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Another 'Naked Love' Video Performance

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Adam Lambert performs Naked Love from Trespassing at Caulfield Cup October 2012

Also, important reminder. Please purchase Adam's 'Trespassing' EP on iTunes or Amazon! The EP is currently nearing iTunes Pop Chart TOP 10! Let's make it #1!

Another reminder, PLEASE REQUEST for 'Trespassing' on your local radio station! Let them know you want to hear Adam on the radio!


Anonymous said...

Here is the link to buy the EP on iTunes:

Anonymous said...

eek I thought we were suppose to buy the single tracks minus one song not the whole EP. Anyhoo I am glad something is doing decent. Excuse me I have to go have a bruski this is getting on my nerves. lol

Anonymous said...

@9:29 We were but apparently a lot of casual fans who don't belong to the fandom purchased the whole EP. Now everyone is buying the whole EP.

I don't think it's quite sure yet if even those who haven't completed their album should just complete it since the whole EP is atm doing a lot better than the plain radio edit.

Anonymous said...

This is such a fun show/party; everyone, so relaxed. Hmm, still throwing pink bra at Adam; I thought that was done with, not bad; his magic of bras being thrown at him is alive and kicking. The last pink bra thrown at him, I think was at his duet with Allison at the AI tour; that was uplifting like the bra, lol! It's hilarious when Adam speaks in a different accent, like, Whaaat...Actually it might be an upbeat idea for Adam to do a stand-up comic using various accents...will help break the ice and get everyone liven up. He is very good at mimicking accents, must be his theatre again. :)

Anonymous said...

Pink bra haiku

Pink bra, generous size
Catches it, dangles, lays it down
Horse jacket...ride on

Lam-my... :)

Anonymous said...

Damn it! The backing vocals messed up the intro to Naked Love again. They really spoilt it. Maybe Adam can't hear them or maybe he doesn't care. Very disappointing. I'm NOT a troll. I care so much about Adam and his music, and want the best for him always.

The rest of the concert was FAB.

Anonymous said...

Ok, apparently the marvelous plan A is buried and we are putting all efforts on the whole Trespassing EP. Everyone can complete their albums.

Trespassing EP 8# pop chart US

glitzylady said...

The backing vocals, in the live show..don't overpower, aren't off key, etc... Any time you have a cell phone..or amateur type video..the camera picks up unevenly. I've been to two shows with the Divas singing..and they were fine. You probably don't believe me but that was my experience at Costa Mesa and Fantasy Springs in July. Adam is a perfectionist. I doubt he would have them singing backup for him for this long if he thought they weren't doing a good job for him.

glitzylady said...

I love your Pink Bra haiku....very ; ))

Anonymous said...

The backing divas sure sounded offkey to me and a lot of the time, they sing too loudly. They're supposed to complement Adam's voice, not drown him out.

Anonymous said...

Adam said about the pink bra, 'We don't do pink in the Glamily'. What about all the times Tommy has sported pink hair????? LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you. It could be due to the sound feed and the singers can't hear their own voice clear enough; it's a makeshift venue for the races anyway. When Adam totally ignored the off-key/off-pitch, it actually made me laugh because it didn't seem to bother him one bit. Quite funny to me, almost comical. lol! Now that you suggest it could be due to the camera videoing, it sort of makes sense. Either way, it does seem more like a technical problem; but even if Adam did hear all the pitchiness, he might have just shrugged it off and preferred to join in the fun there. And he was 'handsomely' rewarded with someone throwing a big pink bra at him. lol! Adam has very good reflexes, always manages to catch things thrown at him, or kick them back! He might actually be a good footballer; maybe another of his undiscovered talents. lol! He can score goals, like that flying kick he executed with the dildo which flew quite a distance and hit someone's head. lol!

daydreamin said...

Adam Interviewed from the set of PLL...fangs and all:)
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

I do hope PLL serves as a stepping-stone or springboard that'll catapult Adam to movie stardom. We only saw a tiny clip of his PLL acting but the role fits him to a T; especially when he laughs like slightly 'evil', wanting to get something out of Aria. The actress is very beautiful. Now it just takes a producer to give Adam the right movie-cast and I believe a new movie star will emerge. Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

I would never judge the sound of any show from fan video on youtube. Watch fan vids from any other performers and it has problems too. We know Adam is a perfectionist and we see him giving sound direction all the time. I can't imagine Adam hiring them if they weren't good. I trust the word of people who have been there live who say it sounds good in person.

