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Official Promo: Season Premiere of "Rove LA" with Adam Lambert on Saturday, Oct. 6 at Midnight/11c!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 1, 2012

Posted at : Monday, October 01, 2012


The new season of "Rove LA" premieres Saturday, October 6 at Midnight/11c! Celebrity guests Russell Brand, Adam Lambert and Kristen Schaal chat with host Rove McManus. You won't want to miss this!


Anonymous said...

It was a good program !!

Anonymous said...

A current pic and clip would have been nice.

Anonymous said...

Wish they'd update their pics and vids of Adam. His look has changed a lot since the hairstyle in that promo. He gets more and more handsome every day! Can't wait for the US to view this show.

Anonymous said...

You can view this in Adam official in the discussions part. Adam and Russell were hilarious I laughed so hard you guys have to check it out. Pennsylvania Girl

Anonymous said...

But I do like the pics they used

But yes, bad producers to not have updated pix

Anonymous said...

Top 40 US radiostations!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I admit Russell Brand is one of my guilty pleasures. The first time I saw him was on Leno's show and I was fascinated, amused and repelled. Still am. He had such an extraordinary vocabulary (I mean the clean bits) that I looked up his educational background and found he had been accepted then expelled from many schools....figures - right? Arrested over a dozen times. He was always able to get jobs since he was incredibly talented and lose jobs for obvious reasons. He wrote for newspapers, had numerous tv programs, a sports show, and radio program from which he got fired for reading porn to afternoon listeners. I remember him hosting the 2008 MTV award show...where he got a bit of flack for his quip calling president Geo.W.Bush "a retarded cowboy fella" who, in
England, "wouldn't be trusted with scissors."

If he is your 'cup of tea' you might enjoy googling....Russell Brand Ponderland Episodes.

He's def 'out of the box or cell'.
He gives Adam the giggles.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the info.

Russell Brand amuses me much when I listen to him.
I have come to admire both he and Katy Perry when on two awards shows, when the other cannot be there for them to show up as a couple, it was the mother and then the grandmother who was tagged along.
I just can't remember if Katy showed up with her mom or her grandma and Russell, on another occasion, showed up with his mom or grandma, when Katy was on tour.
Anyone who loves and respects and proud of their mom/grandma especially celebrities parading them on the red carpet gets my respect.
Same with ADAM, I was telling my daughter, "Where can you find a rock star tagging along his mom on most of his shows and appearances?"
Russell may have a drug problem but I admire him for not taking advantage of Katy by having no interest in alimony. JMO.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - first hearing about that Bush comment which makes me like him even more. I saw him on The View and thought he was darling and very very charming as well. Been a fan ever since. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Russel was on Ellen not long ago..good thing it was taped cause he was so dirty w/his jokes that she kept throwing away cards with subjects they WERE going to discuss.We need Adam BACK on Ellen,the View,Kelly and Michael,the Talk,maybe Letterman,etc,etc..

Anonymous said...

I wonder if old pics and videos are used because they are public domain past a certain point and no charges apply. Too bad in this case because, although Adam looks good in these, it gives the impression he hasn't done much since Idol.

So cute though.

Russell is a brilliant rascal. Fun to watch but probably hard to live with.

Anonymous said...

The show with 'Rovela' was Oz Fanbloodytastic! Out the box and into your face in Oz style brilliance! Great to see Adam having a great time and just a cracking up! We all laughed until our sides hurt. 'Rovela you did it again'!

Anonymous said...

Darn the show was the biggest hoot.
I can see the US bleeping out half the show. Thank God Australian humor is so out there and of course with the guests that night it was perfecto.

HK fan said...

I think Russell is a Gavin and Stacy fan with calling Rove Rovela, I know its a play on the programme title rove LA, but with the way he was saying it it was definitely a nod to Gavin and Stacy. One of the best comedies ever, well worth watching if you haven't seen it yet.

Anonymous said...

Russell makes me LOL, but also a bit skeerrrdd, you never know what he does or says... but he's definitely quickwitted, outrageous, fun and never boring...sound familiar attributes to someone else sitting on that sofa...

"Don't be restricted by the alphabet - it's our servant, not our master!" (Russell)

Fun show, ankle licking and all. LOL


Anonymous said...

@Pennsylvania Girl
The whole show was posted here on 24/7 AL Paradise, here's the link: