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Adam Lambert and Raja at LA Bar Marmont last night (7-31-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, August 01, 2012

@andaandmasha: Me, Adam & Sutan @sutanraja @ Bar Marmont


Anonymous said...

Those eyes.....that look.....that FACE!!!! (gasp)

Anonymous said...

Good to see Adam out relaxing for a while. More work to come soon!

Anonymous said...

Wgho is the girl?

Anonymous said...

Hair growing! Love this picture!

Anonymous said...

wonder if Sauli was there..maybe he took this pic(??) nice pic of Adam,esp.

Anonymous said...

wonder if Sauli was there..maybe he took this pic(??) nice pic of Adam,esp.

glitzylady said...


[no words...]

Anonymous said...

Rumor circulating that Adam will be performing with Queen during Olympic final ceremony. Too good to be true!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Adam supposed to be in Japan performing during the Olympic closing ceremony? I thought I had read that somewhere. Does anyone know those dates? It would be spectacular if Adam were to perform with Queen; just imagine the exposure it would bring Adam being seen by billions around the globe. But this might just be another rumor and more wishful thinking on our part as fans. And it is good to see Adam out with relaxing and have some fun with friends. He has earned it.

Anonymous said...

I think it could be true. He's a new addition to Queen in a way, so I think he could qualify that way. You know that is what both Adam and Queen would want and Adam loves Jesse J and would love to perform with her. It would make sense. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Great picture, btw!

Anonymous said...

Freaking GORGEOUS man!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

According to my official Adam "pocket calendar," the Olympics closing ceremonies are on Sunday, Aug. 12. He performs in Japan on Wed., Aug. 15, Sat.,, Aug. 18 and Sun. Aug. 19. Unless he needs to be in Japan early, I don't see a conflict for the closiong ceremonies. Then on to Australia for an appearance on Aug. 22. I think this is all an empty rumor, but it would be great if it happened. In my heart of hearts, I would love to believe that Brian and Roger want Adam to perform with them at the closing ceremonies. I'm sure they have nothing aganst Jessie J., but Adam is their chosen one. I believe they think of him as a real part of the band. Probaby no way to change the line-up now.

Ah, if only the best rumors came true!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I've heard the Closing Ceremony Rumor too and I am afraid to let myself believe it's true. I will be so disappointed if not. Adam would blow them all away and for sure Brian and Roger would be "energized" again for the Olympics with their Adam with them :) I'm holding my breath in anticipation!


Anonymous said...

you got that right..if only..imagine the rumors we could wish to come true..

Anonymous said...

Adam will become honorary British citizen for the Olympic closing ceremonies. "Makes no difference who you are; if you wish upon a star your dreams come true". Remember?

Anonymous said...

If any of you are doing this, please stop! You might be hurting Adam.

If you want to see how fans are hurting Adam, this is a real example.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The musical portion of the ceremonies is called A SYMPHONY OF BRITISH MUSIC, only UK performers are listed, you can google info.

Anonymous said...

Does any one else get as many rumors as Adam lol! It's all good to have his name out there and whatever happens with Queen or American Idol will happen. If Adam does not get the AI judge spot please no fans should tweet or email anything nasty to Idol. They have been good to him and he needs to sing his new single on the show for sure! We can be passionate but also reasonable.

Anonymous said...

I hope Glamberts are not still bugging Nigel. Please stop!!

Anonymous said...

@1:31- wow thanks for that info- I had no idea. I tweeted to idol not Lythoe! Well the word is out thier isn't it. OT: I out of curiosity went to the big name fan bases Bieber, perry, ect just to see if we are different. Yes we are! They have no 24/7 info- thier web-sides are boring at best- just thought I'd share we have the best web-site ever as far as I can tell!

Anonymous said...

Adam will NOT be with Queen at the Olympics, in fact Queen was in the opening ceremonies. Not sure if they have another gig at the end. In the opening they had a banner of Freddie Mercury, so I assumed that was Queens part.
Sauli's blog said they were going on a little trip this weekend. Wondered if it would be New York and possibly for his next single.

Anonymous said...

