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More Videos of Adam Lambert Performing at Circus Disco

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, September 04, 2012


daydreamin said...

Here is the full Guerilla Gig concert:

daydreamin said...

Who wears yellow and black better, Miley Cirus or Adam Lambert...Ryan Seacrest poll:

daydreamin said...

Adam sent another video but this time someone is cooking in the kitchen! Click on his link.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Bananas pan fried in coconut oil, butter, cinnamon and brown sugar. *dash of rum

Anonymous said...

NOW ADAM turns out the Trespassing colors! Darn we were covered in the stuff in Australia! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Bananas pan fired anyone?!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, daydreamin'. I just voted and Adam is way ahead. We need to keep up the voting here 'cos who knows why Ryan is testing the waters here.

Anonymous said...

OT====but something to think about.
I just came across a thread I'd saved in June 2011. Adam's performances in Moscow. The photos were fantastic and the entire thread was upbeat, funny, pleasant and friendly.

Check out how many of the posters are no longer on the blog, just a few on a regular basis or infrequent basis, the majority have disappeared. Did we drive them away?

Sligo lambert=Eva=Elli=JAK=Sister=CT=P.A.S.=lmb=Lizard Eyes=funbunn40=NS=CL=Ronnie=donnaw ?

Anonymous said...

Adam is so smexy in this performance.

Anonymous said...

@6:01 JAK still posts all the time one here.

Anonymous said...

Love it on Ryan Seacrest's post that reads
" two of our favourite celebrities Miley & Adam Lambert.................."

Ofcourse I vote For ADAM LAMBERT!!!
Vote Glamberts, Adam's leading..................
Hmmm wonder why Seacrest 's doing this , interesting:):):)

Happy Tuesday All!:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good question. Why is Seacrest doing this poll if Adam isn't even in the running? What purpose does it serve? Hmmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

Well adam's winning by 83%. It is a strange post, but I don't think myle's in the idol running- they would never have 3 female judges? Well ryans a big wig, so I do vote on his poles, how stupid they are lol

Anonymous said...

Ryan just got fired from E!

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered that myself. I have been a fan since Adam first opened his mouth on idol and amazing fell out. I started reading this thread in July 2009. I rarely ever posted here and when I did it was anonymous .My niece is massive glambert and she liked another thread so I usually left my comments there . Lately though there are so many rules on that site , not that have a problem with rules but really it's just a bunch of people talking about the bueatiful one...that's what I call I made the jump over here. I really like the heated debate everyone gets into on this thread , I have noticed that a lot of people aren't here anymore or aren't leaving thier tag...i know fan4fun is not well but I miss the others like Jax ...a young man I think. Of course I don't know where they went but hope they still follow Adam and hope they return one day. As for me I was born a smart ass so hope my strange humor will be welcome here ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

The only reason Ryan is running that poll is because Adam and Miley both just dyed their hair platinum. I know it's a lame poll, but after all it is Ryan Seacrest.

Anonymous said...

I think that some early regular posters here may have moved on to Twitter or Facebook. I know some may have just dropped off completely, but many people have moved on to other media. I really love it here. It's my main Adam site. It has a real family feel to it, IMO, even with the occasinal dust-ups.


Anonymous said...

This is just another fun poll like any other poll. Ryan could have picked a million other people with yellow on but picked Adam. No need to diss Ryan.

HK fan said...

@rose petal
welcome out of lurkdom, and well done for choosing a tag. It really does help in feeling a part of things and getting to 'know' people on here.
Look forward to reading all your posts.

HK fan said...

As for Ryan Seacrest, he uses Adams name in these polls because he knows he will get hits on his site, but never seems to play his music.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal, you'll fit right in here. This place is swimming with all kinds of asses.

Just kidding, I couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

I have only heard Ryan say nice things, about Adam. Nevet any thing else., period. Think negativity what drove people away, that really care for Adam. I said several times I was leaving, but alway's come back!, and I have only been posting here less than a month! ad a positive hugely talented person and just think be nice if we could keep it up beat! Also when trolls come on just ignore them, they will go away, hopefully! They want to put doubts in our mine and screw up the site! I know it hard for me too, just need to pass them by and keep up beat! Sue

Anonymous said...

Also sure some posters have gone to twitter and face book as such also!

daydreamin said...

I do twitter AND this sight! It's easy to do both.

Welcome @rose petal (officially)! I love that tag because Rose is my middle name and I LOVE roses!

You're welcome anon 5:32 :)

Anonymous said...

@10:46 A,M, Yes I know JAK and CT are the regulars I spoke of, some are missing for health reasons, we hear from lmb occasionally and funbunn40 but some are just gone missing.

Fortunately we have added @rose petal Yay!

Anonymous said...

4:38 you are right about the trolls, I try so hard to ignore them but I am a natural crabby person and can't help myself but I do try. Now I am crabby because I didn't think of a pretty name like rose petal. LOL

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal......JAK here

If you like heated debates and if you are a smart ass and have a strange sense of humor...I bid you a hearty welcome. You've joined up with the right gang! :))
You'll fit right in.

HK fan said...

I like roses too, my youngest daughters name is Rosanna, but everyone calls her Rosie, and we always buy her roses for her birthday, and I photographed some roses and framed them for her room.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for the warm welcome , I promise to be as snarky and smart ass as possible. The number one thing I love love love Adam!!!...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Welcome, rose petal! This site is never boring, always a little nuts, but that's what family is.

Anonymous said...

Don't think I could join a better family ...rose petal