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Adam Lambert Tweets New Picture: "Justify My Pants"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 19, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, August 19, 2012


Anonymous said...

Photo my Sauli??? Love the hoodie and the "come hither" expression. Those pants are SOOOOO justified.


Anonymous said...

Meant photo BY Sauli?

Anonymous said...

Love the look!

daydreamin said...

He's just so adorable.

Anonymous said...

No justifying those are some hot pants on one hot man! Sauli has to be saying forget the picture come hither Hehehe. ( I think I have gone Cuckoo :) Anne

Anonymous said...

He has such a dif expression and look. Some people aren't even sure that is him. I think it is. Can't mistaken his hotness.

Anonymous said...

You can tell that is Adam by his cheekbone.

Anonymous said...

I can tell by his arms.

Anonymous said...

this must be after the concert at the hotel.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is one lucky mofo

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with 9:07 !!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's me, MGF, @ 9:07 :)


Anonymous said...

9:15 ... I know ur diggin those toesies ;)

Anonymous said...

I like the corridor leading to the door perspective. But Adam's face has been too photographically edited. His cheek does not have that slight curve-in. Very nice silver-zebra pants and an overall artistic black/white picture, if Adam looked more like Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

Mercy! >-->O THUD !

I do love shiny pants.....JAK

Anonymous said...

That's ADAM'S body for sure,but it doesn't look like his chin..looks too long....or the angle is wrong..can't see the hair or eyebrows..Adam & Sauli,are you doing some photoshopping??I like it,but am not sure if all the face is him--lol!

Anonymous said...

what the heck does justify my pants mean anyways?

Anonymous said...

@(:45- I'm with you- what does that mean? IMO that is NOT adam, it looks like sauli, maybe that what it means? That is Sauli, not adam!

Anonymous said...

O.K I take that back, it's adam you can tell by his arms and toes! Wonder what it meant? this is @10:07 again. OT: Why were there over 2,000 tweets tonight on adam's twitter feed- did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

'Justify my pants' .... I wonder what that's about. Certainly a different-looking facial angle of Adam .... very nice. Maybe he likes keeping us intrigued, and intrigued we most definitely are!

Anonymous said...

Read someone said that a UK reporter said after the Queen + ADAM concert that, "he has a natural built-in auto tune!" LOL!

Anonymous said...

I just love that bad boy look on his face. If looks could kill. This photo just say so many words by itself. What awesome man for music world.

Anonymous said...

After taking other look. This look like ad for Adam Lambert cologne. A bottle of Adam Lambert to take home at night.

Anonymous said...

Justify your hair Adam and dye it back to your darker color!! Tall dark and handsome and more mysterious looking.

Anonymous said...

No,not Sauli either..look closely @ the looks lighter & has been changed to be longer, n' white is much easier to do this.Maybe BB didn't like his chin in this pic...or they could have made a composite w/another's a male model,maybe.Hey,if this pic gets more people to visit his twitter page,then it's all good,ISN'T IT??yeah,yeah,yeah!lol!Justify my pants would prob be taken from an old Madonna song."Justify my Love",(or defend it)

funbunn40 said...

Those pants are more than justified! I've seen them up close at the Miami Jingleball in 2010 and those long legs filled them out magnificently,almost blinding me! That definitely is Adam. I've memorized each part of him! No mistaking his strong facial features, eyes and freckled arms. He also likes to go barefoot. Sauli is also much shorter than Adam and looks nothing like him with his strong Nordic looks. Both men drop dead gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

If it's not him then who is this guy?

I have to say it sure looks like someone else. I mean, look at his eyes, chin, mouth, and his toes without nail polish...?

Anonymous said...

It's Adam...freckles and all LOL!

Anonymous said...

OT: This is awesome guys, the entire season 8 of adam on idol, broken down with just him (every song) and the comments. (it's called the adam movie lol) It's a keeper! Kept me up for 2 hours and it's 3:30 a.m jeez

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention- at first it looks all chinese language- give it a second and then it's all in english!

Anonymous said...

It's definitely not Sauli! LOL It's Adam with an expression I've never seen before on his lovely face. It's all good! :)

Anonymous said...

@12:31 AM
I've opened the link you gave us and up came a message saying that it comes from potentially dangerous or suspicious sites. Did you have any problems with this site?

lorraine said...

@ 12;31 AM Thank you so much for this.Where did you find it? I love having all the songs/comments and coverage all together. Wonderful!!!
@ 12:42 AM The only thing "dangerous"about this site are Adam's sneers, sexiness and out of this world vocals!

