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'PLL' Creator Marlene King Talks Adam Lambert In New Interview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, August 01, 2012 What made Adam Lambert a good fit for the Halloween episode?

Marlene: Everything! His look, who he is, the songs he sings (Cuckoo and Trespassing off his sophomore album) -- it feels like those songs are perfectly written for the Halloween episode of PLL. It was so much fun and great having him involved.

SOURCE: Theinsider


Anonymous said...

What channel is PLL on?
This ought to be good with Adam performing!! Can't wait to see him act!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a very big deal! With two of Adam's songs incorporated in the episode means he and his Trespassing songs are being showcased to a huge audience! Not only that it gives depth and meaning to the songs; as mentioned, as if the songs were tailored for the episode. Whoa, this is the way to go! :)

Anonymous said...

@ anon 7:28
It's on ABC family it's 170 something on dish not sure about other cable providers.

Anonymous said...

Adam to irresistable to ANYONE who meets. I hope I get this channel. I predict the ratings will go even higher than usual.


Anonymous said...


For those of us who aren't able to watch it on TV, I hope the episode (or at least Adam's part in it) is uploaded on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Actually Adam's Trespassing songs lend themselves readily to being incorporated in shows and films because they have depth and can be woven into a context; like BTIKM was used as a soundtrack in a film. Another example that comes to mind is Runnin for dramatic effect on overcoming trials and tribulations. And I even jokingly suggested it for the Olympics; several other songs in the album as well. :)

Anonymous said...

This should be great for Adam's songs. Look what happened to Phillip Phillips song Home now #1 on itunes. They play it during the Olympics. Goes to show when people actually hear a song they download it.That was great promotion for Home.So Adam's management has to get his songs out there and PLL is a good start.

Anonymous said...

This show is just one of the dots that is being planted in Adam's firmanent, to join the AI, Glamnation, TP, Queen, and other event dots that have just to be connected to give the full picture of Adam's impact on the world. The last DOT this 2012 will be the one to behold, as its effect will be GAMECHANGING and HUMONGOUS!!!!

Anonymous said... BTIKM was used as a soundtrack in a film. What film was this? What did I miss?

Anonymous said...

It was reported BTIKM was used as a soundtrack in a German film. Have not heard or seen anything other than a short report.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I'm sure their audience numbers for the Halloween show will go hundreds, no thousands of Glamberts. Probably those like me who had never heard of the show. I clicked on SOURCE and found to my surprise that the PLL live in do I!
Only my Rosewood is not filled with intrigue, it's just a sleepy little area on Tampa Bay. Few PLL but lots of wicker furniture on porches and patios with puffy cushions...delightfully dull! :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be you spice it up, JAK!

Anonymous said...

"Chokehold" should definitely be the theme song for Fifty Shades of Grey, when it becomes a movie. That song fits the movie like a glove and with Adam's sexy voice, well no other song would compare.


Magiclady said...


You're right, it is perfect for the movie. I think Christian might look like Adam too!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, there is no better song for 50 shades (chokehold) but how do we get them to know about it, since hry want even play his singles? I have to admit I did download home last night, A bit disappointed however because there is not much singing in it after that initial verse. Lots of instrumentals. I also think Nivana is screaming to be a soundtrack with the right movie- yes runnin is perfect for the olympics and trespassing is perfect for SYTYCD- endless opportunities if his music would only be heard!

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.........I do my best!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Since it is a slow Adam news day, listen to this - so worth it!
Another TOTALLY EXCELLENT SINGER who deserves so much more... Crazy talented and "all grown up" now...


Anonymous said...

Wondering which song RCA wants to release as single. As far as NCOE @BTIKM are the weakest song from the album I think it's gonna be Kickin'in or Broken English! Kicken'in is the worst song on the album. Broken English is very sad ballad which never will find any space on the radio. DJ never care about these kind of ballads.
Just because RCA include Runnin in deluxe version Adam can't release it as single. But this song would a lot of nominations and awards!

Anonymous said...

Allison sounds great. Maybe Adam will let her open for him again for next year's tour.

Anonymous said...

@5:56 PM
I totally DISAGREE!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 5:56PM

ALL the songs on the Trespassing album are FABULOUS! Any one of them would make a GREAT single. Please keep your negativity to yourself.

Anonymous said...

This is not my opinion about the songs from new album. I just remember the comments about each of these song on Tresspassing reviews. Except, Kickin'in. Have to be honest this my personal opinion that this song woudn't be a good single. But Adam needs brilliant, amazing single for now after NCOE and BTIKM escape

Anonymous said...

I have to say that watching that video Adam tweeted all I can think of is Rock'n'Roll and mind control, and Tavistock Institute. I liked to read about conspiracy theories (entertaining and useful hobby) and this was one of my faves. How American youth was introduced to drugs and the Beatles had a role in it too. :)

Anonymous said...

I know about what has been said about Rock'nRoll and mind control and satanic subliminal thoughts when played back. And all those satanic hand signals from the successful artists. I only and always pray that ADAM will not be under evil control. I'd rather have his struggle now but be a success with blessings from above.

Anonymous said...

Rock and Roll
Mind Control?
Satanic subliminal thoughts?
Satanic hand signals?
Evil control?
Somebody call the crazy train
This fan is ready to hop aboard.