Marmont..I think Adam stayed there awhile just before he moved into house!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:19PM

Queen did noDID NOT PERFORM in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics; it was some old film footage - but they will perform in the Closing Ceremonies...

Anonymous said...

During an interview in London with Roger Taylor he said Queen will definitely be "involved" in the Closing Ceremonies.

Anonymous said...

Much Ado===Queen IS in closing ceremony.
The ONLY non British element of the ceremony will be the handover segment when Rio De Janeiro will be given 8 minutes to showcase the fact that they are the next Olympic Host city in 2016. =&=

Anonymous said...

We Want Trespassing Tour
is trending world wide - YAY!


Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux
We Want Trespassing Tour. Retweet it!

Anonymous said...

Where is this "official" rule that says Adam couldn't sing with Queen at the closing ceremonies? It's not like him being part of the band at this point makes them non-British. I think Great Britain simply wants to exhibit their best performers but I don't see why that should prevent Adam from singing. Surely ONE man can't steal an ENTIRE country's spotlight?



Anonymous said...

if Queen performs, they will prob have the hologram, or whatever, of Freddie singing...

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that this is an old pic of Adam....

Anonymous said...

Paul McCartney performed in the opening ceremonies.The Nigel Lythgoe article was written on 7-21-2012,& is old news now.I hope he's not still getting any more tweets spaming Adam for an Idol judge.I also heard the rumor that Adam could be singing with Queen in the closing ceremonies...sure hope we'll find out about everything the pix of Adam & Sudan..BB looks gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Always good to see Adam out and about enjoying himself. After all, why not? He deserves to have fun.

Anonymous said...

never a dull moment, that's for sure. I found a wonderful article on twitter about our fantom (so to speak) it was so good I printed it and sent it to my close family who doesn't get me at all. Wish I could find the link- so worth reading!

Anonymous said...

Here's the link- hope it works!

Adam Lambert Fan club
EXCLUSIVE! Article & Pic by @FoxVegas: Adam Lambert has a rare and unique fandom...
By Brenda English (@FoxVegas).
Adam’ Lamberts fans are known as the most tenacious, the most loyal and the most diverse of fans. They are a magnificent melange of male and female, struggling financially to very well-heeled, pre-teens to 80’s, gay and lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender, straight and transvestite. This fandom also includes every beautiful skin colour in this Universe.
They are opinionated, argumentative and fiercely supportive of him, and they will circle their wagons in an instant if anyone chaffs at their man. They raise money by the hundreds of thousands for his charities, and raise radio plays of his music into the stratosphere by Tweeting, calling and emailing radio stations endlessly, exhorting and pleading with the DJs to play, play, play Adam’s latest single.
The Glamily as they are called, much to the chagrin of some, are a force to be reckoned with...a close-knit cadre of people who adore and support Adam, no matter what.
Well, almost.
Not so when Adam chooses to wear his beloved poncho to a social event or decides to let his facial hair grow into a shapely and well-trimmed moustache and goatee. The fandom confers on Adam’s latest fashion statement, decide whether they like it or not and make haste to let him know their opinions in a timely fashion. Remember, I said earlier that they are opinionated? It takes a split-second for them to turn on a dime like a school of glorious tropical fish and reverse directions in mid-stream.
“ I LOVE him! He’s perfect, just the way he is! Never change, Adam!”
“Wait! What’s that? He grew another Melvin? I hate Melvin!”
“ He always looks soooo good when he goes out with his siippa! I love how he dresses!!!”
“Wait! WHAT’s that he’s wearing? A PONCHO? I hate that poncho!” …*faints dead away*…
See what I mean?
Changing horses in mid-stream.
The coolest thing is that Adam has their number.
In spades!
He can poke and tease them into a veritable frenzy in a matter of milliseconds by Tweeting outrageous ideas or quirky comments about virtually anything at all. Within a breath, more than several of them will be roiling about in their angst and bumping into one another’s psyches in the darkness of the internet social media forums and chat rooms. It all settles down in the end and there’s no harm done. The fandom has has their say and Adam has had his fun!
Whether the symbiotic relationship that exists between Adam and his fandom is as nourishing for him as it is for them is still up for grabs. What they both know is that they couldn’t live as well, one without the other. Like two hands washing each other, these two entities, Adam and his fans, get by very nicely by each breathing the same rarified air of mutual respect and love as the other.

