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Adam Lambert On Origin of "Outlaws of Love"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 6, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 06, 2012

Pop singer Adam Lambert explains to Pollo Del Mar the origins of "Outlaws of Love," from his latest CD "Trespassing." Based on the sadness he feels regarding issues relating to the LGBT community, "Outlaws of Love" is a crowd favorite.


Anonymous said...

Who the f..k distorted his voice? I heard this interview on another site and it was Adam's usual great voice. Such a shame, especially because he's talking about the amazing song "Outlaws of Love".

OT -- Found this tweet on twitter:

La journée où @adamlambert annoncera les dates pour le Trespassing Tour, je souhaite que cette fois ci, ce sera QUÉBEC et non Montréal -.-

She/he is basically asking that when the Trespassing Tour is announced that Quebec City would be chosen this time (not Montreal). I agree. There are so many great events during the summer in Quebec City and all the world's giants have recently performed on the 'Plaines d'Abraham', a truly magnificent space where hundreds of thousands of people can attend'.

Anonymous said...

OOL my very favorite on TP'ing. Would love to hear on SYTYCD choreographed by Christopher Scott or another great choreographer on there.

Anonymous said...

If SYTYCD doesn't use a Trespassing song this season I swear I'm gonna freak out!

Anonymous said...

@12:39- I agree every week I wait for a song off trespassing. There are so many great songs to dance to. Maybe someone should tweet mia michaels "beneath" or "nivana", that's right up her alley. Guess I could huh lol

Anonymous said...

Why not gift the choreographers of SYTYCD with Trespassing if anyone is close to anyone of them? Or DWTS for that matter with their coming All Star cast.

Anonymous said...

It was so difficult to understand what Adam was saying. But I think that OOL doesn't only have to relate to the LGBT community. It could refer to any two individuals having difficulty being aceepted as being in love because of their ethnicity, color, background, age difference, religion, family values, etc. It's all a matter of intepretation and experiences as to what the song's lyrics mean to you. The first time I heard Adam sing this song, I had tears in my eyes; I could feel the pain in his voice because of what he has faced in his life with his relationships. He seems extremely happy with Sauli and hopefully that will last a very long time.
Adam sets a very good example for being honest and candid about who he is and how to treat others.

Anonymous said...

We've seen this on this site already.

Anonymous said...

thanks for reposting I missed it.

Anonymous said...

OOL was me a few years ago my husband was an alcoholic & very mean when he drank. He made a lot of money but I got very little of it he had a lot of women. I tried to leave him but he would not let me go.He had the money to fight I did not the escape I had was falling in love with a wonderful man that let me keep my sanity. It was not right but it kept me alive the old saying walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me.I related to that song right away I was an OOL. Adam that song could fit so many situations thank you It should be a grammy winner.

Adamluv said...

@10:40 - hope you are in a much safer and happier place now in your life. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Hoping you're in a happier stage now.
