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"Trespassing" (Taped Version)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, April 09, 2012

Thanks GaleWhittington!


Anonymous said...

those backup singers weren't necessary. They took away from the song instead of adding to it. AL don't need the extra voices

Anonymous said...

I think backup singers are necessary for lots of Adam's songs...adds depth, and it's better, imo, than hearing a track of Adam's harmonies when he's singing live.
That being said, I didn't like where the singers were on stage. I think it would be much better if they were way off to the side.

Anonymous said...

By the way, thanks for posting this taped video of Trespassing at the NNN Awards. I see the other video has been removed due to a copyright claim.

Anonymous said...

good lord, complaints complaints complaints. JUST FUCKING ENJOY HIM.

in my personal opinion, I think the backup singers are great. but if i didn't perfer them, that STILL WOULDN'T BE MY FIRST THING TO SAY ON A BLOG AFTER ADAM'S WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE. JFC

Anonymous said...

the second 1:33 lol It's called nitpicking.

Anonymous said...

Wish you would stop complaining about other people expressing their opinions. I DID enjoy him. Besides, this isn't the first I've commented on this blog regarding this wonderful performance. This performance was posted here yesterday with 77 comments beneath it. This is just a repost of the video, I'm assuming since the first video was removed.

Anonymous said...

poor Adam, can you imagine him opening a thread on a blog (because, you know what, I'd bet the farm he does, he's only human and very social media savvy) and seeing the VERY FIRST COMMENT being that one...and said so matter of factly... not with a "IMHO" or anything, just blamo: negative. So not what Adam seems to be about. Good thing is, he'd probably not give a rat's ass, good on him.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you give such a rat's ass about what others write. Though I don't agree with the first post, I could see the compliment to Adam that his voice is all that's needed. The first 2 posts weren't fighting with anyone. Starting with post #3, the blog went downhill.

Anonymous said...

make that the first THREE posts weren't fighting. Starting with post #4, the blog went downhill.

Anonymous said...

the last tweet Adam sent out has a link for the GOOD QUALITY VIDEO which has been erased here


Anonymous said...

@anon April 9, 2012 1:40 PM


Anonymous said...

Thanks 2:07. And I think the vid is still up on LOGO itself??

mosie said...

I remember when Adam had his dancers performing with him so many complained. Are we starting up this shit again now with the backup singers come on leave the girls alone. Sometimes me thinks people just need some thing to complain about. They sounded great to me. Isn't it up to Adam and his management who he has we should just enjoy Adam and who he is a wonderful performer, with a voice to die for!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to watch it tonight on my T.V. I set my DVR to save it and watch it later. Definitely, this performance will be great on T.V. rather than on Youtube videos with crappy computer speakers. I envy those who were able to see this performance live. For sure Adam's live performances are out of this world. Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Good heavens people just enjoy the perfect man, with his perfect voice, with his perfect moves, with his perfect everything. Give it a rest!

Anonymous said...

@2:11 and 2:14, exactly.

Anonymous said...

Really, is all this fighting necessary?! Big deal, 2 people had critical thoughts about the performance. They are both obviously fans. They weren't fighting or mean-spirited.

glitzylady said...

I had the same thoughts: When the back-up dancers were first introduced, there was a big uproar, which eventually stopped. I think the back-up singers are great and do not take anything away from Adam..All I ever see (and hear) is Adam anyway. : ))

For anyone thinking he hasn't had back-up singers before: yes he has: band members, for instance Kevin, Camilla,etc.....

Anonymous said...

I think the back up singers were great....added to the energy of the song and the two lovely,talented ladies did not over power Adam's vocals (I assume he does his own back up on the song?) I also enjoyed their interpretive hand gestures....went well with Adam's. The band members clapping/stomping was fun a real energetic vibe from everyone on the stage.

It was a great ALL.

Anonymous said...

I thought the girls were the icing on the cake. Good voices, energetic and loved their little Trespassing outfits. Who thinks of all these details? I hope he does the same thing on AI.

Anonymous said...

The back up dancers got a lot better with time.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing outfits...I didn't catch that until you said it...the yellow tape on the edge of their dresses.

Anonymous said...

I love it. I thought the addition of the back up singers were amazing they added that ump! To the performance.

You could clearly see that everyone(including the band) was having a good time.

And he look stunning as always.

Anonymous said...

2:52 their sleeves too.

Anonymous said...

As someone said that stage showed that Adam's band represented people of all ages, sexes, races, sizes and that just rocks!!! The stage was rather small so where else would the girls stand?? I love them and they complimented the performance and hope they'll be used next time.