Anonymous said...

The plan is still to focus on the single. Please buy or gift the single.

The Trespassing radio edit is the first song here:

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else having trouble with all the latest videos? They are all constantly freezing for me. Crap. Well,I'm still watching and doing my best to get through them. They are all great, of course!


Anonymous said...

I think the background singing that sounded not-so-good at the beginning of the song was the holder of the camera, NOT the divas.


Anonymous said...

His expression with those screaming fans are infectious he!he!


Anonymous said...

Adam is a perfectionist about sound, tone, pitch, etc. If the backups were really sounding bad, he certainly would not have them. He can hear them better than we can. The pitchiness or off-key sound must be because of the video recording, etc. These girls are professional singers. Adam would not tolerate poor singing.


Anonymous said...

Listen to Muse's recent song "Madness"... backing vocals very reminicent of Adam's Ladies... Adam's choices always seem, to me, in the best possible way, to be influenced by current / happening / or breaking music trends

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who isn't a haiku fan? I thought haiku was about nature. Bending willows and breezes. Bras? Really?

Anonymous said...

I bought the Trespassing Radio Edit, however, I have no idea what to do with it. Something about a cloud(?)
I guess I am totally clueless and should have waited to talk to my sons about it. Oh well, for the love of Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

For Outlaws of Love, I actually prefer the acoustic version...just a guitar and Adam's voice. The backup singers and anything else detract from the beauty and poignancy of that song. I look forward to watching any videos that are posted here and if the divas seem too loud or off at times, well, there is nothing we can do. If they are fine for Adam, who are we to criticize? For me, the focus is always on Adam and his voice. He seemed to be having a great time performing here after the races and his jacket was just a perfect match for the entire event.

Pan said...

Is haiku taught in Japanese schools?
Can they also be humorous or are they all philosophical?
Our specific short form of poetry is called epigrama(from the French epigramme ) and it is always satirical , mocking at human vices.
Here's an example:
Russian grunt, my Russian grunt
Did they put you up so high
For all the nations to celebrate you?
Or could it be that your feet stunk?
You can imagine it was written under the communist regime, when the Soviet troops occupied Rumania
for almost 20 years, after II WW.

Anonymous said...

Traditionally haiku is about nature especially with reference to the in Japan and other countries, you can find haiku books on spring, summer, autumn, winter haiku. It is still very relevant, not outdated or anything like that. Well I started writing haiku as a hobby and in the course of my work, even gave talks on haiku writing; one in particular was on a bigger scale in an auditorium, on stage, with learned people as the audience. At that time I based my haiku solely on nature. Then I found out that haiku too became 'free' and the modern haiku now can depict any subject matter. I like the fact even haiku has 'opened its mind'. Now come back to the bra think a bra has got nothing to do with nature? Think again! lol! Like glitzylady said she finds my pink bra haiku don't think that's about! lol! Sometimes the haiku may not appear starkly as a haiku on nature per se, but the feelings and underlying inferences evoke nature like in my haiku. Also, my mention of 'horse' pertains to nature as well. :)

Anonymous said...

This was on one of the biggest Adam blogs today. Please read.

"The first goal is to get Trespassing into the Top 40 tracks on the US iTunes singles chartto influence radio PDs and MDs to add the song to their playlist. This will be very difficult to accomplish but is possible. In order to move the track up the iTunes chart, it is important that fans all buy the same track, the Trespassing Radio Edit. This is also being referred to as the “Pharrell Track”. The track to buy is Track 2. “Trespassing (Radio Edit)”.

My recommendation is DO NOT race out and buy and gift the Trespassing EP the minute it is available on iTunes. It is best to purchase a track once it is in the top 200 or so and has some momentum. Some fan groups recommend waiting until a song is in the top 100 tracks.

The second reason to buy Trespassing (track) is toget the song on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.Since Radio is 50% of the chart points, wait until the song has some radio airplay which will not happen soon. Then you can buy and gift all 4 tracks on iTunes or Amazon and they will all be counted as Trespassing and help Trespassing chart.

TIPS: Do not buy the EP from iTunes if you want to buy the track from iTunes. Do not gift the track outside of the US if you want it to count for Billboard. Do not buy more than 6 copies as gifts from one account. has organized a fan gifting program – and is seeking power downloader giftees more info here:

Anonymous said...

