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Adam Lambert to appear live on the finale of "The Voice of China" on September 30th!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Anonymous said...

Oh I just posted about this on the last blog. Isn't this great. Read that The voice of China is the largest reality show with 120 million T.V. viewers and 400 million online viewers. Read that it will be livestreamed also.Take over the world Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Those stats I posted are from the Voice of China Macau, sorry, but I'm sure this one in China is huge too.I mean there are so many people living in China, this is making me very happy!Where is everyone?

Anonymous said...

wow great happenings. I can't leave this site for a minute anymore.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is great news! Talk about singing for the most populous country on earth! So many people to hear Adam. Hope we get video. Hope of the Chinese viewers buy a copy of Trespassing. LOL!


Anonymous said...

This is amazing since majority of the Chinese population do not watch American Idol shown in their country (even in HK) but rather watch the local equivalent in Chinese vernacular.
ADAM has to be seen by these demographic who choose their own local programming and not the US import of Idol or The Voice.
This is a win win situation for ADAM, the World's Idol.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Adam is slowly but surely foraging into new ground; which brings to mind your tattoo..."Music soothes the savage beast." Paula once said...Fortune rewards the brave, or something to this effect. And as usual, Simon glared at her. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! This sounds huge! They're going to be blown away by Adam.,...great news'! Isn't the Marriage For Equality Fundraiser Sept. 25th? Then off to China immediately I guess. Will he take the whole band? Whew, so happy for Adam!


Anonymous said...

OMG! I hope that Adam will sing both a fast and a slow song (if he is indeed allowed to sing a couple songs). That would showcase how truly incredible a singer he is. THIS is perhaps, with his recent gigs with QUEEN, the most important performances he will have done this year. Whatever song(s) he chooses to sing, I hope that he will have a full band behind him, at least for the fast track.

Anonymous said...

It is just fabulous for Adam. This is better than him being the judge on AI. I always felt Adam would become more huge internationally then the U.S. will catch up. Isn't that how it happened with Gaga. Anyway let Adam trespass around the world and show his amazing talent and charisma!Of course want him to be a huge success in the U.S. with his new single.

Anonymous said...

LAM-MY, hi over there!!!
Long time no see, I'm also on the other bord now, sorry not telling you. I really hope you get to know that I didn't forget you and the others I used to talk to in this forum...
Are you going to Shanghai for the finale? Seems that Adam is coming close to home this time, woohoo! Warm thoughts,


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Shimayo! My know what that is, don't you...Shimayo, I used to fly all around the globe but not quite able to anymore; a kind of chronic but not life-threatening ailment is deterring me. By the way, how much of the Chinese words can you read in that passage...for me barely, though I can understand and speak Mandarin. I rely a lot on the alphabet version; eg, ni hao ma? wo ai ni! seh seh! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Fine news, oh how small is Finland
: )
Great for Adam, our world wide SUPERSTAR (we knew it already since 2009)


Anonymous said...

happilly shouts all over the house seeing your post! wo hen hao, xie xie ni! I barely read chinese, only speak cantonese and a little bit mandarin. Do you realize if only 1/100 of chinese buy Trespassing? I'm really glad for Adam to perform on the Voice finale, such a huge exposure!
And I think you already know he will come to South Africa on 13 nov? What about you coming here and the two of us jump to Cape Town?

Anonymous said...

Sorry ka-jiah! the comment about South Africa was mine, I was too giddy to sign my post...happy sighs!


Adamluv said...

Totally cool!

Anonymous said...

So you'd be in Cape Town...whoa! Actually you brought up such a fabulous idea about us jumping into Cape Town! lol! Okay for tung-pow sake, I'll switch to Cantonese...Sorry can't jump with you anymore...wish I could though...tuae um che / tui pu chi! lol! This is quite fun...ho ho wan er! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

[I pray that mods won't ring my ear for spamming with personnal non-Adam -related topic here, but hey!] Lam-my, your health okay? you scared me, even if it's not life-threatening ailment, still it's something! Take good care, please.
I hope you still create amazing funny Adam-Sauli poetry? I so miss them! Remember the word "kick" in one of them and weeks later Kickin in was in the album \o/(it's one of my favorite, with Broken English, and Nirvana, and Runnin, and... let's say, ALL tracks are my favorites) <3 <3 <3


HK fan said...

@anon 8.40pm
I don't think those stats you posted are from Macau, Macau is not that big a place with a population of less than 600,000.

I'm ashamed to say I have never heard of this that its shown on Channel V, I get that channel, but maybe its not on the English version.

Anyways good news, and hopefully we'll be able to see it on youtube at the very least.

