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ADAM LAMBERT on Saturday Night Online As Aired (10-6-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 6, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 06, 2012

Via GaleChester

Or via the Saturday Night Online website:


Anonymous said...

"Most Awesome Dude" Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam I like Leapord print also.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the interview on SNOL website and it over 2 mins.

Anonymous said...

Oops, here is the SNOL link

Anonymous said...

I could listen to Adam's voice all day. He always sounds so sexy to me. Lucky Sauli! Can you imagine both their voices, the sounds they make during sex, lovemaking, fucking!! Oh my!! Love them so much! World's sexiest couple!!

Anonymous said...

This Interview was edited it from the above link. So it isn't even new. Oh well it was a good interview and he looked so good. Check out the link and at 1:50 you will hear the bit the radio used.


Anonymous said...

IT was taken from when Adam Lambert was backstage at Springle ball back in May.

Anonymous said...

6:20PM, can you find someplace else for comments that graphic? Some of us prefer to leave Adam's private life private.

Anonymous said...

@6:20 NO I don't want to imagine it!

Anonymous said...

@6:20 PM,

You took too much today ha?????

Careful you may over doze dear!!!


Anonymous said...

So, what do we have for today? Trespassing didn't get any nods so far, BTIKM or NCOE coudn't become a big hit. And Trespassing as single didn't get any charts yet. Yes, it wasn't release officially yet. But the Boyfriend by dwarf was #1 hit before it was released officially. Video got over 4,000,000 views in one night. So, what are we gonna do? But we still have a global star. Who cares about noms?HAHAHA

Magiclady said...

Wow! this is the wierdest thread
so far today...

Anonymous said...

I think @6:20 needs an ICE CUBE BATH ... just soak for awhile & you'll feel much better! Geez!!

Anonymous said...

@Magiclady I like to be weird. Also,I hate myself because all my predictions about Adam's carrier are truth. However, Adam is global legen.....wait for it!!! dary! Adam Lambert is gonna be a legend!

Anonymous said...

8:59 -- But he IS a global superstar. Nowadays, singers make their $$$ with shows, concerts, tv shows, etc. NOT cd sales.

Anonymous said...

@9:53PM This is what I'm talking about! GLOBAL LEGENDARY SUPERSTAR! For God Sake, Bryan and Rodger love Adam! Who cares about f...........Us Music Industry! Queen gave Adam the awards as best rock-pop-singer and performer of 2012 and many many years ahead! I never saw "dwarf" JB,JLo"fat ass",Minaj "Boobs",etc. performed with Queen!
GaGa did the show with Bryan once. As I heard he was scared and almost had heart attack!LOL

Anonymous said...

How do they do that? I run my mouse pointer across Adam's picture and Gale Chester's picture picture appears...

Anonymous said...

I also love the track "Running"...

Anonymous said...

Do you know Never Clise our eye's was no. 1 in several counties. Better than I know myself got in top 5, in Japan and fenland. Never close our eye's was no. 1 in Japan when Adam was there plus the album. The song was a hit in quite few countries, I think Russia no. 2. Adam does not have to depend on America, he is a worldwide superstar, and getting bigger all the time. I honestly think he will be a legend abroad.unlike most put of Idol he does not just have to depend on America. America not only game for Adam, he as the world. I honestly think Adam will always be bigger abroad, I do think he will always be a popular performer here, but make most money abroad and eventually be a huge legend there, and huge concert performer. In USA beaver so big but there places abroad Adam rules! any song he songs will be hit in some counties. Trespassing is well worth the top 40. So not know what u are talking about not good enough for top 40. It's a great song and far better than what put there now, that was any song he sings will do well in some countris especially china and Japan.

Anonymous said...

This Sue I wrote above 3.22, why are we listening to this bull, and getting a defeated attitude? We need to but and donate what we can. Request for the Long haul and not give up,even u think it do no good it will. If he never reaches what we want here in America, Adam will do well with concerts and singles abroad, he is saling and doing well worldwide.that was we need to buy and donate what we can do. His single and remixes, was type wide Adam doing great and growing, Adam will be around for years because of his ability to fill up concerts, that where the money is, not cd's not any more, Whoever said his singles not top 40 material is nuts, they may be to good for American top 40, trash. But will certainly climb top 40 abroad. When last time u heard a Madonna new song do anything in America, only abroad her new album songs have done anything and she pulls 400 a ticket at concert. Adam better singer, and concert performer. Concert performer will always be where Adam shines, period., world wide. Sorry rant, Sue

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sue - Adam is OK!!!

Sad people: those who post unpleasant stuff designed to make people they don't even know unhappy. What a small, crabbed little life they must lead.

Cheril said...

Adam is up and coming. Katy Perry didn't make it overnight. Sometimes it just takes awhile. Adam is still on the scene and he just needs to keep moving forward. The public's perception on the gay community is changing. That is very important to Adam's success. He needs that single that connects to all and wham...I think Trespassing can do it. Play it radio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully "Trespassing" will be a major hit for Adam and the third time is the charm. It's so upbeat and just makes you want to sing along and move to it. All we need now is to see Adam on several talk/entertainment shows performing the song to get people requesting it and buying the cd. All of his interviews reveal how down to earth and charming Adam diva like behavior from him.

Anonymous said...

Adam has reached superstardom globally, but it would be so much better for us(his loyal fans) if he also had the recognition and respect he so deserves right here at home. He is the best vocal talent in music today, but that doesn't always guarantee success. Right now it's the boy groups and Bieber who sell because of their teen audience. Adam seems to have a diverse audience mostly of older female fans who do go to his concerts and will buy a cd rather than the digital formats. Digital sales are up while physical album sales seem to be down except for Adele's second cd. I think that Adam will have longevity in the music business because of his talent while these other overnight sensations will eventually disappear. He is probably one of the hardest working performers in music today and I absolutely love his albums. I hope that this third single Trespassing does become a hit for him and it's long overdue.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3;14 I guess that's why comets are raining down on America right now, and the power is out everywhere in the US, and the sun doesn't shine in the US. I could go on, but you're too ignorant to understand.