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The Glambert Project

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 24, 2012

Posted at : Monday, September 24, 2012

Via GlambertProject AJ:
An insider look into the lives of fans of Adam Lambert, known as glamberts. This short film/documentary aims to portray the positive impact of pop culture on society. Through interviews with fans from all over the globe, we find out what it means to be a fan, the impact and the messages from the artist and the community in which being a fan brings. I would like to thank all of the people involved in the making of this video.


Anonymous said...

This video project is very touching and real. I have so much love and admiration for an amazing person I don't even know personally, yet I feel like I know him better than close friends and relatives. Adam deserves all this love from all of his Glamberts!! I can't even imagine my life without Adam Lambert in it everyday!! Love him so much!!

Anne Marie said...

I loved this video, and yes Adam you have changed many lives. People hide for many reasons, not for just being gay, but also for looking different and not fitting in with the crowd. I am 74, and I was bullied as a child or shunned, because I was different. You have made people accept themselves for who they are, not what other people want them to be. Again I loved the video, and keep on doing what you do as an entertainer.

Anonymous said...

This video speaks for all of us who love Adam in so many ways. We have all been changed by getting to know him through his music and his personality and his courage. I can't imagiine my life now without him in it in somem way. Each of the testimonials in the video are so heartfelt and sincere. This really believe that Adam DOES know that he has had a profound effect on many many people. This video speaks from the hearts of us all. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Really nice video, thanks for putting it together. I personally have not been able to pinpoint my admiration for Adam, but his charisma draws me in and I am loving it.

Anonymous said...

I have never met Adam nor another Glambert apart from chatting with a new Glambert friend over internet. It was so touching to watch this video and see and hear other fellow Glamberts. I know exactly what they are talking about and what they are feeling. Adam is larger than life, I love you! Thank you who ever made this video!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I'm just wondering, is anyone on this site going to 'fess up and admit they were one of those people on this video?
Hmmmm? It is kind of difficult to express what 'knowing' Adam has meant in my life...I was perfectly happy before Adam came along, I lived in a very comfortable rut of same old same old days with occasional splashes of joy and excitement to spice things up.

Then Adam was like having a wonderful late in life delivery of a full grown child to love and wonder at and be charmed by and since I can't help worry about! His gift of music and sweetness of personality has enriched my already content life immeasurably. You never know when God is going to send you a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Wow... i loved this. and I love Adam and all his fans!

Anonymous said...

How lovely this is, I was also bullied in catholic school a bunch as a child , u so saw myself in Adam, certainly not in talent but in other ways. He brought me totally back to music I never listened, at least hardly anymore. This just made me cry like a baby. Please let us just support this unbelievable talent the best way we know how, someday he will reach that mountain we want for him. You know what he has reached already something few ever will, a fandom that in most cases the people will be there for the long haul, and do not think RCA does not know how that separates him from the pack. He a huge talent that will be here for many years in one form or the other , but one of those forms must always be singing because no one does it better, I mean no one at all, dead or alive in my opinion. Thank you to the lLovely Glamberts for the video I love all of you! Sue. That was I saw my hurt in him, correcting above statement.!

Anonymous said...

This video MUST be tweeted to the Grammys, to Ellen, to Anderson Cooper, to Piers Morgan, to The View, to Katie Couric show, to every single major media out there. How can someone like Adam Lambert touch so many lives in so many places from so many varied backgrounds? He deserves every single award that exists in the music industry.

Anonymous said...

jAK I second everything you said I feel exsactly the same about all you said. Sue again!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Jak!!

Jadam NZ said...

That video sort of says it all really. I also hope Adam gets to see it.
Heard a few Kiwi voices in there to, and are aware of them thru a friend and the NZ Glambworld site.

Anonymous said...

watching this moved me to tears..I feel that the music industry needs to come to its' knees..bow down and revere the incomparable, spectatular, amazing, one of a kind so many ways..that is Adam Lambert...