Anonymous said...

It seems like Adam stayed at the same hotel where Madonna made her mv for Justify My Love:

Adam looks sexy is this picture and yes he sent a message that he is gonna make love to his BF. That look in this picture says it. Lucky Sauli!

Anonymous said...

This picture is definitely Adam because nobody has those pants. This Zebra pants is custom made for Adam. It's one and only Zebra pants belong to Adam only.

Anonymous said...

I feel like a stalker looking at this photo. Adam isn't even off limits in the corridors of the hotel where he stayed .... the life of a hotly in demand celebrity!

Anonymous said...

That's Adam!!!!!!

I know it because I met him and I stared at him!!!:))

The toes!!!!!!!!!

Less make up in this picture:)

I just love my Rock God!!!


Anonymous said...

It"s Adam:):):)

Anonymous said...

I just checked my Adam picture library and found a very close-up picture of Adam's feet. His big toe is a lot larger than the one shown in the picture. The one shown in the picture has the second toe longer than his first toe which isn't the case in my original photo. And also Adam's toes are straight, thinner and not arched; not broad as those shown in the photo...hmm pretty suspect. And Adam's nose has a higher bridge, more dominant. Black eyeballs? And shape of face...not adding up. :)

Anonymous said...

It definitely looks like him - same ear gauges, same arms, same outfit but his toes do look different and there's something different about his face. Will we ever know for sure?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam's latest tweet ....

Adam LambertVerified‏@adamlambert

"@spreckles single announcement got held up by some record label logistics. Whats new?! I'm pushin' trust me. Cover looks FLY though."

What does FLY mean???

Anonymous said...

'fly' is like 'rad' ie great

Anonymous said...

You guys are a riot! I especially love the person who checked other photos and says that Adam's big toe is a different length. Yes, looks weird but it's tweeted by Adam and those are his clothees ergo...

He is clearly opening the hotel room door.

Anonymous said...

Here is an older blonde Adam, same look.

HK fan said...

@anon 1.01am
Thanks for that Madonna link, thats obviously what he alluding too with the tweet, justify my pants.....

Of course its Adam, he's wearing the same outfit that he'd just performed in. Hasn't anyone taken a photo of you where it doesn't look like you, the angle and lighting can make a lot of difference...

Anonymous said...

Some stalker invaded Adam's privacy.

Anonymous said...

адам просто чудо!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guys....Adam tweeted it. It wasn't tweeted by a stranger. As Sherlock Holmes would say, "When all other solutions fail, we are left with the obvious..."

Anonymous said...


That photo looks as though it's been touched up.

Anonymous said...

4:39 tried to link that older pic of adam with the blonde hair, heavy black eyliner and black pirate skull t shirt. FAIL, maybe someone else can do it. :(

Anonymous said...

Well, he wasn't in his jim jams but er ... um ...he doesn't wear jim jams to bed. ;-)

Anonymous said...

@August 20, 2012 4:14 AM .... oooo, thanks so much for letting me know. :)

Anonymous said...

Yea this is the beautiful Adam I like! Classic, maybe blond suits him better after all; it's closer to his own natural colour. Not easy to beat mother nature, the most profound artist of all. :)

Anonymous said...

4:39 - if a stalker invaded Adam's privacy then why/how did Adam tweet the photo?

Anonymous said...

Haha! This blog is funny today .... in a good way! <3

Anonymous said...

@4:53 AM

Maybe Sauli or one of the band members took the photo.

Anonymous said...

August 20, 2012 4:40 AM

Thanks for posting the link to that photo. Agree - I think it's been touched up.

Anonymous said...

At least you appreciate my findings lol! But Sherlock Holmes says it's Adam; well I wouldn't dare argue with the great astute Sherlock. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Why aren't his toes painted????
BTW the photo

Anonymous said...

Give a call to Mr Holmes; he has this uncanny accuracy of drawing large conclusions from minute details like why Adam's toe-nails were not! My input is maybe he had no time or used the little precious time he had, to do other things with Sauli. lol! I hope Mr Sherlock agrees with me this time. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

CHECK out a brand new pic of Adam with his new hair color & eye make-up.Could that be his new single cover??very nice.It's just been tweeted less than an hr will prob be on this site very soon~

Anonymous said...

I see that Adam DID tweet the new pic( blond one)love it.(Oh,those Zebra pants,or some like them,can be bought on line-- hope those pants are very strong-lol-maybe BB's are a better grade than some.

