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Adam Lambert Praises Bruno Mars' new single "Locked Out Of Heaven"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 1, 2012

Posted at : Monday, October 01, 2012


Anonymous said...

JAK here....Sorry, it hurt my ears or in my case ear as one is blissfully deaf! Beat is okay but I find his voice piercing in a whiny tone....

I doubt I'll ever be employed as a music critic! :)

Adamluv said...

Guess I missed Mars' tweets about any of Adams songs. Can anyone post them here. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

6:28PM.. just thinking the same thing. is Adam such a superb vocalist that other singers are threatened and can't support him for fear of some lesser view of themselves. I think most of them are all about self-promotion and do not risk throwing out their opinion on much of the competition.

Anonymous said...

Since I met Adam Rock Lambert and touched him, I have no feelings anymore for other artist indeed:) I'm being selfish but that's how I feel right now sorry!!:)

He is the only one will I ever listen till I loose my hearing ability ha!ha!


Anonymous said...

sorry but Bruno's voice sounds strained on this...

Anonymous said...

Adam has so much class and an absolute love of music that he doesn't mind praising other singers all the time.

Adam, your time WILL come. There's no way that an album as impressive and fabulous as TRESPASSING not be recognized as one of the best of 2012.

And, your generous spirit will ALSO be honored one day.


Magiclady said...

Really, you'd think either Bruno or Pink could comment on Adam's music!

Anonymous said...

I just fell out of my chair also! This song is very stupid. How can Adam be impressed by such a sh....? I think he just likes to make the compliments.

HK fan said...

I really like Bruno Mars, have a lot of his songs on my ipod. Don't think this is my favourite of his, but I quite like it, seems like it will grow on me. Can definitely hear The police in it.

Anonymous said...

i like bruno mars but i guess im use to hear adam lambet voice hes one of a kind in this world.

Anonymous said...

I just heard Haley singing on an advertisement for a program called Nashville ( I think ). She has a very distinctive voice and I am positive it was her.

Anonymous said...

I believe Pink did compliment Adam when she toured in Germany 1 or 2 yrs ago...she told audience that she found someone named Adam Lambert who could sing WWFM a whole lot better than she ever could.

Anonymous said...

have you guys started requesting Adam's TP yet? Please do.

Anonymous said...

Adam is generous to a fault with his praise. He also knows that his tweets show up on the twitter of the person he is praising. Adam's name gets out there, too. Hate to be cynical. Adam's good nature and generosity will pay off for him in time. I can take or leave Bruno. Seems like an ok guy, lucky that he has so many hits. He can't even touch Adam's voice, though.


Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars voice always sounds strained to me but at least he can actually sing. Nothing like our Adam though. I always have wondered if other artists feel intimidated by Adam's talent and that is why they don't compliment his songs. Of course whatever Bruno sings will get played to death. Hoping that will happen for Trespassing. It is a great song and yes I am requesting!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is generous with compliments for others and we love him for that. However, they rarely reciprocate and there comes a time you need to stop doing it. Otherwise, they look great while no one praises or touts his songs ever.
I was asking fans to stop praising artists that are high in the charts constantly and emphasize Adam's songs. Then he tweets endlessly about Bruno. Just feel strange about it and I am getting exasperated at the same time. I love his kindness but at some point, he needs to stop. And praising his band like they are the bomb and he is nothing without his is also disconcerting. Sometimes you have to praise and tout your songs and career. I know he is confident and not competetive but enough already. That BM song wasn't good anyway and his voals are subpar. Unlike Adam, who is always pitch perfect.

Anonymous said...

wow now that is real music

Anonymous said...

Stop telling Adam what to do

He's an artist, he's feelin it
It ain't that deep

lorraine said...

Adam can praise whomever he wishes, as far as I'm concerned. However, I have ears too, and can discern quality and beauty in a voice when I hear it. I couldn't wait for Bruno's new song to be over. It was "screechy" and made me want to cover my ears. However, I won't be surprised if I hear it on the radio-incessantly! Because----It's Bruno Mars!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should have a lobotomy so he exhibits no personality.

choons said...

I think Adam hears things in music that we don't - how a note is bent or how a certain phrase works or some part that is quite difficult to perform. Bruno's new song doesn't do much for me (but I did love Runaway Baby)- that's just my taste in music, but I'm probably missing a lot of what other singers can appreciate.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for that Pink's line about ADAM.
Nice to know she does admire him.

ADAM is so unique there is no one like him today and by that I mean HUMBLE, truly HUMBLE, KIND and GENEROUS.
And that's why I love love him to death.
And for all his qualities that are non-existent in all the other successful artists/celebrities, let him be.
For he shines so brightly like there's a halo above his head and blessed from above.
That's what matters.
His positivity and authenticity will bring in the blessings.

Anonymous said...

Adam shouldn't stop being kind and thoughtful just because his contemporaries aren't. I wouldn't want him to change.

I think Adam likes songs by artists that I don't care for because he's listening with 21st century ears and my ears are def for 20th century music. The generation gap is a wide one in my case.......I actually cried last week when I read Andy Williams died. I spent the afternoon listening to Moon River, Charade and his many movie theme hits...from Romeo and Juliet, The Godfather, etc. I'm a sentimental fool.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I think if Adam says he likes a song, then he probably sincerely likes it and he tweets about it because he thinks it's worth tweeting about it, nothing ulterior. He's not doing it to be polite or kind or as gesture to be noticed by certain people other than his followers. It's just an expression of what he thinks. I don't think he would fish for any reciprocation on the part of artists who may be higher on the charts than him. I don't think he would want them to feel any obligation to anyway. Not to get all Christmas-y, but I think it's fine to give simply to give and not expect a thank you. Adam compliments because he wants to and it's what he believes in that moment. Other artist should compliment him because they want to, not as part of some BS sense of courtesy just because he did it first. I'm sure he'd love a comment from his mainstream top-40 peers but he's not looking for one. We all know that Adam is well above and beyond the average popstar's vocal ability, so when he compliments others who are ostensibly not as talented as himself, it's easy to think that he's just playing nice but Adam loves pop music. It's the genre he's most embraced and actively pursues. He enjoys the Katy Perry's, the Rihanna's, and the Bruno's of today music scene. Perry and Rihanna have a number of detractors due their ability (or inability) to sing live, their lack of vocal prowess, but that doesn't stop Adam and others from liking their music. He doesn't need to defend his reasons for liking them to me. And it's not like other artists are going out of their way to NOT listen to Adam and ignore his music. They just may not have the opportunity or reason enough to actively listen to or come across his music. And if they have, maybe it didn't strike them in that way that they felt the need to tweet about it, whether they liked it or not, it's their prerogative.

Anonymous said...

I loved The Police and this does have a The Police groove. I loved it! I'm glad Adam commented on it or I might not have heard it.

Anonymous said...

I usually like Bruno Mars songs but I don't like this one at all.

Anonymous said...

I like Bruno, this isn't one of my favorites though. But lets face it, within the next couple of weeks I bet I hear this song on the radio ten times a day..) :

Anonymous said...

Having listened to the best, I can't listen to anyone else any more. Noone else can be as good as Adam.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Unlike pretty much all commenters here, I usually hate Bruno Mars but I LOVED this song! Jam indeed! And I think Adam might have been thinking Sauli when he tweeted this. *_*

Anonymous said...

Liked the beat and the music - but Bruno's voice is too THIN for my taste and his singing sounds STRAINED in many/most of his hits ---- which is why I can't understand his popularity... He seems like a nice guy, though.

@Adamluv - IKR & LOL!

@Anon 6:50 PM - I think you have a point there!