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Adam Lambert's "TRESPASSING" Getting Good Reviews Already!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 7, 2012

Posted at : Monday, May 07, 2012

Apparently, some people have listened to the album already and are giving Adam's 'TRESPASSING" good reviews! But remember, PURCHASE A COPY OF "TRESPASSING" when it is out next week May 15th!

Some fans around the world have gotten the album too!

@scalettc (Hong Kong): ♥ got it! @adamlambert

If you've heard the album, how do you rate it?


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....ORGASMIC!

A moment of intense pleasure after a year of foreplay!

Sorry, I'm feeling naughty!

Anonymous said...


Shady Lady!.....NS

Arthas said...


I think this "leak policy" and releasing the album sooner in some places is a very slick strategy the label is performing. I would even go a step further and suggest to trend #Trespassingleak to raise more awareness and curiosity about this album. What do you say?

Within the last 24 hours, in the music blogs, there have been so many people who didn't know about Adam's new album talking about it's possible leak because of the buzz and admitted to getting curious to check it out.

Also the Amazon numbers are either steady at 8, or starTing to drop a little from 21 to 28 in other categories for the deluxe version. But what is very strange is that the ordinary album has moved from 1073 in overall music to 700 something in just an hour or so! This a good sign right?!! Given the fact that amazon numbers are updated hourly... ??? Do you think the leakage and new listeners have something to do with this?

Also Adam has to move +100.000 albums in order to be a contender for the next week's top spot on the album chart. There are either some chart experts who think he will reach it easily if he does something buzz-worthy in this week OR some who think he isn't even likely to be in the top 10 !!! So there's no moderation here, either #1 for Adam or not even the top 10 ! That's strange.

Beside my question about the trend suggestion, I need to know one more thing. Aside from all the regular things... what can we do in this coming week, to attract listeners and buyers to Adam's album?! I was thinking of very interesting Fan videos of the new tracks AND BY INTERESTING I MEAN REALLY CREATIVE AND NEW...

Anonymous said...

I just think that Adam has to continue to make tv appearances to promote the album. He is on Chelsea Lately this week and then on IDOL next week. Adam needs to appear on programs that have a large viewing audience during different time periods for those at home during the day and those who can only watch late night tv. The Kimmel show was a start. But I am one of those who has followed Adam and the production of his album, so I knew all about the snippets and the release date of Trespassing. He needs to attract those who are the fence sitters, the naysayers from the first album. I guess the "leak policy" as with the snippets does boost interest in the album and raise awareness of its imminent release. It's all good and hopefully will help sales numbers for this amazingly talented singer. Go out and buy an album or two...none of this illegal downloading or whatever people do so they don't have to pay for it. I want Adam to have all the success and accolades that he so rightfully deserves for his second album. And I also want to hear NCOE on the!

Anonymous said...

Buy another copy on May 15th!!!
Let's do it for our guy!!!!!
Buy one, gift it! on Trespassing release day.

Anonymous said...

I listened to the leak and it's equivalent to Thriller album IMO. I love all the songs on this album. I used my high tech headphone to listen to these leaks and I hear like a soundmark (like pictures watermark)on these leaked tracks.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Right after listening to the leaks on my computer connected to my surround sound system, Beyonce's album 4 came up. Let me tell you, compare to her album Trespassing is EPIC.

If this album doesn't get to platinum within few months there is something wrong with people in the music industry or people in general.


Jadam NZ said...

My sister just rang to say a local radio station is playing the whole trespassing album on line to morrow. Is this a good thing or not? Do they have the album physically have they downloaded it legally as the are a radio station? How does this work anyone???

Anonymous said...

The volcano is about to erupt! The good reviews are great, of course, but he needs that sales surge to get him to the top quickly. Once non-fans see the album do so well, more of them will be curious and buy it. That's why our buying, requesting and spinning are SO important! I know we're doing all we can. We have to get more on board! The quality of the album is a given. Now, if we can just get everyone to HEAR IT!


Anonymous said...

A very well done fan video that has all the songs in 30 seconds snippets and we can post this fan video on all the radio stations' facebook pages around the world.

American Idol facebook page is infested with Idol fans on Wed. and Thurs. We should spam AI facebook page about the album on the night of Adam's performance cause they're gonna have a thread about him.