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna said she is personally going to make sure that Adam sees this video. He will know how much his Glamberts love him and need him in their lives. (But, I think he already knows.)

glitzylady said...

Not on the vid..but was invited. Life has been very very busy the last couple of months and didn't have the time to participate. Wish I had tho...

glitzylady said...

Here's my story (briefly):

"Knowing" Adam these past few years has been an enriching experience in my life. The first moment I saw him on Idol, I was struck completely speechless, by his fierce "presence" and his voice. Since then I've come to appreciate his personality and his innate "humanity" and his kind and generous nature. And his determination to be the man he is, and not the one that some wish him to be. I've also had the honor of meeting him. And have even "talked" to him on twitter.. (Shocked!) I sometimes see posts here and elsewhere that wish him to change into something he is order to have a wider fan base, to appeal to more people.. perhaps to get that seemingly elusive US radio play. To dilute the "essential" Adam Lambert would be tragic and wrong, in my opinion. His path may not be smooth all the time, but I truly believe he will ultimately be appreciated and respected for the unique and beautiful human being that he is. We've got an overabundance of WGWG's, thank you, ..but only one (glorious) Adam Lambert.

The other thing that I am eternally grateful to Adam for are the MANY new friendships I've discovered since Adam came on the music scene. Who knew I'd find people on the internet (!!!!) initially that have since become close friends. Some I met here and have since met in person here and there at concerts, both close to home and thousands of miles away. And others as well. There is nothing more fun than going to an Adam Lambert concert, for instance the recent Fantasy Springs, and running into other fans you've "talked to" on Twitter, through the Fan Club, here, other blogs, etc.. His fans are in general lovely people as well, reflecting Adam. He attracts good people. I've made some trips to concerts with new friends, way out of LA, to Canada, to Hawaii...Never really thought about doing that before: traveling with people I barely knew at first but now dearly love and I know will be life-long friends.

I had (and have) a very full and interesting (and busy) life "before Adam" but it is now even MORE interesting! And a little CRAZY at times!! ***There are some who think we all sit around in little dark rooms pining and swooning (and occasionally arguing) over Adam every waking moment and tell us to "get a life!" I certainly do have a life but I also feel it has been tremendously enriched by being a fan of Adam, and vicariously (and actively at times) following him on his amazing journey, a little bumpy at times, but generally quite fabulous and wonderful. I so admire him and I wouldn't miss it for anything ; ))))

I've recently put my convictions where my mouth is : )) and I volunteer for the Marriage Equality Bill in WA state. Calling people who are "undecided" or "mildly against" re whether they will vote for or against "Gay Marriage" in my state. Those calls are not a picnic, and sometimes downright frustrating..and leave me rather exhausted, but are sometimes incredibly heartwarming too. I don't know if I would have volunteered if it weren't for Adam. I like to think I would have, but he certainly puts that extra push on it for me..I've always supported Marriage Equality for All, Human Rights for All. Adam and Sauli just give me even more inspiration to do what I can do to help. Fingers crossed that it passes..Right now, its a "push", according to Washington United For Marriage, the organization I work with. We already have a Domestic Partnership Law...but need to take it to the final step of Marriage. Love is love. There should be no "Outlaws of Love".

Anonymous said...

I also had a nice, fulfilling life before Adam. Still do. But he has added so much to my awareness of music and other issues in the world that I had never thought about very deeply before. He has opened my eyes a lot. I was out of the loop for a long time, as far a music goes, and now I am much more knowledgable about current music and artists. Following his life on an almost day-to-day basis has allowed me to see the complexities of the music business, its lack of "fairness" and the cruel realities of success and failure. Adam has enriched my soul. No other singer has touched me like he has. Not even close.


Anonymous said...

Adam is my enrichment:)

I can't wait to come home and check the updates about him.

He is our inspiration to stay real and always think positive in life.


