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ADAM LAMBERT in Rolling Stone May 24 issue

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 08, 2012

@Valress: ADAM LAMBERT in Rolling Stone May 24 issue


Adamluv said...

Great to see RS finally supporting Adam again as they did with his cover photo!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to see this! RS is still the big time. Someday, Adam will be on the cover again. I just know it!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see they gave attention to Adam performing with Queen.

Anonymous said...

They will not regret it by giving Adam the recognition he deserved.

It's overdue!!!!

This young talented man will stay for a long time indeed:)))

Bravo Adam!!! The worldberts are always here to support you my dear:)


Urethra_Franklin said...

Pearl clutchers BEWARE! This interview is BOOM BOOM FANTASTIC!!


Urethra_Franklin said...

If you wanna read it...but hurry its bound to be taken down.

Shiggles said...

Thanks Urie: You always come thru for us. Great write up btw.

Shiggles said...

The link below shows Adam's vocal range in Running.

Anonymous said...

Yes! 4 stars from RS,that is really great. Adam must be so happy to be reading all these great reviews.Trespassing deserves to be #1 on billboard and get a Grammy next year. I have listened to it on AO all day,it is truly a work of art!

Anonymous said...

Every single review I've read today hails Adam's TRESPASSING album as AMAZING and EXCELLENT. One of Lady Gaga's fansites tweeted that her "monsters" should pre-order Adam's cd now!

AND, Trespassing is now #15 on Amazon's best sellers music list!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for posting this article but I can't read the words clearly, even enlarged to the max. :-(

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin Thank your for the link. Great article.

Just wondering! Who is this girl?!!!


Anonymous said...

a lucky girl indeed...

Anonymous said...

OMG, I just have to laugh out loud, watching Justin Bieber grab his crotch and sing badly/blandly on the voice is so funny..

Anonymous said...

Urethra, Thanks for the link to the RS article. Read it and loved it. It's not all a bed of roses. Adam still feels like an outsider. AI does carry a stigma. Hopefully, that will fade in time. The success of Trespassing is SO important to get him more accepted. So glad RS did an article on him. Maybe another cover is in the future?


Anonymous said...

Other singers probably still look down their noses at AI alums.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:44--So agree with you. Bieber on the Voice was absolutely horrendous. He can't sing, kept grabbing his crotch, tried some rap...all horrible. Too much of an Usher influence in everything. The only reason this will sell is because of his built in tween and teen fanbase. Once they grow up they will realize that he is really nothing special and move on to someone older and better. Speaking of which is Adam Lambert..super talented, articulate, smart, witty, polite and so sexy. The reviews for Trespassing seem to be very positive and I hope that Adam gets the support, success and accolades that he so deserves. There is no better voice than his in the music business today.

Anonymous said...

I read the RS article and it is sad to see that Adam still feels like an outsider because of the AI association and then the AMA show issues. Hopefully in time people will realize what an extremely talented performer he is and that he deserves to be recognized for his amaaaaazing voice. There is just no one like him in music today and that makes him very special/unique in a music world filled with sameness and mediocrity. He had my support from the first note he sang on AI and I will continue to be a devoted fan and even moreso esp. after listening to TRESPASSING. Can't wait to get my copy next week and listen to it whenever I want and enjoy every single word and song on it.

Anonymous said...

I simply love this Brian/Adam EMA photo. Iv'e not seen this kind of radiance in Brian May's smile elsewhere. I think he really felt something very very special and see how Adam stands slightly behind him, not in front. Adam too showed that special radiance. These little unique things in a photo tell me a lot. A picture speaks a thousand never truer. There's another photo of Brian May looking up as if communicating with perhaps, Freddie; a touching video of Adam with Brian at the EMAs. Adam, Brian and Roger make a formidable team.
Another thing is I'm wondering why Adam, with reference to Idol, is a "stigma" and something scoffed at. It shouldn't be; Adam is very proud of his stint on AI which in fact shot him to stardom...or has AI been so badly tarnished.

Anonymous said...

@8:38PM Yes, it's very sad that Adam still feels this way.However, I think Adam didn't have any problems on Sr. Elton John Oscars' party!

Anonymous said...

I can't understand Adam whinning about AI in one hand and proudly announcing he is going to be on next week. I hope he is invited back next year with that attitude.

