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Will Adam Lambert Debut at #1 Next Week?

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 17, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 17, 2012

Apparently, next week will be a Three-Way Race for #1 on the album chart with Adele, Carrie Underwood and Adam Lambert! Read more below:

From Hitsdailydouble:

While it's still early in the week, a three-way battle is shaping up for #1 between Adele and Carrie Underwood, both of which will have substantial post-Mother's Day drops, and Adam Lambert, who appears to be trending to the high end of expectations.

The former American Idol runner-up and 19/RCA recording artist’s sophomore album, Trespassing, looks set to debut with between 70-80k, which will at least put him in the running for a chart-topping bow. His 2009 debut, For Your Entertainment, scored first-week sales of 198k, which was good for a #3 debut, albeit on the Tuesday after Black Friday.

Source: hitsdailydouble



Anonymous said...

Or maybe Donna Summer might beat them to that no. 1 spot!? Come one people if you haven't bought from iTunes just go to the following link and buy a copy for support:

Anonymous said...

Adam won't be around for a third album if he doesn't hit it on his sophmore album. If we want to continue to have the pleasure of Adam singing is the years to come, then we are going to need to buy, gift, donate the albums. I have bought 7 and will give to nieces and nephews and friends (to introduce them to Adam). I want Adam around for the rest of my days. I will do what it takes to get him to number 1. Once he hits it big, then we can all let out a sigh. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is only getting bigger and bigger, why isn't he selling 198k like the 1st album? Is it because of all these illegal downloads? I've bought 3 copies already! Are they counting international sales as well?

daydreamin said...

Biggest jump on Billboard!

Anonymous said...

No they are counting only US sales. We have to make his album to chart no. 1 on Billboard. lowered the price of both album for fans who can't afford to pay for iTunes or Amazon. Buy it for lesser price of $6.99 regular and $8.99 Deluxe here:

Anonymous said...

I've bought 8 albums already, but will buy more to help the cause.

daydreamin said...

Adam will be on NPR this Saturday! Check out his pic on the link below:

Guy Raz ‏@nprguyraz
Saturday on @nprwatc @adamlambert AND @JamesFallows in the same segment! 5:40pmE: check local pubradio listings!/NPRWest/status/203159449903439873/photo/1

Jadam NZ said...

I have bought 4 downloads from NZ itunes, 1 deluxe CD from Adams Global store in US and I am going to buy at least 4 more physical CDs tomorrow from Music stores, surely in the end this all has to count.
I cant think of any other way to help with US numbers. I will eventually get the UK version from Amazon.
Maybe I need to buy my 4 copies from Amazon in US.
What will I do for the best?

daydreamin said...

Here is a link to find your local NPR station:

Anonymous said...

Adam don't have huge fan like Adele and Carrie for support,simple as that.It's sad to see fans buy multiple to help him,that's not good. He's have to change he's new scary style then get lots of new fans.

Anonymous said...

10:58 For real. he looked so scary performing on Idol tonight. lol

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:54 PM

Are you kidding? Of course he will be around. He is the best! As long as he has that voice and that effect on people. I am already looking forward to him singing wonderful ballads when he is 50-60. This is just the beginning!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam, you did your thing on AI once again with such fierceness. That high note brought Born To Be Wild back in a full circle; with perfect grace and mastery. You got them all tamed to your whims and fancies, haven't you...those fiery notes that engulf your AI stage. With the eye of Horus pulsating behind you, Never Close Our Eyes is going to hit the charts real hard! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Donna Summer

from Finland

Anonymous said...

Whether we like it or not, we will all have to buy many multiple albums just for Adam to have a substantial debut. He's been out of the limelight for over a year and that's been a major determinant of his ability to gain new fans, some finding him irrelevant or as if his 15 minutes of fame have been up for awhile. I would love for Adam to have a number one debut, but there's a small chance that it'll actually happen. For any of you that care or are misinformed, a 70-80 debut is very bad... he will mostly like not sign on to a third album if his following month's revenues aren't as high, which is likely since every artist's (with the exception of a few) debut is the highest number of copies to be sold. It really doesn't help that his first single flopped either. I don't understand why 'Better Than I Know Myself' didn't do well either... well, I do, but it's rather sad knowing that people harshly judge Adam's sexuality and overlook his career as a result. Anyway, I know this album news is hard met, but it's the reality of the situation. You're delusional to think that Adam will continue making albums for the entirety of his life; simply put, if his inability to reek copies sold exceeds the exceptions of his label, he'll immediately be dropped. I truly believe that Adam has an unmatched talent to perform and sing at levels those would only imagine to sing, but RCA is not going to care if his voice is perfect or that he's the most gorgeous man to walk the face of the earth... please, we need to get together as fans and do everything we can to make Adam's debut as high as conceivably possible! It would be a shame for this to be his last album!

Arthas said...


Arthas said...

I just hope the misfortune of losing this legend, Ms. Summer, wouldn't hurt Adam's sales this weekend. :|

Anonymous said...

