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New Zealand's 3News Reports on Adam Lambert Meeting His Auckland Fans (10/11/2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 11, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, October 11, 2012


Anonymous said...

New Zealand we send you our love and hold you in high esteem, you are on our list of countries who "get" our Adam. He is adding countries every will be South Africa and maybe sometime in the months ahead he can invade and conquer some of the South American countries. They have devoted Glamily members there.

We watch his journeys with great pleasure and we US Glamberts consider him our national treasure.
...May our numbers grow and prosper.....JAK <3 <3

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love all the promo in New Zealand! They definitely admire and respect Adam, and why not? He is so amazing, intelligent,kind, inspiring to soooo many people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicity and, he's so gorgeous to look at. He is our national treasure as JAK has posted! Yes, he's conquering one country at a c'mon USA! Take example from other countries of the world!


Anonymous said...

This clip ends with EXACTLY what Adam needs more of: a look at him on stage, belting out a perfect, riff of notes, dressed classically and not too "comically." This is what non-fans need to see. An Adam that has talent and class and is worthy of their attention. I LOVED this clip.

And yes, JAK, Adam is our national treasure, but as yet undiscovered by many. Our fellow Glamberts in NZ. and OZ and SA and beyond are part of a rich and loving family that knows talent when we see it and hear it.

DRG (Yes, may our numbers grow and prosper!)

Anonymous said...

JAK, more power to your rousing sentiments. We're behind our Muse to the end, "come hell or high water". Adam leads us in a "good fight" spreading humanity and goodwill, and makes the battle a musical lovefest at the same time.

Anonymous said...

@ JAK well said. I love how these countries love Adam so much. It warms my heart! OT On adamtopia it was posted that Adam's team has said to focus on purchasing the Trespassing single radio edit by Pharell on itunes. So I will buy each item individually on itunes and the whole EP on Amazon. Also will gift the Pharell edit to some family and friends. Let's make this song chart!!!

Jadam NZ said...

I will take your thanks on behalf of all New Zealand guys.
Yes he came he saw he conquered.
Everyone loved him it had been a busy busy day,
It was so cool for me to see him on my local channels, radio etc.
He got rave reviews wherever he went. The local paper has a big article on him this morning.
Everybody comments on his warmth and intellegence. Quite a lot was also focussed on his vocal ability and the CD its self.
I hope this comment shows up if it doesnt I give up as this is the third one I have written.

Jadam NZ said...

There was a lot more I wanted to say, but cause of having trouble with posting I have run out of time. But Ill be back!!!
Thank You for your Thanks JAK & Co.

Anonymous said...


CONFIRMATION: We were able to get confirmation from Adam’s team that next week we should exclusively focus our efforts on purchasing the “Trespassing” radio edit (by Pharrell)!!!

Read more about it here:

Anonymous said...

@1:51 Thank you for posting the link to read. If all of us are on the same page we can get the single to chart and hopefully will result in more radio play! I donated money for itunes awhile ago.Don't know if it was already used or not. I'll wait and see how it does and the second day I can donate again if need be. Anything for Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a question about the below, if I want to donate money but don't have a iTune account, that's alright correct? Add special instructions to the seller? I just leave that blank? Thanks if anyone can answer..

How Adam fans *EVERYWHERE* can help:
Step 1: If you are financially able, donate the cost of a standard download (US $1.29) or more by simply following the DONATE button above. >>IMPORTANT: After entering how much you want to donate/gift, there is an option called “Add special instructions to the seller” – there you can insert your e-mail to your US iTunes account, if you have one