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'Pretty Little Liars' Sneak Peek of The Band On Set

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 25, 2012

@BrianLondon: On set. #prettylittleliars @TommyJoeRatliff @isaacthecarp


Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I want to see what Adam looks like on PLL! Can not wait to see the episode and hear Cuckoo and Trespassing on T.V.!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The guys look great, can't wait to see Adam.

Anonymous said...

I would have never know that was Brian. Can't wait for this episode!!

Anonymous said...

GOD! Who knew how GORGEOUS Brian London was! WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All three of these guys look gorgeous with makeup. Sorry, they really do. (And without makeup as well).

Anonymous said...

I did't even recognize Adam's band. I had to take a second look after someone mentioned it. The outfits look really nice. Adam will be outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Tommy was born to be glam BEAUTIFUL! . The band looks FIERCE!

Anonymous said...

Yikes Brian looks gorgeous,did not recognize him. A fierce sexy band Adam has!

Anonymous said...

Isaac looks great with makeup :)

Anonymous said...

Where is Ashley? Tommy looks best blonde.....

Anonymous said...

Tommy looks like he always looks.

Anonymous said...

dayum those three looking fine!!

Anonymous said...

Positive comments needed here about Adam being Idol judge.

Anonymous said...

Isacc looks so different,too,with the black hair & such blue eyes.He's the one I didn't recognise @ first..Adam usually dresses up as a vampire on Halloween..hope it's something different this time on PLL,anyway..Tommy should have worn a wig cause he looks the same-lol!

Adamluv said...

Three hotties - WOW!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

PLEASE,EVERYBODY,DO GO MAKE SOME POSITIVE COMMENTS at the link that anon.@ 2:26pm posted!!There are only a few there now,but not too nice( like I won't watch if Adam becomes a judge)thanks.

Anonymous said...

Is Ishly in the background somewhere were we do not see her?
She needs to be there. She is so fierce like Adam also said.

Anonymous said...

I like Tommy's hair blonde. Why did he make it pink?

Anonymous said...

The boys look fierce, YAY!

Here's the best Trespassing LIVE performance SO FAR...JMnotsoHO, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Just a thought about Trespassing slipping to 185 on billboard 200 chart. What if we all went to target and bought one more and gifted it to someone who is maybe on the fence or can't afford one. I have already bought quite a few but just to keep it selling till the promo kicks in with PLL and hopefully the idol judge position. IDK,would all of you be willing and tweet it to your friends or post on facebook?

Anonymous said...

I left a comment on


Anonymous said...

Here's something to read and tweet - also to your local journalists and radio stations; Get the word out RE Queen+Adam EXCELLENCE!!!

BrianMayCom ‏@brianmaycom
Queen News July 2012:

KERRANG is one of the biggest (the biggest?) mags in Rock Music

Anonymous said...

@ 3:19 P.M. It's very sweet and loyal of you to try to save NCOE by urging his ardent fans to buy just a few more copies. But - most of us are bought out! I don't even remember how many albums I bought. Several for two different charities, copies for my children, my best friend and one for my car and one for my house and am expecting UK album this week. This well is dry. I'm hoping if and when a DVD comes out of Queenbert performance I will be able to buy that and if and when a new single comes out that also.

But we can't make a big enough difference by ourselves. Adam needs a wider audience, if it's meant to be, maybe Idol will do that for him.

Anonymous said...

I just bought another CD this morning. I would be more than happy to buy a few CDs every week for a while if I thought others would too. One person can't make a difference but 500 people each buying 1, 2 or 3 CD each week could really help keep it in the top 200.

Anonymous said...

Sorry dear, 1500 sales wouldn't even register. It would take 15,000 to even make a blip. Sad to say.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 1500 wouldn't drive it up the chart much, but added to the other sales that come in might be enough to keep it in the lower part of the top 200 which was my fantasy goal. I know things like this never come to fruition.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see some kind of emotion out of Tommy once in a while besides the head banging which is so cliche for a guitar player.

Anonymous said...

I cannot comprehend what his fans see in him.

Anonymous said...

I think this is time for new single, Adam! I hope it will help for album promotion. Cause so far it isn't so good:(

Anonymous said...

Love it, love it, love it!

Anonymous said...


WOW! Thanks! Yes, that's the FIERCEST version of Trespassing!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....did I marry the only Hungarian with no dance genes?
This video is great!

Anonymous said...

some Ashley chick was dancing with Adam.

Anonymous said...

You mean Ashley, his bass player? lucky Ashley!

Anonymous said...

I want to see Keisha and Reyna in costume for PLL!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

I find Ashley needs to show emotion not Tommy. She just doesnt seem to warm up to Adam yet.

HK fan said...

Isaac looks great here.

The Ashley Adam was dancing with wasn't Ashley the bass player, it was someone from PLL's.

Anonymous said...

Brian looks like a king. At first glance I thought the goggles on his head was a crown.

Anonymous said...

Ashley D. reminds me of a young Cher, tall, slim, long dark hair (mostly), expressionless (mostly),
pretty, talented, of Armenian heritage and a bit bowlegged!

If you read her twitter she really likes the band and loves to tease Adam.
She's an animal lover and activist against horse racing and dog racing. She is a well educated musician and in demand.

Anonymous said...

Ashley cracked a smile and more at Fantasy Springs. Adam seems to be on a mission to make her smile and he really succeeded on Saturday night! Love the interation between them.

Anonymous said...

WOAH! I didn't realize it was Adam's band 'til someone pointed it out!! The guys look great and I hope Ashley is part of it too. She's a sassy little lassie with a great figure - those legs!!! Now we need to see Adambomb in all his glory on PLL.

@:46 PM
Thanks so much for the link to the video of the Hungarian guy dancing. What a great way to promote the Trespassing album. Gave me goosies but I think it was Adam's voice that brought them on. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ashley & Adam had a wee "peck" at Fantasy Springs. :)

Anonymous said...

steam punk look for the band?

Anonymous said...

RCA really needs to get a kick ass dance tune out for next single SOON! They or Adam, overthink videos. Just a club stage with band and Adam at the mic doing his thing, crazy voice, crazy dance steps and a dance floor with couples dancing up a storm! That's what I want to watch, not a deep psychological "story".
Cheaper and quicker to make and leaves you with a feel good feeling and the song in your heart.

connie said...

The guys look great. I love the make-up. I really liked the blond look on Tommy but I also like this for a change. We all have our own personalities and Tommy just isn't one to go around smiling all the time but when he does , it was worth the wait. I look forward to seeing them on PPL, I love Adam and the band.

Anonymous said...

Over here in Canada, I see Flo Rida's CD being plugged on TV noon, afternoon and at night everyday that it is now available. Same with Bieber's Boyfriend. Never seen it with Trespassing. It's why they get bump in sales. What can Trespassing do when it's not heard on radio nor has any TV plugs?

Anonymous said...

I will keep my mouth shut about Tommy======I will keep my mouth shut about Tommy======I will keep

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a pretty boy but he could grow some more hair on the sides.

And not apply as much mascara around his eyes as he usually does. Lipstick doesn't look too good on him either.

I prefer the more au naturel-look, which I think should be a good thing and very flattering as a comment.

Anonymous said...

Brian oh la la the bands best kept secret.