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Adam Lambert sings "Never Close Our Eyes" on American Idol (5-17-12)!

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 17, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 17, 2012

[HD] Adam Lambet - Never Close Our Eyes -... by IdolxMuzic


Anonymous said...

We love you ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Adam, my Mom started to cry when she saw you today! She said that you're the most talented singer she ever heard, And the most beautiful and sexy guy she ever met in her life.She is 76 years old, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked soooo handsome and happy. Love to see him in his element like that. What did you think of the big eye? The Big Boss (BB) is watching you !!! The more I hear NCOE, the more I like it.

Anonymous said...

He owned that Idol stage!!!! Everyone has there own opinions but I just thought this performance was so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Adam was Amazing!!!! as always. He's the best Idol ever. I love him so much. God bless him.

choons said...

Adam was so at home on that stage - he was literally glowing, rocking his big smile - fantastic performance. Think of how many new idol fans will be dancing to Trespassing album by week's end!!!!

donnaw said...

I thought Adam was amazing......he totally controlled the stage and showed those kids how to work it!!
And he looked pretty damn good too!

Anonymous said...

Adam was absolutely amaaaazing on Idol. He lit up the stage with his neon colored shirt and nails. And those leather pants and jacket....well he looked spectacular. If his performance of NCOE doesn't get the listening audience out there to buy Trespassing, there is something seriously wrong with them. And what was it with Lisa Marie Presley? She sounded terrible, no feeling in that song. Was her performance pre-recorded and was she even singing? And then we see Adam;he just seemed so happy on that stage. He was in his element. His performance just goes to prove that you do not have to win Idol to have a succesful career in the music business. Can't wait to read other comments about his appearance on the show.

Anonymous said...

That was the ADAM LAMBERT show!

Anonymous said...

black and yellow-our bumblebee. so gorgeous. he really looks good in those colors-but he really looks good in anything. He is so much better than either one of those finalists. he really showed them what singing is all about. the whole band looked awesome in their black and yellow. such a showman he is. i will play this over and over. thud!

Anonymous said...

@7:09, yes it's the Big Brother eye. NCOE is a good song. :)

Anonymous said...

think idol alums are only live

Anonymous said...

Excitement, tears, and emotions beyond belief in our house. Adam is incredible. Loved the way he cameo-ed the band, loved the yellow Trespassing groove and the lovely backups and their outfits.
Loving Tommy too! Toned down Adam for the US and beautifully done.
He is a superstar!

Anonymous said...

The preformance was so beyound the best. Adam showed them how to do it. The smile just got me, how precious, he looked so proud up there. Was the big eye in the background Adams eye? It sure looked like his beautiful eye.

Anonymous said...

All hail Adam...he conquered-nuff said.

Anonymous said...

The band was so well put together. All color coodinated. Everthing was perfection. Adam must of pulled the look together. Making sugestions, with his theather background. All ready pulling the look together and planing for the big tour. Adam your performance was beyound the best of the best.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 7:08. I'm only 69 but I feel like your Mom does about Adam. Did you all notice the little old lady on GMA leaving the stage with Robin and seeming to be crying while she repeated "I met Adam". What is it with us over-the-hill gals and our love for Adam?

Anonymous said...

Yup I'll be playing this performance over and over!.There will never be any performer as exciting as he for me. He is so GEORGEOUS .Adam is a SUPERSTAR

Anonymous said...

This from Eric Rezsnyak City Newspaper-Entertainment
And then, Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert. Oh, where to start? I think Adam is incredibly talented and has the potential to make a Freddie Mercury-like mark on the music industry. But his post-"Idol" songs have been mostly duds, and this bizarre track did not do much to change my opinion. It sounded so cheesy and ridiculous. It felt very Eurovision to me. The syncopated part of the chorus was cool, but the rest of it did not. He also had some serious pitch issues in the beginning of the song, or there was some hellish harmonies going on with the backup singers (two large, luscious black women dressed black robes with bring yellow piping!). He has so much potential! But he's so self indulgent. Oh, Glambert.

ADAM is the best! And the backup singers are prefectI have nothing but love.......

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert take it all were amazing tonight

Anonymous said...

I will also be playing his performance over and over also. Theres just that thing about Adam. He pull you into your heart strings.

Anonymous said...