Anonymous said...

Ho ho wan er, tsen er!!!Look, I sincerely wish you speedy recovery,and whenever you'll be allowed to travel again, we'll hang out, attend Adam's concert and have fun together, ok? You may contact me via the other bord where you have to register to become a member, you can PM me there, ok? Hint, it's not Adamofficial.
Anyway, we can see each other here too. :) ka-jiah, tsai tsien!(don't forget to put extra jacket when going outside, eat well, not too much chili, sleep well, there, there, ayaah! your blanket is not covering you! Sounding chinese mom enough?


Anonymous said...

Xie xie for the concern; I'm okay, just a lot of phlegm which needs to be removed at the sink so it's inconvenient if I'm outside; other than that I'd say I'm as frisky as a lamb! lol!
Hey to answer your question...if Adam can sing his way into the Chinese fans' hearts, which no doubt he will be more than able to; then 1% x 1.5 billion = 15 million sales, more than platinum from one show alone! But we all know when they get hooked like us, woe betide! lol! Adam should simply keep hammering there! lol! Once again...xie xie! ni hern hao! :)

Anonymous said...

By the way, we have to start rooting for the Grammys. Go to this link and start putting in your two cents for TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

And let's keep up the mention. So far, no mention of Adam for BEST POP ALBUM and BEST POP MALE VOCAL.

Anonymous said...

Let us remember that ever though Adam is appearing on "The Voice of China" radio play is still necessary for a huge amount of album and singles sales. Let's hope that he visits a few radio stations while in china.

Anonymous said...

We should have known that something was up when he put himself on Weibo!

So nice to see Adam getting some good appearances internationally. I believe he has sold well in China (well, even poor sales are major in a country that size LOL!). It would be nice if he ended up with a few concert dates down the road as a result of this.

Isn't media still very concentrated in China? Wouldn't this plus a few radio appearances be quite big?

Anonymous said...


We love u ADAM!!

Happy morning here in Toronto Canada!!!


Anonymous said...

He probably had sold well there, not poor at all, but certainly sale lot more now, there. He done a convert a private concert for amway there right before he went to fenland at Christmas. That was a private amway I believe concert!, type o. Do remember someone saying Adam music, even better than I Know my self, being a top played song there. I am sure while he there he will, do some radio promo's, maybe even another tv show. But even if he just does this it is huge! This should give h a really big boost in sales there. In fact a really big boost to his overall sales, period, huge in fact. This is just tremendous news, probably is better than idol. Someone said they do not watch idol, but fAdam is still a star to then there! So happy for him. He deserves every good thing that happens to him. adam always bragging on other celebs, never acts jealous or envious he just a lovely person, seems more and more people ate loving him. As they should. Do great job as always Adam!

Anonymous said...

way to go Adam..cannot wait..many great things coming...I love being yor fan.. you are amazing

Anonymous said...

Viewership for 'The Voice of China'... 500,000,000! Whoa! what on earth is that...I have no idea! lol! Hmm I hope he gets to star in a movie too, some distance down the road. Adam's beautiful blue eyes are just the right size, not too big. lol! DangDang go go go... lol! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope we get a video out of it.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know WHO at the Grammys in "heading the jury panel" for nominations? That might give us some indication of where they will concentrate their attention for nominations this year.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam's mgmt. is really taking advantage of Adam's internatinal appeal and acceptance. Hope this appearance in China reaps BIG exposure and BIG sales! The more he sells, the better the chances for a 2013 TP tour. ADam's world-wide fanbase could be his long-term ladder to the top. The U.S. may wake up sometime, but till then, it's world domination! I'm poised and ready to request TP when it gets officially released. We gotta get it up there, Glamberts!

Please vote on the SNL poll. That is great exposure, too. He ought to be a host, of course, but performaning a song will do for now. And vote for the Grammys, too! The Idol thing is over and done with. Onward and upward!


Anonymous said...

@7:13 i dont think hes gonna get nominated this year.Trespassing has no hits,and the album has low sales.

Anonymous said...

Unlike other awards, Grammy noms don't necessaily reflect sales. He got great reviews for the album. There's a chance the Grammy people will recognize that. We can only hope.


Anonymous said...

I hope Trespassing will get a jolt in sales after his China gig and together with the very good reviews and perhaps a little awakening, Adam stands in good stead for a Grammy win. He should be awarded, Best Male Vocal or Best New Artist. Academy really got to look hard into this as true talent/art is not always entirely linked to sales. In any case, Adam's sales are very good.

Anonymous said...

