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Adam Lambert's Interview with Kimberley

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 10, 2012

CLICK HERE to watch the interview!


Anonymous said...

Great interview again, but I had trouble hearing a lot of it. Wish they would have put the mike closer. Check out Adam's boots!! Wow!

Anonymous said...

It was very hard to hear the girls questions,but Adam sounded clear. So many interviews today. No wonder one of his 3 wishes was to take a nap! It's been great seeing all of these interviews from NZ posted and listening to Adam,always so intelligent and witty!Not bad to look at either lol!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I've yet to see Adam in any interview where he didn't seem relaxed and comfortable, how does he do it? OT--I have been unsuccessfully looking for a sofa like that for a year!

Anonymous said...

Adam did so many promos of his album in NZ today. Hope he sells tons of his album there. He has two concerts in OZ and promos there too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure Adam needs a nap, esp. with the jet lag and all. BUT he's always gracious and so personable. I was actually drinking a glass of pinot noir when he said that would be his 3rd wish. Ha! We have the same taste in wine - I love it.

Anonymous said...

In that weather forcast Adam did this morning, I thought he mispronounced the city Whakatane but it is pronounced Fakatane according to Wikipedia. He pronounced it correctly.

Whakatane (/fɑːkəˈtɑːni/fah-kə-tah-nee; Māori pronunciation: [fakaˈtaːnɛ])

LOL for this city beging his fav. I checked out couple of youtube videos of the city and it is a gorgeous city.

Anonymous said...

******Thank you for posting all these great interviews and pics and vids for us!*******

daydreamin said...

The Edge-another interview:

this site

Anonymous said...

One more interview with four live NZ tv

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Live In Studio With Dan PHOTOS

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert whirlwind visit

Read this article and watch the embedded video:

Anonymous said...

Check out live chat with Adam answering fans's question:

Anonymous said...

Have you all noticed all these interviewers asked Adam why he has so many passionate fans to follow him?

Well why not interviewers?

He is talented, has beautiful out of this world voice, handsome, articulate, humble, caring, edgy, sexy, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

hmm From that live chat it sounds like RCA isn't thinking of a mv unless the song is a hit. That is sort of scary to me I don't know why? I am sure they are skeptical of the airplay and I don't blame them.And it doesn't sound like a tour is in the planning either.

Anonymous said...

Another interview:

Dan Bernstone Interviews Adam Lambert VIDEO

Anonymous said...

TWEET from Breakfast News host:

Jonathan Williams‏@onewilliamsj
I can honestly say @AdamLambert was one of the nicest people we have ever had on the @BreakfastonOne couch. So real and friendly. #newfan

On Fuse right now is Maxim Top 100 Sexy Beats: Host: ADAM LAMBERT

Anonymous said...

12:31 they have the lyric video out but it does not have many views. I hope business picks up for our guy,and soon.

Anonymous said...

Joe Cotton Interviews Adam Lambert!

Check out Adam Lambert live in studio!

Video embedded:

Anonymous said...

1h Natasja ‏@kiwinatasja
@adamlambert's last radio interview at More FM now 13 hours of promo in one day!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the boots eh!

Yes Adam needs a nap after the interview he!he!

Can't wait to hear him sing again in a
few days....


Anonymous said...

I just caught up with all the interviews and I love to hear Adam sing,talk,,,he is so wonderful but I must say please give warning when he whispers ,, only heard him do that in an interview one time..but in one of these latest ones he does it sexy..still recovering..He is so amazing..just loving being able to follow him around the world..

Anonymous said...

@12:31 its so sad but true.I really pray and hope that does not happen.

Anonymous said...

How could I have missed Adam's boots?
What other man could pull off wearing those boots? No one, but our Adam. He looks sensational in them!
Oh yes, I love that sofa as well JAK!

Anonymous said...

12:31, You are most likely right. No matter what Adam does, or what WE do, his songs do not jump to the top of the charts. We are working hard for Trespassing and it could wind up doing fine, but I doubt it will hit #1 in the U.S. Adam is beefing up his international fanbase because the U.S. public is asleep at the wheel and may never wake up. It's just the truth. I also was surprised when he said that a Trespassing video wasn't even in the works yet. And the 2013 tour comments are very vague. I pray that he tours next year, but I don't believe it will be big venues. Overseas, his venues will be bigger but not big in number. Nobody wants to say these things.