Queen facebook page doesn't delete any links we post about Adam anymore. We can post this fan video on Queen's facebook page as well.


Anonymous said...

I think Better than I know myself is the highlight of Trespassing. It has Grammy written all over it. If that song is ignored you can say the Grammy awards don't know shit. Shady is taking him down a whole new alley. I like the breakdown at the end and Nile Rodgers riffs are epic. My two favorite tracks from Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

CHOKEHOLD IS A STUNNER. It should have been in the forefront for a single. I think he will get the acclaim he deserves with this album.

Anonymous said...

@Jadam NZ; tweet Adam's publicist @shoshannastone or @RCAPromo and asked them about your radio station is playing Trespassing album in its entirety and is it fine with them to do so!?

SG said...

It takes you to all the emtions a human being can feel. From craying with Underneath or Outlwas of love,Broken english to party with Kicking in and Pop that Lock,Cuckoo and pure sexyness with Shady...OMG Shady....the begining is to die of pleasure!! and of course the endless energy of Runnin!! WOW!!! Can't stop listening to it!!It's like a shot of strenght that hits you deep inside and makes you feel that you can do anything!!PERFECT!!!All my friends need to have Trespassing!!

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong- but I think adam this may 10th on chesley lately is a repeat, that's what my DVR says? Still recording just in case. Yes, I think adam will do great if only he gets radio PLAY!!! That's the key, I have not heard one song of his yet here in fla.-I'm really pissed off about that because all these artists today as soon as thier single comes out (too many to name) instant play non-stop WTF????

I've even heard chris Renee from X-factor a millin times on top 20 sirrus radio??? Huh? What can we do to get adam on the radio every 10 minuites like all this other garbage that's gets played. Sorry, it's just mind-boggling to me!!

Anonymous said...

Huh? The Chelsea Lately show is supposed to be new. Saw the lineup on Adamtopia. Can't imagine it would be that old show he was on two years ago.


Anonymous said...


C'moon in, if you dare, he said back in Dec 2011...NOW the waiting is almost over!!!

I'm waiting for the "Regular" and Deluxe packages to land on my hands any day now...

Anonymous said...

Can't Adam's record label do something about the lack of radio play? I've noticed repeatedly that many unknown or little known artists are played over and over on the radio, but a grammy nominee with platinum success around the world is and millions of passionate fans is ignored?!People won't buy if they don't hear it. It won't chart if it does not get spins.

Jadam NZ said...

Anon 3.12 thanks for your suggestion, I dont tweet so thats out.
I am sure they have come by it legally, they have too much to lose.
What I am afraid of is people downloading the audio illegally.
Still all the buzz is helpful I guess and people who are that way inclined will get it anyway. Its not on the radio just online apparently.

Anonymous said...

Underneath slays me! Most gorgeous song EVER!
Broken English I adore.
Crazy insane for SHADY!
Can not wait for my cd and now on the 15th more for my car, my friends.
Love this album!
Will slay at Grammys.

Jadam NZ said...

PS Me again. With all the excitement about the album has any one heard when we can expect to see the NCOE video.
Soooooo Much exciting stuff.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it! Tresspassing "regular" moved up from #2,000 to #60in Music on Top100 on Amazon and #99 on Top100 Rock! It happend just in one day!!!

Tresspassing deff has to be Grammy's nominated

Anonymous said...

Via @Squiggles621: Here's a blog about several charities you could donate adam's cd to.

Give the Gift of Music

Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:18 PM

I just wanted to let everyone know about some of the charities that are out there that you can gift the Trespassing CD to. If you purchase the CDs on Amazon they can be sent directly to the charity.

Music Can Cure aims to better the lives of terminally ill teenagers through music. I've donated music to this charity since it first started.

Send CDs or DVDs to:
Music Can Cure
2900 Slater Rd
Salem, Oh 44460

1n10 supports gay youth

Please enclose a note to the kids such as "it gets better because we support and appreciate you!"

Send CDs or DVDs to:
Nick Ray, Executive Director
Suite 2011
2700 N. 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Sister Soldier Project
P.O. Box 1311
Grover Beach, CA 93483

Send a note to the soldiers to include with your gift. Myraline's email address is

*Note- these donations are tax deductable

Another great charity is Youth First Texas. They have set up a page on Amazon requesting several Adam items.

By: Squiggles621

Anonymous said...

