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Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, July 30, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 30, 2012

Adam Lambert and band members entering stage in Des Moines (7-28-12)

Entering stage



Kickin' In





WWFM and Naked Love


Anonymous said...

nice videos with good sound,&BB LOOKS & sounds great!Is there a little glitter on the back of Adam's head?It's hard to tell for sure...but the panties are sooooooooooo funny!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing and he band sounds great! Adam is the BEST! His concerts seem so short because I never want him to STOP. BEAUTIFUL FACE and VOICE. Great sound on these videos. Thanks to he people who do them;)

Anonymous said...

Great show! Love Cuckoo, that song is an instant #1! Adam just owns every minute. Wished it could be the new single, but hesitant because of the US feed back.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic view:)

He is incredibly amazing and in control indeed!


Anonymous said...

I'm mesmerized by Adam's hot, sexy jeans and they're so perfect for his gorgeous, long legs.

Anonymous said...

If anybody is interested,there's a link to a poll from Australia about who has the best fanbase.Adam is way behind now.Bieber & some more are ahead of him.Go to Adam Official to click on the link if you want to vote.I think we can vote over & over,but not positive.I do hate the fanbase polls,tho.These videos up today are great,aren't they?Suz is so nice to post her videos also,but I wonder what's wrong with her sound..most of hers from the GN tour didn't have that if she's not using the same camera or what)

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing the first couple of minutes as they enetered the stage (seen all the music videos already.) Adam patting Isaac's shoulder and Ashely's butt. He really loves his band. BB also means big brother! Must be great to work for.

Anonymous said...

4:02, if you mean the F word, that can be taken care of, bleeped or something. Other songs do that.

Anonymous said...

This the link to the Australian poll, the title of which is .....

"Who Has The Most Passionate Online Fan Base?"


Anonymous said...

I DON'T see the voting link for the poll to vote for Adam anymore on AO,but if you google this Poll: take 40 music heavyweights-who has the most passionate online fanbase? you'll prob find it~

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....well they are not exactly the white jeans from the IIHY video, but they'll do! :)))))

Anonymous said...

What is the panties comment?

Anonymous said...

Someone in audience handed Adam a pair of black panties with yellow trim, he hung them on mic stand.

Anonymous said...

ha, ha just love the band and singers more and more. The girls are a show by themselve. Dancers and singers combined.The band has a great personality.

Anonymous said...

Thank for sharing, I appreciate this so much from the bottom of my heart. Adam you and the band did a great job. It must be really hot there.

Anonymous said...

Des Moines, Iowa? What's the matter with you going to an Adam Lambert concert? Aren't you supposed to be home clutching your guns and bibles, not to mention your pearls there in fly-over country? Don't you all know that he's that word that back in the 1930's and '40's meant happy?

I love you guys so much for showing the love for this wonderful, charismatic, beautiful man. I also love that there are people (men an women, males and females) of all ages there to watch history being made who can say "I saw him in person" and say it with a hint of swagger in their voice. You and all the other midwest townspeople who honor and love him are to be commended. I bow to you and your great recognition of music and showmanship at its finest.

I had the pleasure of seeing Elvis when I was 13 in a small auditorium in the outskirts of Podunk, Iohiokee. While the girls around me were screaming and fainting, I was quietly in awe. Now in the twilight of my life I have Adam (no last name needed) to be quietly in awe again. Elvis was wonderful and oh so sexy, but Adam is AMAZING. I am unable to see him in person, but I can worship him from afar on the internet and in the media.

Again, Des Moines, thank you from the bottom of my aging heart. :)))


Anonymous said...

can anyone tell..does Adam shave his underarms..or just has little hair...there...stupid question, I know..but things like this fascinate me!! lol

Anonymous said...

Like many blonds, Adam has very little hair in his armpits and it is of course hard to see cause it's blond. Arms, legs and belly blond too! That's the extent of my knowledge! Though Adam himself has admitted the drapes don't match the carpet!

Does that satisfy your fascination? :)

Anonymous said...

@3:17 PM - is hard to remember that he is a strawberry blonde..another question I have is..what happened to the face freckles???in early pics he has alot of you think it is all covered up with make-up..or has he had some procedure to remove them (hence the slight scarring on his cheeks...his beautiful sweet cheeks)..sorry..I am just so in love with

Anonymous said...

Adam def shaved his armpits on last few concerts. His armpits hair are visible usually.

Anonymous said...

The scaring is from severe adolescent acne, that's why he wears make up. Face freckles can be bleached or just hidden with the make up.

Anything else?

"She Who Knows All" obviously I've spent way too much time studying Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

This is so ridiculous. Armpit hair.Well it was there at Winstar Casino \. So was I.

Are you people nuts?

Anonymous said...


HK fan said...

@anon 1.53om jul 30
Adam has definitely shaved his armpits at times.....(I actually like men to shave their armpits)
as to shaving his legs, he was asked once if he did , and his answer....fuck no!!!

Anonymous said...

The panties were funny until Adam read them. Did you see the look on his face? The person who wrote Sauli's ass on them is all over twitter about it. What is wrong with some people?

Anonymous said...

I'd be willing to bet Pat Monahan (lead for Train) pissed himself when he heard Adam's surreal voice, especially knowing he had to follow that!!!

Anonymous said...

The backup Singer on the left needs wardrobe help! Looser tops and straight bottom pants - Please !!
Good that they are dependable for Adam but c'mon, wardrobe help??