Anonymous said...

to you amazing and dedicated fans..I am envious of your glitzylady for having met Adam and having the opportunity to travel a great distance to see him perform..I have only seen him once in concert, back in '10..the best, bar none, nite of my life (and I am 70 yrs. young)..I dragged my two sons with me, and even tho they are staunch "metal fans", they both admitted that they would indeed go to see him again..such a truly magnificent entertainer..he will be just a few hrs. away from here DC..but alas, no one to travel with me..I do not personally know anyone who is a Glambert like me..I feel honored to be able to share my love for Adam with you guys...I hit my computer the first thing in the AM before leaving for work, and the fist and last thing when I arrive home.. I too, have never been so devoted to a public person..and we all realize that the primary reason is that Adam, even tho he seems surreal at times, is really just one of us and isn't afraid to share himself with us..warts and all..but with him, even his 'warts' are beautiful..thanks for letting me share...'B'

Anonymous said...

DRG @ 3:16pm...I completely agree with your comments about Adam and him making me "want to listen to music again". Most of my friends(and we are all mature ladies) don't know anything much about the current music scene and performers, but I am more aware because of Adam and just listening to music in general. I come to this site several times each day to catch the latest interviews, stories and videos. Sometimes I think I know more about Adam than I do my family and friends. I am happy for his successes and sad for his disappointments. He seems to have affected the lives of countless individuals in such a positive way and he draws people in with his charismatic personality. I believe he will have longevity in the music business when many of the untalented, lip synching performers we see today are long gone and forgotten. Adam has an amazing fanbase and I am proud to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

I feel so happy and so connected to Adam through the love and respect we all have for him. If Adam is happy, I'm happy. Knowing how much we mean to him and how protective he is of us Glamberts is just priceless. I've watched so many interviews where Glamberts are described in a negative and insulting way, but our Adam is always quick to defend us.

V Camilleri said...

This was such a touching video. Really portrays what so many of us crazy Glamberts feel. Adam has been such a positive force. I don't think he really knows how many people he has touch deeply. Thank you Adam you color our worlds.

V Camilleri said...

This was such a touching video. Really portrays what so many of us crazy Glamberts feel. Adam has been such a positive force. I don't think he really knows how many people he has touch deeply. Thank you Adam you color our worlds.

Anonymous said...

What a touching video! I just want to share it with people who wonder why I am such a crazy Adam fan.

lorraine said...

This video is a wonderful tribute to the impact this young man has had in the lives of so many ,in just 3 short years. I,also, have had a very busy ,full life when I first came across Adam Lambert on American Idol. I really didn't even have time to watch AI but so many of my colleagues were talking about the competition whenever I walked into the teachers's lounge during season 7. I made a point to start watching the show when it came on the following year---when, of course, Adam was a contestant. I was a full time teacher,a new grammie {to my 2 little darling grandchildren} and then went through a 7 month rehabilitation period following ankle fusion surgery. So much going on with my professional and personal life-yet I was instantly mesmerized by this young man with the beautiful eyes, breath taking smile-and angelic voice. I couldn't take my eyes {or ears} off of him and found myself eagerly awaiting every week to hear what he would sing next. And------in the midst of report card deadlines, testing schedules, visits with children and grandchildren,dates with hubby, medical appointments,etc.-----I couldn't wait to go online and learn everything I could about Adam. Then, to find out he grew up in Rancho Penasquitos,15 minutes from where I live, it wasn't really all that extraordinary that 2 dear friends of mine knew Adam in his growing years. They were able to confirm that the kind, caring young person who came across on the tv screen was the real Adam-that he is indeed genuine ,as well as incredibly talented since he was a young child.
I haven't been this captivated by anyone in my life . Adam has made me look at so many things differently-and to be less judgmental towards others. I used to feel good about myself because I've always been a pretty liberal thinker,but since connecting to Adam I know I have learned so much more.
A regret I still have is that I have yet to meet a glambert in my personal life. Yes, my daughter has come to 3 of Adam's concerts with me and I was even able to get my husband to go to Adam's concert at the Music Box in LA last year but it would be such a joy to talk with someone who really understands and loves Adam like we do. That's why I'm so glad I found this site and can share in our mutual adoration for this amazing man/singer.

lorraine said...

