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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 29, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 29, 2012

Which song do you want to be the NEXT SINGLE?


Anonymous said...

Runnin' or Map (no chance of either, I know)

Anonymous said...

Trespassing or Cuckoo.I LOVE Underneath,but but don't think it will be.

Anonymous said...

would love Map. I think it will be one of the songs he is singing on PLL.

Anonymous said...

Underneath would be HUGE!!! Or, Runnin' orShady.

Anonymous said...

nothing will be huge let's face it. Do you think the radio fat cats are suddenly going to start playing Adam's music??

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe Trespassing is Adam's most favorite song out there as this is the theme song of his life. Hope Trespassing will be the next single or else Adam will be so damn disappointed :)

Anonymous said...

Runnin or Shady.

Anonymous said...

Cuckoo because it is "catchie"

There are other songs I like better but I'm thinking of the other, Glambets like it all!

Anonymous said...

See if we wait and don't panic, we get good news right?:)))

Now everyone is picking what they like for the next single, which is good and positive!!!!!!:)))

I hope no trolls exist today ha!ha!

Let's just enjoy the moment folks!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hard to pick just one 'cause I love every track on the CD but I think Trespassing or Cuckoo but I really want 'Runnin'.


Magiclady said...

I don't think they will choose anything that is not on the original 12.

I am hoping for "Shady" or "Trespassing"

Anonymous said...

I would rather he 'flop' with his own songs than some boring songs written by other people. Cuckoo all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...


I'm going out on a limb and say "Pop That Lock" (I wish...) ...just because it's reallllllly fun and got a hugely positive response at Costa Mesa when he performed it for the first time....Its AMAZING live...But in REALITY (gotta be real..) I'm guessing either "Cuckoo" or "Trespassing"...He'll be singing those two songs for the Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars, which I personally think is a BIG clue as to the next single...It'll be one or there other................He's also been closing his shows with "Cuckoo" so maybe another clue..... : ))

I also LOVE Runnin', and Nirvana, and Underneath..and Map........and Broken English...and everything....

I do think it will be something totally "dance-y" and FUN for the summer......Nothing too serious.

So excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since he is singing Trespassing and Cuckoo on PLL then it is probably one of those. I am guessing Cuckoo because he closes his shows with it. I don't really care they are all good as long as radio plays it. so RCA don't mess up this time with radio! Crappy songs as long as they get heard enough become popular and Adam has no crappy songs to release!Adam keeps saying this is only the beginning and I believe him! Lots more to come.

Anonymous said...

its so hard to pick a single,because i change my mind everyday.

Anonymous said...

Map... soooooooooo beautiful...

Anonymous said...

@10:55 - I hope you are wrong but cant help agreeing with you.

Anonymous said...

I know it will be Cuckoo. I also like TP, Shady, Naked Love and Runnin' for a single choice. So many GREAT songs.

Anonymous said...

Unless this single is a HUGE surprise, it will be either Trespassing or Cuckoo. Either one is good for me, though I like Shady better.
10:55, I know you're being realistic and all that, but it does no good to have a negative attitude. #3 just may be the charm. I can't imagine us abandoning him because a single isn't a hit. I know I'm not. That's not my definition of a fan. I love Adam for lots of reasons. I'm not naive or stupid or clueless. I just want to support him and his music.

So, bring on single #3 and it's off to the races!

DRG (Hoping VIDEO #3 is cool, too!)

sue s. said...

I'm dyin for Runnin. But I think it'll be on of the dance tracks. Trespassing or Cuckoo.

sue s. said...

I'm dyin for Runnin. But I think it'll be on of the dance tracks. Trespassing or Cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

Just realized that people don't like love songs anymore and don't buy them. Therefore Cuckoo or Trespassing are the best bets.

Anonymous said...

Runnin' -- especially because it's a victory anthem and we are in the middle of the Olympics

Anonymous said...

I want whatever the radio stations will play.

Anonymous said...

1:02, You got THAT right!

Anonymous said...

Trespassing or cuckoo

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad that Adam's label is willing to release another single, since the first two haven't gotten much radio play. Like someone said, maybe the third one will be the charm and catch on. After all, FYE didn't do great (AMAs) but WWFM was Grammy nominated! Hope springs eternal and we are sure ALL hoping that this next song will do the trick. Go Adam! And radio stations -- get smart and play the darn song!