Casual fans don't know and so they by as they wish and that is grea. Serious fans do know and they are trying to purchase strategically for radio success.

Anyone who thinks that yesterday's standing on iTunes will show up as big cd sales at the end of the week is mistaken.

If you want to follow the lead of casual fans, go ahead. Just know that next week everyone is going to be trying to figure out how to get Adam on the radio and they will have no purchasing options to drive it.

Anonymous said...

Your poem example as I see it, is a verse of 4 lines, perhaps a quatrain. What does Russian grunt mean?
I don't know if haiku is taught in Japanese schools. In my country, Singapore, it is taught in the higher stream schools where the pupils have a stronger grasp of English; but in the more average stream schools, it is taught as an extracurricular activity, where pupils enjoy haiku writing and take part in competitions more for fun than as part of the English subject...(optional).

Anonymous said...

I looked up Russian refers to a spacecraft...interesting. :)

Pan said...

Traduttore, traditore, but this is not the case. American slang grunt=infantryman in Vietnam war. I can only imagine these "epigrame" have been translated in English quite recently.
I don't know why, maybe your name, my lack of information, I've always thought you're Japanese.

HK fan said...

@10.33 pm
Whilst I am not a huge fan of the vjayjay's, I do often find them too loud and off key, and they should not sing at all during OOL...I agree with JB, the singing on this video is the fans holding and near the camera.

Anonymous said...

While it could be true that the back vocalists sounding off key is due to the cell phone, this IS a digital era and people find out about music by watching videos and THEN they go to concerts if they like the artist. If hope that Adam will look and listen to this vid and possibly ask the back vocalists to perhaps sing a bit less loudly :). I think that's all it is. Adam IS the singer and his voice has to be the one we hear perfectly, not the back vocalists. I love what these girls have brought to Adam's sound, but perhaps just a bit less girls :)))

Anonymous said...

It seems to me, that it would've been simpler and less confusing if they had just released one version of the single Trespassing with no EP and no multiple versions of the song. There would've been no second guessing over which was the best to buy for a good Billboard standing(Hot 100) or radio play. Right??

Please excuse my grammatical and/or spelling errors.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to get the single radio edit to climb high because a lot of casual fans didn't know to buy just the single. Adam tweeted the EP is available on itunes therefore they bought the whole EP.Hopefully if we can gift a few radio edits up to 6 that may help the single. But isn't it still a good thing that the EP charted high?

Anonymous said...

I didn´t even hear the back up singers!! It`s the audience that is off key! LOL

Anonymous said...

I agree, its been confusing. I thought that we needed to buy, gift the Trespassing radio version to chart high, that's what I did. But with EP available it has confused people, which is understandable.

I think it is good that the EP charted high, but we needed the radio version to chart high so that radio would play the song, that is my understanding, but I may be wrong.


Anonymous said...

I went to itunes, and downloaded so I could by the ep, but it keeps kicking me out, and doesn't download. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

You're funny, I like this kind of unusual sudden flare of brainwave... laughed so loudly. lol!

Anonymous said...


It is important that fans all buy the same track, the Trespassing Radio Edit. This is also being referred to as the “Pharrell Track”. The track to buy is Track 2. “Trespassing (Radio Edit)”.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my..the keyword is sudden...I get that from time to time...and when I do I feel the overpowering need to express myself...LOL...Man that crowd couldn`t sing, but yet again neither can the way greetings from Finland...I love to read your posts:)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so the key inspirational word is...sudden, yea. I find Finn people very cheery and pleasant; must be the aurora! By the way these auroras are magnificent even on video, wow!

Anonymous said...

10:24.....Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my...well thank you very much for the compliment on behalf of all Finns:) ...Love aurora borealis mystic and powerful...

tess4ADAM said...

Those girls that made this video are the ones who messed up the beginning of NAKED LOVE ... NOT the backup singers!! They were in perfect harmony with ADAM unlike the 'video camera' singers!! If you go to Ytube & watch different uploads of the same song ... they all sound different in one way or another ... it all depends on the uploader ... IMO.
I found this to be true with many videos of ADAM on tour ... don't blame the 'pros' on stage ... blame it on the 'amateur singers' making the videos in the audience ... ANNOYING ... JMO
In any case ... I still LOVED the way ADAM looked/sounded singing & talking to his audience ... such a SHOWMAN!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)