Not the link the whole article- sorry!

Anonymous said...

What an absolute babe.....

The Dark Side said...

I feel like we all have a symbiotic relationship with Adam, which works in varied ways to meet individual needs. I agree his fanship is extremely diverse.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks adorable as always:)

Relax and enjoy your free time my dear.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:31 PM
Haha! I see that "Twitchy" article re-emerged...

That came out after Nigel tweeted about the 300 (whatever..) fans who were tweeting him about how great Adam would be as an Idol judge. Of course some fans are going to be enthusiastic about Adam being mentioned as an Idol judge...Nigel's acct is public...and he has a scroll button just like the rest of us...I think he just wanted a response...

Personally, I thought Nigel was a little whine-y about it and, being the good glambert that I am, decided to tweet him back. And suggested to him that we just love and support Adam. I wasn't one of those who tweeted him originally, but in light of Nigel's tweet thought it wise to explain..and suggest he not blame Adam for all the support thrown his way. So silly.

It just so happened that my response to Nigel ended up in this little article...I was on my way to Fantasy Springs from LA with friends when Nigel tweeted. My friends and I decided a response was needed. If you read all the way down, you'll note that Nigel backed off a bit..and said it wouldn't hurt Adam one way or the other...

So relax : ))) No harm, no foul...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this fantastic article on our Glamily! It's oh so true LOL!
I'm printing it out and showing my family because I've gotten too many eye rolls from them when I mention Adam (well it has been 3 years non-stop now LOl!)


Anonymous said...

Roger did say they would be performing at the Olympic finale and could it be with Adam, who really knows.

Anonymous said...

Queen's original front man Freddie wasn't British. He was born in India or Shrilanka or one of those places near India. He moved to England at age of 17.

I moved to US at age of 15 and even though I am US Citizen I'm not considered US Native.

IMO Adam is more British than Freddie cause English is Adam's first language whereas with Freddie English was his second language.

Plus US is winning all the Olympic medals and it is nice to have an American artist to represent #TeamUSA

Anonymous said...

anon 4:50pm

Did Queen ever perform at the Olympics when Freddie was alive?

Anonymous said...

I just happened to check ITunes under Pop albums and Trespassing is not there in the first 100. Does anyone know it's current ranking?

Anonymous said...

@ 5:08 pm

No they didn't.Queen performed at Olympics in 1992, Freddie died in 1991.

HK fan said...

As far as I can find on google. there is no written 'law' that states performers have to be from the host country. Its just generally done that way. I'm sure there have been exceptions over the years.

Apparently trespassing fell out of the bb200.I do wonder where all Adams twitter followers are when it comes to buying albums. Could all of you on twitter send out a reminder for everyone to make sure they have brought the album. I watch the twitter feed and never see anything like that.

Anonymous said...

@HK Album sales isn't at it used to be even couple years ago. JLo's new album debuted at 14,000. We are talking here about JLo. People know how to download music for free. That's the problem which music industry should find out how to fix it.

Anonymous said...

When is this going to end? Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara on the island of Zanzibar.
His family moved to UK and Freddie became a British citizen and changed his name.

Adam is not British just because he speaks English. JEEZ

Get off this, get over it.
This info is available, look it up and look up Olympic closing ceremony.

You people obviously have computors! The UK is host country, they get to choose the performers, British performers.

Anonymous said...

@6:08 On Amazon Music movers and shakers Trespassing Deluxe went up by 87% from #450 to #240. So at least more sales.I think it stayed 10 weeks on the BB200 which is not bad when there was no single getting much airplay. Fingers crossed and toes that this next single does really well and PLL will get more people especially teens to download or purchase. Hope RCA has a better plan for this single!!!Read JLO's Dance album,can't remember the right title only sold around 14,000 and the top two albums on BB200 only sold in the 20,000s. Lots of struggling right now.

