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Adam Lambert Cheers Up Depressed Fan on Twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 22, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, September 22, 2012


lorraine said...

Keep hanging on. Adam's music lifts us like no drug or medicine in the world. Hope you feel better soon.Know you are valued-just because you ARE.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so kind, 'infectious' and honest; he has this natural aura that draws people to him and he lifts them from the gloom and doom of day to day living; like what this Twitter fan says. But the most intriguing part of it all, is he's not doing it deliberately; that is the essence and beauty of Adam. And when he sings, God be with you. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is losing to Michael Jackson on VH1....please VOTE

Anonymous said...

Listening to Adam's music helps me make it thru every day..

Anonymous said...

Listening to Adam's music or watching any of the videos of him performing, always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel better.

Anonymous said...

Michael is dead and still competes ?

Anonymous said...

LOVE "Underneath",too!If RCA would run TV ads every single day for Adam's album,"Trespassing",like there're doing for Pink,then we'd see tons more sales in the US!!Pink is talented,but SO IS Adam;even more so in vocals.She's a good songwriter,tho( as Whataya want from me proves)not fair...TV IS THE BIGGEST way to promote a new album...until Adam has a tour( big one,I mean)BB will be even BIGGER some day.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Adam needs TV exposure! Don't know why RCA can't promote him more on TV. So many of the Trespassing songs are applicable to millions of people's lives in so many ways. Love how Underneath really touched this person's soul. Keep voting, requesting, and doing all we can for Adam.


Anonymous said...

Adam will not loose his real fans because he is it!!!:)

An inspirational to everyone indeed:)


Anonymous said...

Adam will not lose his real fans, but it would be great for him to gather more into his sphere of amaaaazing musical talent. Appearing on those talk/entertainment shows is one of the best ways for the viewing audience to hear him and watch him perform. With the fall season of programs now just beginning, let's hope his management is able to get him on some of these shows in between his travels globally and other appearances. Any day I can see Adam on a tv show, it just is a better day for me.

Anonymous said...

Adam has not had the success of Pink yet. When he sales like her, then he will be promoted like her. Kind of like you can't get a job without experience, but you can't get experience without a job. It will happen all in good time.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had a like button on this sight.

Anonymous said...

Pink was already an established artist when Adam was just on idol. She been on the screen quite a while longer than Adam. Same with Katy Perry. even tho they may be Close in age, especially Pink. Believe she a bit older and Perry bit younger, but close.neithe has had the struggles of Adam. Adam gets all kinds of Tv ads and exposture in Japsn and now China really getting on board, that why I like them so much, they know talent when they see it and do not care about sexuality or being different in fact they embrace him for it.Kary Perry just really hit it big the couple years she been around about 4 years longer than Adam and Pink longer than that, she 31 u think been star since early 20. Adam unique and has his struggles but he getting there especially world wide.,maybe slower but his talent is in matched he will be around one way or other for many years, he will get up there where he belongs in time may be lot slower than we want but he will get there, even tho he had l to fight so much harder than many. Especially the ones that had it handed to them and got stardom quickly like Beaver who not anywhere in same league as Adam. I do believe Adam will be around in one form or other many years. Correction above is talent Adan's talent is unmatched and Perry's been in the business several years longer just hit it big last couple years.sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is waiting for something or working on something before he puts his single on I tunes.and radio thing. No there is PLL in October. Hopefully be some television appearances showing up in October, like talk shows.that was I know there is PLL. He just seems to be waiting on something. Hopefully its talk shows, some added tv appearances. I do think PLL give a big boost but hope for some talk shows also in October. I know this China thing will give his overall album nos. a large boost. Sue again!

Adamluv said...

I have always thought it very unfair to have to "compete" with an artist who is dead, be it for a movie, song, etc. The sympathy factor is ever present. But happy that Adam is at least in the running. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

When I'm having a bad day - and I've had many lately - I, like many others here, listen to his music or watch his videos and I feel better. I call it my "Adam Therapy" and it works! I try to explain this to friends and family, but it's hard to make them understand how much he helps me. What a kind and generous man ...

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's mangement team and label know what they are doing and we should keep our nibby noses out of it.

Anonymous said...

You are probably right, 10.44.

Adamluv said...

Is there not a possibility that a management co. doesnt know how to best handle a specific artist? Everyone makes errors. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Another great interview with Adam about his views and appearance for the Marriage Equality issue. Plus love the comments to this article. A 'must read':

Anonymous said...

I was 10.44 sue. His management got him PLL and this new China thing which is huge plus he probably stay awhile a promote. Sure there is more to come. Think they may know what there doing. They know where Adam strong points world wide.sue

Anonymous said...

I know you're right,Sue,but it gets frustrating & I'm sure for Adam,too.First Idol left him "hanging" a long time;now I'm wondering if Queen may be planning some dates with him in the US...I think THAT would be ok,but he needs to promote his own album,too(more than planned this yr.)Let's hope Ellen will have him back.maybe Kelly and Michael,the Talk,the View,Letterman,Kimmel again,etc,etc. I HOPE so anyway.I'm sure album sales will pick up real soon after some of these upcoming appearances.

