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New Picture: Adam Lambert with The Band and Crew

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 18, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, October 18, 2012

Via @KeishaRenee: My Family!! Band & Crew!! #glamliy


Anonymous said...

I shall become a huge fan of The Crew lol.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see a picture of everybody, many people go into making a good show. wow love tommy he is rocking the makeup.

Anonymous said...

Adam, the beauty, right in the center where he should be. Really nice photo of the crew!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the picture Keisha Renee. #glamily

Magiclady said...

Adam looks so amazing! LIke to see everyone involved.

Tommy loves like a little sprite, fairy, or elf! cute

Anonymous said...

What the falala? I just went to Adam Official to finally preorder my hard copy of the Trespassing Remix EP and it said they were sold out !! Maybe I did something wrong I'll check back later.

Anonymous said...

Tommy looks creepy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:03 AM Maybe it's his makeup. His eyebrows looks like they could fly away.

Anonymous said...

everyone looks great, what a pleasure to see a happy group of people.

Anonymous said...

Tommy looks hot.... just not quite as hot as he's boss....guess its not possible to look as hot as Adam.... the boy's on fire morning , noon ,and of course after dark...rose petsl

Anonymous said...

Lol....think I need a new phone or glasses or something ...I got commas where they don't belong ...I even misspelled mine own tag.... rose petal

leilani Aloha said...

Adam looks absolutely Fabulous amongst the rest!:)

He's looking younger & better each day!!!
kudos to Adam for taking great care of himself!!!
Diet, mentally & spiritually
Awesome Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's Eyesssssssssssss

Anonymous said...

Well that DEFINITELY looksd like #Glamily ---

"If You're Thinkin' Of
Being My Brother/Sister
It Don't Matter If You're
Black Or White..." ---

-- as long as you WEAR BLACK, LOL!

GGD Gal, loving extended #Glamily

Anonymous said...

@rose petal -
I have a NEW phone, need NEW glasses - and most definitely need new SOMETHING...Love your misspellings!

(please delete extra "d" in "looksd" in my previous post...LOL!)

Anonymous said...

Great pic of the whole gang; it's nice to see Adam surrounded by so much love and he is such a "hunk". Am I dating myself or what?


Anonymous said...

Adam's beauty just pops out in this picture. Not that the others aren't great looking,just hard to look better than Adam. He just shines!

Anonymous said...

Adam is resplendent*; the Glamily, his human halo.
Thank you, Universe.

*resplendent: shining brilliantly, characterized by a glowing splendor (Merriam Webster dictionary). atm

Anonymous said...

@GGD Gal
Looks like we're in together ... Lol... rose petal

Anonymous said...

And Brian is a very good looking guy! Hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy always looks creepy but I've gotten used to it.

Anonymous said...

10:57 yuuup, I was at AO 10 minutes ago and the Trespassing Remix EP is sold out. No hard copy for me I guess. Snooze and Lose.

Anonymous said...

OT - Q102 Philly just announced who will be appearing at their Jingle Ball on 12-12-20. Adam Lambert WILL NOT be there - even though he got the highest amount of votes on their poll. Also, Q012 has taken TRESPASSING off their playlist. WTF is going on here???? Can anyone even begin to explain this???

Anonymous said...

Adam is just THE most gorgeous man on the planet. I love that he has a family that watches out for him on the road.
Stunning photo!

Anonymous said...

Adam's interview with FOX News in AZ:

Anonymous said...

Love Tommy...creepy not! Great picture. The backups are indeed lucky to be nutured under the wing of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Great review of last night's concert in AZ:

Anonymous said...

27 professional pictures of last night's concert:

Anonymous said...

Check ET tonight on your TV. Adam was on it about PLL. I live in L.A. and ET comes on CBS at 7:00 P.M. in SoCal.

Anonymous said...

Another PLL interview:

This is new. Watch it.

Anonymous said...