Anonymous said...

@6:14PM Well Adam's first language is English whereas Freddie's first language was Dari until age of 17 that's when he moved to England.

BTW you're not part of the Olympic committee so what do you know and internet information about Olympic closing ceremony performers isn't the final words. Since Queen mentioned that they'll perform, it's their decision to pick who should front their band. Just like EMA.

Anonymous said...

Wonder when this single announcement will be made? Adam says soon, but Adam's soon is like my kid's "In a minute Mom". lol

Anonymous said...

They did pick, they picked Jessie J.

Anonymous said...

The plans were started 4 years ago, when UK found out they were hosts. I am sure all performers had an alloted time each. Queen probably planned for Jessie J. months ago, before Adam was debuted with them. You cannot just kick someone out just because you might like someone else. Doesn't matter anyway Adam is an American, and should abide by the rules, the same as everyone else. He will have his turn with Queen again, if they have anything to say about it. They love Adam, and super love his voice. IMO Adam sang and sounded better with Queen, than he does on Trespassing. His voice sounds richer and more vibrant.

Anonymous said...

Freddie was a British Citizen.

Anonymous said...

I don't see Raja in the picture but I do see Sutan. Love em both!

Anonymous said...

At least they are both Gemini's.
Adam having some fun.

Anonymous said...

You got it. When US Glamberts were confused if NZ spoke English I knew we had some major problems with knowledge of the world.
I could never understand why we never learnt about other countries and yet outside the US everyone is so well travelled and versed internationally.Amazingly so there is life outside the US.

Anonymous said...

@6:15 or anyone

I don't know much about the music business. Once an album falls out of BB200, can it go back in it again? I mean are there rules for BB that says once out of BB can't go back? Sorry don't know the in and out of BB200.

Anonymous said...

Raja and Sutan are the same person/
One name is his transvestite name, and he enters contests . The other is his own name he goes by.I think Raja is his tranny name.

Anonymous said...

chicks in cheetah prints. reeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Bar Marmont is for the straight hip people in LA. right?????

Anonymous said...

I guess with Adam taking a break for the next week or so, let's find something else to "discuss" about him. The IDOL judge position seems to be old news now, so let's get into the whole will he be at the Olympics with Queen story. It seems that only on this site do all these rumors and stories appear. As far as the general public is concerned, they know nothing about Adam after the initial BB#1 Trespassing album numbers(and that died fast). His PLL appearance won't be on tv until Halloween and that's a long way off. He mentioned the third single from the album. I hope that whatever it is, that RCA gets behind promoting it with radio play and tv entertainment show appearances. If this album doesn't do better, who knows if there will even be a tour for Trespassing next year. All his fans would like there to be one, but do the head honchos want to put all the money out for this tour. It seems GlamNation tour did very well, so I don't see why a Trespassing tour won't be successful also. And if he adds one or two songs from Queen(if that is allowed), he should be fine. I have never seen Adam on tour, but would love the opportunity to see him perform this time since I think Trespassig is a terrific album.

Anonymous said...

The Idol judge thing isn't old news to me yet. I was reading an OK! magazine at my hair place today and there was a small mention and picture of Adam with Ryan about Adam being a possible Idol judge.It was the July issue.SO COOL!

Anonymous said...

Why all this arguing whether or not Adam is performing with Queen at the Olympic Closing Ceremony. What will be will be!

Anonymous said...

I diagree with 6:45pm that Adam sounded better with Queen than his own band, Adam sounds terrific no matter what band he sings with or with none at all. He is the best most talented singer I have ever heard and believe me I have heard many went to many concerts in the U.S. & over seas but Adam is the first one to get my attention an cause me to follow him every day as I have. I have never followed an entertainers career before until now & believe me I am old enough to have done it if I wanted to.

Anonymous said...

Drop dead gorgeous!!!!! I've just died & went to paradise & back again. Sighhhhhhhhhh.....

Anonymous said...

8:16 I hear ya!! amen to that.

Magiclady said...

I agree with you, he sounds amazing singing rock. Much better to showcase his voice.

