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Adam Lambert Interview with NZ Herald's Sarin Moddle (18 Minute-Interview!)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 14, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, October 14, 2012

CLICK HERE to listen to the interview.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great interview! She asked great questions.

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM is the BEST interviewee ever! So INTELLIGENT & ELOQUENT!! LOVED it from beginning to end!!

Here's something I found on Google that I thought all my fellow Glamberts would enjoy IMMENSELY ... I did!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

I have already watched that mash-up multiple times. I think it is great!

Anonymous said...

The more I hear Adam both vocally and verbally ,the

more I love him as both a performer and as an evolved

human being.

How many people reveal themselves in such a

vulnerable way.. He really does make it easier for folks

to to be real.

Anonymous said...

A very intellectually interesting interview. I would love to hear an hour interview between them.
Here's to a more diverse and accepting society!

Anonymous said...

This was a terrific interview. She did ask great questions, not necessarily the typical ones we have already heard. And, Adam, well, as articulate, charming, and candid as always, maybe even moreso here. For me, this was one of the more revealing interviews where you learned a little more about Adam's feelings in reference to his fans, the gay community, the Idol tour experience and song choices. There are very few people in the music business today who can have such an intelligent and articulate conversation as does Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

The Adam Lambert phenomena is very interesting- women of all ages all over the world love him yet they all know he is gay. Is there another gay icon who gets so much female adoration? He is an incredible singer, a very handsome and nice young man, he is articulate and smart but as he said, he is a "full fag". So why do so many women throw their bras, panties and sex toys at him; because he feeds our fantasies.
My personal fantasy is an uninterrupted hour of conversation with the incredible Adam Lambert and no cameras please.


Magiclady said...

I would love to sit with Adam and talk. I do think he really opened up in this interview and we began to see why he has done certain things a certain way, and also how hurt and confused he has been in the past by certain groups reaction to him and his music.
He is a fascinating man.

Anonymous said...

This person (who is a follower of both Adam and this interviewer) tweeted this about Adam:

@adamlambert my view: energy and gender is in the future of the human race. y get to b a pioneer


Anonymous said...

Love interview it was great and Adam was great also as usual! Sue

Anonymous said...

JAK here....speaking as a grandmother of a young man who is my whole world, my heart aches a bit for Adam. I know he is capable and strong and greatly loved by his family and I'm really glad of that but saddened by the reality of the lack of acceptance he meets frequently. Life is hard enough without a large portion of society judging you.

Anonymous said...

This interview is at a new level. One of the best I've heard. The best really. It's brilliant and deep. He says so many important and revealing things there. I wish I could download it.

Anonymous said...

@JAK I really agree with you. I do feel sad to hear Adam's struggle articulated in a very deep way in this interview. I don't know why he doesn't know why we love him so much beyond the voice. His own community does not always have his back,but at least he knows that the fans like us do. Beyond that one of a kind singing voice is also a voice of intelligence,compassion,artistry and even confusion. I feel like I just want to give a huge hug. Can't say what I sometimes feel like giving RCA!

Anonymous said...

Well said, JAK. My heart also aches a bit for Adam, as he struggles to be more accepted in the music industry, in his own gay community and other places as well. I know it can't be easy, but I so admire his courage and continuing effort to be genuine and open. He's such a wonderful person and I respect him greatly. Hopefully, the time will come when his efforts are rewarded.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this was one of the more revealing interviews....It felt like to me that Adam really wanted to express his feelings about his confusion ( get it off his chest) about being ,vs. not being ,accepted by his community. He opened up so much about all the struggles he's been through and how, even now, he's still struggling to figure out more about his identity.

Adam is such a brave and courageous man. He works very hard and has a strong work ethic. I hope and pray his success in the music industry continues to grow and that eventually he finds true acceptance by one and all because he is truly a very, very special human being.


Jadam NZ said...

Found this thru local links, and had come here to tell you guys to have a listen. As usual our wonderful 24/7 admin is one step a head.
Yes it was a wonderful wonderful deep and heartbreaking interview.
Even tho this girl is local I did not know of her, she isnt with a commercial radio station.
Her twitter feed has gone crazy, she did such a great job. Mind you just ask that boy a question and let him talk. But this was so different and special.

Anonymous said...

I feel for ADAM deeply for what he has to go through, it actually breaks my heart and I cry every time I pray to beg for his success which he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

OT: This is a cool interview of adam in HD sitting in like a living room. I liked it. brownie

Anonymous said...

I listened again and I am crying, I realize all this other stuff, on these post, the negativity is such non sense I should just ignore.Adam lambert is a wonderful man so above all the other stuff. He always been a good guy, sense Idol and that award show he mentioned he has matured 200 percent . He grown and matured into a very nice man and even his talent has grown if possible! Love him alway's !! Sue

daydreamin said...

If anyone wants to see more/newer Queen HD video's, have a look at these Published on Sep 29, 2012 by kinkykiedis!

daydreamin said...

Out of curiosity, have my links been working for everyone?

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Adam was certainly busy in NZ. Their interviews are fantastic!! I've just listened to/watched 3. Well done, Kiwis!! :D

glitzylady said...

Working for me : ))

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady, thanks. I am glad it's working...hopefully for everyone.

Anon 9:59, you're right. That is some HQ HD! Just makes you want to watch and rewatch that gorgous man!

I did not want this interview to end.

glitzylady said...