Anonymous said...

Here is the photo you were talking about

Anonymous said...

JAK here......very frustrated...I found the link that has all the photos of Adams performances but cannot click on any of them, just white screen? Can't read Chinese directions... Any suggestions I'd love to see the Idol performances?I had a really good set of them saved and last time DELL-A was sick, they all got wiped out. Now I can't find them...they were on photobucket, anyone have that link?

SG said...


Do other thing with Sauli? What you mean? I'm lost....

Anonymous said...

Don't pretend! You are streets ahead of me in those other things! But I'm a lot saner than you so my other things will cover, a walk in the green Japanese garden, a trip on the lightning bullet train and then...hmm use your own imagination after that...can't help you! :)

Anonymous said...

Neither of the new pics look like Adam! Is it because someone has photoshopped his beautiful face or has Adam stopped eating altogether?

Give him some more food!!! Quickly!!!

SG said...


Damn!! I though I could make you say thing you'll never say, but you're tough!!But I don't despair!!I know I can make it! I just have to find the right way.....
Walking in a green garden, a trip, a tea,yes,yes,very nice-zen things, but I'm sure what they did right after Adam open that door are closer to my imagination...LOL!!

Anonymous said...

@6:27 yea, the divas need the food more than the little boss man.

Anonymous said...

You see I'm really pure in my thoughts...I really forgot about Adam opening the room door; I'm not kidding; you must be wondering why take the bullet train to the park with mosquitoes, when the luxurious bed is just a hop, step and jump! No wonder you said you were! Thanks for the wake-up! But I think I know why I completely forgot about Adam opening the room door...he doesn't look like Adam to me. :)

Anonymous said...

I miss his chubby cheeks and double chin.yeah im weird lol

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the divas behaviour and the pic they tweeted of themselves yesterday, reminds me of the stepsisters in a certain fairytale. Adam is the Cinderfella. The bandberts can be the evil stepmother.

Anonymous said...

7:12, Well, just keep spreading the love!


Anonymous said...

That new pic Adam tweeted today IS him for sure..his eyebrows sure are dark,aren't they?His eyes look beautiful,tho.This could be by Lee Cherry before Adam left for Japan.His eyebrows were darker then.Let Lee do the photoshopping( eyebrows)if anybody does,right?I think we'll hear the new single announcement very soon.On Adam's twitter,the latest pic was put up earlier,then the link went away;now it's back..See?Adam's chin,etc DO look like him in that latest pic,for sure.

Anonymous said...

@7:30AM Aye boss! :)

Anonymous said...

Some of us our brain is used to crappy fans and paps pictures that whenever we see professional pictures of Adam we can't adjust our brain to like them. I prefer professional pictures to crappy fans and paps pictures. This picture is definitely Adam and he looks gorgeous. Love the one he tweeted after this one.

Anonymous said...


At this rate Adam is going to end up looking like Brad which is something nobody wants. I believe we all love the man-Adam, tall, big and strong:)

Even though Sauli, too, is a bit on the skinny side, the boy's got some muscles all over his body!

Anonymous said...

@lorraine- thanks, I found that link on adam's twitter feed and boy I'm glad I did. @12:42- no I didn't get any warnings at all. @Jax- At first it comes up looking japanesee, then after a second it goes into english (adam's movie) I didn't get a white screen, I just hit the middle and it came on. Good luck.


Anonymous said...

@ anon 6:27 AM
I agree with you.

Lee Cherry (whose work I highly respect) has done the greatest Adam photos and Adam's face never looked like this.

Anonymous said...

This picture is STUNNING. Not posed -not perfect-just very sexy and artistic. I love natural glam Adam. He has beautiful hair -let it move!. He has beautiful lips and mouth. This photo is beyond anything that is going on on the cd cover. I wish Adam would mess it up a little and yes back to black!

Anonymous said...

WHY do I prefer the Adam's pic in front of the hotel room with his hoody rather than the glammed up one? I REALLY do love Adam in a more natural pose. I find that the glammed up one looks too much like a boy george one.

Anonymous said...

That's one of THE best pics of Adam. Looks like a CD cover. Teens would go wild for this CD cover. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Whoever took those twitter pics.Sign them up! Best photos lately.!

Anonymous said...

is it or isn't it? the pants look too long or maybe they are not pulled up.IF it is Adam really is a chameleon..

Anonymous said...

toes curled in anticipation?

