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"Breaking In" Trailer featuring Adam Lambert's "Pop That Lock"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, August 16, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Breaking In" is an American television series that is currently airing on FOX.


leilani Aloha said...


Anonymous said...

I love Pop That Lock and heard it for the first time live at OC concert on 7/19. I replay it every time I listen to it.

Anonymous said...

Cool times ten!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope they use it before or after the show too or squeeze it in somewhere every now and then.

Anonymous said...

This is quite interesting.

IDOL Judge Rumor Time Line

Anonymous said...

This was posted on facebook by 102.7 KIIS FM: 102.7 KIIS FM

Tomorrow On Air with Ryan Seacrest

We have Kevin Jonas & Danielle Jonas for their show "Married To Jonas" PLUS a BIG Jonas Brothers announcement!

daydreamin said...

Well it's about damned time!!!!!

Anonymous said...

that timeline was cute but a big Jonas bros. annoucement tomorrow sort of over shadows anything else. The new judges are MC, NJ and PWms.

Anonymous said...

That timeline forgot to add Adam states he wasn't asked. It makes me worry he has nothing on his schedule for September tho.

Anonymous said...

Oh,I think that Adam will be busy after he gets back from Australia..He has "stuff" lined up,right??Remember,some of the daytime shows are either still on hiatis( or partial hiatis) Search for "Breaking in" on Fox tv..It seemed to be a good show at first,but Fox kept changing it up,& its' day & time slot,I believe( killing the ratings)..Lots of the show's fans didn't like Megan Mullally being added to the cast while other original members were either dropped or replaced..There MAY be a chance to see some reruns sometime( but WHEN is the question) Christain Slater is still in it,but who knows now..??? except it's not on US Fox right now,but in some other countries.):Oh,well. I'M BE GLAD when we'll finally get those darn judges confirmed!!Adam's prob. better off touring some more & maybe doing more TV,etc( like PLL & maybe more)

Anonymous said...

Any PC GEEKS out there?We has pogo games( or club pogo on our PC) it's not free,but during a sudden storm,we the power was blicking off & on.I tried to shut it down,but it wouldn't,so I cut the power..Well,now I can NOT get Java to reload no games for now.I tried to uninstall java..but still no go.I kept getting "You need to have java" I DID have it again,but same old,same old..akkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!My google acount on youtube was also messed up,but I finally got that back...pogo was originally an aol game only,but now it's not..hubby wants to take this great PC to Staples,where we got it( expensive to fix)( AND my son's laptop also just to get the stupid games back)...I want him to wait a few days,anyway..he's so stubborn!!Anybody??Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I hope this show plays Pop That Lock a lot. I love it!!! <3

Anonymous said...

thinking on all the tracks on the album, I can think of a few that would fit in nicely with dramatic movies...I hope this is only the tip of the iceberg featuring music by Adam..and I hope he gets paid for is a travesty that they didn't choose him for AI..but that is just the way it is..I will not watch..NJ seems just too young and boring..and I've never even heard Pharrell talk and Mariah is such a diva..

Anonymous said...

Man,oh man!!..that was me @ 1:41 & 1:53am(5:41 & 5:53am here) I was so tired & fed up with the Java not loading right,so son & hubby could play Pogo games again,AND take this PC away today..(pogo still not working ): so many typos)..I never do that badly..just saw a little bit of Neon Trees on GMA's summer concert series..get this,the lead singer has his hair platinum, wasn't before,was it??They got to sing more songs,& were presented w/a platinum record plaque right on the show( album or single,not sure...prob both) the guy's hair wasn't pretty like BB's tho..& his outfit did not match..I know the shirt & pants were 2 different prints & his hightop tennis shoes looked like they were sequined,bright purple..BB might have worn those shoes,but not the rest..It just makes me sad cause Adam should be getting the same recognition,or more..I'm not saying NT aren't good,but you all know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Love hearing PTL on that ad. I can think of lots of Adam's songs that could be used in ads or in TV shows or in movies, IF THE PEOPLE WHO MAKES THOSE ADS AND SHOWS COULD ACTUALLY HEAR THE MUSIC.

Oh, well.


Anonymous said...

This show is on AXN according to commercial. What is that? Another little known channel? Poster further up said it has left FOX.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so charismatic! I love the LOVE the Japanese fans are showing him.!!! "Pop That Lock" best dance tune on cd and Map is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Adam said bonus tracks are seldom on radio but Map would be a hit!

Anonymous said...

Well Nicj Jonas is NOT a judge yet. The big announcement was a Jonas Brothers concert in New york.

Anonymous said...

Sorry NIck.

Anonymous said...

ryan says he doesn't know who the judges are yet.