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone gave Trespassing 4 stars out of 5. That's a lot guys. Mostly they give 3 stars. Underwood's got 2.5. Usually they give five stars to mega classic rock musicians.

Anonymous said...

@9:40PM Adam isn't whinning about AI. He is talking about stigma from music industry about AI.

Anonymous said...

9:40pm, I don't think Adam is whining. He is talking about things that have inspired "Trespassing" the album. Some things he is saying are very similar to what Kelly Clarkson has said. She also feels like an outsider among other pop singers; she has said that it's very different in the country music circles. Partly these feelings could be due to Adam's feelings of low self worth. If you don't think highly of yourself, it's hard to believe that other people would either. I am hoping that the success of trespassing will change things; having the support of someone who loves him has already worked wonders.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 10:00pm and 10:00pm I think you guys are right!! I was getting a little bit anxious and you guys explained it so well. 9:40PM

Anonymous said...

Hoping they have alot of sales from this magazine and they will put Adam in that much quicker next time. I don't expect him to be in every month or have huge stories like this all the time tho.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........Love the RS write up and am giggling quietly to myself since it's almost 2 a.m. and don't want to wake up my guy.

Oh how I love the line about Trespassing..."Glambert sings everything like Zeus in a thong!"

Seems about right. Zeus, the Lord of the Sky...the Cloud Gatherer...Zeus who made the sun and moon come and go...who changed the seasons...Zeus the Thunderer!!!

Well Adam can thunder, we've heard him. Being compared to THE greatest of Greek Gods isn't too shabby.

I am not a saver of photos or autographs of celebrities, but since my daughter gifted me with Adam's cover Rolling Stone, I think I'll request this issue as well.

When I first set eyes and ears on Adam he reminded me so much of my grandson I wanted to adopt him. The interviews that followed furthered that comparison.....they both have a tendency to "tell too much"! Keeping my face straight and noncommital isn't easy when my grandson "spills" stuff like a babbling brook. But I do, I want him to feel he can tell me anything...and he does! Gasp!

Happy Mother's Day Leila...she must gasp a lot!

Anonymous said...

It is very sad that being gay leaves him feeling like an outsider or that he has to act like the gay best friend.

And the issue continues to play out on the news as I write this :(
North Carolina just passed a ban against same sex marriage and removing legal status from domestic partnerships.

Just fucking say it, Obama!

MotoMoto said...

4 stars is HUGE!!!! They only give 5 stars to albums they consider classic like Beetles and Springsteen and its RARE for an album to get full stars. I think Adam is off to a great start and I love how the little monsters are getting on board.

Anonymous said...

I've just read the whole article. 4 star excellence and then some! :D

Anonymous said...

Great article! It seems like everything is leaking before relese date ;)

It's sad to read Adam still feels like outsider :( But I wonder is there real friendship in the star world, have the feeling there can be a lot of superficial friendliness... Most people take the roles, are scared to show their vulnerability. I don't want Adam to change, I love that he is so honest, open and shows his emotions.

There can also be envy around, other artists have to realize his talent...


Anonymous said...

Gaga's "monsters" are on board. Bravo! Perhaps this is the Lady's way of supporting Adam. :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, is he open in this interview. I got a twisted feeling, to be honest. I think most artists feel like outsiders, I mean it's not a normal "job" creating and performing music or any other art. You are probably constantly feeling the pressure from the opinion of others, especially if you want to succeed badly as Adam. I hope he will get over his low-esteem or whatever it is now seeing that his own creation ”Trespassing” gets lots of positive reviews and recognition!!

Lots of love from JoJo

MotoMoto said...

My highlights of the interview:

1. He feels like an outsider and that even in award shows they are some that want nothing to do with him (poor bb but at times I think its in his head in that he has always been an outsider so maybe he reads into things way to much)

2. When he meet Sauli he stuck a lollipop into his mouth and though he was open minded (lol I mean even fanfics can't live up to how these two met) and they are now happy and domestic.

3. Pharell seems to get where Adam is coming from and I love the quotes he used.

4. They mentioned the AMA and I have come to accept that the media will never let this story go and it has now become a defining moment in Adam's career esp with radio play.