Anonymous said...

@April 9, 2012 2:22: no, just total buzz-kills! but whatevs.

Anonymous said...

and if y'all recall, Adam tweeted pretty swiftly in defense of his choices regarding the GNT backup dancers, basically saying those who weren't happy or interested in the show as he was putting it together were free to walk on by. I remember feeling sort of embarrassed at the time, for everyone, sure freakin' hope that doesn't happen in this case! I don't think it will. And in my own OPINION, I think the back up singers add A TON on various levels. You go girls

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Agree, love the backup singers! Way to go Adam. Smart damn man

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the idol days

Anonymous said...

Spectacular performance!!! It would be fantastic all the joy and great movement in the deploy Adam Idol, projecting his voice and presence to the huge audience in the world l Musical!! HH.

Anonymous said...

Great performance by Adam. The backup singers just added to the entire harmony of Trespassing. The band members and the audience all seemed to be having fun with this song. He didn't need all that confetti towards the end; it blocked our view of Adam, but he was smart enough to move back to the middle of the stage. No matter how good the performance is by Adam, there will always be a few with something to criticize as if they were in the music business. You can't please everyone as far as any singer is concerned. If you don't like it, don't listen again, don't buy the album and move on to some no talent, auto-tuned performer who lacks Adam's intelligence, self confidence, sense of humor and charm. To me, he is the best vocal talent in music today and I can't wait for the release of his new album. In fact, I just ordered the deluxe edition through Barnes and Noble for delivery.

Anonymous said...

Well I just watched it live and I didn't even notice the back up singers- my eyes were all on adam... Great performance, I knew he was going to be last and love love kelly for that fabalous intro. Adam stole the show IMO actually I fast forwarded through most of it and was alittle surprized this newcomer of 2 weeks Josh from hunger games won the twitter round and vampire diaries won best fan base WTF (whose vampire diaries anyway) Anyway- awesome performance from adam hope he does this on idol or NCOE- either one would be great!

Anonymous said...

I loved the performance!! Adam was awesome as usual. Ready to see him perform on the Idol stage Whether it be Trespassing,Cuckoo or NCOE.

glitzylady said...

Adam won the West Coast Twitter Feed ...

Anonymous said...

Holy Smokes, 8:27!
A tiny criticism of a particular performance doesn't mean someone doesn't like it or won't buy it or is wanting to move onto a no-talent. So extreme, lol!
Adam is the best singer and performer in the business today.

funbunn40 said...

Adam's performance was all I had hoped, electric and fun! Great keyboard and Ashley rocked it. The backup singers added more dimension, but I only had eyes for Adam. The audience loved it too! ADAM ALERT! Queen came thru' and booked 3 more venues. Kiev added to Mocow and two in London at Hammersmith Apollo according to Idolator website. Elton John also to appear. Haven't seen confirmation from Adam yet.

Anonymous said...

Adam was amazing and I love the two girls, very professional outfit, the only thing I thought spoilt this performance was the confetti they let it fly too soon and you couldn't see Adam if they could have held off just before Adam finished his song it would have been much better, but the performance it'self was spectacular.

Anonymous said...

I loved seiing the confetti drop while Adam's spectacular voice is also filling the room. What a perfect experience! Well done Adam and NNN Award! The whole show was perfect!

The Dark Side said...

Thought the performance rocked and liked the BU singers. Could have done with a little less confetti, but its done! Adam always delivers! Love the attitude went so well with the song.

HK fan said...

@anon apr10 4.07am
The guy operating the confetti cannon obviously got a little excited watching Adam, and 'released' a bit too early.....

Anonymous said...

Loved the performance! I thought it was a bit odd though how Adam turned and left the stage immediately without even a bow or a wave goodbye.
Did anyone else find that odd?

Anonymous said...

@Anon April 11, 2012 7:26 AM:

Hunny, I didn't find that odd, I found it HAWT AS HELL

Anonymous said...

7:53, this is 7:26, LOL. Yeah I guess it was. :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here........I agree that the premature confetti ejaculation was a bit disturbing, anything that hides our boy is a no-no. But, as they say in Ireland... wasn't he grand?

Anonymous said...

to those complaining about adam turning and throwing mic and walking off at end...hellllooooooo....geez...people the song is about defiance against a society that says you are not allowed because you are different...this is called acting...and performance...i thought it was great...kick ass way to end. rock god he is...and funk god...and ballad god..