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Adam Lambert silent on Idol divas' row

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 13, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 13, 2012


Anonymous said...

ha ha Adam didn't want to say it is just a bunch of publicity bullsh*t.

daydreamin said...

Adam makes a catch:

this site

Anonymous said...

Oh, ADAM baby, I'm just so happy you're not in that Idol panel of judges. What a mess!

Anonymous said...

daydreamin Adam has a good sense of humor doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

tell them to ask that question to Steven Tyler. lol

Anonymous said...

Yes I felt that too, when the judges results were announced; about what Adam said, being an Idol judge next year; because by then he'd be in a stronger position in status and star-power to contend for the position. In any case, he might not be available by then, at the terrific pace he's gaining world recognition. Said it before and need at all to worry about Adam; he'll go very very far...And by the way, drop that silly analogy about Adam's achievements/success as being half a glass full. In three+ years what he has achieved is full to the brim of the glass and not too far off, the contents will overflow, fizzling... :)

Anonymous said...

It's so good to read an uplifting comment like yours, Lam-my. I feel the same way. Adam will be just fine.

daydreamin said...

anon 11:30 he sure does!

Here are some great facebook photos from PLL:

this site

Anonymous said...

Yea, positive thinking outweighs negative, most times. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Very nice PLL photos, daydreamin.
I think this character/himself suits Adam sooo well. Hope they make a PLL episode with a story line woven around him. He's fascinating playing this role/himself and those sexy mean fangs fit his mouth/smile, effortlessly. Hmm, hey Count Dracula, are you still sleeping in your you hear those footsteps above...Glampire/Fangpire is paying you a visit. lol!

daydreamin said...

Promotional Multicamera Video of Queen + Adam Lambert. "The Show Must Go On", Live at the Hammersmith Apollo - London (UK), July/12/2012. The Complete Performance was recorded/edited with 8-9 HD Cameras to a Bluray & DVD Special Disc Edition!.

Recording / Production / Edition by Guillermo Sulbaran - Digital Dreams - Venezuela.
Special Thanks to the extra HD Cameras: FreddieFreak86, riddle601b, jungpeter1958gmail, taximanwayne, kinkykiedis, jack260988, adamsbritbabe, TALCvids, ecoDebs.

Click here to watch

Anonymous said...

It's wise of Adam to keep mum on the subject. Coaxed for his take on the brouhaha, the question is indicative of how prominently he figures in pop culture, that even a failed bait is considered newsworthy. Contrast this item to a Melbourne interview in which Adam is asked to consider his "legacy", and he was quick to offer that it was a course he was still charting. A smart answer from a humble Adam, whose hard work and extraordinary talents are paying off in abundant ways that are still unfolding. Yet, we say, "not enough" or "not quick enough" unmindful that we may be imputing on Adam the weight of our expectations. Instead of a half-full or -empty glass, Adam has a cup which "runneth over". For a singular artist whose stage is the world, and whose art conflates illumination with entertainment, Adam's journey cannot take the usual path to stardom: he is not ordinary. As his loyal fans, neither can we be. atm

Anonymous said...

@atm - beautifully own thoughts are that Adam's star wil indeed continue to climb..he will be around when the likes of Beiber and such are drooling in a nursing home...sill singing his heart and soul out..doing what he was born to do...I'll love and support him as long as it is possible for me to do so...

Anonymous said...

Hard-work Adam haiku...

Talent, sweat, blood, tears
Not served on a silver plate
Rather one of clay


Anonymous said...

Adam is truly a very bright young man his answers to some difficult questions always amaze me. I think he handles the press beautifully and always tries to be positive without putting anyone down. As he said the Idol gig just wasn't meant to be and that really resonated with me. I've said the same thing many times in my life when things went in a different direction and in the end it always turned out for the better. I think it is wonderful that we as fans always want so much for him because we love this young man but life is not always fair. We also seem to forget that he is the most
successful Idol worldwide, I don't see even Kelly
Clarkson being asked to performing all over the world. I
may be wrong here it is just my perception since I don't
really follow her career. Adam is the only entertainer
that I would pay big bucks to see and I know many
people who feel the same way. I believe Adam's career
is on a positive trajectory and eventually we will be
seeing him on the small and big screen.


Anonymous said...

You may remain silent about your band too, Adumb.

Anonymous said...

*right to remain silent

Anonymous said...

Thank Universe that Adam isn't included with these divas BS!!!!!!!

AI made a mistake of putting this stunt because people didn't believe it....

Adam has more to offer to the world who are hungry and dying to see and hear his voice live!!!!

Can't wait for more:)

I hope Queen and Adam reunites for more!!!!


Anonymous said... would seem that Adam has insured his voice for $48 mil..why not an even $50 mil..I'm all for it though, since his voice is his money maker..we, of course, know that he does have many more talents..he could host a talk show, start a clothing line, do acting on little and big screens...a very versatile person..

Anonymous said...

The irony is that Adam would make more money losing his voice than singing with his beloved band.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness negative nancy above me, don't you have more things to do and/or focus on... is making these sorts of comments really your choice for your "free time". OMG

Anonymous said...

@7:08, what does your comment mean? What's going on with Adam's band?

Anonymous said...

@8:09 it was a joke. Jay Leno could use that. If you want to get real, are you saying Adam has made $50million by now?