Anonymous said...

I guess Miarah may not have jelled w/Nick..or Ryan didn't want what now,Fox???I went & played the last part of GMA again,& the lead singer of Neon Trees( now platinum...was brown-haired before) had on 2 different Adam may have liked..a solid color top w/ print pants,but he changed to another top for their big hit-another print.( IT was platinum,not the album that I KNOW of) album,but it's been out since 2011 anyway.I think Adam will do just fine..His song & album are doing much better..esp in Japan,& even some more spins in our good ole USA.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we need to worry about Adam's schedule after September ...he's fucking Adam Lambert and he's awesome fantastic and full of surprises...he'll have something up his sleeve or under his hat...or somewhere on his bueatiful self...just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

To anon 8:26am: I noticed the same as you did about the lead singer of Neon Treees. Platinum/blonde hair must be the in color right now and the outfits he had on esp. those pants could be something Adam might wear. It is funny how we both thought of Adam in connection to this guy. Also, if Nick Jonas becomes a judge on Idol, that's it for me. Does Mariah have a final say as to whom she wants on the panel with her? The show should be about the contestants and not the judges unless they are there to really help the contestants in their musical careers. With all these reality talent/singing shows on tv now, not one has really produced a super talented performer in the last several years. The music business seems to be very unpredictable and fickle in recent times with even the best selling artists not doing/selling that well. So many are gravitating to tv programs as judges or mentors to re-energize their careers.

Anonymous said...

Channel AXN is in Asia where usually shows not anymore current or cancelled in US are still being shown. So we should thank those in-charged in Asia for picking ADAM's music.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:09 am

Thank you for that information. I can stop looking through my American cable listings now.

Anonymous said...

And why is this news?

Anonymous said...

10:23 It is news to me.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Ryan S didn't like Adam guess I missed that .

Anonymous said...

So, the Great Idol Judge Caper is still unsolved. This is getting ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

Ryan S. has never tot knowledge said ant thing but nice things about Sweet Adam Lambert. I think he is quite fond of him. I do not think Ryan has much say in who judges are. Ryan has said he only knows about ten minutes before every one else. Do no know if that is try are. It but, I think it's bull about him disliking Adam. Last time I saw record sales even Kelley Clarkson has not gone platinum yet, that was a month or so ago, album been out a year, that's in USA, I do not know about America but I bet Adam does go platinum abroad in a year, with all the promotions and hard work look what it has done in Japan every thing doing fabulous there! He has not had time to promote much in USA, once people back from vacation he will be on more tv! And touring and album will go up here! The other album after first week was slow at first but after tour and all sold great! Adam doing great abroad and there are but three people to ever come out of Idol who are world wide! Adam one of them! He is one of the best success stories! I also look for some kind of movie in his future some where! Sorry made lots of type mistakes hope u can understand me!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it, understood perfectly.

Anonymous said...

12:47 your comment is very true and Ryan in my opinion has nothing against Adam, that is absurd. I am embarassed when I read comments like that.

Anonymous said...

A POST FROM A NEW FAN (from another site):

"Wow…I hear what you’re all saying, feel what you’re all feeling and am sooo glad I’m not the only one who is completely obsessed by this beautiful, naturally talented, gorgeous man….

I love everything about him and find it so funny that 2 months ago I’d never even heard of Adam…

I am eternally grateful to my husband who got tickets for the Queen and Adam Lambert concert on July 12th this year….

My life has not been the same since…his amazing vocal range, awesome stage presence and refreshing openness has me completely hooked.

I feel like a teenager gin! Go Glamberts, and love u Adam! Xx"


Anonymous said...

Ryan has a total man crush on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club Melanie. I have been a fan since his audition on idol.. he is totally amazing!!!!!! I wish I could have seen him with Queen, hopefully will get to next year.

Anonymous said...

You're officially an Adam Lambert fan by your feelings.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad as well that I'm not the only obsessed fan of this amazing singer Adam Lambert. Every single day I'm stick I'm my computer to know all the latest news, pictures, videos , etc about him. OMG he's my idol forever I can't get enough of him and the same way as Melanie I feel like a teenager. I'm a proud glambert!!!

Shiggles said...

Ain't it wonderful that we over 50's can feel l7 again. It's all due to Adam. Gotta love the man!!

Anonymous said...

ha, ha it's nice to be 31 and feel 17 again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know Ryan does like Adam...I try to keep up with things but my husband is really sick so sometimes I fall behind...I was very taken aback when I read the previous comments saying he didn't ...anon11:15

Magiclady said...

Melanie and Rosa

It is wonderful to be a Glambert!