Love th back up singers. So good.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert mesmerized us all through his voice and his looks-personality.

daydreamin said...

Pitch problems? Don't know what he was listening to. Adam sounded and looked perfect! I love love love those leather pants! I am so proud of him! Can't wait to see the what happens to Trespassing now!

Anonymous said...

my family members are crazy about adm lambert his good attittude and his voice omg-the best in usa.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:31 PM
I'm all for having an opinion..but can we PLEASE just DELETE this Entertainment guy's comment on his blog or wherever it came from...WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!!!! Wrong, wrong, wrong.............I suspect this is one of the very few "reviews" of Adam on Idol tonight that will say anything like that.......

Adam was fantastic. I don't know who THIS GUY WAS WATCHING......


Lily said...


tess4ADAM said...

My computer hasn't worked right for me for quite some time now so all my videos are out of sync ... but the bright side is they are all delayed so when I watched ADAM here the picture stayed on longer & ADAM looked DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!! He KILLED it!! ADAM's TRIUMPHANT return to Idol ... he took EVERYONE to SCHOOL!! What a PERFORMANCE!!!
BTW ... did you see Priscilla Presley in the audience? I understand she is a fan.

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

The play with the dark lighting, the color yellow -- Adam in yellow! -- was so unexpected, so vibrant, and the beautiful multi-colored lighting effects on the walls! It was visually so breathtaking with the most beautiful man in the world at the center. And the way he approached each player in his entourage--so sweet, so typical Adam. We saw him on Jimmy Kimmel do the same song. But this was so special -- I guess because he was returning to where it all began -- I did not expect to end up crying and feeling this emotional tonight. (Did you notice Ryan Seacrest was wearing a yellow silk handkerchief in his pocket? )


Anonymous said...

@ 7:08 PM.........JAK here :((

This 76 year old almost cried....I fell asleep during the program, remote in hand, ready to tape, and woke up AFTER Adam's performance
woe is me!

@ 7:23 PM

Yes, I would say that was Adam's eye, same dark streak down from the pupil as in all his photos.

coloforadam said...

Adam has always said that the acoustics in that theater are difficult. I should have just turned down the sound and watched Sir Gorgeous - the pitch was not the best. He has explained why that happens many times. Anyone who has blasted away to the CD numerous times, has the real story of PERFECTION!! AI has become so dull, lack luster, predictable - even with all the new lasers and sets and backup stuff, it is flat. Adam is so beyond anything that show now produces, it is almost funny. He picked probably the only "safe" song on the album to perform ... oooo ... during prime family hours. The show would have come apart at the seams had he performed "Shady" for instance. It must have been hard to sit in that audience and pretend that the show was all about the 3 kids. The show had only one highlight, Adam...the same was true every minute of Season 8. I still feel like the luckiest fan in the world .... don't we all???

Anonymous said...

@joyride0609 Adam on American Idol 5/17/12

Anonymous said...

If Adam is on a show for 2 minutes, it becomes the Adam Lambert Show.

Oh, and Steven Tyler mouthed "Beautiful" while he was applauding!


Anonymous said...

Adam, you became the legend after this performance.
After all, they had to close this show after season 8th. What did happen today? They sent home Joshua Ledet who deserves to be the American Idol more that anybody else sence season 8th.Everybody know that Adam won season 8th. Am I correct?
Anyway, we got another Kris Lee, like somebody already said. And this is the reason why JB rules this country! White skin, blue eyes, such an innocent smile!Cute! F....
Do I have to add that Joshua isn't just a black but he is gay? So, he has whole package to send him home.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert just finished press at idol to get to airport. Will post interview shortly

V Camilleri said...

Drop dead gorgeous is right. They should have given him two songs. One more his own. I am just so excited for him. At the end you could see him really enjoy himself. There is no one like him. Just in awe of him

V Camilleri said...

Drop dead gorgeous is right. They should have given him two songs. One more his own. I am just so excited for him. At the end you could see him really enjoy himself. There is no one like him. Just in awe of him

Anonymous said...

Whoops. Someone else here was right.
Steven mouthed, "Perfect".


Anonymous said...