Anonymous said...

I also agree that Adam was wise to stay out of the Idol brouhaha with the two divas. The show should be about the contestants and not the behavior of the judges. I like the fact that Adam is so well accepted and loved around the world. He is building his fanbase one country at a time. His acceptance and success here at home is coming slowly , but he willhave longevity in the music business long after all those other non-talents have faded into oblivion. There is no one quite like Adam Lambert in music today with his powerful voice, charm, humility and sense of humor. I have been a fan since day one of his audition on Idol and will continue to be one as long as possible for this mature lady.

Anonymous said...

Canadian AI only cares about the world wide publicity it generated.They could care less if anyone believes it. 8:09 you call it " free time"? I only come to this site once in a while and she is always here. This is more like her life. It's sad how some people live.

Anonymous said...

oh my the troll is already answering herself here.

Anonymous said...

@8:26 you also come here once a week or less? I must reduce the frequency of my visits, if you think that way.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:26 AM,

Just to let u know Adam Lambert is part of our family now. People who inspired by Adam, use this site to communicate and share their admiration for this amazing young man.

He changes peoples lives:)....

Regarding those Divas BS>>>> Audience are more smarter them:)

Good or bad publicity still money right??

I'm just happy that Adam isn't included that's all..


Anonymous said...

If you knew how fascinating Vlad The Impaler, the real Dracula was! So fascinating that even B.Stoker and FFCoppola fell under his spell. Nobody knows, even prestigious historians, where exactly his beheaded body(his head was sent to Istanbul as a proof of his death) was buried. A monastery near Bucharest is the place where historians think his body could be. But like all the historical characters who became legends, his death turned into a mystery.

Anonymous said...

So I always wondered why adam wasn't pick for idol? IMO Nick m is going to completely kill that show. Is it because idol didn't think he was big enough mainstream? Idol is in for a shock because I believe they have lost 75% of thier viewers with nicki m and there will not be another season.

Anonymous said...

I guess AI didn't do background search and they had already signed Nicki when they realized they had hired an alter ego.

Anonymous said...

*background research

Anonymous said...

11.36 Lam-my I love you so much. That the truest and best thing anyone had said. There so much crap on a few of these posts about tommy Bert crap, and how there not going to donate to trespassing single because Adam did this are didn't do that. There this one creature that likes to attack everything I say. You are uplifting and a true Adam fan and I love you for it!! Sue

Anonymous said...

I read a little about Vlad The Impaler and what a brilliant idea for the author B. Stoker to use the name, Dracula which means Dracul / Dragon, the name of a society of the Vlad family, his father. I've always been fascinated by Count Dracula; saw a couple of the earlier films and at that time, was scared stiff; in my early teens, lol! But now because Adam harps a bit on being a vampire, wearing such sexy fangs, my image of Dracula has turned to fun not disdain, lol! So indirectly, Adam revived Dracula for me. lol! And I like to pit Glampire against Dracula and Glampire always wins with his laser weapons/scull ring. lol! But the original historic method to kill a vampire was by impaling and grotesque. By the way, and you would know; the original Dracula castle (renovated) is still visited by tourists. Some historic accounts say Vlad/Dracula was killed by one of his siblings/family members...rivalry. Thank you for sharing my fascination of Dracula. lol! :)

Anonymous said...

First, hope your health is good. Thank you, love you too. You're one of those Adam loving writers here and I always see you putting in a good word for Adam and how to help Adam in our own little ways, rather than, like you say trying to diminish him. What's the point of downcast remarks...doesn't he have enough of those. I used to have this strange tracker who jumps on everything I say. She may not know it but I have an 80% hunch who she is!! But I think she has given up doing that because she spouts nonsense with not much thought and of course anyone can see that kind of weakness.

Anonymous said...

I'm really impressed with your vast knowledge about Vlad The Impaler, he for us , the Romanians , is a hero, a redeemer. B.Stoker imagined him as a vampire because he wrote Gothic novels and because of Vlad's cruel methods(learned from the Ottomans) to punish his enemies.Bran Castle, the one usually visited by tourists, is not his real castle, it is said that he stayed there only one night.
The real one is a scary, impressive ruin, a citadel on top of the mountains almost inaccessible to tourists. Its name is Castelul Poenari.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot, Bela Lugosi , the first Dracula, was born in Lugos, then part of Austria-Hungary Empire, now part of Romania.

Anonymous said...

Oh so the actual Dracula castle ruin still exists...whoa, pretty historic and impressive it must be, very interesting. I might have seen Bela Lugosi as Dracula, yea the first Dracula, lol! What I remember more of is the Dracula played by Christopher Lee...very tall, handsome and! Most clearly, he would climb through a window with wind-blown curtains, into a beautiful maiden's room and! Was scary for me, at that young age, lol! Occasionally when I had ghost dreams, not Dracula, lol! I would cross my forearms to challenge the ghost in my dream. Learnt that from Dracula films; he was very scared of the cross, lol! Thank you for the historic facts. :)

Pan said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Vlad The Impaler, real Dracula's citadel...sooo historic and beautiful; still looks rather solid, not a pile of ruins at all. Yea the circular column is very typical of ancient citadel architecture. Saved the picture. Thank you!