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Adam Lambert on Fashion Police (9-14-2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 14, 2012

Posted at : Friday, September 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

Dayum I think Adam did a good job on those critiques. It was much fun to see him on there.

Anonymous said...

Adam did great! He's so poised and relaxed when he speaks. He's interesting to listen to and Joan was on her best behavior with Adam. I think he may have charmed her!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it was fine, ADAM came out well.

Anonymous said...

Please VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:

Anonymous said...

I guess I can breathe now, she didn't use her hatchet on Adam.

Anonymous said...

I like Joan Rivers, a lot of personality and she's humorous; she doesn't see things so seriously, even her supposedly acute remarks are 'honest'. Yea she does respect Adam and that is quite a lot. I did mention Adam would look handsome and sexy starring as Lone Ranger, with the little black sexy mask, some time ago. And suddenly I hear Adam saluting, using the name "Joan Ranger". I've heard Adam use several of the words I used but not directly, with a twist. I like that. Adam impersonates Ryan S, typical and funny. lol! Now Adam is branching off into fashion, not bad at all. And that's why it's not easy to box him in; his diversities / talents. One of these days, his songs will be played on fashion runways in a big way. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is great at everything. Let's face it - more articulate and intelligent than most people. He is multi-talented.

Anonymous said...

Lammy we can always count on you. Adam now talks just like Lammy...he said "tomorrow" in his latest tweet. Lammy used the same word last week. Good god!!!


Anonymous said...

So glad Guiliani or however you spell it wasn't there. She dissed A twice. Once because he had sunglasses on indoors (there were cameras flashing, idiot woman) and a homophobic comment. She is truly despicable. Anyway, thank goodness Kimora was there instead. Adam did an amazing job. Joan didn't have to bring up a question about him coming out. I mean, okay already. But the one bright spot was Kelly. She is a sweetie and loves Adam.

Anonymous said...

I was expecting you...I'm not referring to everyday words like "tomorrow" etc. Okay, once, Adam mentioned he was into "feel comfortable" fashions and I commented: Hey Adam, the word you want could be...pragmatic; and soon enough, I heard Adam use the words...practical clothing. Practical is being pragmatic. Another instance, when Adam was talking about dark/light side in BTIKM and I commented saying many a time the decisions we make are based on the grey area. And again, not long after that, Adam, when asked to interpret the BTIKM song, he said it referred to his dark/light side but this time and only time, he said there is also the grey area. There are several others. Hey be like Joan Rivers and Adam, be more open-minded and see the lighter side of things...they can happen. Goodness gracious! I knew you would jump on it and almost did not want to write it; well that won't be me anymore. Hey loosen up, there is a lot more to life than merely wait for an opportunity to jump on somebody and make yourself feel good! :)

Anonymous said...

wow Lam-my she was hovering over this site waiting for you lol I enjoy your comments keep them coming, no need to mince words.

Anonymous said...

This person may be sad for reasons only she knows or may not even be aware of it. I just hope for her own sake, she'll lighten up a little, admire the good things/people, like what Adam does, bringing joy to millions everywhere he goes. There's enough pain, sadness all around, everywhere, no need for her to add on more. Thank you 1:01! :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh...again? Sites like this are not meant to be our lives and only form of entertainment. We come here because this man, his music, his personality has touched us somehow, and while I look at the pics or view the videos I realize I am sitting here with a smile on my face. Feel good, praise, rejoice in his accomplishments. I love reading all the comments. Lets leave the grade school back and forth behind. It's not worth the effort.

Yes I am signing my name.

Anonymous said...

September 15, 2012 12:04 AM

I like Joan Rivers, a lot of personality and she's humorous

i don`t,
she's humorous! really? dementia?

Anonymous said...

Well I just base it on the video and I like her personality and humour; and I also trust Adam who likes her; he has good judgement. I see her once in a while online/tv but not in depth.

Anonymous said...

Where's JAK?

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, Adam did say that he likes to lerk at some of the sites

Anonymous said...