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:38 went to all that trouble to outline the topics that will be discussed this comming week, please adhere to this agenda or anything else negative will do.

Anonymous said...

was Raja once a woman and turned into a man?

Anonymous said...

Aerosmith rocker Steven Tyler has parted ways with the American Idol producers, saying the TV talent show wasn't all fun.

‘Not my cup of tea’: Tyler opens up about Idol gig – The singer quit the show after two seasons earlier this month – a day before fellow judge Jennifer Lopez followed him out the door – and he is now admitting he only agreed to sit alongside J.Lo and Randy Jackson for the cash, and to give his bandmates the chance to calm down after he announced plans for a hiatus. “It was something to do while the storm blew by, to be honest … not my cup of tea,” he tells Rolling Stone magazine.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

@shoshannastone You want to see something else impressive? Look how much Russia wants ADAM! :)

Anonymous said...


That Trend was started by Turkish Adam fans who want to see him in Turkey soon!

Anonymous said...

This is the news about the rumor of ADAM with QUEEN:

Anonymous said...

@7:25 I am no expert on BB 200,but I believe an album can re enter the top 200 if sales increase.Someone said PPL isn't until Halloween,but it is actually airing in the middle of October. If Adam announces his single in a week or weekish, then adds for radio won't start until September,so it is good timing for PLL. But I hope RCA has other plans for Adam,like getting him on every show possible to sing his new single and somehow get radio to spin it this time. They have to get the big top 40 stations on board!

Anonymous said...

Transcript of German Radio Station talking about ADAM

“A mix of Freddie Mercury, David Bowie and Prince”
that's how the American Idol producer described the
casting show contestant ADAM LAMBERT in 2009.

The flamboyant personality from Indiana fast became the darling of the audience because of his remarkable voice and entertainment qualities. He ended as the runner-up but he soon became famous worldwide with his single Whataya Want From Me."

More here:

Anonymous said...

Who Should Join Mariah as an Idol Judge?

Vote for ADAM! He is at 76.98% right now.

Anonymous said...

@August 1, 2012 6:45 PM
I disagree entirely. Adam sounds absolutely awesome singing his OWN songs. Adam loves to sing pop and funky dance music .... GET USED TO IT or find a rock artist to follow!

Anonymous said...

Popledge | Top 5 Posts of the Month: ADAM LAMBERT, Eleanor Calder and Cher Lloyd feature!

2.ADAM LAMBERT always gets the conversations flowing on popledge, his gig in Kiev with Queen attracted a lot of attention

Anonymous said...

@8:48 PM is a TROLL! No one here outlines what subjects will be discussed this week or any week .... and take your negativity elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

9:05 no

Anonymous said...

I love Steven Tyler but you could tell that the Idol job was too confining for him, he is a wild man. I wish him well.All the negativity over the judges but they came decked out and smiling every show. It will be fun to see Randy as a mentor. I hope Adam Lambert is on the show too!!

Anonymous said...

Haven't we done to death the Am Idol speculation and persistant rumors that Queen must have Adam as frontman for all future engagements. I'm taking a vacation from the blog, simply can't read another word about these unsubstantiated rumors. Isn't everyone sick of them? I'll check in after the Olympics are over and hope that Am Idol has quit torturing their viewers with new possibles for the judge's seats. Boring!
Only bright spot was the laugh I got over the insistence that Adam should be considered a Brit because English was his first language. DUH

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:37 AM

Well said!!

Anonymous said...

LOLs on the person who thinks Adam is more British than Freddie because Adam spoke English from birth. Citizenship has nothing to do with language or place of birth and there is a subtly racist underpinning to the assumption that speaking a language makes you more eligible than the act of committing to a country by seeking out citizenship (as Freddie did.)

I doubt it is an Olympic law that performing artists must be from the host country but, with the number of internationally known and respected artists the UK has, it would be hard to argue that a foreigner is the preferred choice for any song. Brian and Roger are Brtish to the core, so why would they try to circumvent a custom that promotes their country's culture and talent?

No slight on Adam - just the way things are.

Anonymous said...

