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Adam Lambert Performing in Johannesburg

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 16, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 16, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam is the very bestest performer in the history of ever.

Anonymous said...

WOAH!!!!! This is what I love - Adam singing on his own and what a RAUNCHY performance!!!!! Did he kiss Ashley on the back of her neck????

Anonymous said...

I could watch this forever. These guys are so exciting. Adam and Tommy know how to stir things up. Adams voice and Tommy's guitar sounded great. I wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am speechless. I am going to watch this a few more times to see if I tire of it. I seriously doubt that I will. I love whatever it is that these two guys bring to the stage. What a performance, can't wait to see the rest of the show.

Anonymous said...

Hot and sexy!!!!Love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

lickin' the flesh of Ms. D. omggggggggggggg encore encore

Anonymous said...

Sexy and he licked Ashley's neck. I remember he did that at GNL to his keyboardist. What was her name,Cam I think?Can someone bring over Underneath,OOL and Is This Love and Trespassing. They are posted on adamtopia.

Anonymous said...

does Ashley realize what a freakin' honor it is to have her neck licked by Adam Lambert...tell ya what..I'll let him lick mine (any part of me actually) and I will report back to y'all about the experience...

Anonymous said...

I find myself with a squeamish feeling watching this. Not sure I like it. :(

Anonymous said...

Wow, now that's a performance! The Cape Town version was good but this one was HOT, HOT, HOT....


Anonymous said...

Rock is always be in Adams blood!!!!:)

Yah!!! Licking is the best indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to watch it a few more times before I decide if I like it or not.... Hmm... Yes I see...... Ooooh yea!!!!....few more....f**k me!!...... Oh Yes Yes Yes!!! ...OK...I f** kin LOVE it!!!...THUD!!

Anonymous said...

Wow loved it! Watched it 4 times, probably watch 400 more, so sexy.o watched ET, did not see Adam, it comes on 6.30 here and layer in the night , may be on that one, true 6.30 one may be from night before, did anyone get it! What a performance, that man is sex with a face, I sure hope I get to see this concert, sick or not,God US, wake up. a actually it starting too, cannot wait for Diva's! More video's please, I hope people do not think we do not appreciate them because of nonsense about back up singer's , of the other day that certainly was not everybody! I so appreciate these great video's thank you! I do have to admit Adam singing on his own, or with Bryan and moving around that stage like a wild cat, is so incredable, wow!

Anonymous said...

taken the Lambert raunch fest straight to Johannesberg and it was *uckin' good.

Anonymous said...

lick neck, back, calves, thighs, breasts, ears, legs, wherever in the hell u wish Sir Lambert.

Anonymous said...

At the end of a hard day, THIS was a treat to come home to.

Sexy as hell, but making me laugh like crazy at his daring hijinks.

Adam is the greatest "feel good" inspiration ever!

Anonymous said...

Please RCAdo not ever try to tame this man again!! It was so sexy and funny at same time. His sexy comes with a sonar of humor. sue

Anonymous said...

Love our sexy racy Adam!He can go from this to an emotional ballad like Underneath and has so many exciting sides to him. If he licked my neck I would never wash it again lol.

Anonymous said...

Finger acting up bad again! Adam sexy comes with , the flair of humor, let's put it that way! Correcting 5.49. Sue

funbunn40 said...

Naughty Adam good Adam!Think i need a Medic Alert necklace1 Whew!!!He wasn't kidding when he said it would be an exciting show!Don't know how Ashley didn't faint dead away!Too bad it wasn't taken with a long lens,or maybe there wouldn't be enough glambulances for all of the casualties!

Anonymous said...

I watched Lenny Kravitz (love him) live performance of this song and the guitar performance of him and his band is unbelievable. Comparing his voice to Adam, Adam's voice is in a totally different level and it's out of this world. Lenny should make music for Adam, for sure. As most outlets reported yesterday, is there anything that Adam can't sing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OOL and Is This Love:

Anonymous said...


