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Stars Hit the 2012 NewNowNext Awards

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, April 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 06, 2012

Perez Hilton shows off his chiseled abs and slimmer bod while Busy Philipps reveals her newest guilty pleasure! Plus, get the scoop on new music from Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous as always and Perez is such a douche as usual!!

Anonymous said...

I love this video, I laughed and laughed; gay people seem to be more light-hearted, they know how to enjoy and have fun. I like their weird sense of humour; like Sharon Needles says she has reigned as Miss Hell for 666 years and not want to mess with perfection. LOL! And Adam too, who says he feels normal!! That's so cute and I sort of agree after watching some of the others. And this pretty lady says that some are always one year behind everyone else, hilarious. Yea that's the way, I like it... LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Defend Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm displaying my woeful computer ignorance. What do they want when they ask for name/URL ? I don't want to use my real name but when I type in my "tag" nothing happens.
Can someone explain to me please?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Open ID what does that mean? I'm still in baby steps of computer world.

Anonymous said...

Perez Hilton looks scary & dressed weird , bad taste to me!

Adam gorgeous & " normal" :):):)

Anonymous said...

Perez UGH . . probably thinks Adam will look at him with his new body

Anonymous said...

Perez does look very weird & scary..I bet he had lipo & "sprayed on" abs- lol!!Doesn't it look that way to anybody else??He's so gross.BB LOOKED SO GORGEOUS!Love his outfits,esp the stage one with those leather pants-very sexy;not long now til we get to see him sing Trespassing on a large screen tv with great audio & video( ours is a 52" flatscreen) can't wait to save that on our DVR also.

HK fan said...

Definitely looks like makeup at least on the abs to define them....I must admit thats the best Perez has looked....but he still looks like a slimeball.

Anonymous said...

was PH wearing Army clothes?

fefa said...

I personally use Name/URL. I use my cellphone to see this blog. When I finish writing my comment, a little lower it saids "comment as: Select profile" right? so I click it and for me (I think is because I use the mobile version, don't know if in a computer is the same) it appears another small window on top of my comment that gives me the options to choose. Then I click the Name/URL option and in "name" you write whatever name u want (in this case your tag :3) and the URL blank is optional so no need fo fill it. Then in the lower area of that small window is a button that saids "continue" and when u clik it , it getz u back to your comment but this time in the "comment as" option on the bottom of ur comment it saids the name you wrote. (In my case it saids
"comment as: fefa")

U can also just do like some Glamberts here that they just put their names at the end or start of their comment :)

Hope it help you a little :)

Anonymous said...


Adam you are not normal because you are the only one male pop star can sing live in your generation indeed!!!!!

You are from PLANET FIERCE REMEMBER???:)))

Love u gorgeous!!!! Whew!!


Urethra_Franklin said...

12:20 Defend Adam? She hasnt posted anything that isnt true. Get over yourself. Youre one of THOSE that give this fandom that crappy reputation it has.

Anonymous said...

Perez looks like Hugh Lawrie from House, which is fine if your an acerbically funny, witty guy but he isn't, House would demolish Perez in 20 seconds. BTW, he is scarily skinny

Anonymous said...

after being in this last poll fans are the same everywhere or worse.

Anonymous said...

I just read that blog I'll call it PH 2.0. She is expecting alot of hits from glamberts so I hope no one leaves a comment. It was snarky.

Anonymous said...

hmmm I didn't see Adam's BTIKM on the top 20 which is no big surprise here. I don't know what system they use but votes count very little, methinks.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Urethra @ 6:00, she even said that BTIKM was good.
Some glamberts blow up so easily. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Well Perez looked kind of creepy,but Adam looked beautiful. Can't wait to watch it on Monday night on T.V.! Kelly O. sure is a Glambert!

glitzylady said...

I agree: The blog is saying pretty much what most of us ask.."Why?" Sounds like a fan of Adam Lambert...not a detractor.

The Dark Side said...

I voted my butt off on the Vh1 Top 20, and I know that most other fans did also, so wtf? Wondering why Perez didn't post a picture of himself on his blog and dress like a normal person in public. Loved Adam's remarks about hair and shoes. Sorry Adam, you are not normal, you are in a class all by yourself,baby!

daydreamin said...

Perez and was waayyyy improperly dressed. Why he felt he had to leave his shirt open and be a show off is plain arrogant. I bet he's been dying to show off in the right setting in front of Adam! Adam as usual dressed perfect for an awards show. He will be treated with the respect he is due because he knows how to act the part that comes so naturally to him. He has wanted this so badly for so long and has learned from the best. IMHO he is now the best. PH needs to take a hint.

Anonymous said...

The Darkside personaly I think RCA had them pull the video, just like they did FYE, because the next video will be done very soon. Come on next sigle. I want 2 Adam song on the radio at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so great on that stage, will be glued to my set come Monday. I loved all those red carpet characters too.

tess4ADAM said...

Re: VH1 VOTING ... I CANNOT believe that Karmin or Nickelback or some of the other 'WTH are they' got MORE votes than ADAM .. Adele or Bruno ... YEAH!! MY A$$!! they are nobodys .. their vids haven't even been on the countdown before!! Well ... now's the time to CRASH VH1 site with as many votes as possible so we need the Glamberts from all over to come together & VOTE EN MASSE!! Let's GO!!! Wait'll they get a load of US!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Got your bk tess4Adam..go get them Glambetsif you know a way to vote more then 20 times per day let me know

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM VH1 doesn't care about our votes. However, BTIKM is still on vote list. Which is very good sign.
Hope Adam will release "Tresspassing" as a new single and make music video. This song it awesome.

Anonymous said...