Idol judge speculation is a waste of time until September, when they usually make such announcements.

I think that "spam" article is referring to the one incident with Nigel. No biggie, but I can see us (Glamberts) as a liability in the Idol framework. They want weekly twitter-trending on the contestants not the judging. If we turn every week into a referendum on how Adam did as a judge it will not serve Idol's purposes at all. So the less tweet-lobbying about this the better.

Anonymous said...

Where are the real fans here????

Intelligent with good humor????

Where are you?

All I can read here are full of craps about Adam being more British or not.

This is not sensible topic indeed>:(


Anonymous said...

A lot of the sensible fans, the ones with intelligence and humor
have bailed out. I scan but seldom post anymore, the repititious nonsense isn't worth commenting on. It's difficult to have a conversation with some of the strange fans who label any opinion contrary to their own as Trollish! I read very few comments, mostly those of the people with tags that I know aren't idiots. Sad situation.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy all this Idol chatter, it may never happen again. scroll away if you don't.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what I do!

Anonymous said...

wow this blog site is pretty serious business.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope adam is enjoying his week off

Anonymous said...

This thread makes me laugh and weep all at the same time. From the ridiculous to the sublime, as they say. I predict things will get even goofier during this short hiatus until the Japan shows. When we find out what the new single will be, we'll go nuts about that, for sure. We'll be at work again, spinning, voting, requesting, downloading, etc. It's our job and we love it, right?

Meanwhile, I like being a fan who dreams the seemingly impossible dreams, like the Idol judge gig, the Olympics closing ceremonies, a #1 hit single, etc. I don's mind the occasional brain farts people have about citizenship and New Zealand's native language and Sutan/Raja being two different people. This stuff is what makes life interesting as well as frustrating. My PASSION is still Adam, and no amount of crazy threads will change that.

This site is my first log-on of the day (after checking my email) and all you Glam-crazies are like my strange but true second family. Y'know, the ones you keep inviting over to the house even though you know things will go completely CUCKOO.


Anonymous said...

@7:22 AM. I'm right there with you. First log-in of the day. Love all the chatter. DEFINITELY second family/glamily! soooo basically what you said.....

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people are so critical and judgmental of others who are different?
If you don't like someone what is better than just ignore it? Why dismiss people just because they are not equal to you? Why post for us to know you are turning your back? Why not just don't say so? Why leave with a bad taste in our mouth?

Instead, think What Would ADAM Do?

Anonymous said...

May I add.
Isn't it this is exactly the place where ADAM is?
Being dismissed by mainstream for being different?
Idol fans turning their backs at him because of AMA?
And missing the fun of following him?

As others have pointed out, this is my source of joy and fun even posts that seem crazy.
I love all fans no matter what they are, who they are, what color or creed, simply because they love ADAM.
That's all that matters in this fandom.

Anonymous said...

close to 100 comments,& still nothing new??Can't we @ least get a new/old pic of BB or something??lol!I'll check back later.

Anonymous said...


You may be on to something there? What Would Adam Do.."WWAD" Maybe get some bumper stickers printed up? All of us can pass them out in front of stores, to people coming in and out. Maybe even t-shirts- WWAD? I think it is a very good idea. Quite frankly, he is my savior, so to speak. I visit him on the web sites more than I go to church. Very odd, but true..


Anonymous said...

Can one of the talented fans make a video using Runnin' track to runner athletes star at the London Olympic? We can send it to Adam's management, label, and NBC so hopefully they can use it!

Anonymous said...

Don't know if this is true, but I just read on twitter TRESPASSING IS THE NEXT SINGLE! I'm o.k with that.


Anonymous said...

@brownie It will be either Trespassing or Cuckoo since those are the two songs he will sing on PLL. So it is 50% true or 50% a rumor lol!We will have to wait till Adam tells us himself.So many rumors flying around in twitter land right now.

tess4ADAM said...