Thank you @Suiggles621 for all this great charity information. You've just made it easier for me to contact them.

I'm so excited about all this positive buzz about Trespassing!

anon 2:43 I've been requesting daily here in L.A. to KBIG and KISS FM but I haven't heard anything yet except twice this week I heard WWFM! Made me happy anyway...just to hear Adam on the radio yay!


Anonymous said...

For those who would like to gift Trespassing album, Youth First Texas have setup an Amazon request page to pre-order Trespassing album:

Anonymous said...

Tweet by @JordanMeehan (EQ): @adamlambert Hey new follower, thought you'd wanna start looking at shelves to hold your Grammys for Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

OMG guys I have no idea which of these tracks are my fav. cause I love them all.

Let's all buy Trespassing album on 5/15. Even if we have already pre-ordered them let's buy them for all the charities mentioned above or get couple of more extras and give them to our friends.

Adam deserves huge recognition with this album in the industry. His voice is utterly out of this world on all tracks.

Anonymous said...

Adam's album is awesome..masterpiece words can describe it love it

Anonymous said...

So, there is the leak!And all sales dropped down in few hours! At Walmart Tresspassing Deluxe moved from #3 to #20! It doesn't have any sale rates at Barnes & Noble! Can't believe that Adam's fans will not support him and download the album for free. So, how many real fans Adam has right now? I thought everybody know the rule "No Sales-No Grammys"!

Anonymous said...

I've always said people who steal, cheat and lie will get theirs in the end. Karma's a real pain in the a$$.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing deluxe Barnes & Nobles sales rank #6.

Anonymous said...

Guys lets not focus one first week sales or place too much importance on them. Madonna sold over 350,000 copies in the first week then her sales dropped by over 50% in the second week is not encouraging. I would rather Adam has steady sales over the weeks because he is an artist that sells albums as opposed to singles.

Also Adam has a lot of international fans that will boost his overall sales. Don't put too much stock on the first week numbers and then declare Adam a failure if he doesn't meet those numbers. Lets focus on steady numbers every week and hopefully his AI appearance will boost his sales as well.

The album is a masterpiece and we should support Adam now and not try to place unrealistic expectations on him. Buy buy buy and lets hope he sells a ton of albums not just on the first week.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting to listen to Adam's cd when I get the hard copy in my hands and can hold it while blasting all the songs with headphones on! I am going to make it MY own listening party and it's going to be I N C R E D I B L E!!!

Anonymous said...

@7:05PM You are absolutely wrong. First week sales number goes to artist portfolio forever. If this is VERY GOOD number! It brings him to Billboard charts, US Music Industry Recognitions, more big performances,etc
So, this is the most important week for every artist new album.

daydreamin said...

Here is a post from a couple of ladies who went to the Jimmy Kimmel show to see Adam. They talk about Adam having a dinner after the concert that included guests Roger Taylor and Brian May:

"Adam made a quick get-away in his fur-collared jacket, blowing a kiss and waving to the group. There were rumors flying around from all the fans “who know” that he was hosting a dinner with his father and Queen’s Brian May and Roger Taylor."

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

Who ever it was that said Pop that Lock on UTube was great didn't pay attention. It is a remix and adam's vice is overshadowed. I'd give it a 4 out of 10.

Anonymous said...

ADAM does have a MASSIVE amount of international fans (some going back pre-idol even) and they are going nuts right now! He is indeed a world treasure! Just waited to watch this happen and now it's time for the ADAM storm to hit across the planet! OMG just loving it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Australia loves Adam soooooooooooo
much.The album is fanbloodytastic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...So cute! Adam's Dad is in Texas and he requested NCOE and the radio station responded. Read the following tweets:

Miles Tougeaux ‏ @milestougeaux
No, in Texas for work. Driving DFW autotopia in an underpowered rental , stay clear. So what station here plays NCOE?

MIX1029DFW ‏ @MIX1029DFW
@milestougeaux we do! Mix in Dallas/Ft Worth! @adamlambert is a great friend of the station!

Miles Tougeaux ‏ @milestougeaux
OK! Mix102.9 DFW its is! I'll return the car with all the presets pegged there.

Inscrutable ‏ @inscrutable7
RT Ala4afam: @MIX1029DFW Adam's dad is in town. We recommended ur station to hear NCOE! can u play it for Dadbert? @milestougeaux

MIX1029DFW ‏ @MIX1029DFW
@inscrutable7 @milestougeaux of course!

