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This is what Siri says of Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thanks daydreamin!


Anonymous said...

Who is this guy speaking? Where does Siri get its information? Sounds like they're really not too diligent when it comes to researching Adam or maybe anybody else. A non-fan who saw this would think Adam has done virtually nothing besides dye his hair. No mention of all his internatinal promo activities this summer, his Queen tour, etc. Siri doesn't impress me if this is the best they can do. I can't seem to leave a comment successfully on the site. Maybe some of you can.


Anonymous said...

@DRG - I think your comment has successfully landed on this site and is a nr 1 comment... Thank you for it, and I totally agree with you.

Maybe I'm being impatient and negative (sorrĂ½ folks!) but how annoying it is to listen to a dull, unenthusiastic commenting from this male person who obviously knows nothing about Adam and hasn't bothered to do any homework, background checking etc. Should not have listened to the vid, yuk. Not impressed about this Siri thing either.

GGD Gal - back to listening to ADAM to lift up my spirit, :):):)

Anonymous said...

Sound isn't working on my stupid iPhone , gonna have to send it back for a replacement, wish me luck. Glad I read you guy's comments first won't even bother to hook up computer ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

I think the one thing that has hurt Adam the most, is his taking so long to get out his second album' If he had done it within a 6 month period, it would have helped his career.If he can get another gig with Queen, it will help, but I heard a rumor that it won't be until 2014, just a rumor.How much longer is it going to take to get his 2nd album on a world wide tour? Yes he is a fantastic singer and showman. RCA has not pushed for his tour either, I wonder why. I cannot think that it is over AI. Which may have helped or hindered him remember he is a risky person to put in that position. A lot of people would have watched the show because he was a judge, and a lot would do just the oppsite. I have met a number of people say if he is a judge, they won't watch the show. I sincerely hope he can get his name out there again, so his fans won't turn to other good singers. It's a hard cruel life in the business, and he is still a little fish in a huge pond. Still love him, but 2012 I guess won't be his big year, as we had hoped.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they have written him off. Mercy, he's all over the place. Not at all impressed with Siri if that's the best they can do. Not a mention of his international travels or concerts with Queen. Forever a fan of BB.

Anonymous said...

Oh good god, it takes Abril lavine or whatever her name is 4 years to come out with album and Taylor swift over 2 years, I know they are more established, but it does take some time to come out with a album, a good one and he did have that problem with that other album coming out, that did delay it a bit but gave him time! There plenty of people saying they won't watch it because of Nicki M., too. Every person has someone does not like him Adam is edgy, and Gay and lot people saying mostly because of Gay thing are thinks he this wild crazy guy which he would not be on this show! I do believe he would have brought more in in Idol than he would have lost. He also would have changed mines too, seeing how different he really is than they think! Let's face it you live him or hate him! There are so many abroad that live him especially Japan and China, Russia, Fenland ect. He just needs a little push here, but tv appearances will do it without Idol, I have thought all along that this year good tart for Adam but 2013 is really going to be his year! EspeciaLly if he even gets a Grammy nod. But all this bull and down talk is ruining this site and doing nothing for Adam. You make me sick! Heard yesterday some people already on this site getting down on trespassing cause they thought he put out a remix on a radio station, but was just a little different version that sounded fine! I am crazy about that song and think it sounds great on radio! You have got to stop trying to be Adam manager and just back him up and request his songs, stop being so negative people see it here . He doung fine he will have a tour next year u am sure! As he said when the time is right! Adam is doing just fine and he will get bigger, have you ever excecutive produced a put out a major album in six months, I do not believe even lady Gaga can do it that fast, that is just nuts!

Adamluv said...

Wish I hadnt listened to this Suri thing as it left a bad taste in my mouth. The male voice was dull, unenthusiastic and a bit condescending - at least that was my impression. Maybe I'm wrong? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I love this blog but thought this post was pointless and boring.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - LOL, did you see my comment at 11:34AM ... Glad I was not overreacting (thought maybe I was being cranky, cause had not eaten yet...hypoglycemic, but no, he's still very annoyingly dull)


Adamluv said...

@GGD Gal - ha - great minds thinking alike!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'll certainly remember not to judge anyone by Siri.

Anonymous said...

I love how Adam is always so expressive with his hands and body language -- like he's always so enthusiastic about what he's saying. Surprised the interviewer asked 'if' he had any new albums out. What? Guess the guy doesn't keep up on Adam news. Oh well, at least it was nice to see Adam. Think this is what he wore to the Fashion Police taping. Like it!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 1:15 PM and Adamluv
I agree with you both

Anonymous said...

Whatever Siri is, it doesn't do its research well at all. No point in visiting it again.

Anonymous said...

@adamluv- totally agree with you. What and who was that? Hopefully it's not a very popular thing. Any news with adam is a good thing, I guess, but that chart was horrible and made him look like he fell of the face of the earth.


