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Adam Lambert's Banter before 'Naked Love' at Caulfield Guineas Day Melbourne

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 16, 2012


linda said...

I could not understand what Adam was saying in his banter. Could someone interpret?

linda said...

I could not understand what Adam was saying in his banter. Could someone interpret?

Anonymous said...

It's so funny my gosh!:)

Th boxer short is Adams size whew!!!:)

The hat is Dick Tracy style in the movie...

I just love everything about Adam:)

He knows how to make people laugh and entertain....


Anonymous said...

Adam was certainly having fun with the hat, the boxer shorts and the bra. He made the audience laugh and was just enjoying himself up there on stage.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always so spontaneous and very quick witted.


HK fan said...

he says somethig about Dick Tracy to TJ, then said he didn't want to mess up his own hair. See's the boxers, says he wants them and that they're just his size. Tells Ashley she can wear the batman bra. then says I love this its like we're shopping. Followed by, if you want to keep throwing articles of your own clothing, then catches the pink bra, says its not yellow or black, and we don't do pink in the glamily, and comments on the generous cup size.

Perkins said...

I could not understand what Adam was saying in his banter. Could someone interpret?