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments on here from several individuals would qualify them to become a detective or part of a CSI team. Really...analyzing every aspect to the minutest detail of this picture to prove it is or is not Adam!! To me,it looks like Adam after the concert, going into his hotel room and maybe a bit startled or surprised by the person taking the picture. He does look thinner but he has been working very hard lately and sweating it out during those concerts in Japan. The main point should be that his performances at these concerts were amazing and Adam really seemed to be enjoying himself with the band, the backup singers and his connection to the audience. On to Australia now.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam would makeout with Madonna??? I bet she could show him a few things.

Anonymous said...

he's gonna make love with Kesha. she was in Japan. she wanted her hands on the glamtabulous one.

Anonymous said...

maybe his toes are cramped up from all that thrusting.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Madonna old enough to be his mother? ewwwwww and I do believe she's female, that rules her out as for Kesha, barf! Can either compare with Sauli and his various "charms"?

Anonymous said...

In new closeup photo, where did he find Boy George's make up artist?
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo Adam

Anonymous said...

10:05, LOL!!!!! He's headed into that hotel room to do who knows what?? I love every one of Adam's looks. One thing about him, his looks are never permament. He always changes it up. Some people act like he going to keep one look forever. But not Adam. So don't get too upset if you don't like the make-up, or whatever. He's a chameleon. As long as I see him, I'm happy.


Anonymous said...

Adam does not now nor will he ever look like boy George ! Both pics are gorgeous no way they couldn't be after all it's Adam.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 8:54 - thought exactly the same thing. Fab. CD cover and teens would absolutely love it. Adam looks very hawt!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I think he just happened to meet someone who had the same pants he had. I don't believe that's him first off he was sleeveless at the concert - why would he change just the t-shirt and not the whole outfit?

Anonymous said...

2:12 He would change the t-shirt because he sweats during his performances. Perhaps he was in a hurry to get back to the hotel so he could shower with Sauli.

Anonymous said...

I will always respect Adam for his talent as an entertainer and his really remarkable voice. Though I don't care a lot for many of the songs he sings. But it's his decision and I can always skip, skip, skip. I think he is a handsome man, but I do not like to see him wear makeup that makes him look like a woman. But again it's his decision. What he wears on his face or body and the color of his hair won't change my appreciation of his talent.

Anonymous said...

No way could Adam ever look like a woman. He's an alpha male, make-up or not.

Anonymous said...

So now with Mariah and Niki as judges I guess we'll be seeing them singing every other week ala JLo. Yuk.

It would be nice if Randy did go on to be a mentor and AI chose a white male to sit between the two black women. Sorta the salt and pepper thing. JMO

Anonymous said...

Adam on Idol surrounded by huge breasts. Somehow just doesn't appeal to me. Put Nick Jonas in there, that might be amusing.

Anonymous said...

So we have three black we still get a WGWG as a winner...can't beat AT&T.

Anonymous said...

Kinda like reverse racism.

Anonymous said...

I really, really, really LOVE that hoodie pic.

OT: Strange that all media outlets are talking about NM on AI, but she has not trended today on twitter.

Anonymous said...

I can't blame some of you if you don't believe that this is ADAM?

For some of us who met him and touched him, no doubt baby.......

My ROCK GOD IS KILLING ME WITH HIS SEXINESS!!!!! That's all and we can all fly for the next single:))))


HK fan said...

@anon 2.12pm
so you thin he just happened to meet someone staying in the same hotel as him wearing the exact same zebra trousers, same hoodie and carrying the same boots he was wearing a short time earlier......mmmm slight coincidence don't you think!!!what do you reckon the chances of that happening are?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for that link. It's a keeper.

Anonymous said...

Don't have time to look thru all the comments here but, if this hasn't already been posted ... this is the link for Madonna's "Justify My Love" and it looks to be filmed in the exact same hallway. So THAT'S the point Adam is trying to make! And, OF COURSE, it is Adam - wearing the same outfit from the concert. Sheesh ---

glitzylady said...

Of course its Adam...... : )

Anonymous said...

Gross. I looked up Madonnas Justify My Love video. Now I'll admit the last and only Madonna video I watched was in 1984 Like a Virgin. Needless to say, I didn't and don't care for her. This one was awful! What is it with Catholic School girls and crucifixes? Madonna and Gaga dangle them in some pretty disgusting ways in their videos.

Anonymous said...

I love this hoodie pic of Adam - very artistic and very Adam! Would be great to be able to buy a coffee table book of Adam pics He has so many beautiful looks. It would be a best-seller for sure!

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