You all know me as one of the most positivie cheerleaders here for Adam. I am rarely negative about anything related to him. I just keep seeing the same singers shoot up to #1 all the time with music that is no better than Adam's. NO BETTER. His management is making sure he keeps his foreign fanbases strong and interested. And he is doing a fine job of it. He gets such respects, almost like awe, from these other countries. The frustration he and RCA must feel about his lack of hit music must be a real pain. Adam may never fill arenas, unless he is performing with someone else. I NEVER want to see him "open" for another act. If he's an "equal" co-act with someone else, that's ok, but he's too good to be an opening act. I'm stubborn about this. Adam has every asset of a star. So many people have turned off their minds to him and that's it. He may branch out to other things, like theater again, fashion, etc. I found it interesting that he expressed interest in moving the NY at some point. The acceptance and artist vibe there is strong and far more international than it is in L.A. He's keeping his options open. He's a realist.

DRG (Love all the videos and interviews. He's a great weatherman!)

Anonymous said...

I thought the weatherman gig was really good! He really is born to be on T.V or the big screen.

Anonymous said...

@8:14 adam biggest hit to date was "whataya want from me"produce by max martin.adam should of stuck to the formula! meaning "pop rock"

Anonymous said...

OT: Did anyone see the nominations for the AMA awards? Same old same old with that dreadful nick m getting 4 noms. This is what's getting nominated today , there is no chance for adam. American music is so aweful today.

Anonymous said...

Okay, who is the troll for now? Adam did everything to lose his fans. And this is the reason for bad sales,lack of radio plays and small venues to promote the new album. Plus, adding these background ladies didn't help at all. His popularity dropped down in Canada also. Sad,very sad.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was a huge mistake by RCA to release Trespassing without a video to support it. It was almost like they were throwing it away. Videos sell to young people who buy most of the CDs. I hope RCA hasn't given up on Adam in the US. While I feel the radio stations have black-listed Adam for the most part, he has to be SEEN. Why isn't he on TV here? I can't wait for PLL, but we need more visibility for Adam. I can tell Adam knows the score and it's just not right. He deserves more.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add. Do you remember how many alba were release this year?! Most of the biggest Music Industry stars released new albums! RCA supposed to know about and makes Adam to release new album before 2011 black Friday .

Anonymous said...

DRG @ 8:14 and anon @9:26, I kinda have to agree with both of you, even though 9:26 doesn't seem to be much of a cheerleader.
DRG, you seem to be a level- headed, reality based fan of Adam's. Congratulations, you are
I agree with you. It is wise that Adam is building his fan base overseas. They seem to appreciate him more.

Anonymous said...

This is 9:34, I'm sorry, I meant anon @8:58, not nancdruuu2 @ 9:26. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

8:58 what? you didn't mention the drawf? For shame girl.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:34 AM: I have been a devoted fan of Adam since Idol and don't need to defend that. But I will say most fans here are level-headed and reality based (that's why I made my comments)and definitely not rare. However, your opinion is your right.

Anonymous said...

@9:34 Not a problem at all. I get kind of touchy when it comes to my love for Adam and the Glamily.
Peace and Light!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:50 AM
Adam's second single from Trespassing was "Never Close Our Eyes". It had a similar feel to WWFM. It wasn't widely played in the US. I am very very sad about that because it's a great song, both the album version and when Adam sings it live. Radio people told Adam, while he was promo-ing earlier this year, that NCOE was a good bet: he got a lot of positive feedback from them.

It is NOT the music that Adam produced (from his heart and soul) that's the problem, in my opinion, but the fact that stations generally aren't playing his music, other than WWFM. Hoping that changes with Trespassing, the single.. We'll see. I wonder what it will take to get RADIO to wake up. (Paraphrasing DRG 8:14 AM...). I do believe the American public would be receptive to Adam's music, and Adam again, if they were simply given more opportunities to reacquaint themselves with him, or in the case of those who have no idea who he is, (or merely THINK they do..), they need to hear his name and his music. Hoping he has opportunities to be seen on US TV in the near future, with rounds of the usual talk shows..and even better, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Morning Show, etc..I just watched Brit singer Ellie Goulding on The Today Show.. The first time I've seen her perform. I liked her. I may buy her album as a result. Adam NEEDS to have these opportunities as well. It would help him tremendously, I think. He was amazing on his media blitz in New Zealand yesterday. Lots of interviews where he was asked great questions. People loved him. His engaging personality was allowed to shine. He didn't even have to sing to make a wonderful and positive impression. We need that here in the US for him. Positive exposure, and lots of it.

