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Adam Lambert Announces Winners for the "Trespassing" Contest!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 16, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 16, 2012


1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Video with a Message:

1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Best Choreography:

1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Best Video with Original Vocals:

1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Best Performance and Energy (personality):

1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Above and Beyond (best overall) :

1st place

2nd Place

3rd Place



Anonymous said...

good pick Adam & Sauli these have been very entertaining.Thank you for giving young people a chance to express their selves.

Anonymous said...

First I want to say these videos were amazing and great job to everyone who made an entry. Secondly this really shows me the truly amazing and loving man that Adam is. He sat for hours with Sauli,so sweet, and earnestly watched and judged so well. He embraces his fans and their uniqueness as much as we embrace him. Adam has a way of making his fans feel special,I don't know of any other star who can do it so beautifully. My heart is just overwhelmed right now and I know that Adam will get everything back that he gives!!!!

Anonymous said...


I absolutely agree with your post.
And for all the love, kindness and joy ADAM gives to all, he will reap the rewards of what he sow.
That day will surely come.

Anonymous said...

QUEEN and ADAM LAMBERT In London July 2012

Must Read:

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with the above posts. His choices for #1 - such as the first with sign language, the one person singing with an obvious speech impediment and on and on -- SO show Adam's heart and cheering those who are 'different'. What a wonderful and caring man. God, I love him for ALL his wonderful qualities. I'm so very impressed and in awe of his humanity.

Anonymous said...

My fave was the one with the stuffed gerbil or hamster as the main character, I was LMAO. The guy with the agoraphobia was great too.I liked the street mob dance and the the kid dancing like MJ also. wow I would love to know how many Deluxe Boxes AO sold, they are popular.

Anonymous said...

Adam has the best fans in whole wide world and his fans follow the best artist in the world. As some articles now write: International Superstar Singer Adam Lambert. He will slowing but surely will own a lot of hearts. Love him and love us!

Enjoyed watching most of the fan videos!

Anonymous said...

Darn! Now I wish I had made a video:(((. All these brave fans who did now have an actual connection to Adam. How lucky !! So proud of All who submitted their contest entries! Congratulations to all the winners!

Jadam NZ said...

Chased these vids all over the internet, then came here and there they were, should know 24/7 can be depended on.
They were all wonderful. all the love time and passion that went into them was impressive.
Happy our two New Zealand Brothers won the overall, They are passionate fans and their radio programe on the radio every week dedicated to Adams music is makes them special.
Cangrats to everyone who entered, What great young people they all are.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for having all the vids here!!

I shouldn't be surprised Adam came up with a way for many fans to win.

Anonymous said...

I know it sounds sarcastic. However, I never heard this song in the air. Why is this song such as special?Is it a new music video single?

Anonymous said...

10:14 Trespassing is Adam's new single and it hasn't been released officially to the radio and doesn't have a mv yet. Only two radio stations have played it so far and it made our faces crack there was no turning back.

Anonymous said...

The wrong video is posted for 1st Place Video with a Message. It should be:

Anonymous said...

This was a great idea and the participants should be congratulated. What a special tribute to Adam. I have to admit that the only one I watched twice and will probably watch again was the adorable little stuffed "critter", I laughed out loud....but then I'm partial to little critters. :) ... JAK

Magiclady said...

Gawd, just reading this and listening to some of the songs again, just brings it all back!
I really hope they do some shows in the US soon!

Anonymous said...

There are some great videos there. Love the one that shows the history of the fight for women's voting rights, african-american civil rights and now LGBT civil rights. Loved the stuffed hedgehog too. LOL at the penguins in the NZ boys vid. (Even though they aren't found at the North Pole.) Better stop now, so many were good.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic, but really great picture of Adam, Hans Haveron and friends:

And the tweet accompanying it:

Hans Haveron
what a great night with my best of friends at the Santa Monica studio~

Anonymous said...

OMG what JOY!! Adam you are blessed!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing, joyful energy from all over the world. Loved everyone of them!

Anonymous said...

Adam truly reads people's hearts. He gets how they feel inside. The best videos aren't always the most elaborate or the most professional. They are the ones from the soul. I would have loved to be in the room as Adam and Sauli were watching all the entries. Many of them had to be hilarious. Love how he picked a number of winners to spread the love.


Anonymous said...

The videos on Adams tweets for best message are different than the ones posted here. 1st and 3rd place, wonder why

Anonymous said...

@10:56-I checked out that video. They did win.

Adam truly has the best fans ever. I don't know of other fans that are as creative and supporting of thier artist. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see other fans taping every show like we do. Every performance adam gives, we see it somehow. Glambert for life.

Anonymous said...

Are the vids for best message not displaying correctly for some of us? The first place vid showing for me is wrong.

Anonymous said...

After watching all these great videos in one sitting it dawned on me. I did not once get tired of listening to Trespassing! That very rarely if ever happens with a song! Congrats to all the winners and everyone who did a video for Adam. What a wonderful idea this was. Adam is just the most amazing man! Guess us fans aren't too shabby either lol!

Anonymous said...

@8.30 am

My thoughts exactly:) I love Trespassing...the more I hear it the more I love it. Don`t get tired of it one bit:) Adam is one of a kind...I think the vid where lady used sign language was absolutely fantastic...perfect pick from Adam and Sauli:)

Anonymous said...

@9:36, Thanks for that post. Angelina is one amazing woman and I'm proud to have her as a facebook friend. She has a way of making one feel as though they were in London and at the performance.

Adamluv said...

Dont currently have time to watch them all but so far favorites were the "hedgehog/stuffed animals" one especially when he encountered the dog. Very creative. Other one was the political video with the womens and African American civil rights movements and the LGBTQ movement. Currently all three groups are fighting very hard to not be forced back to the "good old days" when only rich white males had freedom and justice. This presidential election could be a turning point in our quest for such justice. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv......You said it!....I'm in complete agreement......JAK

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or did I see Adam's picture under "The Last Supper," in the video where the woman's signing (in her foyer I think).
I could be wrong. Pretty cool anyway!

Anonymous said...

The link i get for first place with a message is wrong. Audio clip only. The winners had a skit about a girl being bullied at school.

PS - I thought the hedgehog was funny too and the civil right one touching.

Anonymous said...

That's my sister who did the video with sign language. She has always been interested in signing since she was young child; I believe it came from having neighbors with hearing impairment. She even taught our dog to respond to sign language. We all loved her video - thought she did a very creative job and I know she worked hard! Congrats! And congrats to all - loved all the videos!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam for a great song!!!