's idea of what constitutes either "good" and "acceptable" current pop music or who is worthy of recognition and respect as a human being and an artist. He has learned a lot in the last couple of years as to what he reasonably can and cannot do. I also do not think that we should send this thread to Adam so that we can give him advice as to what he should be doing with his career, with tips to make him more middle America friendly. I think Adam is WELL aware of what is happening in the music industry, the fact that BTIKM is being rather ignored by Top 40 KISS/Clearchannel Mega stations, those that control Pop Music and are owned by conservative corporate entities. I'm more than positive that his exhaustive Promo Tour that he just completed was to try to convince these stations to play his music when the album comes out. I also am pretty sure that Adam knows exactly what his fans think of BTIKM, positive or negative, his new music, and him as a person and as a celebrity. He is always checking his twitter feed and knows what's happening. I follow almost 700 people on twitter, 99.9% are Adam Lambert fans, and I can tell you they are not shy about expressing their opinions about Adam, his music, his boyfriend (love him..), what he eats, what he wears, who he hangs out with, where he hangs when he goes out at night, etc. etc...So send this if you wish but I do think he knows whats going on. We all wish we could have a one on one conversation with Adam..I know I do!

So..about that AMA thing. I agree: It set him back. It also generated a lot of publicity. He knows it, and has said as much. It lost him some fans, and it also gained him some fans.And ultimately, it scared the shit out of me, because I know that it did shock and turn off more than a few people. I was afraid for him and his career. I have closely followed his career since I first saw him on Idol Season 8 and have seen all the good and the bad that has happened in the past 3 years. I know many people who were Idol fans that ceased to follow his career after that, sadly. I had a long conversation with a friend who couldn't get beyond that. She was very indignant and lost respect for him. I explained some of the reasons behind WHY he felt compelled to embellish that performance (the OUT editorial..for one thing, which accused him of not being true to himself as a gay man, even tho he had given them a soul-baring and honest interview in the Nov. issue). It really turned my friend's opinion of his actions around. I also played for her some of his newer music (at the time) and she said she would take another look and appreciated knowing "the rest of the story". She was angry that the editor of OUT would demand that Adam conform to his idea of what an out gay man in show biz should be, and what he should and should not do.

End part 1 (continued..)

The Dark Side said...

Some very valid points today. None of which haven't been rehashed over and over. Adam is Adam and I doubt he is going to change who he is or what he is, even if he could. He has made mistakes, and will probably make more. He choose to come out loud and proud, so who are we to second guess him. I am sure his career will not go south any time soon. We forget he's one of the best talents in the business, that stands for something. His success will build slowly, but it will build. I truly believe this. That said, I do believe there is some unspoken blackball against him and the afore mentioned TV stations. People are being fired right and left these days, and all because it's an election year, and cable has scared the hell out of network TV.

glitzylady said...

Part 2 (continued..)

Media in general picks up and focuses on the negative things..AMA's, the Miami paparazzi incident, the "Christmas in Finland" incident. They love to show controversy..And rarely follow up with the "real" story. Adam is in reality a very low-key in his personal life, stay out of the spotlight, spend evenings at home, with boyfriend, family and close friends, kind of guy. He doesn't show up in the daily gossip blogs, the gossip magazines, doesn't hang out with other high profile celebs much, so many people don't really know who he is, or have misconceptions or preconceived ideas of who he is and what he represents. I would guess this all spills over into Top 40 radio to a certain degree. Dj's have privately, and even some publicly, said they do not have the final say in who gets played, and are frustrated by it. I've heard it directly from their lips, personally and recently: "radio and music politics". Adam is also well aware of that. The program directors are the ones who decide that.. along with the higher-ups. My local Seattle KISS (ClearChannel Radio) station has yet to add any of Adam's songs to their MediaBase online request form. (Probably had WWFM and IIHY at least earlier but now nothing: no BTIKM) And I don't think they've played BTIKM. Maybe at three in the morning. The Portland station that hosted The Bing Lounge performance I went to (YAAAY!!) was pretty much in the same boat. They've played it...late at night...and the DJ there privately said again: radio "politics"..He likes the song personally but can't play it on his show, no matter how many requests they get. Our requests fall on deaf ears in some cases. But we must keep requesting.