This video is a wonderful tribute to the impact this young man has had in the lives of so many ,in just 3 short years. I,also, have had a very busy ,full life when I first came across Adam Lambert on American Idol. I really didn't even have time to watch AI but so many of my colleagues were talking about the competition whenever I walked into the teachers's lounge during season 7. I made a point to start watching the show when it came on the following year---when, of course, Adam was a contestant. I was a full time teacher,a new grammie {to my 2 little darling grandchildren} and then went through a 7 month rehabilitation period following ankle fusion surgery. So much going on with my professional and personal life-yet I was instantly mesmerized by this young man with the beautiful eyes, breath taking smile-and angelic voice. I couldn't take my eyes {or ears} off of him and found myself eagerly awaiting every week to hear what he would sing next. And------in the midst of report card deadlines, testing schedules, visits with children and grandchildren,dates with hubby, medical appointments,etc.-----I couldn't wait to go online and learn everything I could about Adam. Then, to find out he grew up in Rancho Penasquitos,15 minutes from where I live, it wasn't really all that extraordinary that 2 dear friends of mine knew Adam in his growing years. They were able to confirm that the kind, caring young person who came across on the tv screen was the real Adam-that he is indeed genuine ,as well as incredibly talented since he was a young child.
I haven't been this captivated by anyone in my life . Adam has made me look at so many things differently-and to be less judgmental towards others. I used to feel good about myself because I've always been a pretty liberal thinker,but since connecting to Adam I know I have learned so much more.
A regret I still have is that I have yet to meet a glambert in my personal life. Yes, my daughter has come to 3 of Adam's concerts with me and I was even able to get my husband to go to Adam's concert at the Music Box in LA last year but it would be such a joy to talk with someone who really understands and loves Adam like we do. That's why I'm so glad I found this site and can share in our mutual adoration for this amazing man/singer.

lorraine said...

sorry for the double entry-guess I double clicked by mistake....

Adamluv said...

"You rock mate" - Aint that the truth. Wonderful, heartfelt, emotional and tender tribute to Adam. Well done Glamberts!!! ........@lorraine - sorry that Magiclady, PRS and I didnt get to meet you at the Costa Mesa gig in July. It was so much fun to meet @Magiclady for the first time. Maybe next concert here in So. Cal. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK here

One more thing we have in common...I had ankle fusion surgery in ended my being able to chase kids on the playground and put me behind a desk! Oh well, it also gave me my first trip to Europe, I consider it a 'lucky break' ! :)))

Anonymous said...

One of my daughters is a manager at chil's in Houston, I live in a small town 100 miles, from there. I try to get out when I can, like I said have bad back. Anyway met her my husband and I at chili's one after she got off, to eat. She used to manage a Drury in in las cruces NM,for 12 years she wanted back to Texas, she applied and got this job, so she had been there long so this lady came out the back to meet me that work there. She asking me about myself and telling her about me a bit. So my daughter blurts out, She likes Adam Lambert, probably expecting her to be repelled, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She was.huge fan, belong to fan club, my daughters said had no idea. This made my year, seen her couple time sense then if I can manage and I will, when Adam gets that tour this way I pray we're planning go together, hopefully. My daughter had promised go with me,but will just see! We just bonded right away, talked about him awhile she was at work and hugged when we left. My back problems to prevent from stuff, but I am going if he comes, have been to one. My husband said I could hold up to it, I made my oldest daughter took me, birth day 2910 he came exsactly On it. Probably killed her. You can meet Glambert , when least expected, this lady has kids but she is Gay, so Gay people to back him. Hope more do. Look lot straight and Gay in that video love him. Anyway just wanted to share. Correction, that was my husband said I could not hold up to concert but I did. It was 2010. She had not work there Long at the time!, lady I referred to above came out met me and Glambert friendship born, hope get bond more. Sue

Magiclady said...

