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Listen to Adam Lambert's New Demo Song 'Hold On'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Via alidol2011:

Source: Universal Music Publishing


What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Didn't particularly like what I could hear of Adam's voice. What is a demo song?

Anonymous said...

I typed in to google Hold On full song Adam Lambert and got to hear the whole song on You Tube. This is one he wrote with Nika Costa that didn't make the album.A demo song is one that is not completely finished.

Anonymous said...

Full song:

Anonymous said...

That dubstep wobble bass is very current. There's a dupstep based song in the BB top 10 right now (Alex Clare - Too Close). If they ever finish it and clean it up,it might work commercially, in some capacity. Just release it as a non-album promotional single and see what happens.

Adamluv said...

Like what I heard.

Anonymous said...

Hard ot tell from this snippet. Have to listen to the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

Yes I like it, strong sound so far and Adam sings high notes, M

Anonymous said...

When in the world is someone going to give Adam a good song for once???
And don't say "Trespassing" is a good song. Listen to the melody carefully. It is monotonous and chant like. IT almost sounds like a cheer you might hear at a high school football game. His voice is too good for the crap people are sending him. Sorry for the rant.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Just listened to the whole song. Really like it, esp. the low parts of his voice. I can take or leave the dub-step thing, but this song has real potential. It would be great if it got some exposure and maybe got released. Yes!

TP has so many great songs on it, all worthy of attention. And so many good songs yet to come that didn't make the album. Let's give this song lots of YouTube hits!

DRG (Still voting for People's Choice, etc. Keep requesting, too!)

Catharine Sloper said...

I guess now that we are emerging from the storm and we are all so worried about the results of the election, go Obama, that we need to hear "just hold on". Everything seems to be on the balance, our safety, the future, so for us, here on the East Coast, we needed to hear that if we just hold on, things will go all right.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hate it!! i hate the dubstep sound.adam you dont need all these sounds and tricks just SING!

Anonymous said...

Great song! Current, interesting and sung very well. Love it! I hope Adam starts releasing albums at the same pace as Rihanna and that we get a new album next year.

Anonymous said...

The first part of "Hold on" doesn't sound like Adam to me.Of course,the higher parts do.I like the song Trespassing a lot;also Cuckoo.Some people seemed to have liked Cuckoo more cause on PLL,they heard more of it.We should support BB on the Trespassing album right now,I think.Maybe later on,"Hold On" could be on another album or something.Please keep requesting Tresp.& vote for Adam LOTS on The People's choice awards.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Actually I really like it a lot, but that's Adam, his voice is so versatile he can sing anything!

"Keep on requesting and voting"

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Anonymous said...

Adam co-wrote Trespassing..PLEASE everybody,support this song now!!It's getting played more now,& he said he'll be making a new video for it.I bet it will be good..keep requesting and voting for the PCA's.

Anonymous said...

10.41 second whatvu said, they did hear more of cuckoo, both trespassing and cuckoo great songs Adam co- wrote these songs they did not send to him. We need to support his songs not tear everything apart, I lOve both songs some my favorite on album, the entire album top notch in my humble opinion, keep requesting, and supporting him!! Thank's Sue

Anonymous said...

I do love Adam`s voice! Interesting song and I liked it:)

Anonymous said...

request treapassung

Anonymous said...

Must say I'm glad it didn't make the cut. The dupstep drives me crazy.

Voltairie said...

What's with the weird into? This song doesn't need it. The weary intro is a repeat of the same problem that troubled BTIKM which would have been a surefire hit but for its whining, off-putting intro. That said, I really like this song's message-- it's both universal and uplifting for everyone facing a challenge and it deserves more development, e.g. toning down all that thrashing dub-steb would help. Just my opinion, so hate me. Always loving Adam's voice.

Voltairie said...

Typo, meant "intro" not "into". And I'm thinking there's too much dub-step ... claps my ears shut.

Anonymous said...

Don't really appreciate the dubstep. Like the song's message and Adam's voice.

glitzylady said...

Sometimes Demos are sold to other artists, so chances are that Adam will not finalize this song. For instance, that's how he got Never Close Our Eyes from Bruno Mars. Just wanted to mention that...

Mia said...

I can see why it didn't make it to the album (it's possibly not even finished). The dupstep is heavy and imo makes the song drag...