Anonymous said...

I have faith in Adam and his mgmt. I do believe they know what they are doing and Adam, for certain, gives them his opinions about what he would or would not like to do. Adam is not a person that can be told what to do by others because he is so independent. However he probably does consider their suggestions and advice. All of this is my opinion of course.

Time will prevail and Adam's career is on an upward path. A talent like his cannot be ignored. It's really only been 3 years since Idol that we were introduced to his amazing talent and persona. He's accomplished a great deal in that time and more is coming, no doubt. I'm willing to be patient and want continued success for Adam.


Anonymous said...

I guess those of us who have been fans since the beginning of Adam on Idol, only want the best for him in his career sooner rather than later. We see these untalented, auto-tuned, lip synching performers shoot to the top of the radio play schedule, album sales,making appearances and reaching a great degree of success right from the start. But they will not have longevity, the way that Adam will in the music business. Also, I think he will branch out into other areas of fashion, design, artwork,etc. since he is so creative in his ideas and style. LMFAO has decided to split up for a while, Billie Joe Armstrong blew up on stage the other night, Miley cut and colored her hair and hasn't done much lately in music....fame and success does take its toll on most individuals because of the nature of the business. Look at the young actresses having problems with drugs, drunk driving, accidents. I hope Adam stays as level headed as he is with his family and friends around him to support him at every turn and let him know if he has gone off the path at any time. Because he came into his Idol and FYE album success at a later age, perhaps that has helped with his perspective and focus on what is important in his life and career. Listening to Adam helps a lot of people make it through the day and lifts their spirits . "Music is the universal language of mankind."

Anonymous said...

@12:29 yes your right.Its gonna take a few more years for adam to be a mega star.I just hope he doesn't blow it,like he almost did at the amas.

Anonymous said...

I do think maybe, if he was waiting on Idol it threw us skediule off a bit. Tv wise or other wise and starting to fill fast., they probably are working on tv. Stuff USA, probably be October, hopefullly early oct. but sometime then hopefully. They have got this opportunity in China, it is a big opportunity for a big bump up in sales, and to get home even bigger in China and that area. That large sales bump keeps RCA happy. in long run they care about amount of sales, wherever they come from. World wide he saling well. china voice will give him large sale increase I am sure, that's nothing but good. You keep record company happy then you can the can focus on Us, probably after China. You just cannot pass up that opportunity, at least in my humble opinion you can't. That was then you can focus on America. Sure he will be back shortly after china and TV whatever, get video out, put on I tunes. I just think maybe besides PLL, he working on other promotions like tv shows for sometime oct. he gets quite a few extra sales in China, he can focus on building up here. Keep that record company happy. I think they are aware what they have in Adam, he still young star. He is saling world wide well. Thank God he does not have to have to just depend on USA. That what kris Allen and other problem was that all they had, they were no further than USA and Canada or whatever. Adam thank God is growing stronger worldwide. I was not trying to put anyone down, just point out what Adam has over many, that helping him with his label, so I think we just stop worrying and let them handle it. I am. I k ow we just love him so much we worry to much for him. I guilty of that. Sue That was China is an opportunity to bump up sales and make Adan's popularity grow in that region.type o. sue again!!

Anonymous said...

Underneath is the most powerful song I've heard in a long time. I also turn to it when I have a bad day. It's funny how a song can change your mood. I used to sit around and dream of all sorts of things I'd love to do,not that I haven't done some amazing things, but my bucket list was much longer and fuul of fire twenty years ago. I had more energy and time back then. So these days I try to keep my dreams small and realistic. My current dream is to hear Adam sing Underneath live...rrose petal

Anonymous said...

I actually think that sales of album and music in general is not what it once was. I know for a fact that there is a lot of pirating of music and that only the true fans still buy albums. Also, Adam appeals to a very different demographic than the Beiber or even Katy Perry so I don't think it is fair to compare him to some of these other singers. I find that many of Adam's fans are a bit older and I think this is why we love him so much. Most of us have heard great voices and therefore can appreciate the truly amazing voice that Adam possesses. I love every song of Adams but the incredible vocal ability he displaced in the Queen concerts was truly remarkable. It is also a bonus that he is so very good looking and a very nice person as well. So all you fans we are lucky to have an Adam to entertain us.


Anonymous said...

12:53 What happened with Billie Joe the other night? I really like him but don't follow them as much as I did but I still admire BJ alot. He is LGBT but thankfully he doesn't get the BS Adam does. I hope he is ok.

Anonymous said...

Billie Joe is going to rehab after his melt down. He thought his set was cut short and went on a rampage. If you don't like the use of the F word you may not want to watch.

Anonymous said...