@Sue 10:26 PM
You are so right..Adam continues to grow as a man and his talent just keeps getting more and more refined. You are also right in perhaps trying to ignore the BS that sometimes happens here. You are a wonderful and terrifically supportive fan of Adam's. But sometimes no matter what we say, there are those who come here to stir things up and try to spread hate or lies even. Its best to ignore most of it.. I try to do that..most of the time : )) We love Adam, the beautiful human being, so much that we want everyone to see what we see, that he is a good, kind, lovely man, who also happens to be very very talented in the voice department. We also are saddened when he is not treated the way he deserves to be treated by the music world and by the human community.. He is so unique in many ways that not everyone knows what to think of him or in the case of the music world, to a certain extent, what to do with him. The things that he says about not being accepted makes me sad. And a bit mad. But I truly do believe that Adam will ultimately win over many of the doubters and those who ignore him. For those who continue to deny his talent, or even his existence: their loss. We think we "know" Adam, but of course we don't, really. This interview revealed another layer or two of the man that is Adam Lambert. Loved it.

I hope you feel better soon, your health improves, and you continue to express your positivity for Adam. Thanks for being a #CheerleaderForAdam ;))

Anonymous said...

Bringing about that acceptance we wish Adam felt begins with us in our day to day lives. Society can change for the better.

daydreamin said...

Awww, here is a tweet between Adam and Keisha Renee (backup singer):

s All / No replies
3h Keisha Renee' ‏@KeishaRenee
I love @adamlambert!! U mean so much to me!! The best person to work for!! A great Friend that I've been blessed with :) u Rock dude 🚧🚧🚧🚧
Expand Reply Retweet Favorite
2h Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@KeishaRenee I love you too!!!

lorraine said...

This interview is particularly hard for me to listen to because it breaks my heart to think that someone as kind and loving towards other people as Adam is ,has to endure such pain.He always comes across as so thoughtful and fun-loving.It hurts me too much to hear the pain in his voice when he speaks of intolerance from others-and not being accepted, especially in the music industry or those in the gay community who should know better. Sometimes I wish that I could just see Adam walking down the street and smile at him ,give him a big hug-and tell him that everything will be just fine-and that he is the greatest gift in music-and he is loved by so many all over the world, including me. I call my little 4 year-old grandson "my Little Prince." Adam is "my Prince."

Anonymous said...

I listened to this interview twice and she let Adam revealed what was in his heart about all the BS surrounding the music industry.




Anonymous said...

I love Adam for his talent and the person he inspiring ..thanks universe for giving us Adam Lambert..

Anonymous said...

I checked Sarin out a boit and hse likes to talk about tough subjects. It's great that we were able to hear Adam talk so freely about his place in the business and acceptance on such a serious level.

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing that Adam is NOT, it's superficial. He examines himself so deeply as a person. He thinks about how others view him as a performer and as a gay man. It's all part of his private and public persona. I can think of NO of ther well-known gay person who has talked so intimately and frankly about these subject in a public forum. I sometimes wonder how Adam's career will play out as we grows older. The fanbasse will shift and change. I predict more acceptance. I predict that those who left him behind after Idol will gradually re-discover him and say, "Oh, Adam is great! Where have I been all this time?" He'll hopefully have a mature, sophisticated audience that sees through all the crap. Adam's career will blossom as audiences awaken from their mis-information and ignorance. He is a yet unrecognized spokesman for millions. The millions just don't know it yet. I too listened to this interview with a tear in my eye for Adam. He is SO self-aware. He is SO conscious of the market nightmare that he is for his management. He gets it all. Yet he perseveres.

His voice, in every sense of the word, will previal.


Anonymous said...

Please see see adamstormtrespassing for buying and

gifting trespassing on ITunes,Tuesday ,October 16th.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is particularly sad that the gay community has not embraced Adam more. However, it is not that difficult to understand; there is a lot of jealousy out there. He is just too talented, too handsome, too nice a person and for some people he straddles the line too much. I believe that all the struggles Adam has encountered has made him a very resilient young man and he needs to be strong because there are just too many pitfalls along the way. He like all of us needs the love of his family, friends and his loyal fans. Let's continue to show him our love......


Anonymous said...

Well said, so many of you.

Anonymous said...

ok I have tears in my beer too but please give TP official lyric video some views and continue requesting TP on the radio. Oh NCOE mv is this close to ten million so give that some views also.

Anonymous said...

This interview is the BEST! different topic) the remix going around Freddie Mercury and Adam is sooooo good.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam mentioned my city "Toronto" in this interview. I agree with you Adam about your experience here. I have a number of gay/ lesbian friends and their lives parallel mine in every sense. The only difference is that I'm married to a person of the opposite sex and I have two wonderful children. My life has truly been enriched by all my friendships, gay and straight.


Anonymous said...

Hollywood sucks. It's backward but still Adam wants to live there.

Anonymous said...

That was the best interview ever! Now, I feel like I really understand Adam because he explained alot about his actions, behavior, and himself. I want to hug him and let him know that he is loved and admired by many in the music industry. I wish he would realize this great power he has over people. I just love him so much!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

"40 years old mum'a being absolutely in love with you". Iih, talking about me?? How did you know?? LOL!

Very, very nice and deep interview.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - all your links are working sooo fine, thank U so much!!!

@Glitzylady - seen you post so seldom lately, hope everything is fine with you & yours!

@Adam Lambert - SFPOY, always!


daydreamin said...

@GGD Gal thanks! Good to know they work! YAY!

glitzylady said...

@GGD Gal
Thanks for asking: Have just been very very busy with work, travel, family etc...And all is well. I'm here, just don't always comment. Others often express how I feel about a certain subject..Glad you missed me!! : )))