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Scans of Adam Lambert in CYZO (Japanese Magazine)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 20, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, September 20, 2012

Credit: @bani_ and @noi307


Anonymous said...


VOTE for Trespassing on iHeartRadio Top 5@5

Anonymous said...

If Adam were straight he'd be stampeded by women of every country!

Anonymous said...

And he would have a lot of children. Because most of these women will be happy to have Adam's baby!

Anonymous said...

Oh I want to put my head on Adam's shoulder like that! And yes I am voting.

Anonymous said...

Voted for SNL but couldn't find TP on the Top 5 list this time. I've been voting for it, but it's not there now. It seems to come and go. I'll try again later


Anonymous said...

Adam and that lovely girl. Cutie pies, both of them. She's love Adam-Love in her eyes.

Anonymous said...

Think he gets stampeded anyway....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Obviously Adam would have been as big a star as Elvis if he was straight but he chose honesty instead. My hats off to him!

Anonymous said...

@1:38 I don't think it's only about the sexual orientation. I don't know why, but there are no big male stars anymore.

Anonymous said...

Wow, beautiful pics.
and What 12:33, 12:50, 1:03 and 1:25 said

Anonymous said...

@DRG It comes and goes on top 5 at 5 102.9 Dallas. Just try like a minute later and voila it's there!

Anonymous said...

OT but Lady Gaga is starting to remind of Elvis..

Anonymous said...

Japan is loyal to the real Adam and the best, imo.

Anonymous said...

Oh!!!! What a sweetie:)))

He is spreading the love......

Adorable pictures and Japanese fans are really the best ever!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Head on Adam's shoulder, nice. How about leaning on his thigh the way she is in the second picture? ;)

Anonymous said...

@3:48 Oh I didn't notice the thigh contact. Oh my,must have felt so muscular!

Anonymous said...

Careful elbow! ;)

Magiclady said...

I want to lean on Adam's thigh...

Anonymous said...

he has spoken of his bi-tendancies in past interviews. I believe he would act on them if given the right chemistry.

Anonymous said...

he has spoken of his bi-tendancies in past interviews. I believe he would act on them if given the right chemistry.

Adamluv said...

Here we go again with the "bi" crap! The man is GAY and only digs MEN. Why is that sooo hard to understand?????? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam said he was bi-curious not that he had bi-tendencies. I'm bi-curious but incredibly and forever straight! Big difference.

Anonymous said...

I've not seen Adam smile so genuinely intimately to a girl and the girl's expression also says a lot. This is a case of...a picture speaks a thousand words. The girl drew a deep feeling out of Adam...time for a Japanese! :)

Anonymous said...

I just see his usual sweet smile.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my you and JAK crack me up.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Adam that we find so many ways that he can beguile?
In motion or repose, as here, an unexpected lap for a girl to lean on--just about anything and everything Adam is grist for our hungry imaginations. No wonder he has inspired more words written than any other artist. (Just guessing, but dispute me someone if you know better.) atm

Anonymous said...

Hmm my partner-in-crime to our Lone Ranger! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

You just gave me inspiration for Adam's new Japanese movie...Lone Ranger to Japanese Girl's Rescue...hmm continue the plot as juicily as you like it to be and in whatever direction. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, here we go yet again. Adam is gay for heavens sake. Why is it so differcult for people to accept that. People think you can wave a magic wand or turn to some religion to cure the so called 'problem'! Adam posted a fantastic link today with a message which rings loud and clear. Gay and proud along with intelligent talented, classy and beautiful. Yes, that's Adam.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the Paris Hilton 'gay' slur today. I was floored especially right after NYC Fashion week and hanging with Adam.
How correct is it, you'll have to read and see but it sure was a hit in the face for all those gay boys out there.

daydreamin said...

And then she apologizes...too little too late:

Paris Hilton ‏@ParisHilton
I want to say how sorry I am. I can't fit the whole apology about the cab recording here, so please read it at @GLAAD

Anonymous said...

Lone Ranger to Japanese's girl's rescue...a bit old-fashion. lol! I want to bring it up to speed to...Prince Adam Charming on White Unicorn gallantly rescues Japanese starry-eyed maiden at the base of Mt.! :)

HK fan said...

I want to snuggle up to Adam and have him look at me like that:)

Adam has said he loves women, and isn't scared of them like some gay men. I think he gets on well with women, so many of his best friends are women.He also admitted to having had sex with a woman, many fans reckon it happened about 2 years judging by the hints and events etc ago, and a certain name keeps cropping up as to who it may have been.....None of that means he isn't gay though and as much as we'd all like to fantasise, its never going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I reckon it's all about giving a Adam some respect and not treating him like some gay toy.

Anonymous said...

Whow, the Paris Hilton stuff really hit hard. Sure we weren't there but we heared some of that stuff on the net. I tell you this has to make Adam take a step back and look at things from a third perspective. Just how sincere is that apology that was thrown at GLAAD? Well, that's ruthless Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

4:50AM, wise words.

Anonymous said...

Some Glamberts were so pissed at Paris Hilton that it made me think perhaps Adam uses Grindr..?

Anonymous said...

Oh hell he would say it is not that deep. They are friends.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah he defin would act on his feelings if the chemistry was right with a woman, face it people. Only he knows for sure but you can almost bet on it.
Adam is very sensual, right time right place it could happen and he would be being honest, oh I cant wait till that happens again someday. He spoke of an uncleanly girl from back when.
Get him a nice beautiful girl and let nature takes its course.
He's so fun, I cant believe some fans actually think this would take place.

Anonymous said...

would NOT take place, typo error.

Anonymous said...

HK, never say never

Anonymous said...

Oh brother.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:11 P.M. Nature is taking it's course. Nature created Adam to have sexual feeling toward males instead of females. If the feeling ain't there it just ain't there. If you are straight would putting you together with an attractive member of your same sex turn you on. Let's let Adam be who he is. Don't mess with Nature!

Anonymous said...

anyone can turn you on , if you let it happen! straight, gay or bi. and that is being real.

Anonymous said...

The photo is the ultimate tease-- firing our imaginations and making us blush. We could quibble forever about whether he does or doesn't. A quixotic Adam represents the best of both worlds.
Lam-my, Adam astride tall on a unicorn is a precious vision, as is the the two figures on the sofa. The look on the girl's face, so tender sweet, melting into the strength of the man next to her. And, his look fixes a gaze so entrancing it burns into our consciousness as no other image of a man can. Adam, embellished or not, is enough. atm