5. He slept with a woman just to try everything once.

6. Adam speaks his mind and even if you don't want to hear it or its not PC he stays true to himself which I love!!

7. He seems to not enjoy the M&G by his comment ' when I go to radio stations and meet fans, it's retail in the most freaked-up way'. Thought that comment was a bit harsh....but again he says what he feels.

All in all a good interview and very edgy going to show how unique and different he is from other artists who very rarely speak their minds during interviews..preferring instead to give 'safe' answers.

Anonymous said...

Well, sounds like the RS article is a filled with usual BS .

Anonymous said...

The Rolling Stone article is an enjoyable personable read. Strangely, the steep uphill drive to his beautiful house, reminds me of my convent school hillroad that led to my school atop a small hill. And the car that took me to school every morning, had to accelerate and the engine would be huffing and puffing up a 45-degree slope. A bit scary for a young girl, me; that it might slide back downhill. But it definitely won't pose a problem for Adam's BMW. As for his Grammy attendance, I felt it sharply and even commented on it here, that he was sitting all alone, trying to feel comfortable. It's ironic that Adam has millions of fans yet still feel like an outsider within his circle of associates. Now I think he feels a lot less of an outsider as Sauli is always with him on social or formal occasions. Yea, as pointed out by Adam, famous stars don't come round to him, like shy away; maybe it's not just due to his sexuality, a major factor though; he's still quite the new kid on the block. It's okay Adam, making connections takes time but it'll happen. 4 stars for Trespassing...Magnifique!

Anonymous said...

"When he meet Sauli he stuck a lollipop into his mouth and though he was open minded". That's some pick-up line! LOL! So funny, Sauli must have fallen immediately!

Anonymous said...

OT . . . Javier Colon (winner of last years "The Voice" will be the warm up band when Adam performs in concert May 26 in Agawam, MA (Six Flags) Can't wait to hear and see BB with new songs!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Visiting radio stations and meet and greets is retail. He's still trying to sell, only now it's himself. It amazes me he can be so personable, so I've heard, it would be agonizing to me to meet stranger after stranger for a few minutes of meaningless mind numbing chit chat. And the endless photos, I remember he once said Why can't people just enjoy the moment why do they have to photograph it? I agree with that.

He's a patient polite guy to do that endlessly, but it's part of the job.

Anonymous said...

No need to BASH (Justin Bieber) other artist to lift up Adam. His talent and charisma speaks for itself (Adam's). Some of these artists inclusing Justin are very talented.

Anonymous said...

3:20 - I agree. M&G's are souless - we get something out of it but for him it's an endless succession of reqired enthusiasm regardless of the day he's having, how tired he is, what concerns are going on in his life.

Some days are probably great - he's outgoing and gregarious by nature - but some days must be hard. I would imagine the tour M&G's are the hardest because he's stuck in an endless repetitive schedule and he's trying to save his voice and avoid colds etc.

He seems to be endlessly gracious but it must be hard sometimes.

Urethra_Franklin said...

The M&G thing is being over analyzed. Anyone who has ever worked retail KNOWS whats hes talking about. Hes selling his product in a bizarre fashion...thats all he meant. Panties. Out. Of. Twist.

Now bout this "woman." My money is on Kow$ha.

MotoMoto said...


I also think at times artists not approaching him at award shows is not personal (all the time) but may also be that he is relatively new in the industry so it may apply to him and others. Thank God he has Sauli to always accompany him and also knowing there is someone who loves him for him may make him feel less alone or like an outsider.

I love how he answered the Justin Beiber questions on twitter, he didn't try to bring him down but instead said his ears have no discrimination and as long as the song is good then it doesn't matter who the singer is.

Sauli said on tutka that he will be in the audience for American Idol so that hopefully means Adam is doing it live instead of pre-taped. YAY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why does he have to have this d*ckest interview right before the album comes out. If you want to sit with someone at the Grammy's you bring a date with you like everybody else.Quit bellyaching about being gay and from AI. I am not saving anymore pennies for a meet and greet either.

MotoMoto said...

@4:56 I doubt you have EVER gone for a M&G. He is not bellyaching about being gay and being on AI when that is all he is asked about in every interview. if he isn't asked about it he won't talk about it so why not blame the interviewers??? Also the best Adam interviews are those on video since we all know print interviews are written in the POV of the journalist and they write to suit their perceptions.