Anonymous said...

DRG not being realistic or negative just whinning over the spins he did't get. #3 just might be the charm. I am going with TP or cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

Awww, Adam just tweeted:
"Headed home for a much needed week off!!! *exhale."
Maybe he and Sauli won't be going off to a tropical vacation this time, but at least they will be able to spend some quality - and quiet - time together. I'm sure they both need it. Goodness knows, Adam deserves the time off after his busy, busy performing schedule.

Anonymous said...

Pop that Lock and Naked Love could be safe choices too. Only it's men that are disposable sex in western countries and a female artist should be singing about it..

Catharine Sloper said...

I think Chokehold would be great because it has a lot of subtlety and it speak to so many people plus is had a great tune!

Anonymous said...

naked love is radio friendly..with cuckoo they have to edit the "F" word.

Anonymous said...

Chokehold wouldn't do well in the US.

Anonymous said...

I remember that another singer,about 10 yrs ago, got dropped by his label & after,that there were no more singles( by that label..It works that way,I believe) so the fact that Adam's gonna HAVE another single on RCA is great news!!CAN'T WAIT to find out!!It will prob be Trespassing( if it's Cuckoo,they will have to delete the F words for sure.It still is a good song w/o them)

Anonymous said...

Can someone post map link? Never heard it. I think cuckoo or trespassing will be the next one. Although kickin or pop that lock is totally club music and would be a huge hit with the teens?( I love them both btw) I think OLL or underneath or runnin would be perfect in a perfect world of music. The music world is so screwed up so go with the one that makes the least sense or the least talent IMO!

Anonymous said...

If this 3rd single doesn't get played on the radio, I will totally give up on radio and have enough faith in adam that he will surface in this universe in a big way other than radio play! It will not be the end of adam people- he's too talented!!

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that Adam said after the last show at a greet and meet, "No I will NOT be doing Amer Idol" Probably just as well his life tends to get pretty hectic anyway.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I loved Cuckoo the first time I heard it and somehow they can drop the f...word in it. They've dropped Minaj and Usher songs for radio play. I hope that whatever the third single will be, that it gets radio play and promos by Adam on tv entertainment shows. I realize many of them are on summer hiatus so he might have to wait a while to get on the guest/performance list for some of these shows. He hasn't done The View or The Talk lately and I think they both liked him when he appeared previously. I'd like to see Adam become a guest host onthe Kelly Live show from NYC also. Hopefully with the label willing to release another single, the rumor about Adam being dropped by RCA was just that.

Anonymous said...

Even if the third single doesn't do well for Adam due to lack of radio play(and I sincerely hope it does get radio spins), there will always be a place in music for him in some capacity. He is just too talented to be forgotten or not to survive in the industry. And what a loss it would be for him not to continue to make music and to do these amazing live performances.Adam seems to have more of an international fanbase and that is good for him. Hopefully there will be a cd and/or dvd of his shows with Queen in the near future which should bring him to the forefront of the music scene. I have been a fan since his first appearance on Idol and will continue to follow him in his career because Adam Lambert is someone special in a world of musical mediocrity and talentless, crass performers.

Anonymous said...

I hope with his next single, that he doesn't try to over think it. It's not good when you have to explain what the video is trying to say. Just go with what the song is about and hopefully have some dancers in it.

Anonymous said...

FEVER!! Because it should've been a single!
Off of Trespassing, Trespassing is a logical decision for a new track, but I would like to see Shady, Pop That Lock, or Map!
TBH, any of Adams music!! It's his voice that makes the music!

Anonymous said...

Runnin or Chockhold!

Anonymous said...

Hit single or not, Adam will remain in the music biz no matter who his management is. He's just too good, and LOTS of people in the business know this and like him a lot. I think he'll branch out to be a media personality in some way. He's got the personality, that's for sure. I know he will continue to make music. I'm still optomistic about the acceptance of his own music. I really think he'll get a Grammy nom for TP. He has made a big enough mark in the last three years for everyone to know who he is. He's great to work with, talented as hell. Hits or not, he's here to stay. (not to mention the Queen connection and international suppoort, which is quite strong).

