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First Picture of Adam Lambert arriving at Sydney Australia Airport

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 20, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 20, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam now following Mariah Carey?????

Anonymous said...

Wheres all the australian glamberts? BB's still smiling, glad he made it safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

Curious???? Why are you following Mariah ha????

Oh! Dear!! What is going on Adam??:)

Spill it out soon:)


Anonymous said...

I thought he was going to the Do Something awards tomorrow.I guess not.

daydreamin said...

Really about Mariah Carey? Hmmmmm! VERY INTERESTING!!

There's Adam, always taking care of his own luggage. Can I help you Adam?I'll show you to your awaiting car?

Anonymous said...

I'm also wondering about the Do something awards also. I thought adam was a presenter. if anyone knows (is it pretaped)please let me know. I don't want to waste 2 hours of watching if adam's not on.

Anonymous said...

Tommy tweeted( 14 hrs ago) on Adam's Twitter page,that they had a layover in Soule,Korea on their way to Sydney.That IS interesting that Adam's follong Myriah Carey..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is right!

Anonymous said...

This is getting so pathetic about whose an idol juidge. Now lenny kravitz is in the mix. How many judges they gonna have 10 lol. If NM is in, i defiently will not watch unlesss adam's there and that will still be tough with her there.

Anonymous said...

They probably did not publasize when he was arriving! He may have come in a bit earlier than people new! He is nominated for the do something awards! They were actually in Saturday or Sunday in L.A. Saw on E new's but on television Tuesday night so there no way he could have made them! With his schedule! Also if u did not know that was Adam, just looking in passing u may not regonized him! He say's the base ball cap is very good disguise!

Anonymous said...

Adam is following Mariah Carey on twitter? Has this been confirmed, I am not on twitter. The plot thickens. I can't say this all hasn't been fun. lol so now we have MC, BP, AL, PW, RJ,CS NM,LK,NJ,KU,JL,DDM and this just in, Criss Angel will be doing the eliminations each week.

Anonymous said...

I am alway's so relieved to see him safe and sound after so many flught's! Just want him to be safe, that the important thing to me! That is after so many air plane flights! Be safe Adam!

Anonymous said...

The Do Something Awards were taped on Sun Aug 19. If Adam won, he probably did a remote TV acceptance speech. They will be televised on Tues Aug 22. We'll have watch to see if he won.

Anonymous said...

@7:49 Thank you for the information!

Anonymous said...

I mean 7:59 Don't think my mind is working well with all this idol speculation. Just let everyone know,or are they waiting till Adam is back from Australia hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but August 22 is a Wednesday. Which is it?

Anonymous said...

I live in illinois do something awards are on vh1 8/21/ at 8;00pm.

Anonymous said...

adam didn't win.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam knows that all the fans that were at the Sydney airport were primarily there for the Burbank barbie.

Anonymous said...

I am beyond EXCITED about tomorrow night's concert. Can't concentrate on anything and doubt that I'll sleep. If I lived in Sydney, I would have most certainly been at Sydney airport to greet Adam and the band but I'm flying there tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Who is the Burbank barbie????

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see this photo of Adam at Sydney airport. Aussie Glamberts ADORE him. <3

Anonymous said...

Oh there were fans, but you just can't see them on this shot.