My thoughts about "Better Than I Know Myself", its release, etc.: I personally believe Adam released BTIKM for the fans, partly to give us something to tide us over until Trespassing, to introduce the theme of his upcoming album. I imagine he is hurt by the fact that it has not been overly successful. I'm thinking he had the concept for the music video already floating around in his head and really wanted the song out there. As we know, Adam is telling a story, not only with the song, but with the music video, and ultimately, the new album. His theater background takes over in his music videos. He's an intelligent man, from a smart, educated, and liberal family and his thought processes reflect all of that. I thought his music video was not hard at all to understand but not everyone "got" it..Adam is somewhat limited by the fact that he is gay and for him to show a love interest in any video is basically impossible. He knows he cannot show a male love interest because it would not be accepted in general (yet), would be accused once again of "promoting the gay agenda" by some and vilified by those who oppose gay rights or condemn the gay community in general, and if he showed a female love interest, people would criticize him for it as well, as being fake.., and I don't see him doing that because it would not reflect who he is as a gay man. He can do whatever he wants to as far as I'm concerned but he does have to take so much more into consideration than the "average" pop artist in that regard. So for the time being , he must be creative in what he does in music videos. He's between a rock and a hard place, as the saying goes. Most of his new songs evoke universal themes: the human condition, not just the "gay" condition.. Love, frustration, rejection, sadness, joy, and being a little "Cuckoo"...

Part 3 (!) continued...

glitzylady said...

Part 3 (and thankfully last...)

Lastly, some personal reasons WHY I am so deeply involved in this Adam Lambert fandom. I admire Adam because he is so open and honest. I admire him because he has not become some other unrecognizable person after all of this new-found fame/notoriety. He keeps his friends close and is loyal to them. He remains grounded. He is kind and generous to his fans. He truly appreciates his fans and expresses that. Although I really wish we didn't have to fight so hard to help him every step of the way. He should be recognized for his amazing voice. He has chosen pop music as his vehicle of choice because he loves it..I personally believe he has more to offer the world in the future and will transcend pop music eventually. I think he will be one of those transformative people when his life is looked back on someday. He is that special. We are often described as "rabid" fans by those who find us a little "much" at times. There ARE those who are over the top,occasionally rude, etc., in blogs, on twitter, etc.,, but it is generally in response to ridiculous comments made about him in the first place. Frustration is a powerful thing. I personally get tired of having to defend him every step of the way. But I never get tired of supporting him. I love his Burning Man persona. He can't help but express that in his music.. His loving and sweet spirit is so refreshing. His "neo-hippie" mentality is something I personally identify with, having grown up in that era. It was a time of great hope and evolution in the human community..The time that was an awakening of awareness for civil rights in the African American community. And now here we are with furthering of legislation for Equality for the GLBT community. Adam is not trying to "push the GLBT agenda down anyone's throats" (BTW, I HATE that phrase) but to simply be Adam and occasionally he lets us see his soul. What I am (probably poorly) trying to say here is this: Lets show Adam our support by speaking out on his behalf by requesting, educating, fighting against discrimination of the GLBT community, and by not letting the negative voices drown out his positive message. He's put over a year of his life into this new album..He is very proud of it. I really hope he gets the opportunity to be heard on Top 40 radio. I think he will.


Anonymous said...

@11:27 Thanks for the link to the NNN Awards performance. It is great!!

glitzylady said...

Adam's performance of Trespassing from the NewNowNext Awards on Logo website: excellent HD version: Official version

Anonymous said...

@ Jax,

You got your point.

Now the next move you have to do if you really concern about what you want to hear from him is to send him a message directly right??? Don't waste your time any longer indeed!!!

Adam can't please everybody!!

He can live his life anyway he likes....

For me, I like what I'm hearing and seeing from him no matter what you think.....


Anonymous said...

NNN Award performance on youtube.
This is the official version also Glitzylady! Lets give it lots of hits!!

Anonymous said...


