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Adam Lambert on Paris Hilton: She's not worth it!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Via RadarOnline:

Adam Lambert is an openly gay man, so what does he think about Paris Hilton's statement about gay man having AIDS?

In exclusive video obtained by, the 30-year-old singer says, "She's not worth it" when asked to comment on the audio in which Paris was caught telling a friend, "Gay guys are the horn-iest people in the world… They're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS."

CLICK HERE to read more and watch the video!


Anonymous said...

Really? I thought Paris Hilton was one of the horniest people in the world. And two-faced.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seriously Adam? Was there Adommy action in the DC concert? If so, find that a bit offensive, tbh.

Anonymous said...

well he didn't seem to mind her and her assets when she was at fashion week. he had his hand ready to smack her ass. Paris probably was ragging and didn't mean a word of it. Men are so moody

Anonymous said...

Adommy action in DC>>>> was there intense eye contact????

Anonymous said...

troll got her big butt on here I see. lol

Anonymous said...

First he said "it's" not worth. He did not dish her just the question. Second what's with the Adommy thing? Tommy and Adam are great friends why make more if it? The dark side

Anonymous said...

Adam said IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!!


Anonymous said...

Radar Online twists words in their news reporting.
He said, "I'm not going there. It's not worth it." Geezh!

Anonymous said...

He said it's not worth it. Twisted everything up of course like media loves too. They should be focusing on the beautiful speech Adam gave last night in D.C. before he sang OOL!There was no Tommy action as there hasn't been since Adam is in love with Sauli!

Anonymous said...

According to Tommyberts the DC concert was all about ADOMMY.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:59

Exactly! But it sounds more sensational to twist his words and say "she". Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Oh was Tommy there, didn't notice. I saw there was a different drummer and a purple haired gnome on lead guitar.

Anonymous said...

Please GrowUp! OMG, the minds of some of you! Live your own life and let Adam live his! It was an incredble concert!!

Anonymous said...

I find the whole Adommy thing very obnoxious. I'm following The Blonds and River Viiperi, it's more fun.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam being Adam. I love Adam and Sauli. I love when Adam is good to his band. I also love Tommy Joe. He has been very loyal to Adam. I see love and respect but also a closeness. Remember, Adam was there for Tommy when Tommy's dad was very sick and then passed away during GNT. Tommy will never forget that. I love both these wonderful guys very much. They work very well together. They both love Sauli, in different ways ofcourse. Please be repectful of Adam and his good friend Tommy. Thanks:))

Anonymous said...

You can tell that Perez probably sent his minions here to spew usual hatred. He loves Paris and can't wait to find any little thing to put down Adam. That guy is really not a good human being. He destroyed several careers already. I always say that if you spit in the air, at one moment in your life it will all come back tenfold to haunt you. Adam's a great guy and nobody here or elsewhere will ever convince me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Paris Hilton does not have her own assets. They're her parents.

Anonymous said...

Just Jared picked this article too. Something ain't right, just saying..

Anonymous said...

Tell the people who show Adam no respect by implying that he is carrying on an ongoing affair with Tommy while being unfaithful to Sauli. I go along with the old guy Paul Newman who when asked if he had affairs with his leading women in films, said "why would I go out for hamburger when I have steak at home?" That probably meant as much to his wife Joanne Woodward as her Oscars.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it took so long to for Adam's commment to get picked up by the media. I posted here that I thought he said either, "It's not worth it" or "It's just not worth it," He kind of slurred the beginning of the sentence together. Whatever, it's making some news now. Wonder if Paris will be all over Adam next year at Fashion Week? LOL



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“ADAM LAMBERT might not have won the top prize on American Idol and he might not have America buying his music every time there is new single, but the entertainer does echo America’s thoughts on Paris Hilton’s latest remarks about the gay community.”

Anonymous said...

Great comments from ADAM regarding Paris. Ignore all the Tommmy/Adam
stuff. Have people nothing else going on that they have to strew such useless stuff.

Anonymous said...

VOTE for Trespassing:

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:

daydreamin said...

Anon 2:59 I agree that he said "IT'S not worth it"!

Anonymous said...

I surprise that Adam still didn't tweet anything about this misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...

5:51 PM,




Anonymous said...

this is dumb when the evidence of what he said is very clear- it's not worth it. He must get very frustrated. 930 club show was fantastic- lots of one-on-one eye contact with crowd! it was like a personal concert with a small group of positive people

Adamluv said...

Very ugly, vile comments made by Hilton. Untrue as well but unfortunately there are many peeps that believe the same way she does since it helps them justify their hatred for gays. Wish this all would just go away and stop being rehashed in the media. Adams response about "it" not being worth it were spot on IMO. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't say one more word about all this.

HK fan said...

I don't understand why everyones getting so upset over this.
I watched the video several times, and to me he clearly says 'she's not worth it'. Whats the big deal, none of the press is reporting that as an issue, in fact it seems most agree with him.

Magiclady said...

I have to say I think he said "She's not worth it" and frankly she's not. What a 2 faced bitch!

Anonymous said...

