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Start Requesting For "Trespassing" On Your Local Radio Station!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 30, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

I just hope it will do some good.

Anonymous said...

There's no harm done if we try right?:)

Adams fans are very enthusiastic and perseverance.

We can't stop now!!!:)



Anonymous said...

Really want Trespassing to hit big. It's a great single,nothing like the first two, though if radio had played them more them would have gotten bigger. Trespassing is so Adam with attitude,sass, not to mention a great stomping clapping beat. So request away I will and just hope RCA does its job too!My stomach is kind of in knots because I want this so bad for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Smart to have a special EP to sell also. I imagine the edit and remix will become available on itunes to buy. Hope he tells us soon that he is working on the video. I'm sure Adam already has the idea for one and they usually shoot in one day. It's the editing that takes a bit longer. All systems GO!

Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam starts making some tv appearances to promote Trespassing as the latest single. Ellen, Leno, Kelly and Michael, The View or The Talk would all be great shows on which he could appear and perform. Adam's fans are very loyal and enthusiastic for his music. It's the non-fans that have to be convinced to listen to his music and understand what a charming, personable, and intelligent individual he is. Adam Lambert is appreciated and respected globally and now he needs that same support at home.

Anonymous said...


Agree with your post.

Anonymous said...

god please help me if I hear how unappreciated Adam is here again I may just scream.How many times do we have to go over this? 24/7 doom and gloom news.

Anonymous said...

I thought his other two singles were awesome and no radio play? I so hope this happens, but if adam is blackballed by clearwater channel(They own almost all of america radio stations) why would they they play this? I'm not a troll, I love adam more than ever, but if tey don't play trespasing glamberts, we have to do something, Requesting does not work, we have o twitter-e-mail clearwater ect and let them know how we feel! Just saying- I loved the last two songs and nothing-so I don't have much hope here in US again! We ned to get forceful with clearwater (consertive repulican channel that hates adam)

Anonymous said...

If he is to do more tv promo (PLL is a great promo) it would be great to do something other than the daytime shows he has already done so a different audience sees him. Like Letterman, Fallon, Stewart, and Leno again.

Anonymous said...

Yes PLL will be great promo toward a young teenage audience. Then I am sure he will be singing on more shows. I don't think RCA is just going to sit back on this one. This song is Adam's baby and well Pharell's also and represents the album more than the first two.Like Adam said this song is his mission statement!

Adamluv said...

Would love to see Adam on DWTS, SNL, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Jimmy Fallon, Wendy Williams, Anderson Cooper, Good Day LA, Kelly and Michael plus some he's been on before like The View, Conan and of course Leno and Ellen. All these performances outside the US are phenominal but he needs exposure here at home as well. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv Great list. I too hope Adam will be all over the place on U.S. T.V.I know Pink was just on Ellen and her song BMOLK has been out for a bit. I am thinking end of Oct. and Nov.I wish he could get the chance to sing on an award show in 2013 even if not up for one.

Anonymous said...

It's been reported that ADAM appeared on The Voice of China three times.
Two times to sing and the other to present/judge.

Anonymous said...

Comment from another blog:

"The US election with all of the China bashing is making it hard to get the necessary Visa to work or perform. Maybe that is why ADAM's December date is not firm yet. It will calm down after the election but right now the Chinese government is upset with the Americans. My friend over there has to leave every 60 days and come back to work on a new 60 day visa. After the election she should be able to go back to a 1 year Visa."

Anonymous said...

If trespassing does not become a hit, then all hope is gone!

Anonymous said...

7:31, it's Clear Channel. And we should be concerned that all media has been consolidated:
Also, being forceful with CC won't help. There is more going on than Clear Channel hates Adam, as you say. There are very few program directors making the decisions of what is played and it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to promo songs.

I have every confidence that Adam's management team knows what they are doing and I will be calling my local station to nicely request Trespassing.

Anonymous said...


I'm with you. Do it with love and not with force.
Being negative will not bring the result we expect.
Always remember that ADAM is all about LOVE, PEACE and LIGHT.

Anonymous said...

If it's in the US then you might as well 'scream'. We need to take a leaf from the international community and see how much Adam is loved overseas. Sure US Glamberts are amazing and so dedicated and relentless but they are frustrated with all the homophobic garbage that holds Adam back from the superstardom that's he deserves.

Anonymous said...

RCA and Adam's management know how promotion works. It's their full-time job. Adam is a tough one to promote. Not mainstream, gay, etc. but uber-talented. Adam's success is money in their pockets, too. So, I assume they have strategy for Adam. They know he's not just a "throw-away" that they can drop with not a second thought. He's too big for that. They have to find something that works for him. I don't think they'll give up on him without a really good fight. I keep telling myself that they know a lot more about what's happening behind the scenes with radio play, etc. than any of us do. The Grammy noms are coming in early Nov. Adam's promotion throughout Oct. could keep him in the Grammy eyesight. Let us pray.


Anonymous said...

@9:59 wrong! what it means is he has to work harder, which we already know.

Anonymous said...

The song will be a hit in many countries, just like Never Close our eyes was. I do think this one may be bigger after some these concerts. Pretty sure it will blow up and be no. One on radio play are way up there China, After the voice plays. RCA knows Adam's appeal world wide,if he never does what we think he should do, in USA he got rest of world, and he getting bigger and bigger there.he saling quite well I suspect world wide, where there purchasing the music instead if illegally getting it. Other ones from idol, who they have dropped, only we're in America that all they had, if did not sale here they were gone, but Adam has the big wide world. thank god he does not have to depend on America cone rely for his sucess. Hope he finally gets the stardom he deserves here, but he will still be a superstar if he never does, he loved abroad. I do hope America gets it, sooner or later. Adam will be in this business world wide many years if they do or not. He works his but off, he very talented and loved in many countries! Heard he was signed 2 years to the voice, guess finale, and will perform, concert December. Heard on other site here. sue

Anonymous said...

9:59 Wrong. Internationally, Adam is rising. His management knows that he is more accepted outside the U.S. Other Idol alums don't seem to have that. Maybe KC, I don't know. Anyhow, RCA is very wisely building and expanding that fanbase. It's a long-term strategy that should pay off in the long run. I had a chat with my grown son last week. He was a metal head and an alternative music junkie way back when, and still follows music. He said lots of iconic performers did not top the charts for many years, and some never did. But they still have huge followings and are successful. I know this has been said before, but it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves. Fortunately, Adam is seen overseas as a class act with talent worthy of their attention. The U.S. is very full of itself when it comes to their own performers. I think Adam will have a breakthrough U.S. "moment." In the meantime, I'm loving the ride and following him every step of the way. RCA will stick by him and nurture him. He's a treasure and they know it.

A random thought: Just the fact that Adam was asked to be on the Rove show indicates that he is seen as a media personality, not just a singer. He is perceived as someone who can hold his own and be entertaining whether he's singing or not.

DRG (eternal optomist, but also a realist)

Anonymous said...


Amen. I never stop praying for ADAM's success.
I know for sure it will come sooner or later.
He has the best fans who have his back.
As long we are here who love him, he will get there.
It will happen because there's no one who deserves it more but ADAM.
The Almighty will not deny it to him, he who is humble and remains humble always.