Who is Billy Jo,It's not who Christi Bbinkley was married to I know, I just stupid do not know who it is. Like u have said I am 64, I heard lots of groups including Elvis and a beetles and many more recent ones, none like Adam Lambert.all these people and many bands talented, Adam just out if this world. Like you say his personality and humbleness and sweetness makes you llove him more. I think ad unlike many does learn by his mistakes,even over drinking ones. Do not think he would ever do anything performance on TV like The AMA again, so I think we can stop worrying about that. I do think Adam has young fan's even little one's. I do hope he gets an increase on that with PLL show and maybe others later. But I think he is lucky to have us, we are very loyal I bought quiet a few albums, vote on what I can figure out to bot on. I also down loaded On I tunes. Will buy new song even tho I have it. Every fan supports him. We can go little extra sometimes. Good for us! Sue that was I vote on what I can figure out, how to vote on. I am such a bad typer. Again sue, please forgive it! Oh and I love underneath been in my head all day, usually trespassing is.

Anonymous said...

@ 2;29 He is the lead singer for Greenday. Billie Joe Armstrong. They have been really popular for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Billie Jo is going to rehab for substance abuse....alcohol, I believe. He had a meltdown on stage in Vegas and threw quite a few of the f....word around in his rant. Greenday just appeared on GMA last week and he was fine. You never know what will happen in the crazy world of music. Maybe he should have listened to some of Adam's music to help him get through the day.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I knew quite well who green day was, did not know lead singers name. I seen them never followed them. I know what he looks like. They played sonic festival same time Adam did. I wish him well hope he gets the help he needs. Sue

Anonymous said...

Actually Pink said she did struggle because she was different and somewhat wild at the start of her career.Adam probably has to endure even more struggles. In the end he will get the great recognition he deserves.

Anonymous said...

4.20 I agree!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam's been working on a music video for Trespassing. The song is supposed to be officially released soon, right?


Anonymous said...

Again Adam has only been out three years. Done so much in that 3 years. He said himself htjwre are ups and downs in this business. I think he lIves what he does, and is happy. I think iis different, which is good on the long run. Think he will Reach great level of stardom in good time. He doing very good world wide, USA follow eventually. He happy! That what counts.i had above post. Got to go watch pictures oft grandsons fbaseball game. Those two boys have challenges, they are smart , but have challenges, I love them so much. Sue!

Anonymous said...

I made lots of mistakes above. In a nut shell Adam is Happy, doing well. he will reach is potential in time. World wide he doing great. He has said there ups and downs in this business he takes them in stride. Now got to go watch grandsons video. Sue I am bad typer sorry mistakes above.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew, about trespassing too. Guess he will work on video when he gets back. I have feeling they are trying to wait ad Close to ppl as possible. Do think working on some kind tv show for Oct., hopefully then get the video, and we can request and go in I tunes. He waiting for something, for I tunes. Guess video come soon. Guess he will tell us soon, hopefully. Probably after china. I think he working on something to give it good promotion. Of corse there the big bosses, they pull the strings. I am giving my bad back a headache! Worrying about Adam. He fine. Sue

Adamluv said...

If my facts are correct, Billie Joe Armstrong, head singer of Green Day, was pissed since their 45 minute set was cut down to 20 mins. at the last minute so Usher and that shank rihanna could have more time on stage. I think he has a legitimate reason to be furious and his fans too. Just imagene how Adam and us would feel if he'd prepared a 45 min. set and then once on stage told he only had 20 minutes? Green Day is a fabulous group that has been around a long time and they didnt deserve such disrespect - no one does. BTW, there's a great video out there from this same Iheartradio show in Vegas with Pink coming on stage and performing with Gwen Stefoni and No Doubt. They sang I'm Just a Girl and it was the best. Love those 2 artists. Wish Adam had been invited to this gig. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love it when BJArmstrong screamed:

"F---, I'm not Justin Bieber!" LOL!

Anonymous said...

GD said their gig was not cut down and BJA has signed into rehab for substance abuse, ETOH. I watched that YouTube video and he completely lost it, glad he is getting help.

HK fan said...

according to a report by a journalist that was there, their set was not cut, every performer got 30 mins apart from Rhianna I think And apparently he started acting a bit weird with 9 mins to go on the prompter, then went into his 'f***ing' rant.
see following statement from the band

Billie Joe is seeking treatment for substance abuse. We would like everyone to know that our set was not cut short by Clear Channel and to apologize to those we offended at the iHeartRadio Festival in Las Vegas. We regretfully must postpone some of our upcoming promotional appearances.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam won't get the tv ads as much as Pink now,but SOME would help RCA AND Adam for sure!Lots of people don't even know his album is out unles they come here or other fan sites,& many do not, like we do...Oh well..hope we find out soon what's going on,cause I agree that he's waiting for something!

daydreamin said...

@Adamluv, AMEN to what you said and I love P!nk! Trying to get tix to see her in Feb but don't want to pay those crazy prices!

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