Adam does wear his gay heart on his sleeve, but I don't think it's too much. He doesn't push the gay agenda. What he does do is be himself. That is a beautiful uniqueness about him. People are offended by that.
You see straights in relationships all the time. Adam had to keep it hidden in "What Do You Want From Me". Like Adam said, "He's post gay in a pre-gay society." He's ahead of his time.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say you see straights in relationships in music, for instance in music videos, all the time.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and everything he is doing. I am giving him and his team a chance to show us what they have in store for us. Yes he could have sold alot more albums, if he had not kissed Tommy and the whole AMA fiasco. What pissed me off more about that performance was the vocals. I have never heard Adam sing that bad. I love Adam because he is not afraid of what others think and just does his thing. I hope he never changes. As for BTIKM I think the released it knowing it would not be a huge success, but needed something out there to counter act Beg For Mercy. So leave Adam alone. He could careless about our stupid opinions. He is doing just fine on his own. This time next year we will all be saying why were we doubting him.

Abby said...

Canadian @1:43 and anon @1:53, I guess that's another way of looking at things. If you're happy with everything concerning Adam right now, then it's good not to care if he ever becomes a mega- star (GaGa, Katy Perry, or Bruno Mars like). If you like what you're currently seeing and hearing from Adam, then it shouldn't matter how many records he sells. I love many artists that a lot of people have never heard of. And their music is never played on the radio. I don't care.

Anonymous said...

@2:14 I think Adam has everyting under control just fine. His next single will be everywhere and he will be a mega star without a bunch of old women telling him what to do. That is what his management is for and I think they know better than all of us.

Abby said...

anon @2:20, hope you're right about the next single. And just what do you mean "old women"????I'm 47. Speak for yourself, girl!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:20 PM
I agree that Adam and his management probably have everything under control...etc etc.., but I think you could have left off the part about "a bunch of old ladies". How do you know the ages of those who comment here? Very un-Adam-like comment. He appreciates all of his fans. Just because someone is not a 20-something doesn't mean they don't have sometime valuable to say. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I was including myself when I said a bunch of old women. I am 61 and I am not Adam, so my comments will be un-Adam-like.:) I know Adam loves and adores all of his fans.

glitzylady said...

@ Anon 3:18 PM
Thanks for clarifying..I do think most of the comments made here are said out of love and concern for Adam and are made by fans of a wide variety of ages, not just "old ladies"..and I "resemble" that remark too, by the way!! ; ))) I'm no spring chicken, that's for sure! As for being "Adam-like"..its more about his attitude of inclusiveness and respect than who said it... I "get" it tho! I agree that we have no place telling him what to do or how to do it. I wouldn't be a fan if I thought he should change anything just to please anyone or everyone, because that isn't possible obviously. He's doing so many things right...And his new music is fabulous in my opinion. In person, beyond fabulous. May 15th cannot come soon enough. How about a "name" attached to your comments..would love to know who I'm talking to... ; ))) That goes for everyone else.. Makes it much easier for everyone to follow a conversation!

Anonymous said...

OMG..just went to NNN blog and watched the enhanced version of Trespassing..oh dear Adam not the most beautiful, talented man on Earth..really, how can anyone not love him...All my fervent hopes are for his major success..

Anonymous said...


Well, well my dear we know in our hearts true fans stick together and not afraid to accept others criticism in this fandom right??:)

Those people who thinks that Adam is taking his career in a wrong side of the wall, you are mistaken people.

Music is a business and politics as well... Adam is a hard working young man and he knows that he can't control everything around him.

He is very lucky to have fans that respect and understand but we can't tell him what to do and control what he wants for his career.

It's up to us if we stay or not???

You rock glitzylady and thanks for all the information you are giving to us everyday indeed!!!:)

We love yah! and don't ever leave us here with this idiots he!he!


leilani Aloha said...

Let's all focus on the positive!
The Law of Attraction!!!
Good vibrations/energy for Adam's new album to drop on 5/15 to be a HUGE Success!!!

We all Love & Support Adam always!!!
Calling all Adam fans to Buy his music!!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady you can call me Mojomaniac

Anonymous said...

Well, have we spilled our guts? There is not one single solitary idea we have discussed here that Adam and his management have not thought about and discussed as well. They have invested in him and want him to succeed. They're probably scratching their heads wondering what the magic potion is that will make it all happen. They recognize his talent, too.