Hi Glamberts All!! I guess you could consider me 'one of the usuals' here at 24/7 even tho' I don't post very often the reason being that I really don't have much to contribute to the conversation so I just sit back & read all the comments ... positive AND negative (shake my head & roll my eyes at the TROLLS) ... but nonetheless ... I get MOST of my ADAM updates here at 24/7. It IS NOW & has ALWAYS BEEN my 'go-to' site for info. When there is a question of 'validity' ... I get busy & start looking for the TRUE story. Conjecture breeds Validation so anything is good even when it is presented in a negative manner. I DON'T argue ... I RESEARCH instead until I find a way to prove it if only for my own satisfaction. I LOVE this site no matter the subject matter ... it's my 1st & last stop of the day.

FYI ... RAJA is Sutan Amrul one of ADAM's closest friends & at one time ADAM's makeup artist on GNT. RAJA is his stage name ... he is a drag queen & WON on RuPaul's Drag Race TV show last year or the year before ... I know b/cuz I watched the show every week. But I don't think he is a tranny ... at least not to my knowledge. Love 'n Light ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Raja is not a transvestite he is a drag queen. Two very different things. Raja is his drag name, sutan Is his birth name. Sutan is a man and was born a man

glitzylady said...

Just a few words about coming here:

I've been a "regular" here for a couple of years...Its a great place to get the newest info about Adam..Right now, nothing much happening, since (thank goodness!!) Adam finally has a little time off!

Quite honestly, one of the things I would really like to see change here is the option for people to be "Anon"'s. I realize that some people prefer it, are for whatever reason, afraid to be identified by a tag..and quite honestly I don't understand that. I love knowing who is making the comments and appreciate it when posters choose a "name" to identify themselves. It's nice to know who is saying what. Personally, I've always felt that if I have something to say, I need to "own" it. I've had my share of "bashing" but have survived it. It also MIGHT cut down on the junk that shows up here from time to time. I'm not talking about the "controversial" comments, the ones that spark discussion, the ones called "negative", etc.. Everyone has the right to express an opinion and be heard. Others also have the right to disagree. But PLEASE consider using a "tag" of some sort... Its so much easier to follow a line of thought or discussion that way. If you can figure out how to create a permanent "tag" under the Name/URL under Choose an identity options (easy, by the way..) ..just type it at the bottom of your post. Thanks!!!!

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to mention this: Just so you know, the word "tranny" is not the nicest thing to call someone..This from the Urban Dictionary:

"An extremely offensive term for a transsexual man or woman, or any of the transgendered community.

On the same level as "n*****", and "c***" for most people, though, like "dyke", some of the transgendered community are trying to reclaim the word, without much success."

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady===I concur, tags for all! I went through dozens of ideas and then just decided to use a symbol! So Anons don't be shy.
Be creative, be silly, be one of us===== :) =&=

Anonymous said...


Thank goodness my dear you made a comment and you know I'm with you regarding to those anons who makes idiotic and unethical comments here.


HK fan said...

I don't understand people not choosing tags either. Its not your name, and doesn't have to give out any infomation about yourself. It could be something Adam related, a nickname, a colour, anything. All mine says is that I'm from Hong Kong, hardly a give away as to who I am given that 8million people live here.
Having tags makes it so much easier to draw people into conversations, and to make this site a more pleasant and friendly place.

Anonymous said...

My prediction is that he is going to London on his "little trip" to sing in the Olympics. When he left London Shoshanna said he would be back very soon. Also, he will probably make the announcement that he has signed on to be a judge on A.I. as Ryan Seacrest is there. Positive energy everybody and hope I'm right.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be a little trip, the closing ceremony is on August 12th.

Anonymous said...

May GOD bless your words.
I've been crossing my fingers praying.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be going to the UK for the Freddie mercury Moustache day in September. it happens on freddie's birthday: you buy a moustache and the proceeds go to fight AIDS.

There is a black-tie event with entertainment and a lot of famous people attend. Freddie's birthday is September 5th. (I think Adam may be performing. Just my theory.)

Anonymous said...


I sure hope so.

Anonymous said...

Just as long as he buys a moustache and doesn't grow another Don Diego it's okay with me!

Sounds like fun! I'd be willing to wear a moustache if only I could go back to London!...JAK