Joan Rivers is funny, I like reading Lam-my's comments and Adam is gorgeous, articulate, funny and fashionable.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I doubt if Adam has that much time but he is so efficient; also wants to know everything. It could also be people who are close to him or work for him, thinking some things on the sites might interest him and alert him to them. Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you... :)

Anonymous said...

video gone

Anonymous said...

Hells bells video has gone!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, very happy to lend my support to a fellow glambert.

Anonymous said...

Thanks fellow glambert! That's the spirit.

Anonymous said...

I really wished that Adam's could have been on for the full hour so we could feast ours eyes. I also agree with Adam that the poncho look was the worst I had ever seen on him and I like that he can laugh at himself.

Articulate, humorous, intelligent, very handsome and the list goes on............


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert makes any panel much more interesting because he is smart, funny, charming and articulate. Joan Rivers really seemed to like him and didn't go after him in her often cruel ways. He did a great job last season on Project Runway and was relaxed while giving his opinions on the fashions that were shown here. He knows what is stylish, edgy and the latest on the fashion scene. At the shows everyone wanted to be photographed with him and he was probably the most noticed person in the room. I hope to see him on some other talk/entertainment shows in the coming months while he promotes Trespassing. And, of course, we can always get the latest from this blogsite.

Urethra_Franklin said...

12:10 I had the same reaction to that comment. Totally cracked my face. ;)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Adam is still in New York? They are revealing the idol judges tomorrow in NY.

HK fan said...

I thought Adam was good on FP, looked lovely and sounded great. I like Joan Rivers, she says what she wants and doesn't give a f**k what people think. She was fine with Adam, but actually she's quite nice and polite to all her guests, its just when they're not there that she's rude!!!

:anon 6.44am the judges have already been revealed by certain 'reliable sources', mariah, randy, keith Urban and Nicki Minaj, It looks like 99% certain that will be the final panel.

Anonymous said...

maybe Adam is going to be mentor?

Anonymous said...

Adam may not be on AI..but I just re-watched the vid from March '10..Sleepwalker on Jay Leno..OMG..what a SEXY he is..that was one of his greatest performances..the outfit and make-up was beautiful and flawless..back in '09 a co-worker questioned how I could think Adam was sexy cause he is gay...well, because he is SEXY...loved him with Joan..Adam charms everyone who takes the time to converse with one in the busines who has met him has been critical of him (at least not in public)..I've been under his spell for over three years..and counting..

Anonymous said...

Adam did great of FP! So handsome and interesting. He actually makes comments that mean something. I love how he always puts his head down when he laughs at something kind of embarassing, esp. the kinds of things that Joan says. He's a real good sport. I want to see him on TV EVERY DAY!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This close to them announcing the AI judges and no mention of Adam's name any where is not a good sign. I was hoping he would even be a mentor, but it doesn't even look like that will happen. If he was being considered as a mentor, you would think there would be some leaks about that, but there is not.

He looks and sounds so good on T.V. too, it is a shame.

Anonymous said...

12:10 her name is Lam-my not Lammy plesae have some respect for someones culture. Adam must be home watching those hundreds of videos.

Anonymous said...

As a full-time mentor, is quite good too; like he did such a great job on S9; but whatever it may be, Adam looks quite certain to be on the AI/12 team; because so far there is no news from Adam nor the media, he is completely out and the results are soon to be announced.

Anonymous said...

7:37 yeah there would have been some leaks if he was going to be anyway connected with AI. There has not been a mention of him in ages. When and where do they have this big announcement ?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing that out; I was hoping the person might realise it on her own. By the way, Lammy seems to be the name of a governor/politician. lol! It's on the internet and just last week, I saw something about Lammy awards. lol! Thank you 7:42 for the respect. :)

Anonymous said...

The most talented contestant that AI ever had on the show, it would be so fitting that Adam would be a mentor.

Anonymous said...

@7:53 Lincoln Center New York City. So is Adam still in NY???????

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam as a mentor.
I will not watch AI if Adam is not on it. I am holding out for the final announcement.

Anonymous said...

Kathy @ 1:48 --- Well said.


Anonymous said...