May I be the only one to say that I thought Adam took a few seconds to find those first notes? Don't shoot me, but those first few seocnds were rocky. He got his bearings, though, and nailed the rest perfectly. As you all know, I'm a constant cheerleader for Adam and always will be. That Eric guy is ocmpletely wrong about everything else he said. This is just my opinion about those first notes, so don't massacre me. I loved every single moment of it!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great news!NCOE is #55 on Pop chart on Itune and it's back on the Music charts. So far it is #123.However NCOE was out of charts for long time!Tresspassing and Runnin are doing FANTASIC on both charts

Anonymous said...

No! Do not give away current contestant info before it has broadcast on the west coast!!!

Anonymous said...

7:57 don't be so down, Josh will do just fine. It seems like most Idol contestants fall into something after Idol esp the higher ranking ones. You don't have to fill up stadiums and be multi Platinum album sellers to be a success.

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear any pitch problems. Thought it was a great. He shares the stage with his band, what other entertainer does this? Seems so good not to have band members trying to hog the stage.They are a great group, it's about we we we, not me me me all for the boss Adam.They all have alot of positive energy.Very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

@DRG You're absolutely correct about this few seconds. I thought it just me:)

Anonymous said...

Agreed that Adam is a great team player onstage. He's a perfect showman.

BTW, what in the name of all that is holy was Lisa Marie Presley attempting to do? Adam could have sung two more songs in the time it took her to mumble through whatever that was. Adam was as exciting and energetic as ever!


Jadam NZ said...

There was a slight hiccup in pitch on the first few notes but hey who the hell cares he is still absolute perfection, a wonderful performance, visually breathtaking to.
No thanks to the commenter who gave a way who left idol we are a couple of days behind you guys here.
Anyway back to our beautiful Adam, no 1 on itunes here in NZ still so great. So excited.

Anonymous said...

I did not hear any pitch problems. I feel it was the best NCOE performance so far,but there will be tons more! I really love the song,not my fave on the album but very radio friendly and fun! The audience seemed to love it so hopefully NCOE gets a huge sales bump by tomorrow. Adam looked to die for!!!Adam Official is selling the album at a discounted price for a short time. I purchased a couple more!

daydreamin said...

Some nice pics coming in...anyone know whats on his left pinkie?


daydreamin said...

Pic of Adam being interviewed by MTV news:

ksgirl01 said...

I didn't notice any pitch problems, i was too busy enjoying what we all have been waiting for.adam was awesome and presented his new song and album just the way he should be doing, i'm very proud to be a glambert ! and by the way, adam was having some voice problems a couple of days ago and was under dr. orders, he was amazing tonite, way to go adam :)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous performance. The vocals were great and his star power off the charts!

daydreamin said...

From a Gaga fan:

Quira IV

Adam Lambert better get it with this album! 7 songs in and I'm slayed.
Reply Retweet Favorite

Anonymous said...

didn't notice pitch issues, was too mesmerized by the beauty of it all. didn't Steven Tyler say last night there's nothing wrong with a little pitch issue (re Philip) if you have passion. ha!

Catharine Sloper said...

Wow! That was pretty amazing! I loved the EYE and all the colors and the yellow everywhere. I feel as though lots of thought went into this presentation and I am glad someone is taking responsibility for doing this. Adam is worth the time and money.

donnaw said...

I thought i was the only one who noticed that the first few notes were a bit off........but thankfully he worked it out and the rest was a-m-a-z-i-n-g !!!!

I also agree about Lisa Marie......she was terrible, i had to put the TV on mute..........

Adam should of been allotted 2 songs.........

Anonymous said...

Adam was brilliant as usual but having to sit thru that suck fest that idol has become was sheer torture. all 3 singers are boring boring boring. and those judges cant manage to get off their fat asses while Adam performed or at least afterwards? wish he never would go on that horrid show again.

Catharine Sloper said...

I went back and listened to the beginning a few times more. I don't hear any pitch problems, so I'm not sure what folk are talking about. And I'm pretty sensitive at listening if I say so myself. Nothing is perfect anyway. Has anyone listened to the way James Taylor plays around with the sound when he is singing. He can totally change things too. Big deal.

Anonymous said...

Wow- he was drop dead gorgeous!!!! I've never seen adam in yellow before (my fav color)You just can't take your eyes off him!!! I thought he sounded awesome but he does pick at the earphones sometimes. So wish they could of talk to him for just a minute or so- There is alot of news to cover on him lately.