This is my PEP TALK and I stand by it.


Anonymous said...

I think the AI train has left the station for Adam but it sure did create a fun buzz.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the shows in Japan in August. They love him in Japan! The shows should be really great!


Anonymous said...

I drive the summer camp bus and the kids loved TRESPASSING (my ASS) and SHADY (lol). We played those constantly and of course CAll Me Maybe. I would personally pick MAP. TRESPASSING or SHADY would be good radio songs and POP THAT LOCK!

Anonymous said...

I am hoping for Trespassing as the next single but in the end all I care about is that radio plays it.

Anonymous said...

1:56 google Adam Lambert MAP or look on Adam's tweets for July 25 a link will take you straight there.

Anonymous said...

Still listening to Queenbert. Cannot stop!

I would love Runnin or Shady or Naked Love. But, it will never happen. Why doesn't RCA or Adam ask us?

Anonymous said...

Chokehold is a vocal masterpiece. I can see a hauntingly beautiful concept for a video.

Anonymous said...


Jadam NZ said...

Personally love "Runnin" but that wont be it. "Cuckoo" would go well I reckon. But will probably be "Trespassing" I think.

Anonymous said...

Anon doesn't want vocal masterpiece....if they did....Adam's whole CD would be on radio.....I'm thinking Cuckoo it's catchie and the youngin would like it....

Anonymous said...

BTIKM and NCOE were chosen based on what was deemed radio friendly and popular musical taste. Radio deejays and execs were consulted for NCOE, even. What's curious about the two songs is that they were non-Adam collaborated songs, so the next song should just go for what was the most popular in the polls, Runnin'. It's my favorite, and it's different, in fact a standout that will distinguish Adam from the rest of the pack. All of the dancey songs will follow, once Adam's song has broken through the wall.

Anonymous said...

@2:01 PM - how do you know that he said NO to AI in a meet and greet??? is this somewhere on the internet??? or just hearsay???

Anonymous said...

@ 2:18 P.M......JAK here


Anonymous said...

I think Kickin'In would be the best pick..The reason would be because my 5 year old grandaughter loves it. I think he should play music for kids 'cause they know naturally what is good. She dances to it and beg for it to be played over and over again. Call me crazy! I think it is time however for the title track to make it's debut! It is catchy,fun and will stick in peoples minds. The record over all is great but it goes "together" & sometimes it is hard to understand the music from a single releases for the non Adam fan. Trespassing to me will be a great intro the why people should buy it and what them to listen to more. Adam should have given himself a lttile credit and not put the "Bruno" write before his own songs. His songs are very catchy and from his heart.

Anonymous said...

I think is fun and will get the name of the album out there to the huge numbers of people who haven't heard of it...and why is that?

Anonymous said...

@4:06 PM - I couldn't agree with you more about Runnin..but it is only on the album as a bonus track..and methinks that alone will ensure that it does not get released as a single...but, damn it, why won't Adam at least sing it in there some sort of program he has to follow????

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would have set the record straight about all the AI rumors by tweeting the fans like he usually does if it really was a NO to AI.

Anonymous said...

I think NCOE would have gotten more play if it had been recorded as a love song, which it is, not a loud dance tune noisy sound track.=&=

Anonymous said...

he sings the songs the band knows,
they have to scramble to learn new ones and I wish they would

Anonymous said...

Adam said point blank, I haven't been asked, when someone asked him about AI in the UK. I would take that for a no.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing,Cuckoo most likely next single? Although I love Runnin and Chokehold so those two would be my pick. That is one hard thing to do though because Trespassing is a kickass album in my opinion. Cannot wait to hear the choice they make:)


Anonymous said...

At this point IMO RCA should take a risk and release Pop That Lock with MJ's mix at the end, the way I heard it for the first time at CM OC on7/19. What do they have to lose radios didn't play the first two singles? Now if they want to play it safe then it should definitely be Cuckcoo.