@ 11:57 PM.......Bulls*it! Is it your goal in life to be a doomsayer? Do you have a crystal ball filled with murky predictions?
Just restrain yourself and let us be happy. I'm looking forward to his 3rd and 4th albums and don't worry he'll be making music a long long time. I don't care if he's not #1, there are artists who never make the charts who have a loyal following and keep on turning out albums year after year.

@ 10:58 and 11:05 ?????

Adam looked scary? Are you sure you were watching Idol. He was beautifully groomed, handsome as a dream and his smile and happiness made him glow. I wish I could open my door to find him there to scare me!

Anonymous said...

Ha!ha! to all idiots here!!!

Jealous because he is sexier than you:::)))))

Nothing bad to say to criticize Adam ha???

Bend down idiots and just shake heads Ha!Ha!

We r celebrating his success and u r welcome to join us he!he!


Anonymous said...

IMO...I just don't believe RCA will drop Adam if his sales don't equal Carrie or Adele's, etc. They probably dropped David Cook..because he had so little potential in his genre and his ambition seemed on the low side.Cook was also never a Global performer like Adam. Just because he won Kris,really means squat considering who votes. Adam was an anomaly for Idol.

Look at the reviews of Trespassing? Many reviewers are bouncing off the walls with positive vibes and that has to count for something.

Even if he doesn't make BB #1..he's charting high even showing up around the world so, again that must rate over at RCA!

No doubt what they will be looking at is iTunes. Dowlnloading the future in music.

It shows that people who are tech savvy.. and on the younger side are paying attention to Adam. Luddites on the other hand give a different impression of his fan base.

Gift iTunes...if you can because those numbers I believe will be watched closely by RCA big wigs.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:57 PM
Really. You don't say???!!

Your insistence on bringing our Trespassing flail-fest to a crashing halt with your gloom and doom predictions for Trespassing, and Adam as well, is a bit premature, I would dare say. In my opinion. Adam has the potential to be one of the greats and you are already predicting that he will be cancelled by RCA "immediately" if he doesn't debut at #1??!!! Pardon me, but give me a ... break. Yes, he's been out of the public eye for awhile, but so what? Trespassing debuted TWO DAYS AGO!!!. How about we give it a few months..or a year, before we declare it DOA, and Adam's recording career along with it. He and his label are very methodically re-introducing him to the world at large, and they seem to be doing an excellent job of it. The reviews for Trespassing are almost without exception very good and the word is getting out. He just appeared on American Idol, with its millions of viewers all over the world. He's doing interviews and promo everywhere..He's been given excellent (and well deserved) reviews in among others, Rolling Stone and People Magazine..and many others as well. He is becoming visible again. Word of mouth is powerful when it comes to music. Yes, David Cook was dropped by his label, but he sold only around 100, 000 albums total for his newest album, and while he is good, is apparently not as successful as Adam in the whole scheme of things, or as well known in reality. He is not known worldwide like Adam is.. I like DC as a matter of fact, I voted for him on Idol, and have been to one of his concerts..BUT.. Adam is my favorite by far. I would be quite shocked if that (ie cancellation by his label RCA) were to happen to Adam. And I DON'T expect it to happen.. I also don't consider myself to be particularly naive or delusional. I think most here are quite realistic about Adam's past, present and future, and just choose to flail right now about his talent and successes..And Trespassing. We know who he is and we know the challenges that he faces. We also know how talented he is and his potential for major stardom. I personally choose to celebrate, not predict failure even before the ink is dry on the Trespassing album covers.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:57 PM (More thoughts continued from above at 6:23 AM...)

I DO agree that we as fans should do our part to help Trespassing be successful (as we always do..) and I think many of us have already bought multiple albums. I plan to buy a few more to gift. I might also suggest that we help to gently create new fans by talking about his music and gifting to friends and family..and even your favorite barista at the latte stand or your hairdresser or the salesperson at your favorite clothing store...which by the way, all of those examples I've done just that, and more! Adam is not an every-household name yet..not like Lady Gaga or Katy Perry, or Adele, so we really can't realistically expect him to debut with the same sales numbers that they get, yet anyway. I assume Adam's label knows and understands that, and have a more modest "number" in mind. He will be becoming increasingly visible in the coming months with so many upcoming festivals, not to mention the Queen shows, which will undoubtedly generate some positive publicity for him..and more TV appearances are no doubt in the works..and who knows what other possibilities as well. Hoping for radio play for NCOE. And for the next single as well. And the next... Because there WILL be another single. There was a recent article in which a rep from Adam's label said they would be actively promo-ing Trespassing through next year, and there would be multiple singles from the album. That doesn't sound like they'll be "instantly dropping him" at all. Come back this time next year and we'll talk. I know we all wish Adam the best and can't help but be a little nervous for him right now, hoping that Trespassing and Adam get the success and recognition they deserve, and I suspect you do too. Predicting and preparing ourselves for failure isn't the way to do this.