For a lot of us, he completely mesmerizes us and we cannot read, listen, blog, etc. enuff about him. For me following Adam gives me something to look forward to and I love watching him become what he is destined to be. I really love the man and wish I wasn't so old and he was attracted to women!
I am not sure what exactly it is that he has, but I have never followed someone as closely as I do Adam. I want to know every little thing about him and of course watching him sing, talk and move just puts me over the edge!

Anonymous said...


Hey @adamlambert !!!! I hear you're headed down to my home away from home #australia Enjoy the love. #jealous

I wonder if this is the real "kdlang"?

she's been one of my favorite singers...haven't heard much from her lately...

Anonymous said...

kdlang would appreciate Adam's vocals!

glitzylady said...

Adam's response to KD Lang just now on twitter:

@kdlang aww! Yeah I love it down under! One of these days our paths will cross!

And yes, its the real KD Lang...I checked it out earlier...Verified acct. and all...

Anonymous said...

I wish the JAPANESE would post some videos of the mini-concert.They are very slow to put things up,but the quality & the HD is great when they do..interesting posts,& it's hard to believe that Fox( & Ryan) don't know who the 2 male judges will be yet..they may be afraid of criticism--so are waiting until the last min..but HOPE they'll CONFIRM soon!!This is ridiculous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzy

I love it when other singers acknowledge Adam.

I'm trying to imagine KD and Adam singing together.

Not many singers could keep up with Adam

Anonymous said...

I doubt if we'll see k.d.lang anytime soon on American TV. She is an out lesbian who dresses like a man. The last time I saw her was when she performed at the Olympics opening ceremony in her native Canada (think it was winter)and she had a man's haircut and was dressed in a suit (maybe a tux). Her voice is KILLER! Don't know how long she has been open about her sexuality but she is certainly not hiding anything now. k.d. singing with Adam would BLOW MY MIND!!!


Anonymous said...

I've been aware of k.d. lang for many years. Her sexuality has always been known, as far as I know, althugh she doesn't discuss it publicly. She and Adam together as a duo would be amazing. Her vocals are equal to his, if that's humanly possible. I'm so glad she tweeted him. She must be a fan. She KNOWS how well he sings. Wonder if she has something in mind?

Melanie, welcome to the wonderful world of Adam. We are all crazy about him here. There is no hiding of our love. You don't have to worry about being over-the-top in love with him. We all feel the same.


daydreamin said...

I am a fan of Neon Trees and Tyler Glenn the lead singer and follow him on twitter. He dyed his hair before Adam. They both played at the Des Moines festival on July 28th and Tyler already had dyed his hair.

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. Listen Tresspassing today. Again and again and........Suddenly I relised that Tresspassing or Cuckoo ot Shady never ever can be single. I know everybody love these songs and they are my favorite also. However, nobody never ever will release in the air songs with words "ass"or"fuck". Runnin also can't be relise as single. I don't know what Adam thought about when he included this song in deluxe version! As far as new single must be pop dancing air acceptable songs only to songs can be released as single "PopThat Lock" or Naked Love.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again!!!

'AMERICAN IDOL' Judge Drama: Coke and Pepsi at War Over Nicki Minaj (Exclusive)

UPDATED: Sources tell THR a four-member panel is coming together that will also include a Latin heartthrob and a country star.

If Fox and FremantleMedia execs have their way, this year's panel would consist of Minaj, previously announced judge Mariah Carey, a country star (the leading candidate is Keith Urban, says an insider) and a Latin artist (Enrique Iglesias is believed to be the No. 1 choice).

In March, Minaj showed genuine empathy toward those who compete on Idol, telling THR special correspondent and Idol alum Didi Benami: "It's very difficult to be picked apart. That rejection thing is heavy."

Read more:

‘AMERICAN IDOL’ Season 12: Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban strong possibilities.

"If this is in fact the panel the show opts to go with, what do you think — and are you disappointed that names such as Pharrell, Adam Lambert, and Nick Jonas would not be making the cut?"

Read more:

HK fan said...

@anon 7.04am
There are 2 main ways of getting any decent TV in Asia, cable and Now TV (or broadband tv,from the same providers as the internet), which is what we have. I know in HK, Broadband is far cheaper to set up and more popular.AXN is one of the major channels on Broadband, I think its a FOX channel, has a lot of the more current dramas, so no, not a little known channel.

re Idol, gee just announce the judges already, all this new name stuff is getting so boring. Is there anyone whose name hasn't been in the mix yet? And no to Nicki Minaj..have watched a couple of things with her and she comes over so ditzy, can barely string 2 words together....although that might make for fun tv! and her performance on Idol last year was the worst case of lipsynching I have ever seen...

