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Paris Hilton Loves Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Paris Hilton tweeted that Adam looks great in his new hair color and said she loves him. Adam also tweeted about Lady Gaga and PINK.


Anonymous said...

HELP please on 101.9 WTMX u mix it. We need more people to click Trespassing to #1. Don't know why people are pushing up NCOE and BTIKM. It is now the Trespassing era and we need to get that on air. So get your little fingers ready thank you!

Adamluv said...

Seeing this reminds me of Ebers "bellhop outfit" tweet. Adam will never get a "swell head" with his dad around! Very flattering picture of them both. . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

Adamluv so true and with Neil as well.

Anonymous said...

Do not have computer, my kids , older kids have all computers, but I can at least text for play at least. If anyone knows it. If you know phone no I will call ask for it. Do not forget to vote for Adam and the jingle ball. He is way ahead, but if people stop voting it will go down. I know how do that so go vote there now!

Anonymous said...

We finally got Trespassing playing on 101.9 WTMX Chicago! Wow hard work my fingers hurt lol Worth it.but don't get why they are bleeping the ass word out. It sounds wrong to me and hear lots worse on the radio.

Anonymous said...

I am no fan of Paris Hilton, but this IS the best photo I have seen of her. No posing with sultry pout, just a genuinely full happy smile. What an improvement!...JAK

Of course being in Adam's company would make almost anyone genuinely happy!

HK fan said...

I know this article was posted quite a few threads back but I think it kind of got lost amongst other things, its so good it deserves its own thread, at the very least another mention.

Anonymous said...

this is the link to get Adam on SNL

Anonymous said...

It looks like her and Adam enjoyed each others company.Glad he had a nice friend to hang out with.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even recognize her at first glance.

Anonymous said...

Adam is going to Shangai (spelling) China on Sept 30 for the finale of the Voice China!!!!You go our international superstar! He had recently started his twitter page there with already over 100,000 followers. A huge market between China and Japan,very exciting news!

Anonymous said...

How much to china and Japan love this man, to fly him all the way to Japan, for this finally! They have to fly Adam and band all the way there, boy they love our boy! He is Truely doing very well abroad. if America never completely catches up, he will still be a huge super star. Think gaga has had problems with some behavior in china, but they seem to love our Adam and Japan crazy for him too! Hope we get video, from it.

Anonymous said...

China !!!? woots. Adam and the band and the VJJs must be so excited over this and China as well. They will love his TP album and single.

Anonymous said...

I bet he has a really good comment about Kesha and the picture on her new single DIE YOUNG. a little risque I might add. she is pushing the envelope on this one. Paris Hilton is annoying and got rich from being annoying.

Anonymous said...

the black and white had a pilgrim vibe. he needs a hat.

Anonymous said...

PH has a big head

Anonymous said...

Vote, vote, vote on the SNL poll! I want to see Adam on SNL SOOOO BAD! I want him to host, too. Maybe if he gets to perform on it once, they'll consider having him as a host. I been requesting wherever I can. I know the "official" release at all stations hasn't happened yet, but I'm SO ready! Love the news about Adam performing in China! Whoopee! International STAR for sure.


Anonymous said...

Boy there will be a major bunch of Albums sold from this!

Anonymous said...

9:02, Let's hope so! He'll be performing in front of the world's most populous country. GO ADAM!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this pic. Paris Hilton is incredibly beautiful when she's not posing for the photo. Adam's smile and whole damn face is to die for!!

Anonymous said...

I can not STAND Paris Hilton but this is the best photo ever, of her.
She is such a poser and you can tell in this one, that she looks genuinely happy.
Adam is perfection. She was probably thinking, damn he's fine, wish her were mine and damn, he is so much better looking then me. Or maybe she was just utterly, truly, charmed by who Adam is. I think that's the case.

Anonymous said...

Of course she loves god the whole bloody world does!
ADAM put her in a state of awe.

daydreamin said...

I heard the Chicago radio station played Trespassing with it actually silent as they bleeped out "my ass"! What other stations do that?

Anonymous said...

Oh please. My ass. I mean, come on!

Anonymous said...

Thank you once again capture exactly how I feel when I hear Adam sing . . I can't own this piece of "art" but I can listen. To experience that "eye contact" is on my bucket list.

Anonymous said...

IMHO, the Kardashians make Paris Hilton look charming and, actually, she was rich before she became famous. Her grandfather created a trust for her (probably before she could walk).

I can't stand her either but she likes Adam and is berting for him so I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

Adam as a blonde in China...they LOVE blondes. I imagine the show is paying expenses so the band will probably go, even though it's just one song. Maybe they put together a couple of concerts quickly?

Can't wait to see what China makes of the Vajayjays. They'll probably have a hoot.

Anonymous said...

You know I think woman love Adam even more because they know they cannot really ever have him. Of course that surely would not happen with us mortals anyway.bur someone like Paris thinks she can get anyone she wants, but not Adam. Adam is so attractive to woman, he just attractive period and seems lots of woman want him for a friend if cannot have him other wise. He such a sweetie!

Rebecca said...

aw how sweet
Come Say HI

Anonymous said...

Why would he take the band? It's a music show, they have a band.

Anonymous said...

I like Paris and River. I wish more Glamberts could be more accepting (towards Sauli), instead of being so bloody backward and judgemental.

Anonymous said...

Her grandfather Nicky HIlton was once married to Elizabeth Taylor and Nicky's father, Conrad, was the founder of the international Hilton Hotel chain. Yeah, she's rich.

Anonymous said...

....and since the Hilton chain owns the Waldorf Astoria hotels, they employ my grandson...well, that's way OT...our threads do meander around. Or maybe it's just me. It's almost 3:30 A.M. here in Florida and I'm more than a little punchy from lack of sleep,I am being much too wordy, sorry about that, I'll shut up and try to sleep!......JAK -o-

HK fan said...

@anon 3.38am
My kids were ll very blonde when small, everytime I was out with them I would have people coming up and touching their hair, and taking photos. I'd have been rich if I'd charged them....And about 3 years ago my son was playing in a football tournament in China, the only gweilo (white ghost, used to be a derogatory term, but expats now use it to describe themselves) out of hundreds of boys, the other boys and parents thought he was so novel they gave him a nickname and cheered for him. Can't remember the word, but it was something like white ox, as he was blond and strong...

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