Did any of you hear the tape from the cab and why she said what she did? The gay friend she was with was talking about a site males could go on and hook up with fellow males (strangers) for sex.
That's when she made her now infamous reply. I am not defending her I think she's an empty headed spoiled brat, but the whole tape should have been made available
half truths can cause misunderstanding of motive.

glitzylady said...

Either way, she isn't.

Anonymous said...

I think he said jest not worth it.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Paris Hilton but Adam didn't blast anyone.....

Adam learned his lesson not jumping to any conclusion and he is an intelligent guy compare to these Paps who wants to sell garbage stories.


Anonymous said...

He said very clearly it's not worth it. The only remarks or actions that hit the net are usually controversal. It's the nature if the beast. I got the feeling during fashion week that they like each other but that's not sensational. Bah

Anonymous said...

at 3:26 it must be a big ass reading it.

Anonymous said...

why didn't PH just reach over and grab his PEACOCK. that would have shut him up real quick.

Anonymous said...

I was at the 930 club- Adam was no more into Tommy than any other band member. He's friendly with ALL of them.

Anonymous said...

6:45 PM - listen again. he does not say 'she', unbelievable that even when he says nothing it gets written up as something else entirely.

and again, not , there was no Adommy, people are pulling your leg

Anonymous said...

Knowing Adam's magnanimity, I would say Adam said: "I'm not going to talk about it; it's not worth it." Rather than, "...she's not worth it. " Whoa, what a world of difference with just one change of a pronoun! The media is scary and fast to snatch online attention. But Paris did give Adam her full attention, or almost at the NYC fashion show. Actually they make formidable business with the dough, the other with the show; an entrepreneurial cutting-edge.

Anonymous said...

I under stood him to say its not worth it meaning the ? did not deserve an answer.It seems like him an Paris are freinds to some degree.

Anonymous said...

I watched the video again; and Adam did not sound the "sh" in order to say "she" was a subdued sound as in "it".

glitzylady said...

Adam no doubt didn't want to comment...Paparazzi were being incredibly rude (surprise..) even asking him that question.

Anonymous said...

Attention is diverted into some other things, again.



glitzylady said...

Here's a pic of Adam with Russell Brand on Rove LA tonight..via karinf123

Anonymous said...

I saw that video before and for sure Adam said 'It's not worth....'. I don't hear no 'She...'

glitzylady said...

Since we're mentioning Marriage Equality, Washington State is also voting on it as well. It was signed into law by the Governor but of course the anti-equality anti-gay marriage people couldn't let it take effect until it was voted upon.

Yes on Referendum 74!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In no way does this incident reflect badly on Adam. She's the one who said the nasty comment, not him. Even if she said it in reply to someone else she was with (gay or not), it seems like she believes what she said. I posted here that I think Adam said, "It's just not worth it." Kind of slurs the "j" and maybe it sounds a little like "she." He will probably never respond publicly to explain exactly what he said, and that's a good thing. Let her fry in her own pan. I hope many people express their distaste for her comments and defend Adam's pretty tactful response. Maybe they are casual friends, but she's a dope.

DRG (I wonder if this will become a talk show topic? Maybe Adam will be a guest? LOL)

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of Adam and Russell Brand on Rove. Can't wait to see the show!

Anonymous said...

"It's just not worth it!" were his words.

Anonymous said...

sí no merece una respuesta de adam , no la merece.

Anonymous said...

8:17 I just made a small donation to the cause.

Anonymous said...

Whoa...down memory lane, just heard Adam's Mad World, posted. Every single note is so well executed, in full control. Regis&Kelly auditorium has one of the finest acoustics (on video). I can almost feel I'm there. If I had to rank a fantastic video featuring Adam's Mad World performance, Regis&Kelly will be at the top. I've viewed this Mad World video off and on, three years now.

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. Just watched Cuckoo from 9:30club. Adam is awesome. He looks very happy on the stage.

However, I deff don't want to know how big belly button or size of vagina of backup girls. They look terrible(as usually). Thanks God they sound not so loud like it used to be.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the E! News about the NFL debacle and showing clips of other debacles such as the Idol shocking win of Kris over ADAM.

Anonymous said...

I'm ordering this ADAM Dollar bill from eBay!

These Dollar Bills Support Donor's Choose!

ADAM LAMBERT Genuine Real Mint US Dollar Bill

tess4ADAM said...

I just watched the video. ADAM said ... "I'm not going to comment on that one ... IT'S not worth it"!! (I AGREE!) Those were ADAM's direct words. He never used the pronoun SHE!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that on the first showing of the video some threads back, it does kind of sound like Adam said "she". But, on this thread it really does sound like "it's".

Anonymous said...

Adam said- it's not worth it and Paris hilton went on to apolize for her comment and said it was taken out of context. Who knows, she was smittened by adam for sure, but now she in the news and that's what more important to a shallow person like her!

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam has hashed this over with Paris Hilton. He does not need to say a word further.

Anonymous said...

TWITITION – Glamberts want ADAM LAMBERT to perform on the AMA’S again!!:


It's been 3 years since ADAM took to the AMA'S stage, it's time for him to be invited back!! He has shown complete respect for everyone in the business and has been grateful and thankful for all he has been given to him to help escalate his career. He has the most dedicated fans, Glamberts!!
We all think he deserves that chance once again!! Pls invite ADAM back!!!