Donnaw said...

OMG! I so depressed after reading all of these comments.
I want Adam to be a HUGE star so much and if his own fans don't think he's on the right road i have doubts about the general public.
He's so damn talented i can't see why can't pick the right vehicle to get him to the top! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anne Marie said...

Just a side thought, my own, I didn't like the single video of BTIKM. It is a good video, but I think Adam thought it might help to open a few doors for his acting.
I personally don't think his acting is very good, he needs to stick to his singing, which is good. That single might have done better if it was less serious. It might have been a story between his cat or dog, "you know me better than I know myself". At least people would have understood it.

Anonymous said...

Adam just needs a song that sticks in EVERYONE'S head, I mean EVERYONE'S, fans and non-fans alike.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Just full of craps indeed!!!

If anyone of you have a problem what to do with adams career please use your coconut and stop complaining....

Action is louder than voice!!!! Gosh!!!


Anonymous said...

Too much time spent on what Adam should or should not be doing. OMG, he is one smart guy and his management and label have him and his career under control. Give his 2nd album a chance. I personally love BTIKM and to me, it is a song that stays in my head.
A song is a song, there are so many stupid songs imo, being spun by dj's everday. That song, We Are Young, is played at least 50 times a day, to me thats a stupid song.
I dont really understand how these radio directors make the choices they make at all.
I would not send this lind to Adam, that would be embarrasing.
He reads fansites, and he may lurk here time and again.
If he makes a music video showing him and a girl, omg he would gain tons of fans. Who cares if assholes would say he isnt true, should he do this.
Details photo shoot? Yes he gained fans and more fans.
Give us more Adam. Women want the fantasy from YOU. Those who would diss over something like this, yes they are the problem.
He's in the entertainment world, fiction or non, bring it on.
I also think he thinks too much. Always explaining issues, just sing baby and it will all work out in the laundry!!!!

Anonymous said...

Suddenly many fans have become the experts and know exactly what Adam should do about his career. Long winded experts at that. Gals seem to love him no matter what. Guys...not so much. He'll be around a long time if he really wants to.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:14, I agree totally. The album will be released a and Adam will hit the road promoting it. Let him do his thing and let's stay out of his business. Best to all!

HK fan said...

I haven't read all the comments, still trying to catch up, just wanted to say that I love BTIKM, its my favourite single so far from Adam, and I adore the video. So just because you don't like, please don't assume that all fans don't.
I'm also 100% positive that had the radio stations actually played the song it would have done really well, and probably outsold IIHY.

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Friend
Hey, I see you have not been scorched, being 12" from the sun; LOL! Yea "Leave our wild child alone!" I've had my share of fighting about the AMAs since about three years ago and was always fighting alone. Almost everyone backed out even his diehards. Not me, I never caved in! By nature quite obstinate, but in the AMAs performance, I saw it as a theatre maestro at his best, regardless if the sound system failed him. That accidental ninja roll showed Adam's presence of mind; came off unscathed. Ninja test passed with flying colours. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing, so many experts ready and eager to enlighten Adam on what he's doing wrong. This is ADAM!
You think he would give a damn? He is apparently proud of being stubborn and a non-conformist, well, he has the right to be, but he is paying the consequences. It's pretty obvious you can't tell him anything, so save your breath. He is the master of his fate. I think he is wonderfully talented and I think he has made some huge mistakes. I hope he can pull out of the results of them. I enjoy his voice and applaud his charm and wit, but if he were my son, I'd be tearing my hair out. And that would be none of my business as he is a grown man and will do as he pleases. Either buy his music or not, but don't think you can influence it or him. He is who he is. I am so eager for the new album so I can lie in a dark room and let his voice wash over me. He brings me great pleasure and for that, thank you Adam. I accept what I can't and shouldn't attempt to change.

Anonymous said...

By the way....the song collab betweeen Adam and Sam Sparro is Shady. Anxious to hear that!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is another day and It will bring newer and brighter information about Adam and we all will flail collectively so calm your selves and wait for the new single and video, I have a good feeling that it will get better from now on here. Adam and his team is working hard and diligently to make him successful, Adam is a smart man and have learned some valuable lesson these last three years and everything is falling in place as it should, this year will bring the success he deserves. Always Love ADAM.

glitzylady said...