Why not celebrate that he has a three page spread on ROLLING STONE and has been given a great review. I doubt he minds meeting fans but the radio promos are quite tiresome and cumbersome so he has so put on a smile and answer the same questions all over again....any of us would be tired and less graceful than Adam is.

Anonymous said...

I would be a snarling bitch after the first 20 or so. smile, laugh, pose, hug, smile, laugh, pose, etc.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I think your name is very cute. And yes thank goodness for Sauli who is his constant companion and best friend. So before Sauli came, he must have endured this outsider feeling with much difficulty. And that's why in my much earlier comments, I kept saying Adam seemed to be a lot calmer when Sauli was with him, even now. Very obvious. Adam and Justin Bieber get on very well. Very nice. Sauli is going to be in the AI audience, really great! Because when he is there, Adam really rocks it sky-high! A kind of synergy... :)

Anonymous said...

After all, I think Tresspassing would be #1 on long time ago, if Adam woudn't release 2different albums.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be on the cover of RS again when he wins his Grammy or should I say multiple Grammys!

@4:21..Justin Beiber..talented..seriously? I am not bashing the boy, but come-on...this is exactly why we have to hear all this junk on the radio, sorry just had to give me two cents..Peace & Love..

Anonymous said...

Remember to request NCOE we have got to get this album heard!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please someone post the request link. Thanks!!

glitzylady said...

I suspect Adam was referring to the fact that he has to go around to the endless stream of radio stations to sell himself and essentially beg to get them to play his music.. hence the "f-d up retail" comment. He has said over and over that he likes meeting his fans. Its just a very crazy time for him..same goofy questions from the DJ's..The M & G I went to at the Bing Lounge was fun but essentially a cattle call for the picture part due to the large # of people there, about 150 or so time for conversation..just pose, smile and move on...But I was so grateful for it anyway..

Anonymous said...

Adam's Jimmy Kimmel episode will re-air on Monday, May 14th - day before Trespassing album drops

Anonymous said...

Adam is incredibly charming and patient at M&Gs, etc. Most celebs are, I think. Their personalities are part of their product. One little mis-understood moment, no matter how slight, would be all over the internet, saying our rude he is, etc. Most celebs with any sense at all are very careful with their image among fans. I, too, was amazed at Adam's feelings of low self-worth sometimes. I do think, though, that most celebrities who meet him really like him. He's making his way. Elton John seemed very happy to meet him. He's moving UP!

I remember when he was on AI last year. Adam fans who were in the audience said that during commercials, he was surrounded with fans who wanted pictures and autographs. Hope it's that and MORE this time! Also hope that Ryan talks to him on-air and mentions the new album, the Queen gigs, etc.

Adam is such an open book, for bettor or worse. I have NEVER felt this way about a performer before. NEVER. He's worth our praise and attention. And THANKS to Gaga's Monsters for promoting Adam!


Anonymous said...

If this album isn't a mega hit album of 2012 there is something wrong with people. I love it so much and IMO this album should be a equivalent to Thriller album of 2012. Music production is EPIC. Adam's voice is EPIC. It flows beautifully from one track to another. PERFECTION!!! If I was working for Rolling Stone I would have given it 5 star. But I know they hardly even give 4 so I'm not gonna complain.

MotoMoto said...


Thanks..don't know if you've watched Madagascar when Motomoto sings 'I like em big, I like em chunky...' haha. Anyway ur right the difference in Adam before and after Sauli is like night and day. He is less restless and seems to radiate an inner peace and contentment which just warms my heart to the core.

I really hope the first week sales are good but I'm sure overall the sales will be great in the long term esp when you add international sales...wohoo!! Keep requesting NCOE for him to have a chance of releasing more singles.

I read Kelly Clarkson is doing a show with The Fray... I wonder if she can fill up large venues by herself. Anyway can't wait to watch Adam on Chelsea Lately :)

Anonymous said...

I find Lady Gaga very open-minded and confident. Had a good impression of her since the time she gave Adam, Fever, even personally went to guide Adam on the song. And Adam said he felt her energy and strong encouragement. So now she is once again lending Adam a helping hand, very good. :)

Anonymous said...