Anonymous said...

whatever happen adam lambert the best in the world no one like him such a genuis-his angelic voice and his good persbaility. rember adam lambert is an aquarian born loveable-likeable and and a fiened of all peole any race. his birhtyear 1982- is a good luck year- a wrld friendly lileable guy- classic exmaple elvis presley- freddie emrcury and michael jackson same as adma lambert animal chinese zodiac sign;hes a for life-forver singer an american treasure now.

Anonymous said...

Send this to your friends who are pro equal rights!

Strike a Tiny Blow for Gay Rights!
Because in the nearly 60-year history of the weekly Billboard album chart, no single-artist title credited to an out gay performer has ever been our No. 1 album. (Nope, not him. Or him, either. Or her.)


Anonymous said...

1982 is a good luck year!! Happy to hear that!!! That's my birthyear too. :)

tess4ADAM said...

It's the same 'doom 'n gloomers' as usual on this thread ... can tell by the posts .. unintelligible English phrases .. just a ploy IMO ... and Negative vibes ... NOT in my world ... healthy or not ... Keep the Faith!! Good Things Come to those who WAIT!! ADAM is TOO Talented for RCA to drop him ... he'd be snatched up by a more enterprising label if such an UNthinkable thing were to occur ... NEVER!!!! Maybe ADAM + QUEEN will decide to collaborate on a NEW album in the future!! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES for ADAM!! Just keep on LOVIN' him & ALL will go just FINE!! Sending POSITIVE VIBES of Light 'n Love to ADAM & his Glamberts Worldwide ...


tess4ADAM said...

@Jadam NZ ... By all means buy all your albums at store ... they will help boost the US sales count ... tell all your friends to do the same thing!! Love'n Light Fellow Glambert

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Some people just get their kicks raining on our parade!

Forget, dismiss, ignore
It's nothing but a bore
I'm letting my heart soar.
I'm enjoying this very minute
Right now the skies the limit
Love this glow, no one can dim it.
Tomorrow what will be, will be
Makes no difference to me
If he's #1 or #2 or #3 .
He'll still be Adam,still be great
The rest is in the hands of fate
If necessary I'm content to wait.
An Adam cd and my room will fill
With sexy funk for a shivery chill
Or a ballad,my heart will thrill.

No one can make my happiness fade
No one can rain on my parade!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really guys? I offer my honest opinion and this is how you all react? We all are here to support Adam and are, presumably from being on this site, avid fans yet you must resort to such regressive behavior? I love Adam and I shouldn’t be insulted for my personal opinion. We are all fans here. I was merely sharing my own perspective on the situation and what I believe could be a detrimental situation if inappropriately permitted to progress. Adam is by far my favorite artists, but my love for him is bounded by realist idealism.
I’m a bit disappointed that some of you couldn’t have taken my opinion with thoughtful intention. I do acknowledge the fact that RCA does not have high expectations for Adam’s album, at least I hope they don’t, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that they do want to make a reasonable profit margin off his success. I wasn’t primitively labeling his album as a failure or condescending any prospective success, but rather attempting to assert the actuality of the situation. Perhaps I didn’t explain myself well enough. 70-80 debut is bad at this stage of his career BECAUSE if you all want Adam to EVENTUALLY become a house-hold name, he has to start attaining high revenues. A sophomore album marks the progression and expansion of that, if it will even happen. He needs to build off his original debut with FYE to really hit that mark of stardom. Becoming a sensation, a legend and an icon, he’ll need the sales and the multi-platinum records. YES, he can continue to produce albums and make all us fans happy, very happy, but to get to bigger and better platforms and tittles, and ultimately more respect, he needs something more than a mere 70-80 debut. I may or may not have exaggerated in saying that RCA would drop Adam, but if he does majorly flop, then it is somewhat probable.
Personally, I don’t really care about sales, but then I do. I want Adam to have a legacy in the calibers of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Madonna or Queen – I would love that – but then at that stage, sales become critical and very competitive.
At the end of the day, I love his new album and if you guys want to have a big argument over this then fine, but let’s at least do it with a sense of respect and maturity.

Anonymous said...

The words I hate most from Adam fans is I WANT. I want him to be an icon, I want him to be a legend, I want him to be number 1.

What if he isn't ever any of those things, will that mean his talent is mediocre, worthless, a failure?

No. Will the fans who WANT give up on him? Will their disappointment diminish him? Is he only interesting, talented, and worth following if he gives you what you WANT?

We are realists and don't need the pitfalls of success in the music business pointed out to us. It's a downer. We enjoy and need to celebrate on his runs of good fortune, on audiences on their feet, we need optimistic hopes not the possiblity of failure pointed out. We aren't dumb we know what they are. But right now we choose to be happy.

Let us have our moment. Some people choose to be hand wringers and foretell failure and others choose to enjoy and celebrate good times. We're strong and won't fall apart if Adam's career dips. That's life, we can take it and will have the confidence in him to watch him pull himself up if need be.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion and so are we. Our opinion that this is a good day and rejoice with a light heart.

I intend to join JAK and enjoy aome happy days. NS