However, Adam's voice is great and the lyrics once again show what an incredible songwriter he is. "Hold on" is almost like a continuation to "Outlaws of law", but now Adam says it's time to come out from the shadows and fight back! These lyrics have so many references to fighting that Adam's message is made very clear.

I'm absolutely loving Adam the songwriter! So intelligent and powerful!

Anonymous said...

There's just too much of the same sound on the radio that ADAM should simply make his voice dominate the recording without all this electronica accompanying it.
Adele made it by being different from all the rest why she stood out.
I wish QUEEN will collaborate with ADAM and come up with a rock album.
Pop is too crowded and better not compete in this arena.

Anonymous said...

Glad it didn't make the album. Love my boy but not this song.

Anonymous said...

Sorry adam I dont like it!!

Anonymous said...

This demo is an unfinished product. If it had more work, it could be made into a good, marketable song. I also prefer songs where Adam's voice is not all muddied up with sound effects. His voice is too good for that, but he wants to use current styles and techno. I think he'll comem out with a ballad and get a hit. I wish he'd release Underneath. I wish he'd SING Underneath onstage. Maybe he'll sing it in SA. He said he'd be changing up the show in SA.

Hold On has potential, but not as it stands now, IMO.


Anonymous said...

Don't like it; doesn't even souond like Adam. He just needs that one special song that will catch the listening audience's attention and the demand to have it played. Is it in this album? I don't know. So far the three singles released haven't really gone anywhere. And this is so sad because Adam has the best voice in music today.

Anonymous said...

Well I listened to the whole song realizing that it was unfinished. It grabbed me right away and I loved it! Hearing Adam singing in the low register again (first time on Runnin' which I'm crazy about) The message is all Adam...all you have to do is listen to the lyrics and you know these are Adam's words....Powerful. Yeah it needs cleaning up but I like the electro dub step (or whatever you call it)and I'll be listening to it many times again for sure.


Anonymous said...

Adams voice is incredible but don't like tithe production. Wayyyyy to much dub!

Anonymous said...

This style of singing is probably works better in the current market than Adam's usual style, but I don't expect Adam to compromise his own style just to fit in. If anything, he actually sounds more like Sam Sparro in this (based on his phrasing and pronunciation of words).

Anonymous said...

Can I have a song that sounds like it has real music please. Do not save all the great riffs for yourself producers. I like the dub step, however that mix of instruments I do not like. Were is the big catch my ear in the song. Someone must be holding back....It is not Adam, because his singing is great!!!!

daydreamin said...

I almost always don't care for mashups, but I came across this one from 2011 quite by accident and it's an OMG for me. Thought I would share it here and see what others thought (surely some of you have heard it before) It's Adam and Michael Jackson ft Akon WWFM/Hold My Hand WOW! The orchestra is amazing:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Haha, get a load of this campaign sign for none other than Adam Lambert:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Come on Adam. You can do better than this. Take us to Church Adam!!! Not to a wake....

Anonymous said...

Not loving it;however it is a little dark for me. Doesn't sound like it comes from the heart.I love every song on Trespassing. He picked out the winners. I wish though that "Runnin" was on the original track I think it is the best song on the CD.

Anonymous said...

It is a hideous mess and those who say they liked it have drunk the poisoned koolaid and would say they loved any trash that was said to be by Adam. I do not believe the low parts are Adam's voice, I think they were added to snippets of the high notes that he possibly did on a demo. No amount of cleaning this up would help, start over. Nikka Costa writes good songs I don't know what the hell this is.

Anonymous said...

start all over again this song is a mess-still like adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

Sorry @ daydreamin - when I wanna hear Adam I wanna hear Adam. When I wanna hear MJ I wanna hear MJ - not a mashup. It just messes up 2 songs in my opinion - but, as ever, thanks for bringing so much to our attention, sincerely appreciate it!

daydreamin said...

Anon 7:44 no worries. Thanks for listening and giving your opinion. Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the fun links daydreamin. alot of people dressin up as Oscar the Grouch for Halloween tonight?

Anonymous said...

I love the words Adams voice do not like all the electro dub beat his voice is to good for that.I think it would be a hit if sang like what do you want from me his voice needs to come out more.Is this love was excellent more of these songs for Adam. the electro music is for singers who really do not have that good of a voice.

Anonymous said...

Not keen on this song at all (I've hear the full song) and I'm glad it wasn't included on the Trespassing album. The songs on that album and on his For Your Entertainment are a world better than this song. It might grow on me but I doubt it. Hopefully, he's written it for another artist.