Anonymous said...

OMG, don't go by Siri. EVERYONE says it's not a reliable source of information... Geeez

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:15

The presenter in the vid is boring, but the post itself is NOT pointless...

This post is a REMINDER for us that while we, Adam fans, KNOW every little thing about our GORGEOUS ROCK GOD, there still is this HUGE amount people totally in the dark about who and what kind of uber-talented artist ADAM LAMBERT is!!!

SO LET'S SPREAD THE WORD AND LURE THEM IN ADAM'S CIRCLE --- cause there's no escaping when he starts, once he's in he owns their hearts... there's no way to ring the alarm....

Anonymous said...

That seems like a very lazy site to me.

Anonymous said...

I listened for about two seconds and had enough! That was pure garbage about Adam. That guy is a mess.
Adam - you are on the rise! Your popularity has never been greater and you rule the globe with your world-wide fandom! Rock on Rock God!
Love you!

glitzylady said...

Soo...Regarding "Siri" and this you tube vid...

First of all, I do want to mention that I have an iPhone with Siri..rarely use it..I'll tell you why in a minute : )) (Funny story....)

For those who don't really know WTF this is about, in a nutshell, "Siri" is the female voice of the "personal assistant, voice activated" info retrieval system on some newer iPhones. I use it mainly for voice dialing. Its use is fairly limited as far as I can tell. When I want to look something up, I don't ask Siri : ))

The guy who put this together (the male voice) on the You Tube vid..seems to have played it mainly for giggles and a bit of sarcasm. I personally wouldn't pay it ANY mind at all, other that just a thought that "Well, at least the guy was interested enough to look him up.." The Wiki "hits" certainly correspond to Idol and his Tour..and he was pretty quiet for most of 2011, and even this year. Later this year..and next year and beyond could very well be huge for him: which equals more hits/interest. The info that "Siri" accessed for him came from Adam's Wikipedia Page primarily..and google search: Very current with the Grey Hair info I must say!! ....

We all know there is a TON more info on Adam than this little teensy bit. But here's the thing: Not a whole lot of people unfamiliar with Adam will be asking "Siri" about Adam...Seriously!! So far I see 52 views on the you tube vid..and I suspect they are mostly us Adam Lambert fans!! Also 2 "likes" and 3 "dislikes"...

So no biggie as far as I'm concerned...

Next post: my "Siri" story ; )))

Cheril said...

Try googling best rock performance in 2012 - Queen + Adam Lambert

How about first gay male to have a number one cd? 2012

Who is about to blow up radio with
their new song Trespassing...

Sorry siri - back to the drawing board for you!!

Anonymous said...

All this down-talk sounds like it's coming from trolls sent here from the JB camp. Adam's doing fine, getting out there, making fans wherever he goes. So whats the big whoop? RCA is afraid to put the good stuff out there because it misreads the public need for good edgy real music. Adam is the real deal, and we're so tired of the focus on his sexuality. Just give us his music, please.

glitzylady said...

So..about "Siri': My little story:

I accidentally left my Android "smartphone" on a flight from CA to WA state in March...Hoped to get it back but nope..Was eligible for an upgrade through my provider, so got an iPhone, which is what I wanted in the first place anyway...but wasn't available at the time. I have Mac "stuff" so it completed my Apple theme....

So...I'd had it for a couple of months, had some close friends over, and was extolling the virtues of my fancy new iPhone with "Siri"...The friends were thinking of getting one...and I was demonstrating how COOL it was..."I'll ask Siri a question and "she" will answer, just like that...YAY!!!" So I asked some simple question about something.. I don't remember what I asked..but it had NOTHING to do with the question Siri asked ME in response to my question. She "thought" for a minute and her totally unexpected response was "ARE YOU GAY??"...I have NO idea where that came from and my husband and our friends just all started to howl because it had nothing to do with anything........I didn't have the presence of mind to ask "Siri"...ummm...why do you ask???" I wish I had, because I'm curious to know.. The only thing I could come up with at the time is that I ....might... have some pictures of Adam saved on my phone...and I ...might....use it to access a whole lotta Adam "stuff"...I actually can't imagine that my "smart phone" is THAT smart...but who knows..I jokingly told my friends that I envision some person sitting in a little room monitoring my internet use from my phone or looking up in the "iCloud" and seeing the approx 5 million (give or take...) pictures of Adam in have stored on my Mac laptop...(plus the Trespassing Wall Paper on my iPhone: the album the pictures I've saved..) or the rather impressive collection of Adam Lambert music ( pretty much every song he's ever put voice to since day one...) stored in my iTunes acct.....Who knows??!! Hmmmmm....

Anyway, that's my Siri story...for what its worth!! And I've NEVER again demonstrated "SIRI" again for anyone..God knows what she might ask me NEXT TIME!!!!! ; )))))))))

Adamluv said...

@glitzlady - very funny story!