Just voted on SNL poll..looks like you can only vote once. I agree an appearance on SNL as musical performer would be fantastic exposure for Adam. Maybe after that he would be considered for host...a dream come true!

I'm so happy for Adam that he is in demand internationally...our global superstar Mr. Adam Lambert!


Anonymous said...

I do think with pLL and hopefully a couple tv shows his sales go up lot here.if he was waiting for idol he put off booking now may need wait a bit for opening do not know if case but will be on something soon I hope and of course pLL. They probably new this china thing comming, so had to get ready for this first. Lot of preparation for taking band and all and rehearsing. Imagine he will do some radio and maybe another tv, like news show. But I telling u this is huge, Adam is saling well world wide, sales are good world wide, but this just may double them, this will be a huge boost to his sales abroad, huge! I do think next year may be even Better for Afam even Grammy wise, hoping he has a big hit trespassing , I do know it's ginna be a big hot in parts of the world! Hope America finally gets it. He has had hits on this album been no. 1 in many countries just not here yet, there other places in this world except US. , the man and his music is huge on lots of those places. I do think sales good abroad but boy is this china thing gonna give it a huge boost. It is better news than idol, do happy for him he so deserves it! That was do think sales abroad are good, type o, lots I am sure I am such a bad typer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I never dare to imagine this would happen one day, and now it's happening!
Lambert will visit China,lolol!
He will definitely enjoy this great country, and i hope sauli will be with him visiting the forbidden city, summer palace and the great wall!

Anonymous said...

Also I do hope Adam wins won a Grammy or at least nominated this year! I really think next year will even bigger for Adam in that direction. I hope all good things come to him, he a huge talent and a lovely man. He deserves the best. I just feel real great things for Adam he works his but off!

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope and pray the single Trespassing is the charm so we can hope for Grammy recognition.

ADAM has been on the scene a while and this is his sophomore album and he has been nominated for Best Male Vocal Performance on his debut album.
So he does not qualify anymore for Best New Artist.
Also, base your 1% prospective sale not from the country's population but rather on the viewers' demographic.
We wish ADAM all the luck and success on this big opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
I am from China and currently live in Toronto. I know something about TV and entertainment industry of China.
The Voice of China is the most popular TV music program in China. The audience rating of this program is more than 4%, therefore there are about 4% * 1,300,000,000 = 52,000,000 audiences watching this program each time.
Adam has thousands of diehard fans in China. Within 24 hours, there are 2420 postings on Tencentweibo (The #1 online social network in china) discussing this news. 99% people there are extremely excited about this news. They are saying: It is unbelievable. They can't wait. Adam, the Real voice is coming to China to beat everybody on the show, including the coaches. Most likely, Adam is going to be a guest judger, and probably sing alone or with one contestant who is his fan. China loves Adam.

Anonymous said...

@2:29 PM,

Thanks for the information dear and we both from Toronto:))


Anonymous said...

China has population 4 billion 4,000,000,000. US population 320 million 320,000,000.

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for giving us the voice from China!
Nice to know ADAM is much loved in your country of origin.
Hope to hear from you more.


China's current population is only 1,344,130,000 not 4 billion.
As of 2011, according to World Bank, the present world population is 6,973,738,433.


Anonymous said...

My estimation of 1% is based on the estimated China population of 1.5 billion which I have seen and heard being used on media, in news articles etc. I have a feeling 1.3 billion may be outdated. I base it on the whole population using only 1%, because I also take into account other Chinese internet users and also those non-viewers who may simply buy Trespassing through word-of-mouth, advertisements or merely buying it if they chance to see and like it, say at shopping malls etc. So that's why I base it on the estimated population figures. If on the other hand, basing it on the actual tv/online viewership, then I may raise my 1% to maybe 20% because the viewers of the Voice of China show, may be more inclined to buy after watching Adam's actual performance; he has very special appeal, charisma and oh that voice and specialised singing technique. In any case the calculations are really a very rough estimate. :)

HK fan said...

While it would be nice to think that Adam would get a huge boost in Trespassing sales, we all have to remember that Asia is the biggest seller of fake goods. All the markets have fake dvd and cd stalls.
Still amazing exposure for him though. I am already getting nervous for him, for him to sing knowing that so many millions will be watching.....

Anonymous said...

I looked up population of China and the closest estimate I gather is 1.35 billion. But that is not the central point of the discussion; it's more on Adam's gig in China and its immense potential.

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This is a great product for anyone with curly, wavy, or frizzy hair, it works

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I am satisfied with the product, but I prefer to use the Moroccanoil oil for daily use.

Anonymous said...

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