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Adam Lambert Press Conference at the 94.7 Highveld Stereo studios

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 16, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 16, 2012

Adam Lambert is in Joburg for his concert at the Coca-Cola Dome on 16 November 2012, and he stopped off for a press conference at the 94.7 Highveld Stereo studios.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Adam for his award, Trespassing well on it's way to becoming gold, sounds as though they love his music in SA and may get more airplay. It's already made #1 in Finland. The Joburg concert has been sold out and this place holds 8000 people, Adam must be very happy right now.

Anonymous said...

Adam Adam Adam, the world loves you! You are getting so much love and respect. THEY'RE BUYING YOUR MUSIC!!!! We want to tour the U.S. for us, please!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! So much warmth and respect for Adam from South Africa. Yea Adam has a wise, positive outlook in life; contentment, no matter what is thrown his way, he says he's in a much better position than before. Instead of all the whining and trying so hard to put him down by a couple of fans here; can't understand why they proclaim their love for Adam, at the same time keep putting him down...unsound mind. Anyway, that was a super Cape Town concert!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you ADAM!
I keep praying for your success which you so absolutely deserve.
More power to you!

Anonymous said...

Lammy, the comments you are making about other fans whining or trying to put Adam down only serve to keep the negativity going, it also sounds as if you yourself are whining. Your usually sound so positive, sometimes it's best to put these things to rest and move forward.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for bodies of this show to make my weekend which is raining and gives me a reason to attach to my computer and phone. Yea! The Dark side

Anonymous said...

Yea, I am usually very positive, but after reading that very long thread of 90+ comments where someone there was trying so very hard to put Adam down and at the same time proclaiming her undying love, I just had to let off some steam...because it's not just being negative anymore; it's hypocrisy! But I'm very positive by nature...just needed to point this out.

Anonymous said...

That person over in the 90 plus thread thinking so many thoughts of Adam may as well give it up.
Laughing out loud !!!
What ? because he has a boyfriend gives him right cause to stop living ? Get a grip person.
You wouldnt want to take a fish out of the water, look what would happen.
A true fan would appreciate the gift this man gives to us his fans and not disect each little action he takes in life.
He works his butt off & if he wants to indulge in some bubbly, thats his business.
Let him be.

Anonymous said...

Adam his happy for him....

Leilani Aloha said...

We Love Adam because he's being Adam:):):) & that's the beauty of it all!

Congrats to our Gorgeous Amazing Adam!!!

OK Moving see Adam's Joburg concert videos:)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of ADAM!
@Lammy I always enjoy your posts.
As to the 'undying love' comment don't let it bug you. Believe me there are many who just don't 'get' Adam and many who fight at concerts without care and concern towards others...but still call themselves fans. I've seen all stuff out there that would make your hair curl.
Adam has to endure so much gunk but about it all rises positivity that rules!

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my,

You are one of the best here indeed! So rock on dear and continue the fight for loving Adam dear!!!:)

We r the true fans so forget about the unreal ones he!he!

More success for our Rock God:)


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I also notice you speak your mind with honesty, like Adam very nicely puts it, with no filters. Actually I try as far as possible not to make things unpleasant for everybody but there is only so much one can take. And one of the things I detest most is pretentiousness. I'm okay with genuine negative comments because they are real opinions; but not the hypocritical type of negativity. And it went on and on. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Yea that's why Adam is so resilient; he must have taken so much to become so strong; but now he is reaping his rewards...from far and wide, they call him. Sometimes outwardly, it appears I'm fighting for Adam; but a lot of times I'm just pointing out things that I see have gone too far, even if it's not about Adam. If we call ourselves glamily here, then this is what a family does.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you feel that you are over board in protecting Adam from negativity right???? It's normal to react like that because we invest and we care about this amazing talented and underrated artist in the world.:)

Just continue to love this man Lam-my and we all going to do the same thing indeed.:))))

Rock n Roll