The common phrase we hear over and over again is that "no one listens to radio anymore", and while that may be **somewhat** true, the fact of the matter is that radio still has a POWERFUL effect on music AND the artists that produce and perform it. The same singers and groups we hear over and over again (ad nauseum) on the radio, are the ones who appear and perform on the music award shows, and are nominated and win awards...again: over and over again. Familiarity breeds album sales..and more exposure, and more radio play. So, this is why it is so important for Adam to get some radio play...Plain and simple. Fingers crossed..again.

Trespassing, the album, is a great collection of music, and I feel frustrated and sad that it is not widely known (and purchased). Yes, I know "CD sales are down"..etc..etc.., but I would love to see Adam sell more albums. I will never give up on the hope that one of the singles does at least moderately well, but until radio gives it some attention, and plays it, Trespassing the album, will probably remain a vastly under-appreciated body of work, as it is now. (Hoping I'm wrong here..).

I believe in Adam so much, and don't want him to fall through the cracks simply because of some radio execs and their dubious programming decisions. SOOOOOOO.... lets do what we can to get those stations to play Trespassing... My top 40 station here in Seattle has not yet added Trespassing to their request list..or play list. (Grrr...) Same as with BTIKM and NCOE, in spite of Adam stopping by to promo in March. They have said "Not in our demographic.." as an explanation, which in my humble opinion, is crap. They did not give either song a chance. No play whatsoever of either single. : ((

I do believe Adam will have great success in his career in the long run, in more areas than just music, but this whole general lack of notice in the US of his current music is just so ridiculous and confusing. And unfair. He deserves great things...

Anonymous said...

Im a big fan of adam lambert since 2009.I vist this site everyday.I buy all his music,and go to his concerts.Yes This year has been rough with a few high points.Sales,charts,tours dont mater to me its the music that maters,and if the music is good then im a happy Glambert.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your post GL. Do you know how Adam's album and music in general is doing world wide? I do think Adam has had descent exposure here on TV for the album. He has been on AI, J Kimmel. GMA, Leno, Ellen and many other programs here and in the UK and Canada.

Anonymous said...

Hey did everyone preorder their hard copy TP EP remix from AdamOfficial . Do it now before you forget.

Anonymous said...

10:15 I am a happy camper too but all those things matter to Adam and his label, it is what pays the bills and keeps his label.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:26 AM
But not recently here (US)..He needs more exposure in my opinion. People have short attention spans. : )) He's done a lot of promo worldwide for sure and I'm so excited for him. And it makes so much sense because he is loved throughout the world. As Simon said "Worldwide star". He's done some wonderful things, for instance his gigs with Queen. But very little notice or mention of that here. Hoping they do at least a couple of shows here. I'm really hoping for more public ops (TV, etc..) here in the US this fall and winter. And I hope, hope, hope he will be touring at some point. He's said there will be a some point. Which would make me and so many of us very very happy. Adam is at his best..and best appreciated.. live..and I'm ready for that any time..and the sooner the better! Fingers crossed.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:15
Sales, charts, and tours matter to Adam. Its called income..and they matter to RCA as well. Kris Allen was recently dropped from his label. Not great sales of his latest album..sadly. Its the practical/business part of Adam's career. I suspect he would love to just perform without worrying about any of the mundane things but no sales, no "charts", no tours could mean less opportunities for Adam to perform and for us to see him perform. I love his recorded music but also take GREAT joy in hearing him live (and seeing the vids of him performing live)..Think about the recent shows he did in CA: OC fair at Costa Mesa, and the latest Fantasy Springs in Indio: Would he have had those opportunities with no sales, no charting..and no previous tours?? Maybe yes and maybe no..and fabulous shows they were! And we know how he comes alive on stage. Gotta keep Adam performing, for himself and for us..and for those who haven't discovered him yet..So if it matters to Adam, and I'm pretty sure it does, it matters to me. I'm definitely a happy Glambert : )))))

Anonymous said...

woots Adam will be playing after the races in Australia soon. Looking forward to the pictures or videos. 10:30 I preorder my EP because of your friendly reminder.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. media, esp. TV programs seem to avoid Adam like the plague. He's such an interesting guest, smart and witty and articulate. It's funny that Ellen didn't have him on again this summer for the promo of the album. Leno has been good to him, but hasn't booked him in a long time. Letterman is obviously not interested. Kimmel was good, but not enough. He needs to be on INTERVIEW shows where he actually talks, not just performs. His personality is a major asset. That is why an SNL shot would be major. He's be great in skits doing wacky, edgy things. He's fearless and risky.