I woke up feeling pretty good, sunny warm day, family all safe and accounted for, a good day. Then I see Lam-my is being jumped on, that was a downer, then I read that Mitt Romney says that middle
income is between $200,000 and $250,000 a year. Hell, I've always thought of myself as middle class, but I guess I have a long way to go to reach it.

So I'm going to crawl back in my ragged sleeping bag in our tent here under the bridge by the railroad tracks and consider the fact that I am and always have been poor. I guess ignorance is bliss, before Mitt opened his mouth I was content with my life, even proud of the fact that we didn't owe a penny to anyone in the world. Now I am depressed, thanks Mitt the Nitwit!

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my I don't want to hurt your feelings, but those awards are the Grammys, not the Lammys.
Therefore they are in honor of me!
I am Grammy and have 4 grandchildren who testify that this is true. I think I am being honored for letting them have ice cream for breakfast when they sleep-over, I have $5.00 dollar bills which I slip into their little paws when I kiss them goodbye after each visit and I let them bathe themselves and I read 5 or 6 goodnight now go to sleep books without complaining.

Yes, I think it's the Grammy Awards.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sympathetic thoughts, and don't feel so bad...every cloud has a silver lining. Adam is our silver lining especially now hailed as a silver fox. :)

Anonymous said...

If you google Lammy/Lammy awards, you should be able to locate it. I did see it. But it's okay and congratulations for winning the Grammy awards. lol! By the way, I really want Adam to win his first Grammy. If that happens I am going to hang a long string of red firecrackers from the 8th floor and fire it from the ground below. We used to be able to do that but not anymore, causes fire hazards. So I'll hang the plastic ones with fake built-in firecracker explosive sounds. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say you sure are one heck of goood Grammy! Yea you deserve a few Grammy awards! Just like Adam. And sooo lucky to have 4 beautiful grand-children! :)

Anonymous said...

In case you want to know the FP video is still up on the AdamBertDaily site.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a good job on FP as usual. Joan is always nice to her guests. If you have seen her live you know that she is an equal opportunity abuser..includes herself. Pretty sure Idol just used Adam for the publicity sake. Keep reading where each years contestants getting less and less money which is obviously going to over priced people no one cares about. At least Tyler brought fun to the panel--this group meh. Putting Randy back in the mix when they know the publics feelings makes no sense!!! The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

You need to get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

is the reading of the new AI judges going to be on TV or something?

Anonymous said...

Adam is my Grammy Award...I mean a real person Grammy...not a statue.

and I get my award everytime I come here...

Adamluv said...

I have a totally different opinion of the show from all the comments here - I was very upset after watching it. The idea that Adam is still being asked about being gay is so ridiculous and unfair especially since it had nothing to do with the show he was on. I've seen FS many times and never seen Joan be so indifferent and cold to a guest host as she was last nite. She always hugs them or at least shakes their hand and I dont remember her doing either with Adam. Always seem genuinely happy to have them on. Having said that, from the get go I felt something was off with Joan. She didnt seem her normal self. Felt she was just going thru the motions and this was way before Adam came on. She is my favorite comic and I adore her but not last nite. Hope there isnt something wrong going on in her life. Again jusr one viewers opinion! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I didn't like her asking about him being gay, I mean seriously she knows he is..and 99% of the people watching knows he is why ask about it? God love Adam he has to put up with so much shit..But being the gentlemen he is, he politely answers and tries to push the conversation in another direction.

If you are going to bring up that he is gay at least talk about something meaningful, like how much he inspires others or the work he does to help others..His accomplishments..

I don't watch FP so I can't comment on how Joan usually acts with other guest?

But besides her asking about him being gay, I did enjoy the rest of it. I really was just looking and listening to him so I didn't notice too much of anything else..( - :


Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain what the Joan's Rangers salute is all about ??

Anonymous said...

Re Joan asking Adam about coming out, keep in mind the audience for FP may not know anything about Idol or Adam. I'm sure it was discussed what questions he was going to be asked and it gave Adam a chance to give a charming answer. It was just one quick question. He is never going to get to the point where he is not asked something related to his orientation, and it would be an insult if that did happen. Be glad it can be discussed on tv openly and with acceptance. There's a long way to go still.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where JAK is kinda worried about her.