Anonymous said...

I do think the judges should of stood up for adam, hope they didn't stand up for presley- what was that? They didn't show the judges after her so don't know. They stand up for phillips (another lee dwyze iMO) though??

Anonymous said...

@9:14PM Randy didn't stand up. He was very upset and think I saw him crying.JLo was crying as usual. Also, Steven didn't look very happy at all!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna say something and you guys might disagree. Adam's voice is out of this world and on its own its one in a 100 million voice. He needs a great band like Queen to compliment his impeccable voice. I watched his Idol performance so many times and his voice is unreal and unheard of. GORGEOUS! He should have a better band IMO. Why was Brian London singing when there are two back up singers? I couldn't hear Ashley or Tommy. Isaac was much better than the rest. BUT OH MY GOODNESS ADAM'S VOICE IS COMBINATION OF MANY INSTRUMENTS.

Anonymous said...

I watched it so many times and all the judges were estatic. Steven said perfect. IT WAS PERFECT INDEED!

Anonymous said...

@9:14PM Sorry, I was talking about the moment when they sent Joshua home.

Anonymous said...

Adam performance was legendary!
However, ladies, did you see that Tresspassing dropped down on amazon
charts? Adele isn't #1 anymore. Donna Summer will stay on top of the charts for while. However, Tresspassing was #2 just yesterday!Hope Idol performance will help.

Anonymous said...

@8:23PM It's a different style of Knuckle ring that are so in style now. At least here in L.A. these type of rings are in style.

daydreamin said...

Ashley and Randy:

Adam and Rita Wilson doing press:!/belindasLAmusic/status/203303658341933056/photo/1

Some GREAT new video's...Adam thinking of moving to New York in the future??


Anonymous said...

@9:19PM What are you talking about? Are you drunk or drugged out? Judges don't have to stand up for all performers. Plus I could read Steven's lips saying perfect. It was a perfect performance.

Anonymous said...

Something strange happened on my end. When I watched the realtime television performance, the sound was somewhat off at the beginning. Immediately after the show, I turned the television set off and went to YouTube to listen to the performance (yes! it was already posted!) and the full song and video were pure PERFECTION! I have therefore searched for all websites posting this performance and again, all of them were PERFECT. Odd...

I want to see Adam perform RUNNIN live!!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:40PM I think you didn't understand what I am talking about. I said that all judges were upset when they found that Joshua goes home. Randy didn't stand up.JLo was crying and Steven wasn't happy at all.
P.S. Please, don't be upset. This is such a great time for all of us.

Anonymous said...

I love this song, but darn it! I wish he would have sung "Underneath." He would have killed it, and he would have made a more striking Idol appearance with that song and won over more hearts, in my opinion.

daydreamin said...!/shirleyhalperin/status/203297572503306240/photo/1


daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daydreamin said...

Adam is on the BIGGEST JUMP on Billboard!!

Anonymous said...

That was incredible! What a performance. Perfection! That voice, that style, that smile, NOW that is an electrifying, exciting and amazing man! His band was great and I like how he showcased them all and gave them all credit at the end. Humble, kind, generous... in awe of him. LOVE this song. We have to get Trespassing to #1 on the BB charts next week. He deserves it. THE BEST THERE IS - Adam!

Anonymous said...

There have been a few comments on pitch issues - after listening to the performance several times, I think at the beginning that Adam wasn't off pitch at all, but the background singers harmony was a bit off. No problem tho - after those first few seconds, it was PERFECT. Sorry Ryan didn't chat with Adam - he usually does. Oh well, we got our Adam Fix and it was glorious! Seems Adam had to rush off to catch a plane. Hope he gets some sleep cuz' he's got a lot more amazing performances ahead!

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
donnaw said...

Anon. 10.32......i totally agree with you. I went back and watched and listened to the tape and Adam was definitely in was the backup singers...their harmony was a bit off and they were also a bit too loud and it overpowered Adam.........

I also was a bit disappointed that Ryan didn't get a chance to talk to Adam......oh well, our boy had the stage entirely to himself!!!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:52

YES! I thought I saw Steven Tyler mouth "beautiful" while he was applauding! I was sooo proud of Adam OMG I've been on repeat watching this performance for the last hour LOL! He killed it! It was the only entertaining part of the whole show! Geez, he's such a gentleman and soooo good looking...Thud.