Adamluv said...

Love me some naughty Lambert. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yes it was Cam who's neck he licked at gnt. This performance was very tame compared to gnt in Amsterdam. That one was really Hawt!! That man is a marvel. Hope his tour at some time is here at home. Maybe this is practice for tour in the making. Hope so.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing was awesome! Tommy is amazing! He is deff Adam best friend and great musician!
But! THese, two pathetic background singers who became front ground disaster! We coudn't see Tommy, because the two cows! Can't call them whales. Somebody asked me do not invite these beautiful mammals in my comments! Give me a break, Adam! They rouned all performance! Have you ever try to record and review your performances? They blocked your magic appearance, didn't make any moves when Tommy claped. And even worst, they cover whole band in Trespassing performance!!!!!

sue s. said...

Dying to see the rest of the videos. Have checked Adamtopia hourly, but don't find them there. Can anyone help? I'm drowning!

Anonymous said...

I don't have anything against the background singers, I am sure they are lovely people. I don't, however, believe they should be front and center.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jadam NXZ said...

Love me some slightly naughty, sexy Adam. I love the way he is dressed here to.
God who am I kidding I love him everyway. Fabulous vocals.

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40....JAK here..need your medical advice....I have racing pulse, pounding heart and I think I'm beginning to sweat...possible ominous signs, however I have a big smile on my face and my toes are tingling (quite pleasantly)...
is this a warning of a heart attack or perhaps some other cataclysmic event? My finger is poised over the red DANGER-SEND HELP button on my medic alert necklace.....I don't think the sirens I hear are external, I think they are internal...and I like them! Nevermind...I think I'll be fine, perhaps some music will soothe me !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK I don't have any medical skills. However, I have some medical history which is very complicated. You don't want to know. However, I know what you need. It's call Gamma Knife surgery:) Google it. You'll understand what I'm talking about!

Adamluv said...

Comment from - "We've had mic stand stroking, speaker humping and now guitar neck fellating - oh, to be a piece of equipment on Adam's tour." Hysterical!!!! Also from the same site "While Adams love of inanimate objects is hot .................... we now have CHESTBERT." @JAK - I'm there too. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

These performances are epic! However, I hope PH never ever will see them!

Anonymous said...

Good Gawd .Adam sure did a number on the neck of Tommy's guitar ! I noticed TJ quietly switched it out as soon as he could when it wouldnt be a distraction. He and the assistant had a little laugh at that point. Slobber on the strings maybe . Great show , fans loved it and everyone was havin fun.

Anonymous said...

Photo #11(I believe) Does Adam have any idea about the pendant the wear? I am not sure he can wear it for any performance. As less this is sign from Giza piramids. Hope so.

Anonymous said...

Why not? They're sexy as hell!! Adam is a true artist and honest performer. Love watching him! Why should anyone be deprived of perfection! Maybe they'll strive for the same.

Anonymous said...

He always switches guitars after this song. Don't be stupid.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't wait to get home from work to see videos ( glamberts Never fail) Loving SA- such a diverse awesome audience. We love you SA! This was even different from the capetown one. Love the blue short sleeve shirt (more relaxed look this time. Adam just keeps getting better and better. I know I'm a diehard glambert, but to other artists bring these type of performances? I've been to many concerts in my day but Adam is jsut so captivating. I think the word will spread like wild-fire eventually (if it isn't already) Just can't wait for the day when US gets on board and stops pimping out the chosen few that saturate are air-waves, awards shows, ect. Adam has it all over everyone of them. Sorry to vent, I have Sirrus radio and always listen to hits 1- the chosen few get thier new songs played immediately - none of this request bull-t it's just PLAYED! At this point I'm gonna count of the rest of the world to make adam a superstar in his own country ( which will happen someday! He's not the chosen few yet, but he will be!

Anonymous said...

@7:42PM None of these songs are requested. I don't think anybody spends the time to call or text to radiostations w/request of the songs.The radio stations get a big $$$ and play the new songs. RCA doesn't want to spend any extra penny for Adam'x promotions.

Anonymous said...

@7:27PM FYI,this is the Egiptian sign of ethernal life. Adam you rock this world

Anonymous said...

I am trying not to say anything about that human bopper scooper PH, so don't tempt me, OK! Did you read the article about Adam LK, song performance from cape town not here, the pop crush one, it was so, so nice loved it, very nice article, do read it. In all this excitement please keep requesting Adam. Going to watch some more of these great video's! Sue

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I hope the TP tour will be a forward concert and not going backwards to he glam Fever/Strut stuff. I like the TP songs so much and the rocking songs he sings like the cover of Lenny Kravitz. I really hope that the T stuff stops. Just fuels the fire and who needs a reminder of the moment that almost wrecked his career forever. I also like the natural look and I think he needs two girl dancers to balance out the two guys. Plus, have backup singers "back up" so Adam is front and center. Love that he is changing it up but I actually liked the TP mini concerts he did around the country better.

Anonymous said...

@7:52- thanks for answering- maybe adam should go with management like the chosen few have? RCA doesn't seem to be investing in Adam here. Maybe they are waiting for the response from the rest of the world to really invest like the chosen few get? I know it's all about money, sadly (not about talent anymore) It will happen, just so obvious and frustrating, that's all!

Anonymous said...

I thought that Adam and PH have met and had pictures of them together. What happened after that?

Anonymous said...

SO SEXY!!!!!!!
SO SEXY!!!!!!!!
SO TALENTED!!!!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam down and dirty.
I love Adam pure and innocent.
I love Adam playing around with Tommy.
I love Adam's bare chest.
I love Adam dancing and moving his body.
I love Adam's voice above all others.
I love Adam!

DRG (can't wait for all the videos!)

Anonymous said...

@ 6:49 and 8:11 PM

Wish a herd of hippos would sit on you. Wish a herd of hippos would sh*t on you.

Anonymous said...

I agree 8.40, took the words right out of my mouth!take the time to request if it does not help it cannot hurt, shows Adam has fan's that care.any fool can see they are taking payola in one form are the other, for play. But request to help to an extent, and can't hurt to at least do it in your area, if not the others. This kind of talent is so rare and will win out inthe end, especially abroad , this is what Adam needs here more stuff like Diva thing will lead to more and greater things, and showcases his talent, well. This kind of talent will win out, and is because Adam type of live show vocal's, stage present's and charisma especially from the male performers are few and fat between, his vocal range is out of this world. If America never gets it to the extent it should the rest of this big world will! I love this concert and it's going to make him a bigger star abroad period! Correction that was few a far between. The concerts will also sale more singles and albums! Sue

Anonymous said...

@9:06PM You are deff one of them!

Anonymous said...

@8:31PM Long story short! THis photo was made before GaGa's birthday party about two years ago.

Anonymous said...

First comment here is still the best.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are just fuckin" weird. It's embarrassing. Adam is NOT interested in having sex with any of you & these live performances are a little hard to watch.

Anonymous said...

@9:06 PM Couldn't have said that any better! LOVE your comment and Adam would too.

HK fan said...

@sue s
Heres IIHY, not the greatest quality, but listen to those screams when Adam appears:)))

a copy of strut (hopefully better vids will eventually turn up)

HK fan said...

oops sorry that strut is capetown...

Anonymous said...

HK, Thanks, for sending IIHY video, I'm quiet blown away, SA were so excited for him. Adam keeps going from strength to strength.

Anonymous said...

I love the sexy Adam but not necessarily the raunchy Adam. I could see that for the GNT but a Trespassing tour should be different. I also agree with 8:20 pm about the less makeup and TP mini concerts he did across the country. We know that Adam likes to rock it out and to shake it up, But this may not be the way to gain a larger fanbase here at home . Overall, it was an exciting performance in Joburg and Tommy on guitar sounded great. Keep the backup singers in the background or off to the side because they can be a distraction at times. As far as the dancers, again they can be a distraction. For me, I don't need anything but Adam performing on stage, but that's my opinion about this talented singer. He is trying out new additions to the TP tour he will eventually have and what I have to say or think is completely irrelevant. Adam will do what he thinks is best and the performance will be spectacular.

Anonymous said...

I think that reception that Adam got in Joburg is the biggest he's ever had, the sort of reception only reserved for Elvis or MJ, they just went wild when he walked onto that stage. The venue was packed out completely. His the biggest thing since Elvis in my opinion, I hope he can manage to get a tour up and running because I'm sure it would be a huge success.

Anonymous said...

Usually the background singers are at the back. That is why they are called the background singers. It is not disrespectul for them as they were hired to sing. The dancers were hired for the visual effect. I don't know if Adam's singers and band have low self esteem or Adam just wants to annoy his fans..

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, can you imagine Adam standing all on his own to sing in front of a huge arena full of people.
Adam knows what he is doing, without the dancers and singers the stage would have looked rather bare, especially for a large show like this one. I'm sure Adam will work it out, he'll be reviewing everything he does and if his not satisfied he'll change it, and why would Adam want to annoy his fans? This doesn't make any sense, Adam's still learning as he goes but he's come a long way in a very short time and his also much better qualified to test out what works and doesn't than we are given that he's spent a good part of his life in the theatre world.

Anonymous said...

@7:29, I'm talking about the fans who prefer the dancers like I do, and who found the divas dancing in the front annoying.

Anonymous said...

South American . . . .come on down Mr. Lambert

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

part of chokehold

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Strut and fame

Anonymous said...

This is a start of a tour, he will do them here and there at end of year, has one in China I believe too! so far there are 6 in Febuary. I love everything I saw, that Adam did. sure background singer stuff be worked out, but loved these video's. If any one fines any of it hard to watch don't watch it! Adam at concert is so special, the little raunch is no big deal at all. This compared to other rock pop singer's is tame, saw a little clip of Rhianna's 7 cities in 7 day thing, the girl showed as muck skin as possible, sure plenty more than that. Aero Smith, modley crew, etc. are beyond Raunchy and they may be more established have nothing on Adam talent or performance! Loved this performance video's sexy and brilliant singing, will only get better! Adam has said if he feels an Audiance is tame he tame, if they are wild he a bit wild. This crowd was nuts for Adam, that was obvious! Loved it!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!What a fabulous show. Adam will work out the best place for his back up singers. I don't necessarily like them right on the stage like that. Too crowded?Maybe??? Adam put on a great show and Tommy blew me away on guitar. I can't wait to see rest of vids.

Anonymous said...

@7:46AM, I agree with what you say, I too heard Adam speak about getting the balance right depending on the type of audience he was performing for, on one hand he said you don't want to offend people, but on the other hand you don't want to bore them either. Adam's antics for me appear to be very much tongue in cheek, or like a wink and a nod.

Anonymous said...

Adam's band members are really working it out now, they sound fantastic, I'm sure they will all be discussing things as they go along their professional people and I'm sure they know what their doing. I'm now going to watch some more of these fantastic vids.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope this is the Adam we get on the Trespasdsing tour....cuz its the real Adam... Love it!!!!!....can't wait Adam says' rock and roll:)....rose petsl

Anonymous said...

ADAM is The BEST!!! EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw the other day some one was giving u a hard time for making a mistake ....well don't feel bad we all do .... I just misspelled my own tag ..again ... Lol...rose petal

glitzylady said...

@rose petal
Agree 100% with everything you said! I LOVE Adam's show, and I'm getting REALLY excited for his future Trespassing Tour shows......And your comment to @Sue about making mistakes...We all do that from time to time...makes us human.

Anonymous said...

@rose PRETZEL - luv ya!

GGD Gal - Mistake is my middle name, LOL...