Bottom line to me: American network TV. The talk shows are full of the same old names and faces who often don't even say anything entertaining at all. Some are real duds, but they get the TV gigs anyway. RCA must be thinking the same things we are, but you can't force a TV show to have someone on as a guest. He's got enough controversy about him to make him a good guest, too.
We have analyzed this topic to death many times. It's so obvious to us that he should be on top both for his music and his media personality. Esp. since so many other celebs gain more success with their rude, crass and often illegal behavior. Someone said above that Adam "ruined" his own career. Well, behaviors far beyond anything Adam's ever done have not "ruined" the careers of lots of other celebs. In fact, it's have enhanced them. Such is the reality of show business.

In other countries, Adam gets adoration and respect. In the U.S., he gets the eye roll. He knows it and he's doing his best to overcome it.

DRG (request, buy, vote)

Anonymous said...

I did not get all these video's in so guess I missed a lot! I did hear one video on here yesterday where Adam said this is just one album hopes to have many more and a tour. also some one was talking about is old make up artist in talks about doing something else on the tour trespassing tour, because he in a different place with his look. That was like yesterday or day before. Adam was in new Zealand when making so comments, and it was some of you guys talking about makeup guy. The other video had lots of views and was no one for a while, and vh1did not even play it. But it was played around the world. Nobody even knows about this lyric video to give any views.Adam's song have been hits in fact no. 1 hits in many countries, Japan, most Asia Russia, and others so screw America move abroad Adam where you are appreciated the most.i just read that his concert in Africa was so well accepted they are opening up more seats and standing room.pretty sure the China one will do well if he doing that one. He does still have a good Audiance abroad any many countries. Looks like to me RCA is going to have him do a lot of spot concerts abroad, in Africa it's an arena 10.000 at least in arena and he filling that nicely. Plus coca cola dome, probably bigger. Seems to be filling that nicely too. Read article said in Africa the concert was so well received opening extra seating. I think that a big mistake not to get video, because it Would be played in many countries, that he continues to have hits in. Kerrie U. Just America so it looks like Adam is just word wide I guess, by all accounts here. Well at least he has that! RCA had put this song out first place trespassing he would had hit. Many countries love him and he should just conCentrate on them. There to much gloom and doom in America, not worth it Adam. I know most people here Love Adam and are being realistic, but does no good to give up either. I do tho believe Adam should put most his efforts abroad because he still had strong fan bases that love him and buy his music there! He also can still fill up good size concerts lot places abroad. I do not think any time soon he should give up singing, he may do some theatre but probably not for good while. I know I probably made lots mistakes, I am so sick do not know what Is wrong.I just keep getting sicker last few days. My husband been workin a lot, soon as he off some have to get tests run. I was Supose to visit my daughter was to sick to go. I hope I did not make anyone mad I know you all except for any trolls love Adam, as much as I do. It was hard to write this I feel so bad. I do feel he still popularin many countries, so that who he should play too.RCA should make video for other countries, if not on I tunes no one know other video out. RCA if u spend a little to push him in America, it would sure help. But I have always believed Adam popularity lies abroad, that where he should continue to push, seems like RCA believes that also tho. Sorry for mistakes sorry for rant, I have to lie down, feel awful. Sue

glitzylady said...

I hope you start feeling better soon.

I agree, I will never give up on Adam..and I'm so glad he is doing so well world wide. Just very frustrated that he gets less notice here. And continue to hope he does.

Take care...

Anonymous said...

I think all of us who have posted here feel the same way about Adam noting the love, respect and recognition he receives internationally versus the lack of acceptance he faces here at home. I have watched practically all the videos from NZ with the radio and tv promos he is doing for Trespassing. He is charming, witty, warm, and friendly. Who else would do the weather, talk jewelry and sing a duet from Grease all on the spur of the moment. And, yes, I am concerned about the lack of a video for the new single and no definite mention of a tour for Trespassing. It probably all comes down to the almighty dollar and will Adam bring in more than they have to put out for these ventures. Someone mentioned that Adam should appear on a bill with another perfomer as an opening act. It reminded me of last night's episode of Nashville where the older country artist has to agree to be the opener for the young, hot newcomer or else she will be booted from the label since here records are not selling now. Adam Lambert should never be anyone's opening act. He is the best vocal talent in music today and if he has to perform at smaller venues and build up that international fanbase, so be it. It's frustrating not to hear his songs played on the radio or not to see him more on those talk/entertainment shows here. He is one individual who so deserves the recognition and success that seems to have eluded him while others without talent, personality, or intelligence, just seem to shoot to the top of the charts and are seen and heard ad nauseum. I will always be an Adam Lambert fan and know he will have longevity in the music business while those others fade away in due time.