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Adam Lambert Upcoming TV Appearances!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 12, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, May 12, 2012

RT @AdamGossip: Twitter Trending schedule for next week. Let's blow this up!

Sunday 5/13

Monday 5/14
#AdamOnGMA 7-9AM EST
#AdamOnVH1 10AM EST

Tuesday 5/15
#BuyAdamLambertTrespassing 9PM EST

Wednesday 5/16
#AdamOnIdolTomorrow 8PM EST
(just tack it onto your Idol tweets)

Thursday 5/17
#AdamOnIdol 8PM EST
(they might put up #AdamLambertOnIdol idk)

Adam Lambert on Watch What Happens: Live 5/24 11:01 pm Bravo Channel (Via @Chapie)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam, on all the wonderful high-level invites to showcase your God-given magnifique talents. May good luck and good fortune abound, on your difficult but spectacular climb right to the topmost rung of your singing dream. Sing Adam Sing! Let your voice soar through the sky! We'll lap it all up in no time. :)

Anonymous said...

I sure am glad I have a twitter acc. now to figure out how to do all that trending stuff. Wish me luck.

MotoMoto said...

^^^ lol all the best its not really hard :) we should trend as long as possible to make others aware that the album is out esp on Tuesday!!! So exciting...can't wait for Tuesday!!!!!!

Anna said...

This is good too, but i thought he'll have one of those morning mini concerts on GMA... :|

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the GMA concert on Monday may 14th is going to be outdoors somewhere in NYC? If so, where?

sue s. said...

I need to know how to trend! And how to know if something is trending!!

Anonymous said...

What time do things usually start to trend?

glitzylady said...

For those asking about Trending on Twitter, dates, and times:

Via @LadyBRinehart on Twitter

Sunday 5/13

Monday 5/14
#AdamOnGMA 7-9AM EST
#AdamOnVH1 10AM EST

Tuesday 5/15
#BuyAdamLambertTrespassing 9PM EST

Wednesday 5/16
#AdamOnIdolTomorrow 8PM EST
(just tack it onto your Idol tweets)

Thursday 5/17
#AdamOnIdol 8PM EST
(they might put up #AdamLambertOnIdol idk)

glitzylady said...

How to know something is trending, what it means..etc.. on Twitter, how to "trend" where to look on a twitter page to see the "trending topics" and what their "number is"..:

Basically, If you want to trend something, use a hash tag # in front of whatever word or phrase you want to trend, and then Write the word or phrase with no spaces. See the examples above...

For instance #TRESPASSING or #TrespassingOnTuesday etc...

You can click on the Trending Topic on the list of top ten trending topics on the left side of the twitter page.., and if for instance, #TRESPASSING is Trending, you can click on the trending topic and see ALL of the tweets that contain that hash tagged word or phrase... Trends can be World Wide (WW), by country (US), or by city (Los Angeles, etc..), and you can change them to the one you want to see.

SG said...

What a week!! No time for sleep!WHO cares about sleep, Glambert don't need it!!YEY!almost everything is like 3 or 4am here.....yey...
Aside of that, it's great that one by one, all the tv's or magazines or whatever,that banned Adam at some point for nosense reasons,now, they all want him in they programs or mags or..etc...because they know he sells and he is truly the best!

Anonymous said...

Still hoping somebody can tell me where the GMA gig will be in NYC? Or (because it's only one song) do you think it's just in their studio...?

Anonymous said...

I would guess that since Adam is only singing NCOE on GMA that it would be in the studio and that it is not an outdoor conceret. Maybe they will have him back at a later date to do a summer concert outdoors with songs from Trespassing. He is also doing the pop culture segment and that is done from behind the desk. If they interview him and I suppose they will, I hope the focus is on the new album and even his appearances with Queen. Can't wait to see Adam perform and then catch him later on VH1 The Morning Buzz. I watched his previous appearance on that show and the interview was a lot of fun. The host(I forget her name) really seemed taken with Adam, but then who wouldn't. I have to be sure to watch Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live on Bravo on May 24; that should be a riot since they get pretty crazy during the interview and Q&A session. It's going to be Adam Lambert overload this coming week, but I will love every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

How cool that Adam will be a co-host for a segment on GMA. Such a turn-around from you-know-when. I'm sure his song will done in-studio. VH1 should be oood, too. Don't know what that will be like, though. Chris Colfer will be on, too. Interviews???


Anonymous said...

I love 'watch what happens'...cant wait to see him on that!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone who responded to the question about the GMA song probably being performed in-studio.

Which leads me to my next question: for those of us who actually live IN NYC, what the heck is the deal with this "MLB Cave" concert? Do you literally just have to show up at lunchtime and line up in the street to get tickets? Or is this just a "VIP" insider gig?

I didn't see anything about tickets being offered...

Anonymous said...

@4:44PM Hope this answers your questions:

The MLB Fan Cave is pleased to welcome Adam Lambert as the next act in the 2012 Concert series. Adam Lambert, a platinum singer-songwriter, will play an exclusive live set on May 14, beginning at 6:30.

The performance is open to the public and fans are encouraged to come down to the MLB Fan Cave (corner of 4th and Broadway) for the chance to see the set. Please note that space is limited.

Read more about it here:

VIP passes:

More info.:

Also, check out the link sources next to this even on following AL events calendar:

Anonymous said...

OK, ninjas, bring us back video from the MLBat Cave!

Anonymous said...

Watchingg GMA . . no mention of Adam . . WTF . . took time off from work

Anonymous said...

Ok just mentioned Adam and showed
BTIKM video and "Pop" section thing . . still waiting....

mimi said...

I just watched Adam on GMA---saw the performance of NCOE, which was amazing as usual---very "morning tv" friendly, if you know what I mean. He seemed very happy and smiled a lot; had on a jacket that I have not seen before, nice pants and the boots with little heel (that look sooooo nice on him. All and all a wonderful promo for album drop tomorrow. I did miss the other spot, "Pop section", so don't know what that was all about. Maybe someone else can report on that. Oh yes, there was a huge crowd for him also!

mimi said...

Adam also started singing "Trespassing" as they went off air, but only about two sentences got on air. My station went to commericial , and the show never came back. There appeared to be a outdoor concert, where Adam did sing more songs---but don't know for sure. Someone that was there for the the show can enlighten us. Album tomorrow---can't believe it is finally here. I ordered so many, can't remember--but did get email that the box set had shipped. Everyone go to Target and buy more albums---they have done nice ads for "Trespassing"!!!!