As one of the "long winded" posters here..I might as well live up to my reputation and say a couple of more things. What the heck. : /

I just wanted to be clear that I was not criticizing his AMA performance in my (long..) comment above. Unfortunately a couple of things went wrong during the performance (sound, fall..) there was a backlash and THAT is what worried me: a lot. I was afraid he would be lost to us and I am SO grateful that he had the force of will..and the incredible talent, to forge ahead, in spite of criticism. I loved THE KISS...after the initial surprise of it..Adam himself was surprised, after all. The overreaction of ABC, and the way he was treated immediately afterward, and may still be being treated to a certain extent, since then, made me sad and a little angry. He is too big a talent to be lost.. I also have every reason to believe he will ultimately be recognized everywhere for what he is: a good man with a powerful and beautiful voice, who wants to entertain us, inspire us, and live his life in an honest way, and be proud of himself for being true to himself. I'm very proud of him as a fan..

I have absolutely NO advice for Adam, nor would I ever suggest that I think he should do anything differently. I think he is amazing, doing a fabulous job, and I would wish him nothing but positive energy coming at him from every direction, and tremendous success in every aspect of his life.

For what its worth, I love BTIKM. Its a beautiful song. I also am in love with all of the other new songs from Trespassing that we have heard so far, the album snippets, and the acoustic versions that we've heard at his many promo gigs. I really think what we've seen here in this Blog thread is evidence that Adam has something for everyone on his new Album..and we are passionate in our wishes for him to be happy and successful. I also think his first album, FYE, is great as well. I've probably heard each and every song a thousand times and still love it..But I'm ready to hear the new material. And ready for a new tour. And to hear him sing with Queen...I'm beyond thrilled that they admire and respect Adam as an artist as much as we do.

Last but not least, I hope I wasn't interpreted as saying Adam shouldn't do this or do that in his music vids (or anything else for that matter). What I was saying is that he at this time has said he feels restricted in what he can do: societal restraints..I would love it if he felt he could kiss a guy, and if he ever feels the urge to kiss a woman in a video...I would find that to be more than just a little HOT..Its called acting : )) ..I also loved the DETAILS magazine photo shoot.. Whoa!!! I want Adam to make his choices tho, not those of us who comment in blogs...I adore him, my family adores and supports him, and I truly hope he will be entertaining us in his own way and on his own terms, for many many years to come. I love the "Zodiac Show Adam", the "Burning Man Adam", the "Idol Adam", the "Planet Fierce Adam", the "AMA Adam", the "GNT Adam", the soon-to-be "Trespassing Adam", etc.., and if I were one of his inner circle, I'm sure I would love the just plain old family-and-close-friends Adam...

Time to move on to Trespassing, the album..and whatever else he wants to give single, more live performances...I'm ready. As Adam sings in the album track Trespassing "Lets GO!"

Anonymous said...

Adam has a mission on earth, that's what I believe.
And right now, he is undergoing persecution before that mission is accomplished. In my own small way, all I can do is pray which I do for Adam daily. He is always in my prayers.

HK fan said...

I still think the Details shoot is my favourite ever shoot of his, and not because he's with a woman, but because he looks so beautiful, sexy and hot...

Jax said...

Dear all,

I thank all of you for your comments, and I apologize in advance if I can't address u individually as this could take hours.

Just let me say this one thing in the beginning that reading your thoughts I realized WE MOSTLY DON'T WANT TO SEND THIS DISCUSSION TO ADAM, so we won't. Thanks for responding to that. :)

About the AMA, I think I made it quite clear that my question isn't about his AMA adventure but mainly about the fact you fellow Glamberts think is the main reason to his mellow success. You guys, brought up the AMA and your thoughts were really insightful, thank you for that. Especially @Glitzylady, I really like your remark about the Details magazine's article and I believe it really was one of the main reasons. They really messed with Adam's mind and it wasn't nice. I SIMPLY THINK AMA WAS A GREAT SOCIO-ARTISTIC STATEMENT, WHICH GONE WRONG BY NOT BEING STATED IN A GOOD TIME, PROPER PLACE AND WITH SUITABLE PREPARATIONS. That's it...