I was interested to read Kelly Clarkson's comments on the difference between the country music "culture" and the pop music "culture." Those of you who have read my comments about this in the past might recall that I often say that country music "takes care of its own." The seem to accept and help new artists and put them onstage with established stars. Pop is SOOO different, as she says. It's every man for himself. Competition is brutal. I don't don't if Kelly has ever solo-toured. She's a very good, successful. All I know, is that I can IMAGINE Adam "opening" for anyone, unless it's Gaga or somebody like that. He's definately the feature act.


Anonymous said...

I watched Madagascar half-way only, so which character is Motomoto? Can't recall. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam,s Trespassing is up tp #14 on amazon !!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's comment about his radio promo comparison to retail stores in a most freaked out way basically meant and the radios are all about politic and they don't play music like they used to. I don't think he meant the fans. He thanked the fans first on his album notes. How many times he mentioned that he loves us and we have his back.

Again, I don't think he meant his comment towards fans but the way radios run their business is so freaked out way of showcasing artists' work.

Anonymous said...

They have Kickin In posted on this New York station's website. You can leave comments. I know they added NCOE this week. Let's show them we love Adam.

Anonymous said...

didn't Kelly Clarkson actually have to suspend a tour, or something like that, due to issues with BIG arenas that were booked for her???? And regarding Kelly - she spoke very openly about issues w/ post Idol management and wanting to move on... she actually took a lot of shit for it, but turns out she was quite forthright about it all, and did what was obviously better for her. Clarkson and Lambert are amazing. Kat McPhee, J Hud, Daughtry are great too, but I honestly think Clarkson's and Lambert's voices are truly special.

Anonymous said...

I loved this Rolling Stone article. He is walking the line so brilliantly between being himself, insisting that he present his authentic self, and going for mainstream pop success. Gawd damn I dig this guy more with every passing day.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Beiber: I happened to catch this performance, almost by accident, but I stopped and saw the whole thing. You people google it and tell me if I'm crazy, but in that performance there was a full on blow job moment imho, near the beginning, coming down the stairs... a couple of suggestive moves with dancers on each side, but then a dancer in FRONT of him, low, her back to audience. If that wasn't a total BJ allusion then I don't know what was. NOT trashing Bieber, but I gotta be honest, it makes me MAD!!!! Makes me want to go all over the internet today and blog about it... unfortunately I have a job!! Anyway, not bashing Beiber (tho boyfriend can't sing a note, I'm sorry, he's not good. I absolutely admire his work ethic, his musicianship, I truly do, but baby can barely sing a note)... nope, not trying to bash, but the fallatio moment on a "family" tv show that will go uncommented on really ticks me off... when we know... well when we know what we all here know!!! But, onward and upward for Adam. RS giving 4 stars is big indeed friends, it really is. I guess we just enjoy that. Loved that the interview was a little sexy, maybe a hint of tawdry, that's our boy fans, love him or leave him. I myself wouldn't abandom him for the world, I love his music too much, I couldn't if I tried.

MotoMoto said...


Country music appeals to a certain demographic and if you come from those areas esp they will def support you. Remember when Kelly Clarkson made a remark about a republican candidate and people went off on her on twitter...when the conservatives heard that her album literally shot up the amazon charts like crazy as they wanted to show their solidarity. Afraid that does not apply to Pop music which appeals to a very large and diverse demographic.


Motomoto was a big hippo who was hot stuff and all the ladies wanted him. My little brother made me watch it severally can recite that movie in my sleep :D

Anonymous said...

This interview is with Rolling Stone not Wall Streat Journal. It well fits this publication.

Anonymous said...

@Anon May 9, 2012 8:13 AM

Right on! ITA

Anonymous said...

@7:59AM Well Adam said straight men performers get away with tons more things.

Anonymous said...

In Bieber's case, even if it WAS an overt fellatio moment, it wouldn't hurt his sales one bit. No one would complain. He wouldn't miss any public appearances. He wouldn't lose twitter followers. He'd still sell by the millions. Double standard.


Anonymous said...

ZIAT! Zeus in a thong!

Anonymous said...

I wished Adam communicated more often with his fans on his fan-site instead of twitter. Too many weird people on twitter now. I hardly go on twitter cause I get ticked off. Adam post messages on Ask questions from your fans on this site instead of twitter.

