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The Village Voice and AfterElton Explain Why It Is Important For Adam Lambert To Get #1 Album!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Via AfterElton:

Did you know that no out artist has ever held the #1 spot on the Billboard album chart? The Village Voice runs down the "almosts" and the "not outs" and makes a strong case for why buying Adam Lambert's album first week strikes a strong note for gay visibility if we can make him land at #1.

CLICK HERE to read The Village Voice's "Buy An Adam Lambert Album, Strike A Tiny Blow For Gay Rights" article on why buying Adam's new album is so important!



MotoMoto said...

Hey here is an idea why not buy his album because its BRILLIANT not because he is gay!!!

Anonymous said...

RIGHT!!! @10:40

Anonymous said...

I preordered 2 CD's on Amazon but won't be home when they are delivered. I will be visiting family so I am buying 2 more albums for them. Let's do it Glamberts!!!!
Yes he is brilliant and the best singer/performer out there.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to see Adam and band perform at Six Flags. I am ordering so many cd's I have to make new friends to give them to.

Anonymous said...


I agree with @MotoMoto. I'm bying the album because I love Adam, his voice and his music. I am buying one CD deluxe for myself and then I will buy and download one copy of the album to my iphone. Why are Americans so obsessed with numbers? Isn't it great that Adam is able to live on his music? He can travel the world and perform.
So now Adam should be THE GAY artist. Does he really want that too? I think America and the world will eventually recognise him as one of the best voices in the pop world. Maybe not now on the spot, but it will happen, if not sooner then later.
I am thrilled how supportive the Glamberts are, but really...

Anonymous said...

I posted ANON 10:43. Of course we are buying the album because Adam has a terrific voice and a terrific album and deserves to be #1. I NEVER think of Adam as the Gay artist. Don't start something and criticize the Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

10:40 AM -- You've got that right! This incredible album is great because it's great, not because Adam is gay.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with other previous comments that I am buying Adam's album for the music, his voice, the brilliance of his creative genius. It has nothing to do with Adam being gay. That has never mattered to me because I have always commented that Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music business today. If he is constantly identified as the gay AI singer, he will never get radio play or new fans to listen to this new album. I will have the deluxe edition come in the mail and will also buy another on May 1 probably at Target where I saw it advertised. This album is a brilliant masterpiece and has to be appreciated as such for every word, line and song.

Anonymous said...

ANON 10:43

Me again 11:14 AM. I'm not criticizing the Glamberts, I just think the suggestion in the article is over the top. Then again, I have no experience of being gay. Buy the CD because you love Adam and his music. I think we can agree on that. Peace...

Anonymous said...

Wowed by Adam's voice and stage presence. Can we Puleeeeeze give the gay thing a rest ?! It is totally irrelevant to us Glamberts around the world.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of whatever reason people have for buying the album, I'd say he has a very good chance of going to number #1 on the Billboard charts anyway(you can probably bet on it, actually). After looking at a list of albums expected to be released next week, I can't say there's much competition. If I had to guess, I'd say the only albums who really might impact the charts on the week of Trespassing's release are:

1) the Garbage album (returning from a 6 year hiatus, strong fanbase, and people love to snatch up reunion-esque albums but being released on an independent label might hurt them a bit when it comes to distribution... I don't really know).
2) the Tenacious D album. Jack Black has been bouncing around on talk shows and interviews lately promoting a movie while mentioning the album as well. There are already a few music videos up, and his celebrity plus the Tenacious D fanbase will probably produce a solid first week but probably not anything amazing.(Although I'm kind of a fan of theirs)
3) Third week sales of Carrie Underwood's album that was released last week (which might not be much since sales don't usually go up after the first week but country fans tend to be pretty loyal and they might give the album some staying power on the charts)

That said, I doubt any of them will hit 200,000 copies sold, maybe not even 175,000 but that's just my opinion based on how I've seen artist do on the charts in the past year or so.
Other than that I don't see any other albums that seem like a threat(as far as potential sales/chart position) to Adam getting the top spot.
Add to that the bump he'll probably get from his upcoming performance on American Idol which will happen in the same week the album is being released and all signs point to Adam being #1. I look forward to A well deserved moment in the sun for Adam with this album.

Anonymous said...

omg look for the invasion of the inbred trolls to hit if Adam's album does well. I can see the swarm now. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't want to be recognized for being that gay singer. He wants to be recognized for his music. No matter what.

Anonymous said...

Listen folks, we are all in agreement that we are buying his album for his amazing voice and talent, but I don't think it hurts for those sales to also reflect well on a mainstream gay man making it to the top. After all, he's the only one and the cause is important to him. He's talked so much about how difficult it is for him in the music industry. I can't even remember how many Deluxe CDs I've pre-ordered but will also go out and buy an additional one at Target, just to get his sales where they belong. If I run out of people to give them to, there is always all those charities that would benefit.