Kentucky fan > WOW... You really enlightened me about the radio! That's really true. I am Iranian so I wouldn't know that thorough about those info but you really enlightened me. Guess then it really is mostly a social-political thing OR EVEN AS A FRIEND SAID RIGHTEOUSLY HERE EARLIER A RELIGIOUS THING... I can relate to that living in an extremist country myself. ;)

@Glitzylady > tnx for taking so much time to contribute to the discussion. I think all of the Glamberts mostly agree with your thoughts about Adam and his career. Thank you so so much for reminding us all of that.

@DRG Is also very right about a TV show with huge variable audiences like DWTS. I hope he does something really good with the idol show.

Anyway thanks to all the Anons and everyone who contributed to the discussion Esp Glitzylady, Abby, HK, DRG, Canadian, Dark Side, Leilani, Anne Marie and...

Compilation in the next Comment. :)

Jax said...

Mostly I'm happy we could easily share our thoughts and ideas about one question and covering so many subjects surrounding Adam. So thank you all...

WE DIDN'T NECESSARILY REACHED A SINGLE ANSWER OR AGREEMENT ON THE QUESTION IN HAND, but we shared many thoughts and insights which would prepare us to take a much better step if we ever needed to help Adam in any way.

So this wasn't at all US TRYING TO BE EXPERTS AND ENLIGHTEN ADAM. Every public art statement or material has two sides, Creator and the Spectator. It is on both parties to share their ideas to reach a better result. WE DIDN'T SUGGEST TO CHANGE ADAM, HIS STYLE, BEHAVIOR OR CHARACTER. We as the ones who support him and want the best for him are entitled to talk about him and help each other understand if there is something wrong or right about the things we are so passionate about. WE JUST ASKED A QUESTION AND TRIED TO FIND A REASONABLE ANSWER FOR IT. THE CONCERN TO MAYBE INFORM ADAM ABOUT THE "DISCUSSIONS" OR NOT WAS DEFINITELY FOR HIM TO MAYBE ENLIGHTEN US NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.


I guess with all the things you guys said it'd be better if we waited a little longer until Adam makes his next attempts BUT IN THE MEANTIME BE A LITTLE LOUDER AND MORE SHARING WITH OUR IDEAS ABOUT OUR IDOL with the man himself so he could make the best decisions in the easiest way while he does WHAT HE LIKES and what HE LIKES US TO LIKE. :)

Thank you all, I wish you an amazing TRESPASSING into Adam's world in the coming days...

Luv u all.
Jax ;)

Jax said...

P.S. most of all thanks to Justice Lee, for having the guts to entice this discussion on this blog:


Anonymous said...

Loved that AMA performance. Loved the CULTURAL/HISTORICAL reference, too bad it was LOST on so MANY! Ignorance reigns in the good ole U.S.A. It was downright TAME compared to much of what is "out there" nowadays, in MAINSTREAM ways & venues. Yep, loved the "references" that performance hinted at, sophisticated and smart, while being sexy and fun at the same time, what an award show performance SHOULD BE. Those tv execs pimped it all night long that night, but more importantly, they pimped "what will happen this year...,etc" the whole following AMA season, totally pimped AFL again really in their advertising for the next 2010 show, was disgusting! I trust Adam. He knows what limits will be on his level of fame...but he'll shine when he wants to shine ;)! He's a gift to music. Support him.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be difficult to find the deeper truth of why some people don't like Adam by merely asking them. The reason is that the truth may tell more about them than Adam. For example, not many will say oh,bigotry.

Anonymous said...

Unless you are in the music industry you are not an authority on what the record company or management should or should not have done. What makes you think you can conduct your own "research" and send it to Adam. When Adam sends you a survey is when he wants your opinion.
Half the posts on here are probably from the troll.
Until Adam specifically asks your opinion, shut the fuck up and mind your own beeswax.

Anonymous said...


What's it hurt? Adam could throw away the research if he wanted to. The poster certainly did not sound like a troll at all to me. She sounded like someone who wanted to find out opinions of those who are neither glamberts nor haters. I just think it will be difficult to get the truth about people when we are talking about a gay singer who is out and proud about being his himself and expressing his sexuality.