Anonymous said...

Meet & Greet w/ Adam Lambert + 2 Tickets to iHeartRadio Theater Show, 5/15 NY
100% of the proceeds benefit City of Hope

Time left: 5d 20h (May 13, 201217:00:01 PDT)
Current bid: US $1,000.00

Anonymous said...

9:39 love hearing Adam's dad and radio station with such good sense of humor.

HK fan said...

Have listened to most of the album twice this morning. Love the whole thing, so much better than FYE and I loved that! But first impressions, Underneath, beautiful, so gut wrenching. Cuckoo, love it far more than the live versions so far.
And to everyone who hasn't brought it yet, would recommend you get the delux version, Runnin is amazing, and really love Nirvana too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you all got your copy allready??? When did you order (outside US)? Just got the info my order is shipping... Hope it's a plane not a ship to Europe ;) This waiting is killing me!

If anyone from Europe (or further) has ordered fan edition from AO please tell how long it took from the moment of shipping? Thanks a lot!


glitzylady said...

I agree: the Deluxe Trespassing is the ONLY way to go as far as I'm concerned and this is why...The Bonus Songs, especially RUNNIN' and NIRVANA are not to be missed..They should have been included in the standard album in my opinion..They are strong songs and two of my favorites...LOVE both....

RUNNIN' should be a single for sure... Powerful song, with a broad appeal, and a rock sound..and ADAM's VOICE is highlighted, lower range to higher, all in one fabulous and addicting song. We don't hear his lower range enough as a general rule, and it is well highlighted here..I think many would be surprised to realize it's Adam....

And of course, NIRVANA is absolutely gorgeous: it gives me chills and is exquisitely sexy in an ethereal and incredibly romantic way...Both songs are totally "Adam" but yet very different. Do not miss these songs.. Seriously...

Anonymous said...

Australia keep those request up! Patience....before the storm hits!

Anonymous said...

Adam will shake the whole music industry to a state of total and utter gobsmack!.....setting the world on fire taking people into a state of pure frenzy! 'Trespassing'
is an international wonderment,
a shear piece of musical genuis!
There isn't a person on this earth
that can compare to ADAMS vocal ability or stage presence!
LOVE the international hype that set's off this historic moment!
The massive Adam fanbase around the world is going crazy!

Arthas said...


Anonymous said...

Got an email notice from Amazon Canada yesterday - mail due date is May 9th - oooooooohhhhh!

My Apollo tickets for July 11th were delievered on Thursday and my snail mail tickets for the 12th were in the letter box on Firday along with my ALFC fan club T-shirt and dog tag on Friday. Yesterday got my cd arrival notice from Amazon Canada - due date May 9th.

Waiting for my Fault magazine, my key necklace and my AO cd package with all the lithos and goodies inside.

I am having an Adam Christmas!!!!

Anonymous said...

cannot get enough of Adam's Trespassing Album..soo it so much..

Anonymous said...

@jax, thanks for the great review link :)) I believe that all the reviews of the album will be great!

anon 3:27 AM, I am so pissed that I didn't react soon enough to get myself to Apollo... Lucky you!


What a timing to discover Adam's world - all this excitement about new great album :) Not sure I can handle this all, because at the same time I am still entering to his first album and GN tour! It's messed up my whole ordinary and everyday life, keep watching his performances all the time! I feel like fallen in love, but never had such a talented lover ;) I can sense you guys feel the same way! But I'd like to hear if there's some other new fans, what are you feeling about your fresh crush?

It feels strange why not all people feel the same about this music and performer, but we just have to accept that people can have different tastes of music. Many of my friends don't deny that Adam can sing like hell, but they just don't like intense emotional theatrical style of performance with singing high notes (all of which I love!). Well it's their loss, I am going to enjoy my full heart :)


Arthas said...


Remember earlier I told you that Trespassing(non-deluxe) has risen from 1000 something to 700ish?! And do you remember it was only charted in the "overall music" category?!!!

- #410 in Music (See Top 100 in Music)
- #73 in Music > Pop > Adult Alternative
- #92 in Music > Alternative Rock

- #20 in Music (See Top 100 in Music)
- #7 in Music > Alternative Rock
- #7 in Music > Pop > Adult Alternative
- #18 in Music > Rock

Maybe we can take him to next week's No 1 debut after all... :)

HK fan said...