HD close up videos of AZ concert posted under this fan's youtube page:

HK fan said...

i find this photo rather too yellow to be good:)

ouch to the Kris mention in that concert review...

@anon 2.33pm
still keep requesting everyday, and ask them politely why they have taken it off the playlist, and why ask listeners who they want at the concerts if they aren't going to go by the results.
Unfortunately Trespassing didn't get 1 radio add last week. Hopefully if requesting can get it played it should at least get some autoadds this week.

bummer about the EP at AO, I was going to order it this week. Maybe they'll do some more.

Anonymous said...

I just voted on the Q102 Philly for adam and trespassing WAS listed.

Anonymous said...

I vote everyday on Q102 Philly for Adam's Trespassing to be played on the 5 at 5. It's always listed....just scroll down on the right arrow if you don't see it right away and it will appear soon.
BTW no limit on the amount of times you can vote.

Anonymous said...

that review was Ok. Why the Frank Ocean mention because they are both gay? It took Adam a year and a half to cowrite this album so I am pretty sure he contributed more than a few words to each song.

Anonymous said...

@CT I think you mean 102.9 Dallas for the top 5 at 5. It's on there,but Q102 Philly took it off their front page for requesting. It is still on their mediabase request form and everyone give Q102 Philly a text or tweet that we want to hear Trespassing. It sucks Adam is not in their Jingle Ball especially when he had the most votes.

Anonymous said...

This is all good news. The hard copy EP is sold out at AO. At Amazon the EP is currently #127 in mp3 Albums, #35 in Pop mp3 Albums. The radio edit is #242 in mp3 songs, #87 in Pop mp3 songs. Earlier today at iTunes the single was #5 in Pop USA, #73 Top 100 Pop Songs accross all genres.
Two more stations played Trespassing, KHTT-FM Tulsa,OK and WFBC-FM Greenville, SC. if you are in their area, call and request!

Let's keep it up! We have Pretty Little Liars coming in just 5 days.

Anonymous said...

5:42, I agree that Adam's numbers are good news. He's doing quite well. We need to keep requesting and buying, of course, but our efforts are paying off. Hopefully, PLL will bring a boost, but if not, we keep on trying. Let's hope that more EPs are made and sold. It's a bummer that the sales stop because of this, when so many more people want to buy it.

I LOVE the pic of Adam and the band. I've always thought Tommy was cute and still do. He changes it up like Adam does. He's quiet but thoughtful. It's a happy family!


Anonymous said...

The Jingle Ball page makes it clear that the number of votes does not guarantee that the star will perform.

Anonymous said...

I am very surprised the EP sold out. I am hoping they didn't go to on the safe side with how many were for sale. Maybe other countries bought them too.

Anonymous said...

Don't know where the voting for Rio was listed,but is that voting unlimited??it looks like it is,but am not sure since it's not in English.Adam is way ahead now..but keep voting.still don't know why Adam Official don't list upcoming event dates( unless they just changed that) Many more people would make plans to go to upcoming events if they were easier to find..& more people @ the concerts,etc=more albums sold-so the management and RCA should do something about this!!!

Anonymous said...

All eyes on Adam here and loving Tommy.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many hard copies RCA had produced? They ordered 20,000 for Adam's acoustic cd, I think, and then they produced a second set of 20,000, based on demand. Now I'm worried about mine getting lost in the mail. I want it so badly!

Anonymous said...

Adam really shines, doesn't he? I keep thinking aobut that make-up tip of mixing a bit of sparkle in with the make-up.

Anonymous said...

ADORE this photo of Adam.

Tommy looks so young & he's 31.

Anonymous said...

Ashley is SO beautiful, as always

Anonymous said...

It must cost a lot of money to tote around a dozen people for performances. I hope they are drawing good crowds cause I sure enjoy all these fan videos we are getting.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Did you guys read about

@KeishaRenee leaving the Glamily to go on tour with Nicki Minaj (for about a couple of months)... She promised to come back though...

Anonymous said...

I just luv this picture...