Anonymous said...

I just listened to it again on YouTube which depicts the lyrics. To me, it's continuing on the Outlaws of Love theme. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this song. There are some people who are going to love it or already love it because they love every song Adam sings whether it's a fantastic song or not.

tess4ADAM said...

I can't really pick out the lyrics too well ... would like to read them while listening to the song to get the total meaning of the song. Seems to have a significant message ... kinda sounds like Master Plan from FYE .. IMO .. can anyone post them here? ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

Here is the youtube link with lyrics:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Thank you I love it after seeing the words & hearing it on you tube that is what I have been telling my self all my life JUST HOLD ON.

glitzylady said...

I just finally listened to the song..Waited until I could REALLY listen, no interruptions....Just myself and Adam's voice..and a bit of dubstep..


I can see why not everyone is in love with it..Lots of production. Not everyone is into that.


That said: I DO like it. A LOT... It is a VERY powerful song. I liked it after just once... I can hear Adam's voice, loud and clear, both the deeper voice (which I find verrry sexy..I just do..), and the higher one we are more used to.. The full range of Adam. Full of intensity and deep emotion. The resolve, to JUST HOLD ON. A little final production and this could be an amazing song. But probably won't happen. Adam will move on to new music, new concepts for his next album. I'm so glad we were able to hear one of the non-album songs. Even if we weren't meant to hear it. Imagine what other treasures created by Adam that are out there, waiting, unheard. Thank you Adam for this one. : ))

@Anon 7:00 PM
Guess I drank the Adam Lambert kool-aid a long time ago, and I liked it!!! LOL!! ...In reality I actually have one song on Trespassing that I'm not completely crazy not a just an Adam Lambert follower zombie here. Not saying which one, because we all have our favorites..Its a matter of different tastes. But I do like this song..I think its one of those that you really like or really don't like: I just say "To each his own"... : ))

Pan said...

Dear glitzylady, you're a special lady, nobody is like you when it comes to defend Adam's good or bad choices. But why shall I bet on a cart horse, why shall I not be waiting for the race horse? I don't know how and why this song leaked, but what I surely know is that previous mistakes must not be repeated . Previous mistakes? Too much dubstep, too much electo sound, too simple melody. Kickin In needs Adam's vocal genius when he sings it live to turn mediocrity into a firework.
Glamberts, don't jump on me, it's only an opinion!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - me, too! Only one song on the whole cd that I skip and I won't say which one,either. Adam loves all his babies and I don't want to hurt his feelings over any one of them.

I play almost the whole cd at the gym from start to finish three times a week. Skip one of the ones in the middle. (Hard to do on the treadmill.)

Adam is holding up his Trespassing baby at the moment and I'm admiring that one 'cos it looks the most like him and 'cos he wants us to admire it. RCA may have changed their minds at the last minute but the boy loves it even more because of that. And so do I.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, how everything of Adam ;)

Anonymous said...

Yep, some of ya'll done drunk the Adam Koolaid fer sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm a BIG Adam fan but this song is so negative. I don't like that every song has the gay issue. Maybe it's for others because I don't care about his sexual orientation. I have seen him in person four times and loved it. Now before you all get your panties in a bunch, yes I do want Adam to be himself but upbeat which he is but sometimes I think he is only singing to a certain group. He says he doesn't bring up his sexual orientation but that seems to be all I hear lately. He says his songs have different meanings for everyone but I don't know about that. I just want his great voice singing out over the whole world. By the way my favorite song is Underneath. Go figure, the voice is perfect in that song.

Anonymous said...

People! It's Kool ADE like lemonade. It means a drink, not some help as in AID. "Drinking the koolade" became the buzz after Jonestown when the cray preacher Jim Jones had all the people drink the poison laced koolade and commit mass suicide. It means to follow someone blindly and not think for yourself.

Forrest Gump's stupid is as stupid does didn't catch on like drinking the koolade.

Anonymous said...

How lovely of the ..Berts! They are holding on... I am too! To whatever I can. Cross my heart and hope to... live another day (or other days).
Garcon, fetch me that Kool-Aid! And some aids for the ..Berts. Let's (dub)party! :-)


glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:41 PM
Yes, I know what "drink the Kool Ade" means. Sheesh.

glitzylady said...

Oh, and I know where the phrase came from. Terrible tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, follow someone blindly, like fans who approve of anything the object of their affection, says, does or records. They would or have sipped the koolade.