Voted for Adam on VH1 on 2 devices daily(40votes per day). I cannot believe it ! Adam has way more views than most of the others...what else do we have to do? I agree it is a good sign that BTIKM is still on the voting panel so I'm NOT giving up. Someone posted that u can vote constantly if you delete your "cookies"? How do u do that?

I'm so happy 'cause I sent my daughter (a non-fan of Adam more of a KA fan) the vid of Adam's Trespassing performance of NNN Awards and she loved it! She said this is a song that really grows on you and has great potential to be a big hit! I'm squeeeeeing. I think we've got another Glambert!


Anonymous said...

Good for Perez getting healthier.. Looks better. Now if he could just do something about his personality.

Adamluv said...

@1:11 - we were all there so dont worry. @feta gave good advice - next to name/url - type in your tag name - click publish and it should work. You said it didnt but try again. Good luck. Are you first clicking on the little circle in front? ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Keep voting on VH1! BTIKM deserves to stay up in the top! Vote every day just like brushing your teeth. It really makes a statement when we keep Adam up there.

Adamluv said...

@CT - since your daughter is a fan of Kris' has she heard his new single Vision of Love? I listened to it yesterday and really liked it, and the video has an anti-bullying message which of course really admire. Bet you are a happy camper with her liking Trespassing and agree about the big hit potential. Sorry you couldnt make it to the awards show. Hopefully next time. I dont think they let anyone in the red carpet area except for the celebrities, etc. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Darling you need to see THIS!! Thouse ARE the LONG LONGS!!! WOW!!


Anonymous said...

It is upsetting about BTIKM on VH1 but I have to admit I'm kind of happy about Jason Mraz my old pre-Adam favorite. It's not so much about Jason's voice but his song writing. And I hope in the future he and Adam would co-write something. Adam is my #1 but If anyone is interested, check out Jason's new video.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be back in the top 20 on VH1 next week. I always forget they are a week behind. Last week is when everyone was voting on the MTV march madness and not voting on VH1. You can delete your cookies and vote on facebook and twitter for 20 more votes and there is another page for unlimited voting. Could someone please post the link to the unlimited voting on VH1. Thanks,

Anonymous said...


I'll ask my daughter if she's heard KA's new single. I only know that Adam has praised it on one of his radio promo interviews....but you know Adam, always giving props to other artists.

I took my daughter with me to one of the GNT's and she liked it too but she was not the "crazy" fangirl that I am. I get a lot of eye rolls from my family LOL!

She did one very amazing thing for me (indirectly) regarding Adam. Her friend works for Vevo and was in NYC when Adam was there recently. She and the friend knew how over-the-top cuckoo I am for Adam so the friend met Adam in the Vevo offices and asked him for an autographed picture for me!!!! It's gorgeous!!! It's very personalized and def very authentic!!! I drool every time I look at it. Good daughter,right?


glitzylady said...

I don't usually comment on KA because it sometimes creates all sorts of ...strife...but I've seen his new video and I like it..Good song, extremely important anit-bullying message..I might even download "Vision of Love"..Please don't throw bricks at me for mentioning it because the message is too important to overlook. I actually had one follower on Twitter un-follower me because I dared to answer another Twitter friend and agree that the song is good..I even used initials. I don't have time for that kind of pettiness. I hope no one else does either. The more celebs who can speak out against bullying the better, and the more of us that can too... : ))

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, @ 2:50 I absolutely agree.


Anonymous said...

I deleted my cookies but vh1 won't let me vote again today

Abby said...

@ 3:00,I thought that once a video was out of the top 20, it was out for good. Does anyone know when Adam will be announcing the new single? - Abby

Jadam NZ said...

Must nearly be time for the single to be announced, cant wait. Loved the performance of Trespassing.

HK fan said...

apparently Nellie Furtados fell off the countdown last week, but was back on it this week, so I say while Adams song is still there for voting on then there is a chance to get it back on the countdown. So keep voting, it only takes a couple of minutes a day.

As to the name/url as previously said, just click on the circle, type in your 'screen' name under name, ignore url, you don't need to put anything there, and click on publish comment.

Anonymous said...

Adam is good freinds with Kris he has always talked highly of him Adam said he won he got out of Idol what he wanted of couse I am Adam all the way but I don't see why his fans have to be so ugly to Kris or any one else Adam isn't so why can't we his fans learn from him.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:00 PM

Try shutting down altogether & start again.

Anonymous said...

KA is talented and a nice guy. I would never disrespect him. He just has no IT factor for me. He has good loyal fans. I think his new song is good. Adam makes me swoon, sweat, palpitate, sigh, scream, faint and gasp. There's a difference.

Anonymous said...

@3:00PM ..

Here's the method I use ... I have both FB & Twitter as well as both Google & Yahoo ...
First I use Google to access VH1 countdown ... I vote the number of times allowed (BTW I also view the video several times in case that is a factor as well) ... when I reach the final screen that says you have 0 votes remaining ... and it takes you back to the countdown screen with ADAM's pic ... I stay on that screen (w/ADAM's pic) ... go to 'Tools' .. click on Internet Options .. delete Browsing History .. then delete at the bottom when prompted ... when that process is finished ... click 'Cancel' ... click on ADAM's pic again & continue to vote again ... I do this as many times it will allow me to using either FB or Twitter ... switch to Yahoo & do the same alternating between FB & Twitter ... when I can no longer vote here ... I go to .. .. and vote there for awhile ... later ... I delete cookies ... restart my computer & go back to VH1 countdown & vote some more ... this method allows me to vote at least 40x (sometimes more) on each visit ... how many times you vote depends on you & how much time you can devote ... I am housebound so I can vote as MUCH as I want to ... usually 3 or 4x a day ... I vote at other polls also ... some in Europe .. one in Brazil ... GOOD LUCK!! Hope this helps you ... Love 'n Light from a fellow Glambert

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

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