Anonymous said...

until I hear it from AI and Fox, I will continue to nurture my faint glimmer of hope for Adam to be chosen for AI...I'm steeling myself against disappointment though...gotta believe that there is some reason Adam has not put the kabosh on the rumors..btw, no events listed on his site beyond the Japan gigs next month..I cannot suffer a long draught without Adam..I just cannot!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe one of the reasons for these mini conceret tours(besides promoting the album) is to gauge audience reaction to these songs and which would be best as the third single. I like Cuckoo; it was my first favorite from the album. Adam reallly seems to be happier, friskier and looser on stage while performing his songs. He has fun with the band and singers and with the audience even in the heat and humidity. Maybe there is something going on professionally that he hasn't told us yet. We know he is happy in his personal life. We have seen his spectacular performances with Queen, know he has just filmed a segment for PLL Halloween show and just announced he will have a third single out soon. So what else is in the works that we don't know about? Maybe Idol? Or something else... Thank goodness for this blogsite; otherwise, I would not know any of the latest happening with Adam and of course, I get to see all the vids from these concerts he has done lately.

daydreamin said...

I hope it's Runnin.

Here is another excellent quality video of "I Want To Be Free" starring those now famous ripped pants of London!

Anonymous said...

Pop that lock !

Anonymous said...

Thanks, daydreamin, for still another great version of the "ripped" pants!


Anonymous said...

If Idol was a big fat NO, Adam would have tweeted it, right? I'm not a "false hope" kind of person, but it's weird that he hasn't tweeted a definate answer. Hmmmm.

Love speculating about the single. He might surprise us bigtime, who knows? In the meantime, his plate is very full. We will promote the hell out of it, whatever it is!

DRG (Love ya, bus driver, for indoctrinating the kids with GREAT MUSIC! Future Glamberts in the making!)

Anonymous said...

Let's keep in mind that announcing and releasing are 2 different things. He needs to release his next single as soon as possible if you ask me, with a good video to follow soon after, don't just tease it in an "announcement" that reads to the effect of "My new single, (insert song here), will be releases on (insert future date here)!". Strike while the iron is hot, before the summer ends, while people are still in a celebrating/partying kind of mood that works in favor of pop/dance/funk oriented music.
Time to really kick things into high gear (not that he hasn't already been working his ass off but still).

Anonymous said...

Would love Shady with a collab w/ Niles& Sam. It's OTT but the family friendly songs aren't being played. It seems to me that the radio is playing Kelly this year and that's thier token Idol for now! It seems to me radio is intentionally not playing Idols but playing X Facto and it begs to ask why? Something is very wrong and it smells bad! This officially needs looking into.

Anonymous said...

Hope it is "Pop That Lock" or "Runnin"!


Anonymous said...

I would choose Runnin' but there's no way that they would release a bonus track. It will be Trespassing or Cuckoo because those are the songs Adam performed on PLLs. I don't really care that much what it is as long as the radio stations PLAY it but I've kind of given up on them.

Anonymous said...

Just saw that "Cuckoo" is trending on Twitterr worldwide!

Anonymous said...

Okay, rumor about RCA started immediately after Tresspassing release. Because number of expected sales was 80-90,000 albums and it wasn't enough for RCA to cover all almost two years expenses. However, the final # of sales was even worst. I don't RCA cares about this Billboard openly gay #1 story!
Anyhow, Tresspassing can't be new single because the "ass" in the lyrics. Cuckoo has word "fuck" in lyrics. They can forgive these lyrics to anybody except Adam. Runnin is in deluxe and can't be release as single. So sad, because this is only one good song on this album. Outlaws of Love and Underneath can't be count because press already described them as gay songs. By the way, I never agreed with it.

donnaw said...

Trespassing or Runnin"!!!

Anonymous said...


Runnin is the only good song on the CD, are you nuts? Every song is awesome on that CD, have you read the reviews? Go somewhere else and be negative, please.

Anonymous said...

DRG how do you find out who is trending world wide? My Twitter account is new. thanks

Anonymous said...

There are SO MANY songs I would LOVE to see be released as the next single. However, I too think it will probably be Trespassing or Cuckoo. Whatever the next single is, Glamberts need to be all over the radio stations right away (and not in a negative way). I don't want to be hearing about the bullshit "not enough requests" excuse. (Like all of the songs that get played every hour are requested...please!)We can't wait until the song is being pulled off the radio's play list to put out a concerted request effort. This man is a genius and NEEDS to be heard!! JMO :)

Anonymous said...


