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New Picture: Adam Lambert with Jase, Stace and Justin

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 12, 2012

Adam Lambert on the show "Jase, Stace and Justin" on Classic Hits 97.4

If you haven't seen the interview. Watch it below!


Jadam NZ said...

After all this hard work and beautifulness it would be so sad not to have a Trespassing video. It is a sort of catch 22 isnt it?
If the single doesnt do well no video, then again it may do better with a video to back it up. I know its a money thing but geesh this is heartbreaking and frustrating, isnt it guys?

Anonymous said...

It sure is, I've been requesting everyday (mostly siruss radio- hits 1 and (20 on 20)- never once have I heard it! To me, he's completely blackballed and its infuriating. The s--t they play is horrible mostly.

Anonymous said...

Well, there's still hope that we'll get a TP video. Let's stay positive. It's just so frustrating that other singers just churn out hit singles and videos to go with them, and they're no better or not as good as Adam. That's what drives me crazy. I'm just enjoying what's going on now with the OZ concert and the US shows coming up and staying positive!


Anonymous said...

I just noticed on the VH-1 top VOTING page,that Pink has TWO VIDEOS on there right now.Why not put Adam's lyrical video on there?It's still a video..don't know if there will be another video or not,but is it fair for one artist to have 2 on there?Maybe that will be changed;not fair,even tho I LIKE Pink ok,esp since she wrote WWFM.On some US radio stations,Tres is doing pretty good..but on the Greek one a Russian one( I think),I may not have known how to vote...think I figured it out,tho.

Anonymous said...

Well in India Trespassing single is #2. How about that? I am trying to stay positive and I vote everyday and request hoping Trespassing will be played.It made me sad to hear Adam say there would not be a real video unless it is a hit. Keep watching the lyric video though. Adam loves doing videos and said he had so many ideas for a lot of the songs,but music videos do cost a lot I suppose. I keep telling myself the add date was just on the 8th and it takes some songs a couple of months to get regular spins.

Anonymous said...

I have come to the conclusion- that I think adam is going to be huge because of other countries! That's o.k, the U.S. will catch on eventually! (I'm from here BTW)IMO the best groups and solo singers are not from here anyway- I actually hate the music that sells here in the U.S. (rap-hip-hop ect) Adam is just too damn talented but america is all about money and what sells- they don't care about talent anymore. Sad but true!

Anonymous said...

Could we all please stop talking about lack of and talk about the great things that are happening for Adam? Glass half full always!

There's a saying in French that goes "No one is a prophet in his own country". That has happened many, many times in the past with artists. They become extremely popular outside their country and then return triumphantly home.

Anonymous said...

It always takes a while to get on 20 on 20. never Close our eyes was on there, but seems like people quit voting after stars doing good, both previous records finley got on there. Last single several times got up to 3 or do on countdown, then people quit voting. Keep voting, and when and and if, it probably will of you keep voting. Do not stop soon as on there and does good on countdown, keep on voting for it. I think it is one time a day. Someone know the phone no. For that., I misplaced it. Please post the 20 on 20 no. Here. Sue

Anonymous said...

If he is blackballed how come WWFM a 3 year old single getting close to 1, 800 spends a week! U do not know if that just here or around the world. Sue

Anonymous said...

@sue- I did hear never close our eyes a few times on 20 on 20 and then just died? Hits 1 however on siruss is whats current and makes up the billboard charts. Radio sucks mostly and is not current. Hit's 1 on siruss is what's selling. I personaly tune in everyday just to see if trespassing is played , but can't stand what they play and turn it off. I think I'll just plug in adam's cd and wait for america to wake up!

Anonymous said...

Iyea glad for India and trespassing, it's also catching on fast in China and Japan and sure a few others! Did it not go on a week a ago in China and go up 27 Points in one week to 16. Sure will. It be long until its in top ten especially since he will be coming to China for a concert, that will certainly help it status and staying power. Some also said it was in top 10 in Japan, I think said 3 but not sure, just going by what heard here. I know it has not been out even a month in Japan I do not believe! It was just Monday he told us we could request. Thank you 9.07 I agree with u so much. Adam is doing so well abroad, he is just going to get bigger because he so talented and they like him! Just be grateful for that big world out of USA. When all those stars performed at sonic festival Japan, guess who's song and album was no. 1 there in Japan, no not Rhiana's but Adam Lambert's was! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is getting a response in other countries. All we can do in North America is keep are questing. Without RCA backing, they are going to need a lot of convincing and that takes persistence.

Remember: "I don't need no sympathy, I won't cry and whine." Quiet patient voting. The fans that son't go away.

Glass half full - he is loved by so many people in so many places.