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Fox Charlotte News: American Idol's Adam Lambert Supports Same Sex Marriage in Maryland!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 27, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, September 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

Is he saying Adam will be in the ads?

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Adam doesn't want to marry Sauli?

Anonymous said...

too bad he didn't get a few bars of OOL on air. nice little interview though.

Anonymous said...

He looked wonderful, but I also wondered why he doesn't want to marry sauli any time soon? Maybe he does and sauli doesn'ty who knows?

Anonymous said...

Leave them alone to decide.
Why marry when everything is going well for them for now? Geez!

Anonymous said...

Just b/cuz ADAM supports marriage for gays doesn't necessarily mean that he is ready to get married. He has said that this is only his second real love so maybe he wants to wait awhile longer to see where it goes. Marry in haste ... repent at leisure!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with your comment @ 8:09pm. This relationship with Sauli is relatively new and still in its early stages. Adam's career is just starting to take off and Sauli has his life and career also with going back and forth to Finland. Marriage is not for everyone...straight or gay. I think both men have to decide what the future holds for them and there is no reason to marry at this time. As long as they are in love and happy, that's all that matters right now.

Anonymous said...

We seem to have opinions and criticisms about everything to do with Adam from the color of his hair, to the style of clothes he wears, to the friends he hangs out with and even some of the songs that he sings. Now it's going to be whether or not he will marry Sauli any time soon. Leave them alone just to be happy and enjoy their time together. It is none of our business .

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Adam for him not being ready for marriage. Sauli at the beginning of their relationship said that he wouldn't get married or have children. Right now Adam,s future is a little bit shakey and so is Sauli's. Give them a couple of years more, and see if Adam's career can stand being married to anyone.It is not an easy life for them to cope with. Right now Adam and Sauli are very much in love, and I hope it stays that way, marriage or not.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves Sauli and Sauli loves Adam...and very much I might add!! As simple as that...marriage or not marriage.So please just leave them glad that they are happy and devoted to each other. Adam has said he`s not getting married ANY TIME SOON...and if they will, it`s none of our beeswax!

Anonymous said...

Can we please stay out of Adam's personal life.

And 7:45 is probably a troll.

Adamluv said...

Agree with the person who said - everyone doesnt want to get married, be them straight or gay. Are we now going to do what we've done forever to straight couples always asking them when they are planning on marrying? (It is no ones business but the 2 people involved.) Women, especially, seem to have the need to ask this question. . . . Adamluv