Not sure if these reviews have been posted.

Another music blog review – very positive:

And from Music Box Mix:

and a link to tweets talking about Trespassing!/adamimpresses

Anonymous said...

@May 7, 2012 7:15 PM: YES!!!!! TRUE

Anonymous said...

Wait - what's the deal w/ getting the best "numbers" out of my purchase, for charting I mean... delux or regular... I thought regular album was way to go to boost the "right" numbers positively???????

the comment section on that village voice article, the author, spoke to this issue, I think I'll go try to find his comment!! But post here fans if you know, but please, only if you REALLY know :)!!

Anonymous said...

Just posting this review on most recent thread. It may have been posted already, sorry if so (although I think this one is fairly recent today???). Anyway, I'll leave link. I didn't know what I thought of this review at first, but upon further thought, I actually think it's cool!


Anonymous said...

I just listened to it. I like most of it especially 'Underneath' and a few others that stand out. I do like his voice it's beautiful.

I know Adam has worked hard on Trespassing so, I hope he makes a big splash!

I don't understand..Sony/RCA's decision leaking song snippets for months and then leaking the entire album before the 15th. If it's a strategy for sales or to get new fans... I hope it works.

Anonymous said...

It's a GREAT album,every song taking you through an experience ,every song worthy of being a single.. Calling it a'Masterpiece' would not be going too far

Anonymous said...

I went to the Jimmy Kimmel show and saw Adam performing live for the first time, he was truly amazing!!! I was on holidays in LA from Australia and it was the high light of my trip. I've just placed my order for his new album the Fan-edition and it's now being shipped to me, I haven't been this excited for a long time, but Adam is so special, a truly remarkable entertainer.

Anonymous said...

This is the comment about charting from that VV article, comment from the author:

If you buy it at iTunes, or Amazon, or any digital/mail-order e-tailer, it will count (and actually help Lambert's week-one total, since all those preorders get shipped the week the album drops and count toward the charts that week). You'll want to make sure, if at iTunes or another digital e-tailer, that you're buying Trespassing as an album (i.e., the iTunes "BUY ALBUM" button), rather than cherry-picking songs—it only counts if you buy it as a full album.

Anonymous said...

@JAX It wasn't a leak. It was TP album online listening made available by Sony Music in Malaysia. Same thing will be available in US either on AOL Music, Yahoo, or other legit online music websites before 5/15 which helps people to decide if they want to buy the album or not. This way of streaming albums is done by recording labels for all artists before release date of their album. Carrie Underwood streamed her entire album on iTunes. It's so unfortunate that album streams usually turns into illegal stealing of the album tracks by bunch of unethical individuals.

MotoMoto said...

Adam is a true treasure that the world needs to sit up and notice. Let the haters try and hate on Trespassing and come up with ZILCH... I knew it would be good but not this good. Underneath is beautiful and so haunting. I don't get why Runnin didn't make the cut maybe it was bumped for NCOE but I'm glad I got to hear it because its beyond gorgeous and Nirvana is so darn thinks he wrote it about Sauli maybe after burning man lol because its about making love and what a song it is. Shady is driving me hot and Cuckoo gives me so much energy every time I hear it. Overall Mr. Lambert has a lot to be proud of and we Glamberts will support you to the very end. Can't wait to read reviews from the heavy hitters even Entertainment Weekly who are usually so negative to Adam can't give a poor rating unless they want to make it personal!!!

Adamluv said...

@MGF @HK @Jax - thank you all for the links to the reviews. Enjoyed reading them all but especially enjoyed the review that @MGF sent. I thought it was a hoot especially the line, "shrieks like someone just dropped a TV on his toe". If you have a sense of humor, go read it.. . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

All the reviews about this album thus far have been positive. One album review that is very important is New York Times. I believe that won't happen until after 5/15 not before. Wished Adam had a home page banner with live stream on iTunes just like Underwood. Adam is way more talented than her. But she is more of a safe singer for most people. I think she is just too stiff and in place singer.

Anonymous said...

Even some of the "streaming stealers" will become CD buyers. That's the marketing strategy. They'll listen and then buy a CD as well and maybe tell other people, who then will buy and so on and so on. Music has been "pirated" in many ways for decades, even with good old cassettes tapes. Overall, Trespassing's sales are going to be excellent, streaming or no streaming. People are wanting this music for the CD players in their homes, cars, etc. I'm not in panic-worry mode at all.