@lorraine, @Adamluv
Good to hear from you @Adamluv, would love to get together again!
When I first saw Adam on AI, I was home recuperating from reconstruction surgery on my ankle that I originally broke on a whale watching trip and it didn't heal properly. It seems several of us had ankle issues! Because I was home I would watch Adam on Idol over and over again and became mesmerized by him.(still am)I too have never felt about any musician the way I feel about him, and I hope he knows just how much we all love him and want the best for him! I am proud to be a Glambert!

lorraine said...

@Magiclady @Adamluv I would LOVE to meet you at Adam's next concert in southern CA .I was at Costa Mesa with my daughter but long for a time when I can share Adam with some special Glamberts!
@ JAK I feel, in many ways, we are indeed kindred spirits-I feel blessed to "know" you through your writings on this site.

Anonymous said...

This video is amazing. I can't wait to hear Adam's reaction. It is a very moving experience for fans as well.

Adam has created a great sense of community. I love how people meet online, get together for road trips and, in some case, become life-long friends . I have 4 friends I road trip with - have seen him 6 times plus 2 Queenbert concerts. 4 out of the 5 of us made it to Hammersmith.

We are having an Adam karaoke night in Toronto this weekend.

Adam brought us together but, in the end, we stay as much for each other as we do for him. His lovely, postive energy expands and is renewed through friendships.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam for being such an amazing person and touching us with your angelic voice, but also your inner beauty that shines as the brightest star for all to behold!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I can put into words what Adam means to me... He means Ican always have sunshine even on rainy day... He means not matter how the world is there is still good in humanity...he means being different is not only ok but pretty cool...he means I know have cyber friends all over the world... and he means there is hope that someday everyone will have equal rights ....and there is still a possibility that love will over come hate...I apologize now for any typos at work on my stupid iphone again ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

I first loved Adam for his music, looks, charm, etc. etc. like everyone else. Life went on and then I had a health crisis. Little would I imagine that my "crush" on Adam would turn into something else. The inspiration that is Adam helped me tremendously to get through my ordeal. Luckily I had friends and family for support, but Adam was just for "me" and I could be sad, or silly with someone who had faced adversity in his life and made me think, ok then. just another block in the road. We can get through it like Adam has. His beautiful music gives one solace and hope - joy and happiness. It's hard to explain to someone unless you're part of the Glambert family. Sorry to talk so much about myself here. Thank you all who made this lovely video. It means so much to me and many others I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2....JAK here
Talk about yourself all you want, I like to 'get to know' the Glamily members. I think Adam has gotten us thru a lot of difficult times. With me it's those waiting days when you can't turn your brain off...waiting for medical test results...that's gruesome. I turn to computer and 24/7 and get a break from being tense...JAK

Shiggles said...

I am very fortunate in that my health is fantastic for my age...I'm 70mumble. My hubby and I dance a whole lot more now and only to Adam's songs. My kids are happy and healthy as are my grandkids. One thing that I love are the conversations my family and friends have about our total commitment to Adam and his career. I know some of you have people around you who don't understand "this Adam thing" and I hope they will someday. I'm just happy that we "get" Adam and the fact that a few of us are less judgemental since Mr. Magic came into our lives. I hope I live to see the day that he is truly accepted in the US as the superstar he is.

Anonymous said...

@JAK - Thanks -Waiting for test results - UGH! I'm right there with you! It's great to know we have this wonderful site to chat with others - some in the same boat - and others with kind words and good thoughts to carry us through. And who doesn't like talking about our dreamboat Adam Lambert! We can turn off our brains a little and just enjoy the view of the Fabulous One - Adam!

SilhouetteBlack said...

Hey im AJ, the one that created that video. tearing up at all your beautiful comments. So happy you liked it :)