I also wonder why Adam has not tweeted that there is no AI in his future? I read on another site that he is being bombarded with tweets about if he is going to be on AI. So it is strange, if it is out of the question, why he wouldn't just come out on twitter and say it's not happening. Unless he just wants to keep the buzz going about it, keep people talking about him, which is good for him and his music. Don't blame him. I guess I am just trying to keep a little light burning, of optimism.


Anonymous said...

Since PLL is a big promo spot and Trespassing and Cuckoo were sung on the show, they are the only ones that could be the new single. I love most of the album, but from my first listen Shady stood out as a unique masterpiece and I feel it could be a true smash. Cuckoo is not one of my favorites so I do not think it will be a good choice, but I am afraid it is the choice and that scares me.

Desiree said...

My vote is for Naked Love.......or Outlaws of Love.....or Underneath!!!

Anonymous said...

I think all of this radio sh.... doesn't depend from our requests. It depends how much management pays. And it seems that Adam has very bad management. Do I have to say still or again? Cause, they said that he changed management back on December, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

OOL or Cuckoo. I would give my eyetooth to see OOL, Underneath. Nivana or Map used on SYTYCD.Or anything from the TP album.

Anonymous said...

Radios always edit words like "ass" "fuck" "shit" and what not on different songs. Pink's recent new single has a lot of "shit" word in it and yet radios play it every 15 min. with edited "shit" out. How about rap songs with a lot of "fuck" word in them? Radios edit them and play the heck out of them. Seems the above anonymous doesn't listen to the radio.

Anonymous said...


With Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Adam Lambert swinging through the Valley in the next few months, it seems as good a time as any to revisit our list of best-selling "American Idol" veterans, with numbers through the week ending July 15 provided by the folks at Nielsen SoundScan.
When last we checked in on the sales of "Idols" veterans, in May of 2011, here's how we led off the column: "Among the more cynical takes on 'American Idol' is the argument that no one will even remember who Scotty McCreery is a year from now, that 'American Idol' doesn't really launch sustainable careers the way 10 years of touring dingy hellholes in a beat-up van would do."
Not quite 14 months later, McCreery has already cracked the Top 10, passing Glendale's Jordin Sparks, on the strength of one album.
Jennifer Hudson also passes Sparks, who drops from ninth place to 11th, and Adam Lambert hangs tough at No. 12. David Archuleta drops off the list, while the Top 8 is the same as last year.
Another interesting development? Underwood remains the biggest-selling album artist, but Clarkson passed her in digital tracks sales in the past year, thanks in large part to the huge success of "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)."

Here's a look all 12 artists. Read more:

Anonymous said...

8:28: I think his personal mgmt/promo team is different from the RCA label for TP- RCA is the one that would 'arrange' radioplay. I don;t get it either. on most days I have to turn the radio right off - pure CR*P. And, doesn't Adam compete with other RCA artists (eg, Usher?). It would be great fora duet w. (let's say Pink or Jessie J). There is no predicting 'hit' because who would think 'Call Me maybe" was anything other than average?

Anonymous said...

cool article. There must be a zillion idols out there so Adam isn't doing too bad. Jordin Sparks movie Sparkle is out soon and I plan to see that. I pick Shady or Cuckoo as the next single.

Anonymous said...

@8:42PM FYI Adam is the best idol this show ever produced. However, none of these talented, slightly talented and non-talented idols never ever open his/hers sexuality and kissed the same sex person on AMA or any other event stage. What does this mean? Nobody else puts in the carrier before it's even started!

Anonymous said...

8:52 was that a multiple choice question? I didn't understand your comment. sorry

Anonymous said...

They have to say who the other AI judges are soon. Don't they start going to different cities soon for auditions? If they come to Ohio and Adam is a judge I am going to try out, I'll be one of the joke

Anonymous said...


I'm with you about radio play.
I just wonder why Simon Cowell is having successes with his UK talents breaking into US????
Heard that he dropped $500,000 to transfer his XFactor contenders to a better hotel n Miami and have all their meals charged to him.
If he can do that with just XFactor contestants, I'm sure his money talks better with regards to US radio spins for his signed recording artists.