Anonymous said...

lol we know it is not going to be Adam so I could really care less.

Anonymous said...

6:54 pm, songs with swear words are released to radio all the time. They either bleep the word or just drop it out. Have you heard "Moves Like Jagger" on the radio? Shit is one of the words in the lyrics. Remember which version of Toby Keith's "boot in your ass" your local radio station played? And if they can come up with two clean versions of CeeLo's F*** You, they can do anything. Trespassing, Cuckoo or Shady could be singles easily.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed Adam and Pharell won't be in the mix and I think NJ would do well in a few years but not quite ready yet.

Anonymous said...

@6:06pm, isn't that a little sterotypical for you to say about Japanese people?
They weren't supposed to record the concert because it is airing on Japanese tv.

Adam Lambert Mezamashi Live (Aug 15, Tokyo) to air on Fuji TV NEXT on August 31 14:05-14:45

Anonymous said...

If Adam is not to be on Idol my pain would be eased a little by having Keith Urban in his place.

Ever seen Raining on Sunday Keith Urban Official Video? Slurp!

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say the same exact thing,anom. @ 7:33pm..Of course,you're absolutely right..I think "ass" is ok in Trespassing,but the f word would just be omitted.BB's sung it that way before..when he sang it live in some radio stations' studios..(that were going out to be played on the air)What about Rhianna's"Rude Boy"???That one wasn't even edited,& was played all the time on VH-1 & the radio...I think it was quite dirty...but some get away w/anything,don't they? BTW,even Jon Bonjovi has bleached his hair,it looked very light,but with a goldish color...his highlighted hair looked better.I think it looks awful!!Maybe it was a joke???He doesn't need to do that..what's up with all these guys??just for attention??Oh,well..hope Adam will go back to his other color soon..but let him have fun w/it for now,I guess.

Anonymous said...

corection: maybe that was Richie Sambora that went very's yuk!whoever it was.It was on the Insider,or one of those shows,& I prob wasn't that that's why he looked so bad,I think.Jon was already blond,but not THAT color..We need another thread,& some more Adam videos,don't we?It's getting boring..nite

Anonymous said...

I just read some comments on the examiner site and they said Kieth Urban wouldn't have time for AI as he is doing The Voice in Australia.

Anonymous said...

I go to the mall, my hair stylist, doctors, dentist and music always on. I heard a lot of Adele(too much of Adele), Katy Perry, David Cook,etc. Also, I hear a lot of What Do You Want From Me all summer! A lot!! But I never heard any sh.....words in the mall or my dentist office! And it makes me very happy. Because we still have some limits on some of our radio stations!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me about these potential judges? Nicki, Adam, Pharrel and Keith urban would be the most dynamic, intelligent nd current judges and if not Pharrel, then W-iam.
Adam will be just fine without Idol, I just don't know if Idol will be fine without Adam. He is a creative and verbal gold mine. What the fuck is wrong with idol?
And by the way, welcome to our club. We who get that Adam lambert is one of the rarest souls on the planet. We get a little protective sometimes, but why wouldn't we? Enjoy the ride..........

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me about these potential judges? Nicki, Adam, Pharrel and Keith urban would be the most dynamic, intelligent nd current judges and if not Pharrel, then W-iam.
Adam will be just fine without Idol, I just don't know if Idol will be fine without Adam. He is a creative and verbal gold mine. What the fuck is wrong with idol?
And by the way, welcome to our club. We who get that Adam lambert is one of the rarest souls on the planet. We get a little protective sometimes, but why wouldn't we? Enjoy the ride..........

Anonymous said...

Idol after season 5 sucked big time. Adam brought the show to life on season 8. Thanks to my co-worker who made me to watch season 8 and Adam caught my eyes at his audition. I ended up on Internet to search his outside of idol stuff. If Adam wasn't on the show idol would have been gone long time ago and other talent show wouldn't have been sprung every where. Adam set the bar so high.

HK fan said...

Do you actually ever listen to some of the lyrics of songs played on radio....
S&M, and Rude boy by Rhianna...
payphone by maroon 5, has about 8 shits and 8 f**ks in it, but have managed a radio version, Starships by Nicki Minaj has several motherf*****s in it, which even though supposedly bleeped out for radio still sounds remarkably like it on the radio edit. I'm sure Adam can get by with a little ass!!!

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan, you DO have a way with words! lol

Anonymous said...


I am laughing so hard at your last sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Laughing hard, too. And I love his little ass!

V Camilleri said...

So exciting to hear Adams music on TV. Now if we can only get radio to catch the fever :)

tess4ADAM said...


Your last sentence has made my night ... LOL ... Thank you for that!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)