Anonymous said...

10:48 oh please just let it die already.Sounds like we are begging.Way to go get everybody riled up about AMA again.

Anonymous said...

9.18 thank you for putting that up about the e story, don't know to do all that. I have the video from the E show. Tried to tell everyone yesterday to watch rerun of it. That E news story really put Adam good light, about time! What I really care about is that the next thing on the schedule China., hope it acomplished a lot. But most important to me. Is that he gets there safe and sound. Also that that he comes back home safe. There was a close call on airline today or yesterday. He travels so much! Adam being safe is what's important to me, the rest comes second. Sue

Anonymous said...

Also Adam will be in Africa in November do not know when that unmentionable award show, is on this year! 13 and 16 show, do not know what day the other is. That is Africa show 13 And 16. I believe. Sue!!

HK fan said...

Rove McManus‏@Rove

An incredible first #RoveLA show you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS. Thank you @rustyrockets, @adamlambert and @kristenschaaled

Anonymous said...

Aiyah, yah yah!!! What else is new?
Media selling crap!! that's call "NEWS"??? WTF!

We know what Adam said, so never mind the idiot news media!

Anonymous said...

Learn from the PH experience and move on.

Anonymous said...

Both with same initials !!! spells bad news!!!Ha!Ha!
just not worth it!!!

Anonymous said...

I originally thought Adam said "she's" not worth it but when I listened carefully,he definitely said "it's".

The DC concert was wonderful and it is too bad that the 24-hour news cycle decided to jump on this. More is the pity that Perez Hilton, who is such a "positive" force for LGBTQ rights would focus on this instead of the Question 6 benefit.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what he said listened several time just couldn't tell ...but if he didn't say " She" I will ...she's not worth it ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

this will NOT hurt Adam, in any way. I'd bet the farm that 99%, actually make that 99.9% of people would emphatically AGREE and say "Good on Ya" Adam Lambert. No Worries peeps. Enjoy Rove coverage instead!

Anonymous said...

@Anon September 26 9:18 PM - Thanks for posting that E News Link about "Debacles". Wow, that was really great! (except for Kris, sorry about that but what's one to do about that part??).

Thanks Sue for first mentioning this E news story!


Anonymous said...

Oh and re the topic of this Thread... don't think there's many you'd find who disagree with Adam, whichever way he said it... and for me, speaking only for myself, I refuse to give radar a "hit" on their site!! (Didn't give the story any hits since it first broke, so I'm only learning what she said just today - yikes, hard to apologize for that!!! Didn't realize quite how vile her statements were! She's young yet, sure, but good grief, ignorance!).


Anonymous said...

I think most would agree, Paris is a dimwit, so regardless if he said "She" or "It", what he said is appropriate.


Anonymous said...

He said IT`S not worth it and what`s the difference anyway...when she said those comments, proves she certainly isn`t worth Adam`s reply...this won`t hurt Adam one bit!

Anonymous said...

OMG - I haven't read through threads much so I don't know if this is posted, but did y'all see Adam's tweet about ROF being used for new NBC show:



Anonymous said...

his RE-tweet rather

Anonymous said...

and the "lifted shirt" moment in the NBC promo clip.... hhmmm, where have I seen something like that before while listening to ROF???



Anonymous said...

PH should slip her hand down his pants and give it a little whack a doodle doooooooo

Anonymous said...

OMG, This is Flipping Fantastic! Yes, Yes, Yes, Adam's song being used for this Promo, his sexy voice just makes me melt and this promo is Hot..(no pun intended) I'm going to have to keep NBC on so I can see this. Everyone in my house is going to know when it comes on, believe me!

Thanks for letting us know about this.


Anonymous said...

OK, I know 6:30 is a troll but made me laugh. LOL! The euphemisms people come up with.

I am a little bit sad that this is eclipsing Adam's speech and performance at the 9:30 club.

Thanks for the "debacle" video and the ROF link as well.

Tremendous variety of stuff this morning - all is well and busy in Glam Nation!

Anonymous said...

You are so welcome 5.47, anything I am lucky enough to catch on tv, I will mention here. Trying to catch that promo of Adam's ring of fire, that was so sexy Adam version that is. Soon as my guide listings on my tv go up, to time the Rove LA, on tv guide channel shows up exsact time of Adam's, appearance, list it. There one on this week 6 an7 of Rove, not Adam's think next week 6 and probably 7 of october. They rerun I believe. But if someone knows for sure first please let us know the Rove LA time. Sue

Anonymous said...

I hope that new Chicago Fire show uses Adam singing ROF as its actual weekly theme, not just for this promo. I'd watch the show just to hear Adam's voice on TV.


Anonymous said...

I listen twice for some reason picture did not come on it, did before heard sound. Sure did sound like he said its not worth it, that what I got out of it. Sue!!

Anonymous said...

I hope adam doesnt waste his time reading all this garbage on rediculous what some of you say. Adam is cool and he takes care of his own, end of story.