Shiggles said...

I log on to a music forum almost everyday and find their posts helpful in learning about tones and semitones, chest voice versus head voice, enunciation, breath technique, etc.

Today I logged on and was soon stunned how 4 different posters lost all ability to use their ususal verbage in describing Tresspassing. Here are the posts...

1. Holy Sh%t. I just heard Runnin. This is my new favorite Adam song. Speechless.

2. Runnin and Underneath...Vocal masterpieces. I can't see anyone other than Adam singing these two songs.

3. I think Runnin, Cuckoo and Shady are amazing. Underneath is one of his best vocals for sure.

4. I really dug Nirvana.

These are not Adam fans. They are musicians who discuss music. They do not discuss Adam's personal life.

Anonymous said...

@12:08 PM Adam has the potential to go down in US history as a major figure in our latest Civil Rights movement. He is the 1st openly gay singer (at onset of his career) to sign with a major record label. This is akin to Jackie Robinson being the 1st black baseball player to sign with a Major League team. These articles are about the hope that the gay community will rally round him (not about his mostly female heterosexual fans who already love him dearly). A large # of gay men have been dismissive of him. I suspect that hurts him a lot--to lack acceptance in his own community. In the Instinct Magazine article (Gorgeous Adam is on the cover.), Adam talks about this.

Adam does not have equal rights with heterosexuals in the USA. And, even if he wanted to marry Sauli, it gets even harder due to Sauli coming from another country. Laws have to change to permit it--even if he can get married in CA or NYC.

I think Adam is a major force in this movement--a much more important one than Divas like Gaga or Madonna. He is getting recognition & respect for the courage it takes to simply be himself. This is one of the many facets I love about him.

For background on Gay Civil Rights Movment in USA, the movie Milk (About Harvey Milk) is eye opening.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Adam will go down in history as a major factor in the civil rights movement for the gay community(anon 12:08 pm), but he certainly is an influential element in expressing his feelings toward the LGBT issues and bullying. I think right now he is focused on his music career and the release of Trespassing hoping it will be successful after all the hard work he put into it. Buy the album because it is brilliantly done by a supremely talented vocalist. Let's bring good music and lyrics back into the music scene and turn the tide on the mediocrity and garbage from no talent performers we hear everyday on the radio or see on all those tv entertainment shows. And I believe that Adam Lambert has the chance to do just that.

Anonymous said...

Just want to drop here that ADAM's FYE album just turned Platinum here today and ADAM is so overjoyed for this event!
Took 1 and half years to happen but Congratulations, ADAM!
I'm so happy for you.
I pray it will happen to Tresspassing quickly!


Anonymous said...

Just want to drop here that ADAM's FYE album just turned Platinum here today and ADAM is so overjoyed for this event!
Took 1 and half years to happen but Congratulations, ADAM!
I'm so happy for you.
I pray it will happen to Tresspassing quickly!


Anonymous said...

OT: Funny this whole gay issue is once again at adam's expense. My significant other who is not a adam fan thinks I'm on this web-site for years now and thought it was a completely gay-web-site, just not even worth fighting about anymore. My other half is just as ignorant as the people I have been fighting against that don't get adam. Via blogs you guys know what I mean. This was brought up tonight because of the obama thing, Sorry to vent, I just hope this album goes platium and his music is out there everywhere to shut these naysayeres up once and for all!

Anonymous said...

Stupid question but how do you gift this album? Does the other person have to have an i'tunes account or is it gifted by address and physically sent there? Sorry for such a stupid question but I have two people I think would like this album. Not a follower like me, but I'm bound and determined to make them one.

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan:

My husband is Swiss. We had NO trouble getting married in the US, in fact some people use marriage as a pathway to citizenship. Just sayin...

HK fan said...

For those saying that Adam shouldn't be known as The Gay artist, I think you should read all 5 pages of this article. It isn't saying that at all, but is making a lot of very valid points. It makes for interesting reading, as do the comments.
Kentucky fan makes some good points too.
Agree Milk is an excellent film.

Anonymous said...

@1:09 Are you a heterosexual couple or a gay couple? My uncle married my aunt who was from Germany and had no trouble bringing her into US as his wife. However, US laws are different for gay couples. US government does not yet recognize their marriages as legal on a national level. In the US same sex marriage is being approved state by state. Many states like North Carolina may not recognize a legal gay marriage done in another state like New York. I believe such laws re gay couples from different countries are being looked at by Immigration & Homeland Security, but are not yet changed. It may take a court case.

Kentucky Fan