Anonymous said...

I never will understand where are all of these 1,500,000 Adam's twitter fellows? Does anybody have any idea?

Anonymous said...

Where are all the PSYCHICS when we need them? At least, give RCA the right vibe which song should be the 3rd single and HOW it will be successful????

Let's ask this psychic here who loves ADAM!:

Anonymous said...

RCA will obviously decide on the single that will sell and make ultimate dollars within the industry. Cuckoo is a #1 hit without doubt but is the US ready for it? I really don't think so.
They still haven't gotten over 'gay', the AMA's and other issues yet.

Anonymous said...

I vote for TP and Shady. All the PC stuff aside Map and Chokehold my favorites.

Magiclady said...

Totally agree with all you said.

Anonymous said...

shoshanna stoneþ@shoshannastone Why on earth is 'cuckoo' trending worldwide?!

shoshanna stoneþ@shoshannastone I see. #cuckoo is trending because people are guessing @Adamlamberts next single after he tweeted he will announce soon. Lol!

Anonymous said...

how does someone get to join in those world wide trends?

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just drop all the negativity and send positive vibe to ADAM or the universe so the ripple effect will have positive vibe to all?

All I can do is pray Heaven will bless ADAM's 3rd single whatever that may be. If all will do, it can move mountains.

Anonymous said...

The US has to come out of the dark ages sooner or later right! Cuckoo does have hit written all over it, us fans can see that. For the dark age here Trespassing might be the safer route.


JooJoo said...

LOVE Trespassing, but judging by SO MANY PEOPLE ESP CELEBS dubbing "Cuckoo" the summer anthem, I think it'll definitely be Cuckoo...

Anonymous said...

RCA Records Promo ‏@RCAPromo

Good One! My favorite on the CD!“@cdnshannon: @RCAPromo Adam Lambert-Trespassing on repeat!”

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert

“@GrayBooWho: @adamlambert Your nose is perfect.” why thank u.

Anonymous said...

GLAMBERTS ‘R US: Throngs turn out in fab-glam style for ADAM LAMBERT’s show at WinStar World Casino

Great fan pictures too!

Anonymous said...

9:53 thanks for those links. Great pictures and nice article from DallasNews. It was a nice break from the single brainstorming thread. LOL

daydreamin said...

Here is a HQ video of Adam entering the stage in Des Moines (and giving Ashley a little pat on the butt):

Anonymous said...

Here comes my crystal-ball, all tingling and re-energised, lol! My guess is Adam will pick Trespassing for his 3rd single, though for me, I'd like Kickin In; may not be so wise, the latter, due to its rather salacious lyric; but as Anon above said, even her little girl loves that song. OOL and Runnin are my other picks but not likely too. To date OOL is Adam's best performance from both his albums; ranks alongside his classic performances of Who Wants To Live Forever and I Want To Break Free. OOL will appeal to the easterners with its slight bend towards an orient melody. Not likely though to be a single. But whatever the choice, it's going to make it because number 3 is the perfect number! One final thought from crystal ball, must rub it a little harder...whoa, a couple of Grammy noms are beaming with special psychedelic flashes. lol! Some more...hmm Idol judge, the light is a little dim but seems to be emitting a spark; a lot of decision-making going on at a round table. 9:18...hope it helps; operating with an illegal psychic license, lol! :)

Anonymous said...

aww yes I also am a freelance psychic and confirm that spark emiting from the AI round table. The great glamdini also sees that grammy nom and the best MF'ing single in the world. slap. please excuse bad glamdini garbage mouth.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you sure made my day, glamdini garbage mouth...a whole lot of psychic spew! lol! With love from illegal psychic! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Runnn' or Kickin' in. Map is great, too. Tired of Trespassing, sorry, but it's great for dancers and work-outs, just don't want to hear it unless it accompanies watchable action. Take back comes in a close third.

Anonymous said...

Pop that Lock with Brian Jones providing keyboard musical direction. He frames Adam's vocals beautifully.
I love almost everything except Trespassing (too predictable) and I'd love to ear NCOE without the dreadful intro. I turn off the intro to NCOE and wait til Adam sings and this changes everything for the better. Adam's voice is addicting.