Anonymous said...

I and the whole audience eat from your hand!
And I want to eat your yellow earrings : )

LOVE YOU (like half or rest of finnish people)! SUPER performance!! On our tv next week.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is fantastic singer and performer. What should I say more?

Anonymous said...

Some thoughts - I think Isaac is the unsung hero of the band. He is a GREAT drummer. Also, did anyone notice on those instants where they showed the 3 contestants in the background .. they didn't seem to be into it at all. What's up with that? Guess it's not their kind of music - altho Adam has sung the praises of Jessica. Oh well, the audience LOVED Adam as well they should. Adam is going to be one tired man, as he is on his way back East for another performance. It's going to be an exciting month of performances for our Adam. Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

I have listened to Adam sing NCOE tonight pitch problems is the craziest thing I have ever heard bring it up on the computer it was PERFECT then if you still think so go get your hearing checked. I did wonder if he had time to say some thing to the kids he could feel what they was going thru sitting there I am sure. Great job Adam Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Are you requesting NEVER CLOSE OUR EYES on the radio? Do it! Here is a list of Top 40 and Hot AC radio stations.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! What a delicious breakfast to digest :) In my computer, voice was perfect (no pitch problems) but the picture was in slow motion...


Anonymous said...

Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!

Adam and the entire band paying homage to the colors of the TP Album. Who else thinks of those little things that make up a great performance but a great performer.

On my tv and on my computer Adam is pitch perfect on every note.

Oh, and I'm not going to take the trouble to raed through all the posts, but I do not in any way appreciate being called 'over the hill.' I'm 73 and I rock my capris and thong sandals in a size 4. Get told I look 55. Adam gave me a face lift...I'm always smiling. I will sleep next to my 76 year old hubby (quite a hunk himself) and dream dreams of the wonderful days to come and the wonderful days gone by. Thanks Adam

Anonymous said...

yummmmmmmmmmmy!!!! (G&S)

Anonymous said...

@12:56 AM
You are beautiful, Adam facelift
You said it :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is a person, but his voice is extraterrestrial, WOW, find no words!

Anonymous said...

NCOE . . there is something about the very first line . . I don't know what it is but everytime I hear the song it throws me off . . its not the pitch . .
Loved the performance . . . going to see Adam May 26 . . .I am over the moon!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful in every way. Adam is so joyous when he performs. He is one of life's GREAT pleasures!

Anonymous said...

Guest singer after they eliminate a contestant . . not fair to singer . . they did the same thing on "Voice" and then said Christine A. was rude to the Bieber when she was upset about contestant going home.
Adam was HOT!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a VISUAL Feast, The band is AMAZING and the vocals UNREAL>

Anonymous said...

Yellow glow sticks but will have blue just in case he sings WWFM or Underneath.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need Queen band for his music he has his own music and style. They can borrow Adam now and then but he is OURS.

Anonymous said...

Steven Taylor mouthing "beautiful"
LOL. I think it's the only word he knows.

I think he was beyond beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Note to were listening to the best singer to come around in fifty years Adam "F" Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Can't stop watching. Did you notice the "Elvis" curled lip at the end. Wonder if Prisella picked up on that.

Anonymous said...

Adam amazing, also the band, Tommy etc. all Bravo!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the performance! Love Adam!
When I hear the words: Never Close Our Eyes, I think of the song: Never Say Goodbye sung by Elton John in the movie El Dorado. The five syllable in both songs are sung nearly the same.

Anonymous said...

yellow glow sticks next - YES. lol

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to watch Adam's actual American Idol performance of NCOE yet but I just watched the YouTube clip of it and the pitch sounds all right on that and ADAM LOOKED GLORIOUS!! However, when Adam sang Naked Love at I Heart Radio, the back-up singers started the song and they were definitely pitchy there, but the song sounded fine from then on when Adam was singing.

glitzylady said...

High Quality Pics from Idol: Via Just Jared:

This one of Adam: Leaves me Speechless!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam your performance was so FANTASTIC..LEGENDARY ,you looked AMAZZZING.LOVE YOU ADAM.

Anonymous said...