Anonymous said...

We can certainly count ourselves lucky as ones who can enjoy the wonderful amazingly talented and exciting performer, Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

My take on this is if someone truthfully wants to find out more about Adam, then be humble and ask; instead of going in a round- about way trying to circumvent the issue, and on the pretext of gathering concensus, worse still sending information to Adam; who probably knows exactly what he is doing and has the best team of advisers comprising his family, Sauli and long-time colleagues, musicians, music producers, close friends and fans. So I think 7:20 has every right to vent out. Because all of us who came here had to plough through the mess much of which is outdated, like the AMAs, goodness, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then. Why rig it up on the pretext of trying to help and guide Adam. In any case Adam is doing just fine; if he needs further feedback from fans, he goes to Twitter or any fan sites, like ours here.

Anonymous said...

Persoanlly, I think 7:20 should shut the fuck up and mind her own business.

Anonymous said...

I have family members who will NEVER like Adam because of things they have seen about the AMA's and such, but they will never tell you that.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my totally agree with you. Let Adam and his team run his career. We need to be fans and support him, if we like it or leave if we don't. I for one would be happy with anything he sings, so I will be buying his Cd's and going to as many concerts as I can.I honestly think we are just seeing the beginning of his long successful career.

Anonymous said...


funbunn40 said...

I think this thread has opened up an interesting discussion with different points of view and the word "troll" seems a litle judgemental and over used when someone is expressing a different opinion. Glitzylady well covered my thoughts that are usually in alignment with hers and has spared me my previous lengthy posts. lol I would rather have these differing discussions here, many intelligent and insightful
getting all sides, than have a well meaning fan directly contacting Adam about his life and his very personal choices. I think with the exception of one or more obvious "button pushers", we all really want the best for him and it's frustrating to see mass appreciation for his undeniable talent take so long with obvious restricting roadblocks. Adam is a 30 yr old smart savvy man that has learned a lot in the past two years and is very aware of the fine line between his artistic integrity and a very political,cut throat business. I think he has navigated extremely well with all of the pressures and "expert opinions" from mgt. to his worldwide fans. Adam has made mis steps along the way. The AMAs, like it or not, old news or not does continue to follow him in the minds of many religious right wingers as well as those that believe it was just self indulgent poor taste. At the time I thought,oh no, you may have blown a magnificent opportunity and for many reasons it wasn't his best performance. It did open up a dialogue that shed light on a glaring, blatant double standard. Crotch grabbing, mic fellatio,etc. seems like a move for sensationalism attention, when an implied hint is more sensuous in my opinion. Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch seemed ridiculous and self serving. Adam running his fingers over Brooke Wendle's abdomen during Voodoo during the GNT. for me, much more erotic, but that is my taste, not everyone's. It later did open up a dialogue that did highlight the blatant double standard that needed to be addressed. The Tommy kissing on the GNT was egged on by fans encouraging it and Adam wanting to please and make a point. Adam was in the process of trying to determine his path, the fans wants and exerting his frustration at the double standard. The glitter and over the top makeup was fun and enhanced the GNT, but it also turned off straight, macho guys as potential fans as well as the homophobes. I had a conversation with two gay men that said," Isn't he the guy that's like Liberace? Haven't seen him since American Idol." I loved the Detail shoot. Adam and the model were erotic and beautiful and I think Adam meant it as a fantasy for his hetro fans, giving them something to entertain them, knowing that in the real world he was a very secure gay man. I bought it, smiling, thinking how generous it was to think of us. Then he had to deal with the backlash of some in the gay community. He's dealt with it all with class and grace. Forwarding well meant opinions on how Adam should tackle his career will not be helpful, unless he asks, only take away his pleasure and anticipation over his labor of love. He is thrilled and so excited about this album. Voicing apprehension will disappoint and tarnish his joy. The album is finished and criticizing before it it's release will serve no purpose. I think Trespassing will do well and he will continue to grow and learn. It's his path to take and his mistakes and triumphs to own. It makes him who he is and who we love and hopefully our appreciation will always be unconditional and tempered with faith in his choices and abilities.

Jax said...

Very well said funbunn40, tnx. ;)