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Adam Lambert's Interview on NTV ZIP

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, August 14, 2012



Screencaps and video via @bani


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the freckles!!!!!!!

Jadam NZ said...

I didnt realize Adam had so many freckles, so gorgeous. I love them.
He is so comfortable in his own skin these days, and it shows.

choons said...

Such fabulous shoulders!!Such a beautiful guy. I'm still in love.

Anonymous said...

Adam singing in this interview!!

Anonymous said...

I've always loved Adam's shoulders and chest - very yummy! And the freckles are so adorable! To look at Adam, you just wish you were there with him - always having fun, enjoying life in the moment.
Forever Fan,

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great...freckles and all. I would probably faint if I were next to him and he sang a few lines of any song to me. Something must have bitten him or landed on him in that last picture as the interviewer was looking at his back. It must be very hot and humid on Japan also. Love the cool and casual look on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is singing acapella here in the japenese garden.

Anonymous said...

With all the freckles and the ginger blonde hair, Adam has to stay out of the sun I would think. A slight tan from his vacay with Sauli was probably just enough to give him some color. He looks good but I think I like the dark hair better esp. after seeing him on the repeat of Ellen and the vids from his performances with Queen. But no matter what any of us have to say, Adam will do what he wants to with his hair. It just amazes me how many comments the change in his color elicited, both positive and negative. I just wish there would be as much interest in his album and the next single whatever it will be.

Anonymous said...

I found the gloves a little 'much' with tank top and shorts ?

I guess they are required with spikey shorts!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so cute and adorable no matter what

Anonymous said...

Wish he was singing that in my kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Love the little singing clip! The girl was so thrilled, and she sang the last "never" with him! The video "box" is black for me with no way to play it. Is that what you all see, too? I'd love to hear the whole interview. He looks so darn cute with all those freckles. And hey, the gloves are just Adam. Y'know how he always says, "where whatever the hell you wnat."


Anonymous said...

Unpopular opinion but I like the outfit. It is very gay.

SG said...

Adam is the only person in the whole world that looks HOT wearing that outfit! Which I 'm absolutely sure is the traditional japanesse way of dressing walking in a japanesse garden.!!:))
Im sue Lam-my can enlight us,can't you?:))
Btw...How that girl survived to Adam singing just for her!?? She's a robot!! Can't be human!!! Ah!! Lucky damn mosquito!!!

Anonymous said...

Did Adam get any sales boost from the Ellen rerun?

Anonymous said...

I had my Adam fix today as I watched the Ellen show three times here in Canada. Can't have enough of him!

Anonymous said...

One more word about Jessie J.

Hi Haters: 11 reasons why Jessie J covering Queen wasn't so bad at all

Then click on popdust

Keep going down the whole list (amusing) and then a few more past the 11 and there he is! Sparkling and shiny and perfect!

Anonymous said...

One additional Jessie J post


Hi Haters: 11 reasons why Jessie J covering Queen wasn't so bad at all

Then, click on Popdust

Keep going down and down thru all 11 (some amusing) then just a few more and THERE HE IS----sparkling and shiny and perfect!

They got that right!

Anonymous said...

Ghosts? Deja vu ?

What was once lost was found!

Anonymous said...

Nice shoulders...Hmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

What's with the black box???no video?????

Anonymous said...

Just found the whole interview on Adam Official. He's really sweet and a mosquito bites him in the back. Ouch! Only Adam can wear a tank top, those weirdo shorts and tall boots and make it look cute. He just does whatever the hell he wants. Can't wait for the concets soon to come!

Anonymous said...

24/7 please post this full almost 10 mins. interview instead. It's much better than the one posted above.

Anonymous said...

From another fan site:

"Ever since Adam tweeted about “stuff” happening in September, speculation has run like a wildfire through the fandom. A fan set off fresh rumors by tweeting a comment posted (and now deleted) from the Facebook page of Steven “Visage” Strange, a contemporary of Boy George. This comment was posted in May:"

"Is ADAM LAMBERT my young brother? That, you, will have to find out.

Yes, it is true, my autobiography blitz is being turned into a movie. The rumors that ADAM LAMBERT is playing me? At present, I cannot discuss all I can say is that if it happens? It is the script very exciting x, I will, as things unroll, I will keep all updated. Xx"

Who is Steve Strange?

"Steve Strange (born Steven John Harrington, 28 May 1959) is a Welsh pop singer, best known as the lead singer and frontman of the 1980s pop group Visage.

Since the late 1970s he has also been a prominent nightclub host and promoter…
In Strange’s 2002 autobiography Blitzed! he speaks about his heroin addiction, his nervous breakdown, his sexuality, and the ongoing attempts to get his life back together…

In 2005, Strange appeared in a Channel 4 documentary called Whatever Happened To The Gender Benders?, which reflected on the advent of the New Romantic movement of the early 1980s and the prominent roles that Strange, Boy George and Marilyn each played within it. In stark contrast to the relative glamour of the New Romantic era, interviews with all three stars in the present day highlighted the sheer devastation that fame, fortune and drug addiction had taken on each of them during the past 25 or so years, with Strange and Marilyn in particular being openly candid about the mental health problems they now try to cope with every day."

Anonymous said...

Ooops!!!! I forgot to post that 10 mins. video interview of Adam at Japanese garden. Here:!

Post this video 24/7

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert Trespassing #6 in Itunes Pop - Japan , FYE at # 52 !!!

Anonymous said...

koyumi ‏@koyumi_adam
Yellow Fredie (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) RT @rosemintal: Japanese Fredy is here!! awesome! RT @mako9026: ロイさんいたーっ♪ #mezamashilive

Anonymous said...

유경 Yuki Kim Ohsaki ‏@seraphimhymn
Many black and yellow #mezamashilive

Anonymous said...

Tweet from Adam's back-up singer:

Keisha Renee' ‏@KeishaRenee
Rise and shine!!! Getting ready for a tv taping!! Day 2 in Tokyo

Anonymous said...

Kyo ‏@Kyo_jp
会場。今トレスパCD流れてるー。 2510;イクテスト中

Ad. for Trespassing CD at the mini concert.

Anonymous said...

Another picture from different angel:

Anonymous said...

Let me say Adam's hair really enhanced seeing those freckles. Personally I hide mine but he looks hot and sexy! I said too much my bad but I couldn't resist. Also loved hearing him sing a bit of Never Close Our Eyes.

Anonymous said...

mlg ‏@mlg621
Poster 4 Tokyo (Mezamashi) @adamlambert concert. Unofficial. Made for "ADAM FANS by ADAM FANS"

Anonymous said...

Twitter list for Adam's mini-concert:

Anonymous said...

MTV Buzzworthy ‏@MTVBuzzworthy
PHOTO: @AdamLambert got a HUGE new tattoo. I'm confident it's Latin for "TIME FOR UNICORNS."

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@MTVBuzzworthy no it's Latin for "I wish MTV would play more music videos" lol

Anonymous said...

えす ‏@es_v1

Anonymous said...

mindchnger ‏@mindchnger
oooh, updated stream link for Mezamashi Live. it's running live now. You can see the stage

Anonymous said...

유경 Yuki Kim Ohsaki ‏@seraphimhymn

Anonymous said...

masae ‏@Glamasae

Anonymous said...

MTV's respond to Adam's tweet I posted above:

MTV Buzzworthy ‏@MTVBuzzworthy
@adamlambert HOW could you not be excited for Snooki's baby? Can't you just be happy for her??

Anonymous said...

adamlambertJP ‏@adamlambertJP
みんなで楽屋で準備しながらテ} 24;ビで会場のみなさんを観てますӚ 4;! we are in the dressing room checking out the crowd on the screen!

Anonymous said...

Check out this livestream video at the mini-concert:

Anonymous said...

kai357 ‏@kai357
Adam is waiting behind a panel on the right side of the stage! (spotted by a fan near stage) “@100e_: @noi307 右のブースにいるw”

kai357 ‏@kai357
Adam is doing vocal exercises while waiting! “@noi307: いま、はっせいしてますた”

bani ‏@bani_
~SOON ♪( ´▽`)

Anonymous said...

adam you really need to TONE up your upper body and arms.

Anonymous said...

kai357 ‏@kai357
FYI, no cameras allowed for this show (or any other live events in Japan for that matter). Japanese security is ridiculously tight  

Anonymous said...

mmadamimadamm ‏@mmadamimadamm
@spreckles Choose bottom left video. Kids playing some kind of game, but you hear Adam in the background.

Anonymous said...

Quiche キッシュ ‏@adam_ai
アダムはまだ #アダム来日

Anonymous said...

adamlambertJP ‏@adamlambertJP
beautiful sea of flowers!! thank u!! "look at all these sunflowers!!" said adam

Anonymous said...

Picture of Adam on stage:

Anonymous said...

Sauli is watching the show from the wing! He's wearing a bright green sleeveless shirt “@100e_: サウリは明るいグリーンのノース リーブ。”

Anonymous said...

kai357 ‏@kai357
Adam looked really happy and lively on stage “@junjun6512: アダムがノリノリで楽しそうだっ た!良かった!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ”

Anonymous said...

@8:08pm .... ADORE the poster. Thanks for posting the link. :)

Anonymous said...

There is not an ugly bone in Adsm Lambert's body. He such a lovely person, wonderful talent, I think he just plain beautiful, I actually like this hair a Lot! Like the other too! Think he could do it pink with purple pika dot's he still look good, hope he doesn't do that but still would love him! He not ugly in any way and certainly not creepy! U can have an opinion but I will not let cruelty to Adam pass me, with out responding to it! if u cannot comment without being mean, get the hell out off of here! sue

Anonymous said...

The above post was meant for a mean remark that was not on this site here! I left to answer house phone, came back and wrote it one ring site it was this 24/7 site but one above this one! Madee mad, said Adam look ugly and creepy! Really got mad! Sorry wrote on arong site! Sue

Anonymous said...

JAK here....somebody find that has Adam's DNA....oh the possibilities! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Oh, JAK! Always love your posts!

Anonymous said...

I was never completely attentive in Science class (it came after lunch period, my nap time) and of course we'd never heard of DNA back in the old I'm not quite sure...if we had Adam's DNA could we grow lots of little Adams? I want one!.....JAK :))

Anonymous said...

LOL! I want my little ADAM too!