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Adam Lambert's "Cuckoo" is #2 in Out Magazine's 'The 25 Songs Of Summer' List!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 24, 2012

@AZGlamFan: @adamlambert #Cuckoo is #2 Out Magazine's The 25 Songs Of Summer! Gonna party till they take us away!!!

@AZGlamFan: Also from Out Magazine A Summer Music Memory from @adamlambert...


Anonymous said...

I have always liked Cuckoo since I first heard it. Then I saw a couple of the early vids where Adam performed it for small groups and at the Jezebel party in Atlanta. There is such a good vibe from it and I like to watch Adam move to the song and really get into it. I think we can all relate to some extent to the lyrics of the song: losing your mind, having a meltdown, wanting to have a good time and party and not care about anything. We all need to let loose and just have fun in this crazy life that we all lead everyday. But I don't think any of us is having as much fun as Adam Lambert is having right now at this time in his life and career. Good for him and for us when we can join him on his journey through his music and the videos we get the opportunity to see on the internet. I am just "cuckoo" over Adam Lambert this summer and for all time.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what summer is about....partying, relaxing and having a good time and maybe going a little cuckoo once in a while. I am glad to see it on this list of summer songs, and I would love to hear it played on the radio, but I doubt it. Whatever the reasons, Adam doesn't seem to get the radio play that we, as his fans, want, but we can enjoy it by listening to the song at any time from the cd and any other electronic way we prefer. I also agree with the previous comment about being cuckoo over Adam.

Adamluv said...

YAY! OT - next weeks EW mag. (pg. 12) has a photo of M. Carey and Adam and talks about her possibly joining Idol (of course we now know she is). The article talks about the millions she will receive and then says, "Fox is considering a lower-budget option: former Idol contestant Adam Lambert, who could bring a sharper edge to a panel that's been knocked for being too soft in recent years". Thought that was a positive statement! The article mentioned no one else as a possible judge. I dont understand why they would choose her as a judge if they are trying to bring in a younger demographics. Read recently that the average Idol viewer is now 50, and the coveted age group for advertisers is 18 - 54 (I think). And just because she was once popular, sold millions etc. doesnt translate over to what's current in todays market. BTW - hope I didnt offend any fan of hers, not my intention nor to be negative about her. Just giving my opinion only about Mariah with regard to Idol. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

During all this Idol talk, I think it's necessary to remember why we want the world to love Adam and sing his praises.

Honk if you are in any way uplifted by this:

Anonymous said...

Love Cuckoo, too! Hope it's the next single. They'll figure out the F thing. No worries. Nice to see that Adam is still alive in the AI talks. I've been all over the map on this and posted opinions at both extremes, but now I HOPE TO GOD HE GETS IT. HE NEEDS IT, let's be honest. AND, he'd be a bargain. Maybe that will be the deciding factor.


Anonymous said...


You don't offend anyone for sure:)

For me M Carey is not the best choice indeed:)

If she really wants to help the youth, just don't ask a lot of money for doing this gig. I have so many friends who encountered her and she is really a snob and one point I remembered when she said that Filipinos are monkeys by copying her.... She is rude and judgemental...

Anonymous said...

Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk

Anonymous said...

GLAMBERTS, enjoy this as I did!


Anonymous said...


If it's true she said that, is she forgetting she got started copying Whitney? She should not mention monkeys because there's something wrong about her facial bone structure. I should stop here now.

Anonymous said...

@1:41 LoL He looks so much like Brooke Shields in the dreads wig. lol :00000000

Anonymous said...

We're gonna party til they take us away.

Anonymous said...

very good choice OUT!!!

Anonymous said...

OUT has good taste in music. Thanks guys.Nile and Sam will be happy to read this.

Anonymous said...

I think Cuckoo is a fun and danceable song....I give it a 10.

American Bandstand......remember...LOL

Anonymous said...

to DRG: I don't think that Adam needs Idol. It would be great to have him as a judge for so many reasons that have been given by certain writers and fans, and he is defininitely not a low budget option either. I'm sure that there will be some criticism if he is selected just as there have been negative comments about Mariah already. Appearing on Idol has given the careers of StephenTyler and JLO a boost undoubtedly. If it helps Adam, so be it, but don't say that he needs it. I am sure there will be many different opportunities for Adam as his career progresses because he is so creative and talented. If he is on Idol, I certainly will be watching to see him and not necessarily the contestants who have been lackluster since season 8 when Adam was on. It might also be interesting to see Mariah Carey and how much of a "trainwreck" and diva she will be. She might just drive everyone around her "cuckoo".

Anonymous said...

this is 2:06 sorry I got Shady and cuckoo mixed up. love them both.

The Dark Side said...

While Shady is my all time favorite, Cuckoo comes in a good second. Anyone else notice how often we are seeing the word shady in the news these days in all types of context? This is a term I hadn't seen much until Adam's Trespassing came out. I personally want Adam on Idol, who is the only one that can make that show current again. I don't care how much they Paid MC I won't watch if hes not on.

Anonymous said...

3:39, If you look at record sales, Adam DOES need it. Being a judge has helped othere artist with sales (Levine,etc.)It would help Adam, too. God knows he's not selling millions. The reason is that people have a skewed opinion of him as a person. Seeing him as a judge will get people to see him as an acceptable person who it is cool to like. In a perfect world, his talent would be enough, but this gig sure wouldn't hurt. I agree that I think he will still be successsful in the long run, but why not go for a HUGE important gig if you can get it?


Anonymous said...

Shady is my favorite on TP. Wish it could be a single.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam's team holds out for more $ so we do not have to read 'low-budget option'. ugh!

Anonymous said...

Shady is my favorite too (out of the fast "light side" songs)! :)

Magiclady said...

Does anybody known what this picture actually reads abut "Cuckoo" and Adam? I can't seem to make it bigger to read it.
PS. Shady one of my favs

Anonymous said...

@ Magiclady......JAK here....Hi!

Yes, it reads, A bass-heavy electro banger for American Idols sophomore effort--with it's "gonna party till they take us away" chorus-promises to be exactly what shirtless guys who pump their fists in the air sounds like this summer.

Anonymous said...

oops....from American not for American! JAK

Anonymous said...

Love Cuckoo and they can easily take the F word out for radio. They do this all the time. Shady is another favorite,but maybe Cuckoo would be enjoyed by teens more. It is such a fun song and Adam sure has a great time performing it. He will sing Cuckoo and Trespassing on PLL which is watched by lots and lots of teens!

tess4ADAM said...

How about ... Walk that walk like you're big & you're tough ... instead of F-word for radio?? They substituted ... forget you ... instead of F-you on Ceelo's record for radio play ... they could do it for Cuckoo too ... IMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Magiclady said...

Hi! Thanks so much for the info.

Anonymous said...


You're right! Ceelo did it, why not ADAM?

Anonymous said...

HA! HA! Those gifs .... HILARIOUS!! Love them all!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Walk that walk like you don't give a STUFF!!

Anonymous said...

......don't give a DUCK?

Anonymous said...

Just pronounce it like they do in Ireland FOCK and everyone will say WTF did he say? :)