SG said...


So you want to be one of the "ist" team in Lambert's residence, great!! What department? He does no need assistance for!!

I loved Adam in FP, but too short! I need to take a better look at his pants!The fabric is amazing!! and the boots are so beautiful!!

SG said...

I had to complain too about the words you choose.Because of you I had to repair my dictionary twice and you also force me to learn some new words!!How you dare!?:))
btw.....any poem on the way!??? Don't feel "Underpressure" just Talk the words like you don't give a ....... you know the lyrics....

Anonymous said...

8:25 am, if you thought you were middle class, watch Bill Moyers on Winner Take All Politics. Politicians sold us out long ago.

Anonymous said...

2:35PM, Fans of Fashion Police are called Joan Rangers.

Anonymous said...

I KNOW I'm not middle class ... I survive on SS ... Medicare & medical bills usually gobble up any benefits I may get. Tiny pension ... and now I have to worry that Mitt Romney may become President!! If I don't like something on TV or my computer I can turn it off but how do you escape someone you don't WANT to run the government?? I'm only ONE voice ... what can I DO?? I VOTE but that is NO compensation for me!!

HK fan said...

I thought Joan seemed a bit different last night, she looked nervous,and a bit agitated.Not as at ease as usual.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it would be an insult if he wasn't asked about his sexual orientation, I think Adam would agree..he has said it before.

Anonymous said...

About "need to get over myself"...well, I always say what I feel from as far back as I can remember, maybe in my teens. I was never about myself from a child to this very moment that I'm writing about it. Do you want to know why...I don't know how to do that! But it's okay, all of us here in actual fact, do not know one another and I suggest you, 10:35, be a little more open-minded and give me the benefit of the doubt!
At this point I'd like to say I feel really touched by all the Anons and SG who stand by me. Adam always says, don't take things so seriously, lighten up a bit and loosen up as well. Anons and SG...a big Thank you!
I'd like to emphasise I am not even remotely implying Adam uses my words. If you read what I said...I stated, Adam uses some of the words that I have used. Well it could be just pure
coincidence like Joan Rangers happen to be fans of Joan Rivers...3:32. And I did some time ago make reference about Adam starring as Lone Ranger. But Adam has said he reads online site happenings/comments. And when we read...words get embedded in our memory and then reused in a different way. I have not in any way say Adam uses my words as misinterpreted by one or two here.
All said, done, I'd like to congratulate Admin and Time-slot, my numerology pal, lol! for running 24/7 Adam News so efficiently! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my......JAK here

I really missed everyone while DELL-A was "away". Some more than others! You know I've never asked but often wondered is Lam-my pronounced Lam-me or Lam-mi ?
I didn't know for a long time that other posters thought my JAK was Jack when it has always been Jake to me and friends. A bit confusing.

I see it's your turn to be picked on, don't worry it'll be someone else tomorrow, probably me since I agree with @ 8:25 AM....Mitt the NitWit! I find him downright scarey. Just what we need a clueless president! As Obama called it on this recent tragedy, Mitt shoots first then aims later!

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK!
I see you're okay, thank goodness! JAK, it's neither of the Lam is my surname from who knows when, lol! -my are actually initials of my next two names, which written in Chinese means...I can't divulge the meaning, Chinese folks will know exactly my full name then...quite an old-fashion name, lol! Hey Jake, lol! the person is the same stalker who was giving you a lot of funny, negative remarks. If you scroll up, she called for you, after a lot of Anons came flying in to defend me, lol! But you know exactly how to throw her off your trail. I remember you had quite a deflective army too lol! JAK, "shoot first then aim" is sooo funny; I sure can't lay claim on this one, really good! lol! I like Obama; it's the wrong move to change him now because I believe, hopefully, he'll steer your country out of the woods. :)

Adamluv said...

@HK expressed my feelings better than I did. Thanks.. . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

On a second read about "shoot first then aim", maybe I shouldn't see it as funny. I suddenly realise you were referring to the "recent tragedy". Sorry.

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