Anonymous said...

I keep listening to "Runnin" what a song! I am speechless...

Arthas said...

@ 7:30 >

Yes, I know that. By leaking I too exactly mean the illegal copying of the streamed versions and sharing it on youtube and DL sites.

By "strategic leak", I was pointing out that the label knows this kind of piracy will happen if they stream it, but still they do so because at the end it'll be just affecting Adam's sales in a good way.

@ DRG > Right at point! It's already done it's magic in Amazon and other sites. You're completely right...

@ LN > your welcome. ;)

Arthas said...

Guess the bonus track are working their magic. TRESPASSING DELUXE IS RISING FAST ON AMAZON.

- #16 in Music (See Top 100 in Music)
- #7 in Music > Alternative Rock
- #7 in Music > Pop > Adult Alternative
- #13 in Music > Rock

Almost in every category it's having the green increase sign beside it which shows it will rise more in the coming hours. That's great.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're technically savvy with terms like...a strategic leak as opposed to an illegal leak... :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

This is amazing! The CD isn't even out yet for a week. Adam said that his next tour would depend on the sales of the album. I don't think we have to worry! What's that we hear about singers having a "sophomore slump" with their second album? Well, Adam is leaving them in the DUST!

DRG (saving money for the next TOUR)

Arthas said...

@ Lam-my > Well thank you. :p Overall, as I said before, if you want to sum it all up, this is to be called IMO, a "leak policy". :D
I don't know anything about this "Adam's day", what is it Lam-my?

Anonymous said...

Is Adam in Tokyo...or out of the US or something...anyone know?

Arthas said...


Instead of just trending #tres... LET'S ALL TWEET A SHORT THANK YOU MSG TO ADAM FOR THIS ALBUM now that most of you have heard it and liked it, and also ensure him that we'll still buy and do anything to take him to the top spot for the next week.

This will eventually help trending #trespassing as I've understood many don't know what "trespassing" means when we trend it.


Arthas said...

@ HK >

The links were AMAZING! Tnx so much for posting them... ;)

Anonymous said...

When Adam was in the Top 3 of Idol Season 8, all three contestants returned to their hometowns in great glory and pomp. And they were given a special day on the calendar, named after them, to commemorate the occasion; so for was Adam's Day, May 8. Can't remember if it was at his High School or at the San Diego Hotel that he was bestowed this special day in his name. You can watch his AI home return on youtube, at his Mount Carmel High School. A girl ran onto the platform, took off her t-shirt and wanted to give Adam a hug. The security caught hold of her just in time...sooo exciting! You might have already watched this video, on youtube. He sang Mad World. :)

Jax said...

@ Lam-my >

Oh yes! "Adam Lambert Day", now I remember...

I believe it was the Mayor of San Diego who declared May 8th, Adam's day. Famously saying: “Anyone who would sing Led Zeppelin’s ‘Whole Lotta Love’ and get a standing ovation is my kind of guy.” :)

Tnx Lam-my

Anonymous said...

10:32, According to my special Adam calendar, he is scheduled to be in Japan on August 18-19. I'm betting that right now he and the band are rehearsing for Idol and for all these radio shows and appearances that are coming up. I'm sure they want to polish up the act before they hit the road. That's my theory, anyway.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the most positive reviews I ever read about Adam's voice, performances, and new album


Arthas said...

@ HAL >

Completely agree with you. AS A MATTER OF FACT ADAM'S FACEBOOK PAGE JUST SHARED THIS ARTICLE ABOUT AN HOUR AGO! It seems it's a very important exposure...

MotoMoto said...

Guys the New York Daily News has a circulation of over 600,000 per day...its the fourth most circulated paper in the US according to wiki.

Wow that is just awesome. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Updated calendar of events shows all of Adam's appearances with links to buy tickets for these events:

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady I loved your description of "Runnin". I utterly LOVE that song! Everyone should listen to it on the stream or snippets and decide for yourself that you need to buy the DELUX version! OMG I am loving this album!!! Can't wait till the mail comes next week!!

Anonymous said...

This charity organization is in a need of Trespassing album. Please gift as many as you can to this org.:

Anonymous said...