Arthas said...


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to read this RS article in some web link..? I can't read it in my computer.. too small text :(

Anonymous said...

Only three artists sold over 200K on their first week debut of their album for 2012. Madonna 358K, Underwood 267K, and Minaj 253K. All women. It would be nice to see Adam sell over 200K.

Anonymous said...

RS article:

coloforadam said...

Rolling Stone's "re"mention of Adam has been a gradual process. First, just a little side blurb, then a photo and short paragraph,etc. up to this whole article. Yes, it is great but I will never forgive them for not even MENTIONING the Glamnation tour and it's resounding success. The Summer of 2010, they had article after article about how the lack luster tour season and could not even mention him as one of the bright spots ..... could not even say the name, "Glamnation". I have no idea what sparked new interest but if it benefits him, .....ok, Yeah for RS!!! I bet the album gets barely 3 stars and I bet they decided that before it was even written!!! Sorry - I take my bitter pills hard when it comes to Adam and the courage he has had to be nothing but his incredible self. No, of course he is not whining!!! He is just explaining what it feels like to be recognized on one hand as one of the most talented voices ever and ignored and shunned by more levels in the music industry than we can possibly imagine.

coloforadam said...

Oh crap, now I gotta go back and eat my words - Rolling Stone gave Trespassing FOUR STARS - something they rarely award any album. Nice work, Superman!!! I guess the lengthy effort (when we were all losing our minds with craving for new stuff) was well worth the wait and a new jewel in your creative crown!! LOL, Baby!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that EW gave Trespassing a B- !!!!! reallyyyy?!! a B- ?!! are they DEAF ?!!! thus album is total PERFECTION !!! they even gave the wanted a B+ for their album ! and let me say it is total crap compared to Trespassing ( sorry wanted fans ) !! this totally pisses me off !!!!

choons said...

Re: Urethra_Franklin (May 9, 2012 4:41 AM) said...

"Now bout this "woman." My money is on Kow$ha".
Nope, it was earlier, at Burning Man.

Anonymous said...

fans are what makes or breaks an artist..lets all hope with all our might that the world will see and recognize the spectacular talent of the one and only Mr. Adam Lambert..LOVE "Runnin" far my favorite..the entire album is amazing..all the other 'artists' out there pale by comparison..gotta go listen to 'Runnin' again...

Anonymous said...

the only problem with "Trespassing" is "how the Hell is he gonna have a follow up album..I mean..this is a could he do even better (I for one, will love waiting to find out..even tho waiting is so nerve wracking) know, the things mentioned in Rolling Stone are all issues that he has divulged previously...he has talked about his insecurities (don't we ALL have them???)..about the stigma attached to a AI alumnus (even tho he has said many times that if it weren't for AI, he would not be where he is today, and that he is grateful)..he realizes that he went too far at 09 AMA show (and unfortunately, this incident and its aftermath will probably follow him for the rest
of his life) and he has also said that he has had sex with a woman (lucky bitch - wish she would write a book about it!) there is really nothing new..also, he has talked about the M&G and the screaming fans that give him a headache..BUT, he soldiers through and is so sweet and kind about it all..(just imagine if you had to put up with this..if you are not feeling well, or are very tired)..he is really a doll on so many many levels..a seriously nice who has lifelong one yet who knows him well has had an unkind word to say about him..we should all be so lucky to have a friend like him..

Anonymous said...

I agree with 5/9 8:46 am, I would love to see Adam do something interactive with fans here or at AO or ALFC. While he may love twitter, a lot of us have no interest in it.

HK fan said...

@anon may8 8.28
re Beiber, my daughter is a tween and is a Beiber fan (although now leaning far more towards 1D) and when I told her the other day I'd down loaded Beibers new single for her ipod, she said 'eww its horrible"...

@anon may9 12.22
I too think you have the wrong end of the stick about the M&G's . I agree with Glitzylasy and the other poster in that he was talking about having to sell himself to the radio stations, for every little crumb he can get. He's always been the first one to thank the fans.

you are not the first person I've seen lately suggesting Kesha, not even the 2nd or 3rd...maybe there is something in it! Have seen after the Kradison concert as a possibility!!