Sheebuzz!! That HUGE photo you posted!!! \O/ Thank you!! The Elvis snarl was definitely there and the outfit was PURRRFECT!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Prisilla was in the audience last night. Lisa Marie's set looked prerecorded, no one at the judges table and they didn't show the judges afterwards. Just my obsevation.

Anonymous said...

My most beautiful and awaited birthday present! It is my privilege to enjoy the artistry and passion of the music of this brilliant young!! his impeccable performance in Idol is unsurpassed!!
Musical seduction!
"TRESPASSING" a reward that captivates and seduces his followers, with this spectacular and explosive album! Congratulations Adam and success in your triumphal tour. The world is waiting to enjoy your art! HH.

glitzylady said...

Lyndsey Parker/Reality Rocks/Yahoo Music interview with Adam at Idol last night...always great with Lyndsey

**Click on the link at the bottom to see the VIDEO version of this interview : ))) ***

Adam Lambert Offers Advice For Phillip & Jessica, Coyly Hints at ‘Idol’ Finale Prediction
By Lyndsey Parker | Reality Rocks – 7 hours ago

Adam Lambert performs on "Idol" [photo: Fox]
Season 8 "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert fabulously performed his new Trespassing single "Never Close Our Eyes," resplendent in green neon and silver sharkskin, on "Idol's" top three results show this week--the same show on which one of his favorite Season 11 contestants, Jessica Sanchez, made it to the final two, but another one of his faves, Joshua Ledet, did not. When asked how he felt about this outcome (he'd recently controversially tweeted that he thought Jessica and Joshua "wiped the floor" with the other contestants), Adam revealed that he'd undergone a bit of a change of heart regarding Phillip Phillips.
"I think Phillip has something too. In the last couple weeks, he's really proven himself," said Adam. "I was on the fence earlier, but there have been a few performances of his that have been so sophisticated lately, and just so nuanced and tender, and that takes a lot of skill...I wouldn't have been as diplomatic two or three weeks ago, but at this point, I think they've all earned their spot."
When asked to give advice for both Jessica and Phillip going into next week's finale--a position Adam was in literally exactly three years ago--Adam offered: "You've got to tune out all the outside cooks in the kitchen, because there's a lot of pressure coming from every angle. When you get to the finale, tune out a little bit, and focus on what you love about music, why you're here, why you like singing, and what you've always done."
And what about his prediction for next week's finale? Does Adam think Jessica can win? Adam played coy with his read-between-the-lines answer, replying: "It depends on what kind of music you listen to, musical genres...Although, what's the type of genre that always wins every year? I'm not going to say it, but I'm asking the rhetorical question. Like, what usually wins? So..."

Moving on to the subject of his own musical genres, Adam conceded that his sophomore album, Trespassing, is a bit of a stylistic departure from the more straightahead rock he performed during his own "Idol" run, but he pointed out: "It's definitely a little more, like, funk-disco, but there are rock elements on the album. If people aren't hearing that, then they gotta get their ears checked, 'cause it's there! The chorus of 'Cuckoo' is like hair-metal down. 'Trespassing' has a lot of rock energy on it; 'Runnin'' has rock energy. I think genre gets really emphasized sometimes, and that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If you like the song, you like the song!"
Trespassing came out this week, and I personally like (make that love) every song on it. Listen to it here.

Adamluv said...

Fabulous performance! The 3 wannabes sitting on the stage know Adam has more talent in his pinkie then they have in their entire bodies therefore the lack of emotion and excitement on their faces. Loved how he stood next to all his band members giving them a moment of respect and recognition. Are other artists so selfless? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I really liked that show!!! He is sooooooooo good!

Anonymous said...

There are very few performers who really seem to enjoy themselves while performing. But not Adam Lambert. He works that stage, belts out NCOE, goes to each member of his band while singing and has this gorgeous smile on his face. He has the ability to connect to the audience and with his powerhouse performance shows us the reason he is the most talented vocalist in the music business today. Adam also proves to the contestants on AI that you don't have to win Idol in order to be successful in music. I liked the color coordination of black and yellow and neon. Everything just worked for him in front of the Idol audience in the studio and for the viewers at home. If the non fans don't go out to buy TRESPASSING, they are missing out on a terrific album, maybe the best of 2012.

Anonymous said...

always the best album of the year-ill buy more for my friends from abroad.