@JAX Ethical individuals will end up buying the album after listening to the album online. Those who can't buy the album will end up with the free download of album stream. But let me tell you after listening to TP album online listening party yesterday I heard a huge difference between my purchased BTIKM and NCOE and the album stream. Album online stream is like a preview and it's totally different than the real deal on the actual label album. Those who can't get the album will miss a good quality of music on TP tracks on actual album.

Anonymous said...

Just listened to the livestream of Trespassing and it is amaaaazing. It has to be the best album of
2012. I don't care what any other performer records and releases. This is it for me. I have always said that Adam is the best vocal talent in the music business today and this album certainly proves it. Every song, every word is special and you can tell that Adam has poured his heart and soul into the making of this album. If people don't appreciate and love it for its creative genius, then there is something wrong with the listening public. I can't wait to get my copy in the mail of the deluxe edition, but I will also go out on May 15th to buy another either in Walmart or Target and play it on the way home in the car. Adam Lambert certainly made me want to listen to music again and he has this fan for life.

Anonymous said...

LAWeekly's People comes out May 17th
gorgeous shots of Adam!/L_in_A/status/198443013222047744

Anonymous said...

Just visited Adam Official. Looks like Adam tweeted about doing a Twitter party "about the music." Don't think it's started yet, but be aware!


Jadam NZ said...

I was so pleased to come here and read that the album was livestreamed everywhere and the reasons why. Online only,
one of our radio stations did the same and I was feeling a bit sick about it all.But it seems its all okay.I hope so anyway.
Was glad to hear the livestream quality is nothing like the actually album.
The Buzz is so exciting and already so many great reviews.

Anonymous said...

Just bought my second Deluxe Edition. Does it matter if we buy now or on the 15th? I imagine that all sales are tallied once the album goes out right? Anyone know the answer?
If the 15th matters, i'll order for another gift.

Anonymous said...

Great great reviews :)) I think the leaking is a modern way of marketing - the more listenings, reviews ands people's comments before release date, the more people get interested in early enough to hit first week sales!

Had a great evening with a friend and a bottle of wine, and managed to open her eyes about Adam with video performances and new song snippets... If people hear only a couple of hit songs background on the radio, they don't get the whole picture of the artist. My friend had not realized Adam's incredible vocal skills, magnetism and sexy performer ability. You have to LISTEN to Adam, he's not any elevator music background ;)


Anonymous said...

People have to open their ears and their eyes to Adam Lambert and his amazing vocal talent. He is one creative genius and this new album proves it. I have just listened to the live stream of the songs and I can't say enough about it. I will be getting my deluxe edition next week through the mail but will also have to go out and buy another copy at Target just to have it that same day. I have not been this excited about an album release in ages. The last one was Adele's 21 which I bought on the basis of hearing one song on the radio. If Adam could have as much success with Trespassing as she had with her second album, that would be spectacular. It's abut time that he is recognized for the talented performer that he is in a music scene filled with mediocrity and no talent individuals. Adam puts them all to shame with his incredible voice and this brilliant album.

Anonymous said...

Nothing Adam sings is superficial. Even the lighter, dancey songs have substance and meaning. HUGE difference from so many vapid pop songs.


Anonymous said...

Adam did have his twitter party and gave some great answers. Come on 24/7, get it up on here!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Listened to the leak... OMG. All the words have been said in here, so I don't try to say anything. I love them all, but there are 3 of them which are killing me in a positive way: Runnin, Underneath and Nirvana. Can't stop listening them. They are my Nirvana :)


Anonymous said...

@ DRG--------------are you forgetting Down the Rabbit Hole?

Anonymous said...

been listening to "runnin" this morning..LOVE this glad I ordered the deluxe edition...I swear this man has managed to kick my one last hormone into HIGH gear...I mean he blows all other artists away...btw.."Runnin" brought tears to my eyes..the lyrics are so powerful, as is his voice on this track..

Anonymous said...

@ anon 4:14 AM

I totally agree with you about Runnin. That song is SO powerful, goes inside every cell of my body. Everybody should get the deluxe album!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Adam! I listened to the streaming about 4 times yesterday. My favorite is 'Underneath'. I get it that everyone wants people to buy many copies but I'm only buying one.

It's evident Adam put his heart into this CD and I'm rooting for him to do well on the charts and in his continued music career.

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