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VOTE: Who are you dying to see perform at this year's AMAs?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 20, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 20, 2012

American Music Awards' facebook page is asking people to vote for the artist they want to see perform at this year's award ceremony.

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam! (Scroll down a little bit)


daydreamin said...

I didn't have to scroll down at all! He's right there on the first page with 464votes. Come on lets get him way ahead of Beiber at the very least!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully they actually take a look at the votes and realize people want to hear him sing at the AMA's. Would be fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

VOTE VOTE VOTE people. This is the infamous AMA awards- full circle! Lets get back all the people we lost! Adam's in the middle with votes- christina A is winning with about 900 votes- adam has 564- the tweens haven't caught on yet- justin bieber is at 265- although I'm sure he'll be performing no matter what. thank-god Nick m isn't on the list- maybe she should be and people will see the real deal lol?

Anonymous said...

I meant nicki m is a JOKE!

Anonymous said...

We can do this, Glamberts! Vote! Hey, wasn't Adam a presenter on the AMAs last year?


Anonymous said...

These polls make me see red. Adam has more talent and stage presence than most out there today. He should be given his due in this Country. This is crap that we have to keep voting and it leads nowhere.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I voted correctly or not it still had my check mark in the box. I don't know why but I just can't get excited about that show. I have a feeling whoever is performing already knows it by now. That site is hit trap city.

Anonymous said...

Adam at 622 I believe now! I have afeing Adam, will ba at the AMa's this year one way or other! Have had that feeling! Maybe I am wrong! I pray it is performing!! Hope my feeling right! But wonder when the Africa concerts are and when Ama's are. He does have those concerts.I think those day are on a tues and Thursday! AMA's usually Sunday or Monday! That was I have had feeling, about him being on that show! Sue

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Anyway isn't it usually the nominees who perform? Adam wasn't nominated.

Anonymous said...

I vote on anything where Adam's name is involved.

But I know that the AMA's already know who is performing already, entertainers have to be asked in advance, because of scheduling conflicts and such..

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely ridiculous to have a poll like that when they know who's going to perform already. They're just trying to get more advertising money!

Anonymous said...

This poll is ridiculous! They put Adam's name twice on this list! So he has over 900 votes and over 300 votes on this two place! Do you believe in this kind of polls anymore?

Anonymous said...

I do not think Kelley Clarkson was nominated last year, because her album had not been out long, her song was put for while tho. She is this year! I do not believe Chris Daughtry was nominated either, I don't believe. Both performed. I do remember one of the producer's who said he was a friend of Adam, that Adam would perform again! Just not last year. His album was not out yet. I know it is a pain and who knows if it will do any good but it certainly cannot hurt. Certainly shows Adam's got love if nothing else! Kelley Clarkson album out over a year, Adam 5 months! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sorry double post due bot know how that happened! Sue

glitzylady said...

They invite who they want to invite : ))) . Adam wasn't nominated the first time he performed (he was their "new talent" guy)...and he was on last year in a speaking role. So I suppose they can invite him to perform if they want to...You just never know!! Not holding my breath tho.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is, if we don't vote it looks like we don't care anymore. Simple as that. A ridiculous as it truly is, voting does keep his name alive and shows that he still has an active fanbase. Can't hurt throw in the votes and hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

Do you think maybe one of the "Adam Lambert" could be "Adam Levine"?