Anonymous said...

who is Brian Jones?

HK fan said...

@anon 8.28pm jul29
agree, the swear words aren't a problem. Maroon 5's Payphone, unedited version has about 8 shits, and 8 fucks in it, and they've managed to edit them out for the radio just fine.
And on Nicki Minaj's starships song, motherf****r is edited out....although to be it still sounds like they're saying it and that has no problem being played on radio.

Anonymous said...

Whatever we would love the next single to be, it seems it's all ready decided and ready to happen very soon. So difficult to predict which song will be the next single .... probably Cuckoo or Trespassing but there are other songs that would be fab too, particularly if it's an upbeat song. I really hope whatever the single is that the video accompanying it will be released very soon after the single is released. I think that's important re the success of a single but what would I know. The MOST important thing is that radio plays the song and plays it often.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:05 P.M.........JAK here

IF Adam is a AI judge
IF they come to Ohio
IF you want to be one of the joke
....contestants in order to see him
PLEASE let me know and I will write outrageous ADAM RAP for your
In my "other life" I am known as
....Have pen....will compose!

P.S. @ Shiggles will give me a good
recommendation...I think!

Anonymous said...

Adam needs votes on this Australian poll .... unlimited voting ....

"Who Has The Most Passionate Online Fan Base?"

Shiggles said...

@ JAK since I was the one to coin the name 'Rappinanaflappin' just for you, of course I will recommend you for any rap lyrics you come up with. (Never end a sentence with a preposition... should be "lyrics with which you come up.")

Newbies don't be scurred. JAK is the best and compose she will. All she needs is a modicum of interest.
She aims to please with pen in hand.


Anonymous said...

You people just don't seem to get it where music is concerned.

Naked Love is his only hope for a hit. Trespassing is too simple, even for today's lobotomized pop radio. Pop That Lock and Cuckoo are too ridiculous. Runnin and Chockhold, and Kickin'In require too much thought.
If it's not Naked Love, he might as well dig a hole in his backyard and bury his album.
I promise you; any of the other choices mentioned will NOT break the Billboard Hot 100. Mark my words. I'm so confident of it, you can come back and say "I told you so."

Anonymous said...


tess4ADAM said...

Just a thought ... ADAM & Nile Rogers have been talking about doing 'something' together 'soon' on Twitter ... MAYBE ... SHADY .. as the next single ... is that something!! Do ya' think??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Jadam NZ said...

Tend to agree with Anon 1.54. Though I think that Pop that Lock could be a possibility. Trespassing is not one of my Favs.

Anonymous said...

Point blank, no one can really predict what will be a hit single. There are too many variables. You can take an educated guess and try to analyze what's popular, but you can't ever know what is going to reverberate, resonate, and capture people's attention. The song you think is the worst on the album might be the one destined for success and your favorite song might be the biggest flop. At the end of the day, releasing any single is always going to be a gamble for any artist. I've seen many unassuming songs suddenly rocket into the top 10 while some of my favorite songs just float around on the lower end of the charts. Personally, I'd vote for "Running" as having the best chance for commercial success, that's my "educated guess", but who knows...

Anonymous said...

If Shady was next single, video would have to include Sam Sparro since he is featured, so I don't think that would work.

I think the title Naked Love might sink that one.

Cuckoo is great but could offend.

Runnin no chance, damn.

Underneath, sadly no

Outlaws of Love, sadly no

Kickin In, probably not

Chokehold, I'd love that, but no

I think Trespassing will be it.

Anonymous said...

Naked Love has been one of my faves from the beginning. Love the crowd anthem. I'd love it to be the next single. Sounds sexy to sing "naked" out loud, really loud, right? It's peppy and sexy and doesn't have the A word or the F word. Naked Love!!

DRG (It won't be Naked love.)

Anonymous said...

Adam produced a terrific album with these amazing songs, yet according to all the comments I have read here, each one of them is objectionable, unacceptable for release as the next single. Who knows what will become a hit? NCOE seemed to be a great song and yet no radio play for it. Which song will capture the listener's attention, get them moving to it, or singing the words? I just hope that the third time is the charm and that Adam gets tv entertainment shows for guest appearances to promote it. An excellent video would also help. Adam will find his place in the music world eventually. Maybe not where most of us would like it to be, but he will have longevity in the business because he was meant to be on the stage performing. All you have to do is watch the video of him with Queen performing Who Wants to Live Forever and you will understand what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just read a scathing review of Chris Brown's new album. If RCA needs to drop someone from their roster of performers, he should be the one. Then their money and effort could be spent on promoting Adam Lambert with Trespassing because he is articulate, smart, charming, and humble....all the things that Brown is not and never will be. And above all else, Adam Lambert is a vocal powerhouse and an awesome performer both musically and visually.

Anonymous said...

i have not come to really like NCOE at all especially when I heard someone on You Tube covering it. It is soo boring really. It only sounds good because it's ADAM singing it. But try listening someone else sing it and meh>

Anonymous said...

Putting the cart before the what happens, the horse can't move forward. From what has happened especially regarding Adam's hit songs not receiving deservedly radio glares as blatant indifference; arising most likely from radio politics whatever that may be. Adam and management need to deal with that squarely first; otherwise the next single however safe or proper, inoffensive or good will still not get its fair share of radio play. Suggestion: perhaps sign up with some outstanding radio stations on a commission basis for Adam's singles to be played regularly and at peak hours; which means yes, these signed on radio stations get a % cut depending on the eventual sales of Adam's singles being played. Now that might give radio stations more incentive to play Adam's songs; not just the released singles for that matter, other terrific songs on Trespassing as well, without videos. It's all business tactics at this point. So far WWFM is the only single that has achieved platinum; look into how and why only WWFM achieved it when so many Trespassing songs are just as good.

HK fan said...

i think it will be either Cuckoo or Trespassing, but I would like either Shady or Pop that Lock.
Shady is great, and having the names of Nile Rogers and Sam sparrow on it can only help, I think Sam Sparrow is seen as quite cool by teens.
And I love pop that lock, and I think thats the one with dubstep in it(not 100% sure as I still haven't quite worked out what dubstep is!!!) but if it is, again dubstep is very popular with teens so hopefully would go down well with that demographic.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:54 PM I'd be happy to come back and say "I told you so" but there is no "tag"! =&=

Anonymous said...

One thing to keep in mind...while the single (and video if there is one) will use the album soundtrack, it has to be a song that Adam's band can play for touring. He can't drag around Sam and Nile for Shady performances.

HK fan said...

@6.43am jul31
Adam and the band have proven many times in concert/live that they can sing Shady without Nile and Sam...

Anonymous said...

Yes, but a single is ALWAYS from album track. And a video as well.

Anonymous said...

To sell a single you have to promote it and appear as many places performing it as possible. If it's not going to sound the same as album, and it doesn't, much as I love the song and Adam, the album recording with Sam and Nile is better than when Adam and band do it. I would be very surprised if they made a single of it.

Anonymous said...

LOL 4:09. My tag is Liz.
I'm just saying it should be Naked Love. The reason I thnk it should be Naked Love is because the song has a very "catchy" melody and beat that is similar to the songs that are hits out there right now. I'll be very surprised if any of the other choices do anything on Billboard. But, if I'm wrong, you can say "I told you so." Here's my tag to make it easier. LOL

- Liz

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz_________=&= reporting in

As a fellow Lambert Lover I am prepared to forget the "I told you so" if only his next single will climb the charts! Any song is okay with me, even if its one of the 3 I skip.

I have made solemn vows to give up Klondike bars, Carmel Corn and Almond Joys if only Adam can have a huge hit. I'm dead serious! :))

Nice chatting with you!

Anonymous said...

@ =&=

Don't give up your favorite goodies. The Third time's a charm and anything they choose for the single is going to be BIG. I can feel it in my bones. BTW can you pass me an Almond Joy? YUM


Anonymous said...


I am a MEGA fan and the only two songs I do not like on the album are Naked Love and NCOE. I skip them every time I play the CD. Naked Love is about as boring to me as NCOE. So, I truly hope your prediction is wrong.

As for the single? Shady and Kickin' In caught my attention from the get go, but I can't see either of those being a single. So, with that said, Cuckoo or Pop That Lock would be my choice.